Her Journey (Her Series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Her Journey (Her Series Book 2)
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“Quit bitching. Just a couple more steps,” Dirty said as they entered the room. He led Ryan by the hand until they were under the spotlight. It was then that I saw she had a blindfold over her eyes. He stopped under the light. Slowly, he lifted the blindfold off her eyes. Dropping the cloth to the floor, he held onto both of her hands, looking into her eyes.

“What…” Ryan started, but was cut off when Dirty put a finger over her lips.

“Ryan, you know you mean more than anything in this world to me, right?” Dirty asked. Ryan hesitated, but nodded her head. “There is only one thing in this entire world that matters as much to me as you, and that’s our babies. A little piece of you and me came together to make them. They are what will stay around to share with the world what a wonderful person you are after you and I are long gone. There is nothing that could make me happier than I am right now. What more could I ask for? I have a beautiful woman who loves me with every fiber of her being. A woman that I’ll love until my last breath on this Earth.”

Ryan swiped at her cheeks, wiping away tears.

“There is only one thing left that would complete my world,” Dirty said, slowly dropping to one knee. Ryan instantly started sobbing and nodding her head while trying to lean down and kiss him. “Baby, you have to let me ask the question.”

Ryan let out a small laugh and stood straight.

“Ryan, will you do me the biggest honor and become my wife?” Dirty asked, producing a ring from his pants pocket. Ryan grabbed it in her hand and threw her arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his lips. After a moment, Dirty pulled back. “There’s one more surprise. I knew you’d have to tell everyone immediately, so I saved you the hassle and invited them all here.”

The lights turned on in the room, showing everyone who was standing around, and Ryan covered her face with both hands.

“Dirty!” she yelled at him as she tried to wipe off her face quickly.

“Move, jerk.” Melia elbowed me roughly as she pushed her way through the men so she could hug Ryan. “Congratulations.”

I made my way through the crowd that had started chattering amongst themselves since the surprise had been revealed. Finally, I made it to Dirty. “Congratulations, my man.”

“Thanks. I was nervous there for a bit. She balked when I wanted to put the blindfold on her.” Dirty rubbed his neck then dropped his arm. “But, at least she said yes.”

“About damn time you got around to asking.” I laughed when he shook his head at me.

“Just wait till it’s your turn. It’s not so easy.” Dirty looked over towards Ryan and Melia. “It’s a big deal.”

“I’m never getting married, so I won’t have to ever do that.” I grinned and moved off toward my sister, letting the other guys rib Dirty for his sappy proposal. They were giving him a hard time for the lovey-dovey words, but I knew for a fact he didn’t care. He’d told me that many times since they’d hooked up. He only cared about making her happy.

“Wrench! Did you know they were setting this up?” Ryan asked when she saw me.

“Maybe.” I smiled and hooked my thumbs in my pockets. I’d really only known for a couple of hours, when Dirty told me I had to get Melia there. Apparently, he hadn’t given anyone much notice since he was afraid someone would tell Ryan.

“Whatever. Doesn’t matter. I just wish he hadn’t made me cry like a girl in front of all the guys.” Ryan held out her hand, looking at her sparkling ring. “I suppose it was worth it though.”

“It was so romantic,” Melia cooed, looking at the ring too. I nearly gagged.

“I’m gonna go puke now. Romance… so overrated.” I groaned and stepped away again not wanting to hear them carry on anymore.

“That’s just cause you don’t know how to treat a woman.” Melia snapped at me before I got more than two steps away. I wanted to turn around and tell her that hadn’t been what she was saying when she was in my office a couple weeks ago. Instead, I just walked away. I didn’t want to start fighting and ruin Ryan’s moment. She’d never shut up if I did.

I found Dirty talking with a couple guys. Slapping him on the back, I held out a hand, which he shook. “Well, I’m headed out. I have to get back. Can you two give Melia a ride back?” I asked. I wanted to get away from her before I did something stupid.

“Man…Why don’t you just take her back? I have more plans for Ryan. Trust me, you don’t want to be around for these ones.” Dirty gave me a wicked smile, which made my lip curl in disgust. I never wanted to hear about their sex life.

“Fine,” I huffed before stomping back to Melia. Grabbing her arm, I turned her towards me, interrupting whatever she and Ryan had been talking about. “Come on. We’re leaving.”

“What? No! We just got here!” Melia tugged on her arm, glaring at me.

“We’re leaving,” I repeated and pulled her arm again. She was too small to actually stop me from moving her. Looking over her shoulder, Melia pleaded to Ryan.

“You aren’t going to stop him?” Melia asked Ryan. Ryan shook her head with a smirk on her face. Melia growled and slapped at my arm until I let go of her. She pushed her way through the men faster than even I would’ve been able to.

I followed her as she stalked through the back hallway and out the back door. When I made it to my bike and got on she slapped at my shoulder before climbing up. “You are such a dick.”

“I’ve been called worse.” I shrugged and waited for her to get her helmet on. Once she was ready, I fired up my bike and revved it up extra loud just because it pissed her off, then took off. Melia grabbed onto me again. This time she wasn’t nearly as sweet about it, though. She dug her fingernails into my chest where she held on, pushing deeper on turns and bumps. By the time we made it back to the house, I was sure I’d have deep red gouges in my chest from her. Thinking of her marks on me only turned me on. Fucking dick. He was acting like he hadn’t been balls deep in a bitch earlier in the day. Damn thing had been at half mast since I’d gone to get her out of bed.

Melia jumped off the bike as soon as I pulled it into the garage. As I was getting off, she threw the helmet at me. She started to walk toward the door to enter the house before turning on me. I set the helmet on the bench then looked at her.

Her chest was rising and falling quickly while her eyes threw daggers at me. “What the fuck is your problem? Ever since I first met you all you’ve done is piss me off. It has to be on purpose because apparently I’m the only one you do it to. So, please, tell me what the hell is your deal? Why do you insist on making my life hell?” She crossed her arms over her chest. I thought she was done, but she took another breath before continuing. “I mean really, I only have a little over a week left here and yet you can’t even be nice for that long.”

I took a couple slow steps towards her. She was less than three feet from me as I looked into her eyes. “I’m not a nice guy. I don’t know where you get the idea that I am. It’s not just you, little one. I don’t think you understand that.”

Taking a step closer to me, huffing out a breath, she pointed angrily at me. “Oh, so you just barge into everyone else’s room and make them dress in front of you? Somehow, I don’t believe that.”

“That was just for fun.” I bit down on my bottom lip and let my eyes drop to her feet and roam upward until I met her eyes again. My cock jumped in my pants in appreciation for her sexy-as-fuck body.

“Ugh!” Melia threw her hands up in the air and turned away from me.

I reached out to grab her arm spinning her back around, slamming my mouth to hers. Shit, she tasted good. As I ran my tongue over her bottom lip, I heard her moan. To my surprise, she opened her mouth and slid her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues slipped against each other; Melia’s hands grabbed handfuls of my shirt under my cut, pulling me closer to her. Tilting my head, I pressed my mouth harder against her. I needed more of her. My hands lifted to rest against her delicate hips as I took a step towards her, forcing her to step backward. Slowly, carefully, I moved her until her back was pressed against the door of the house, never once separating our mouths.

Twisting the doorknob, we fell into the laundry room as the door opened, our grips on each other the only thing keeping us from actually falling down. Lifting her, I set her on top of the washer and shoved my hips between her thighs. My palms grasped her ass, pulling her to the edge so she was pressed fully against my body. My cock was begging to be let out, to be played with. All I could think of was her mouth on mine and how sweet she tasted.

Fuck, what was I doing? I pulled away from her and stepped back, trying to rein in my raging hard-on and my out-of-control breathing. Running my hands through my hair, I lifted my eyes to meet Melia’s. She was leaning back on her hands, sitting on the washer. Her dress was pushed high enough that I could see the tiny lace panties that had been driving me crazy since first seeing them. Her breathing was just as fast as mine, her lips swollen from my kisses.

“What the hell?” she gasped, running her hands through her hair as well. She jumped off the washer and fixed her dress.

“I don’t know.” I shook my head. I don’t know where the fuck it had come from. I’d simply meant to stop her from going inside upset.



Shit. Shit. Shit. What the fuck? Again? I stood there in the laundry room, staring at Wrench.

My entire body felt like it was on fire. My nipples were pressed against my dress, begging for more. My panties were wet, my pussy already dripping wet from that one kiss.
had it been a kiss though.

“That was wrong. It won’t happen again.” I spoke even as I was trying to gather my thoughts. This man made me madder than hell. He pushed all my buttons, treated me like he could control me, bulldoze over me. I didn’t want him. No, not at all.

Wrench bit his bottom lip and smiled at me. “It certainly wasn’t wrong, but I’ll agree that it won’t happen again.”

“Good.” I nodded once and turned around, walking out of the room. Before I could even make it to the stairs, Wrench was spinning me around again, his lips landing upon mine. Instantly, my body caved. With his body against mine, his mouth on mine, I couldn’t deny the raging desire in my body.

His hands sank into my hair, pulling my head back, my body closer. As our mouths continued to tease and torment, one of his hands lightly traced down the side of my neck, down my arm, causing goosebumps to break out over my skin and a moan to slip from my lips. His hand gripped my hip before grabbing a hold of my dress, lifting it upward until his hand was on my thigh. Reaching between our bodies, his fingers slid under my panties.

Wrench broke the kiss. “Fuck, you are so wet.” His lips dropped to my neck, teasing, biting as his fingers slid over my clit. My eyes closed, head falling backward as he circled my clit with just the right amount of pressure. Moaning, I bit down on my bottom lip, keeping my eyes squeezed shut. When his fingers and lips stopped moving, I opened my eyes to see him watching my face. “Keep your eyes on me,” Wrench growled.

With a quick nod, he continued moving his hand. His other hand tugged on the thin straps of my dress; I grabbed his hand and shook my head. I didn’t want him to ruin my new dress.

“If you’re worried about your dress, I’m not doing something right,” Wrench roughly breathed into my ear. Surprising me, he stepped us backwards pushing me against the wall before dropping to his knees in front of me. Both his hands ran up my legs, until they found the sides of my panties. Slipping a finger under each side, he pulled them down. Before I could even step out of them, his face was under my dress, pressed against my pussy. His tongue darted out to lap at my juices. Lifting one of my legs, he rested it on his shoulder so he could have better access as he flicked his tongue against my clit repeatedly. One of his fingers pressed against my entrance until it slowly slid inside. Combined with his wicked tongue, I threw back my head and moaned as I struggled to keep supporting myself on a single leg. Digging my hands into his hair, I felt my orgasm rushing towards me like a train on fire.

Wrench did something with his finger that felt like he was pushing against the front of my pussy with his finger that had my orgasm washing over me before I expected. I would’ve fallen had he not moved my other leg onto his opposite shoulder so he was fully supporting me. His face was trapped between my thighs while slowly his tongue eased me down from my orgasm. Gently, he set one leg down, then the other, before standing, sliding his body against mine as he did.

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