Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith) (15 page)

BOOK: Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith)
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...and saw Andras standing there.

Fumbling a little with the deadbolt, she managed to get the
door open.

Then stood there, just staring at him, unable to believe he
was really there.

"I didn't wake you?" he asked.

She shook her head.

Andras smiled, and said quietly, "My bed misses you,
Katie. May I come in?"

She nodded and stepped aside to let him through. As he
passed her, she saw he was carrying a small overnight bag, and a pair of dark
pants folded over his arm.

His wings appeared, silhouetted in the dark room, as he dropped
his glamour.

She followed him to her bedroom, and saw him put the bag
down, then fold the clothes he carried over her chair.

"I--" Katie found it hard to speak. She tried
again. "I couldn't sleep, either. I, uh, missed you, too."

He looked at her, considering.

"Good," he said, finally, sounding satisfied.
"Then perhaps we shouldn't sleep apart in the future."

She stared at him. Spending every night together sounded
as far she was concerned, but this felt sudden.

"Ah," he said, sitting down on the edge of her
bed, and looking sinfully sexy in his favorite worn jeans and bare chest. And
wings. "Forgive my manners. Katie. May I sleep here tonight, beside

"Of course," she said. "I'd really like that.
Can I get you anything?"

His smile this time was as seductive as melted chocolate,
warm and rich. "Just you, here, in my arms."

Andras took off his jeans, and Katie looked at his long,
muscled legs and firm ass with appreciation. He slipped under her covers and
arranged his wings carefully before he curled on his side.

She hurriedly shucked off her pajamas and joined him, and
then everything felt right again. He propped himself up on one elbow and bent
to kiss her with unhurried thoroughness, his other hand resting on her hip.

It was nice, and she felt desire begin to stir between her
legs. He didn't make any further moves though, just continued to give her those
sweet, intoxicating kisses.

Katie moved closer to him, feeling his bare skin cool
against hers, and felt his arousal pressing against her.

"Do you want to--?" she asked.

to," he murmured, punctuating
each word with a tiny kiss, "but your aura tells me that you're not yet
fully recovered. Perhaps tomorrow."

"But, you're hungry—" she began to protest.

He interrupted her with another deep, slow kiss. "Mmmm,
right now, I'm just enjoying the way you taste," he murmured, pulling back
just far enough to talk, "and the feel of you in my arms, where you
belong. I can wait."

He gave her one last languorous kiss, then settled himself
against her. "Go to sleep now, Katie. We both have to be at work in the

She drifted off to sleep shortly thereafter, still gently
aroused, and realized how happy she was that he was here, curled up next to
her, his breath gently moving her hair.

* * *

Katie floated up from a sensual dream about ten minutes
before her alarm was set to go off. And realized that her comforter had been
pulled away and that her legs were spread wide.

She made an abortive attempt to move. Andras' large hands
held her thighs apart with effortless strength while his wet, wicked mouth
aroused her with slow caresses.

Katie made an involuntary sound as his tongue moved with a
maddening pressure too light to satisfy her. When she tried to silently encourage
him by squirming, he raised his face and laughed at her frustration.

"Good morning, beautiful girI," he said. And then
began to move away, the jerk.

"Please..." she begged, arching her hips while
curling up and trying to reach for his dark hair to drag him closer.

Andras shook his head, deftly evading her questing hands.

"That's not
," she complained. She let
her head drop back onto the pillow, frustrated and throbbing with the sweet
ache of arousal. She felt just fine, and more than ready to take advantage of
the fact that she had her boyfriend
right here

Except he was being a sadistic tease. Why else would he
start something he clearly had no intention of finishing?

Andras confirmed her guess with his next words. He chuckled,
and said: "I want to take you out on a date tonight. Think of this as priming
the pump with a little sweet anticipation."

"And a snack for you?" Katie asked shrewdly. She
hadn't missed the fact that his mouth had been warm, along with his hands on
her legs.


He ducked the pillow she lobbed at his smirking face, and
laughed out loud.

"But I did make coffee," he added, which might
have been an apology, except he looked smug rather than sorry.

He offered her a steaming mug, nice and strong with just the
right amount of milk, and she instantly felt more charitable.

"Okay, so you're
a keeper,"
Katie said, after the first blissful sip. "Even if you're a horrible

"I'll make it worth the wait," Andras promised,
reaching over to her nightstand for a second mug. He took a swallow, and
continued, "I'm picking you up after work tonight. Wear a skirt or dress,
and no panties."

"Sounds intriguing," said Katie, wondering how on
Earth she was going to be able to concentrate on work today.

* * *

When the seemingly-endless work day
Katie had just enough time to take a quick shower and put on a bit of eyeliner
and lipstick before Andras arrived.

He strolled into her apartment with a leopard's lazy grace,
and eyed her appreciatively.

"Lift up your skirt," he commanded, dropping onto
her sofa.

"Inspection time?" she countered, tartly, trying
to hide the thrill she felt at his order.

"I have something for you," he replied, showing
her the small, discreetly-wrapped package he'd brought. "But only if you
don't make me wait." He flicked his fingers at her imperiously.

Katie stuck her tongue out at him, but obeyed, slowly
raising the hem of her summer dress.

"Higher," he said, when she stopped just at the
point where he could see that she was indeed wearing nothing underneath her

She obeyed, and he moved off the couch, and knelt at her

"Open your legs, love," he said, grasping one
ankle and urging her legs apart. "Like that, yes, good."

As she stood there with her skirts raised high, Katie wasn't
sure what Andras was planning, but she knew she was turned on. Had been all
day, actually, ever since he had awakened her this morning.

Wondering what he had in store for their date had made it
nearly impossible to concentrate on the backlog of work that had accumulated
during her absence.

He opened the package and showed her something that looked
like a large butterfly, with flexible silicone wings

"Have you ever tried one of these?" Andras asked,
holding it up to show her.

Katie saw short, thick dildo sticking out of the narrow
middle of the whatever-it-was, and there was something else next to it, a tiny
patch of soft silicone spikes. She shook her head.

"I want you to wear it. I think you'll like it."
His hands moved deftly, and moments later, the dildo had penetrated her and he
was tying laces attached to the wings.

It fit like an abbreviated bikini bottom, tied around her
hip, snugly holding the dildo in place inside her, the spikes pressing
intriguingly against her clit.

Andras sat back on his heels, and admired his work.
"There's a remote," he told her, and she gasped when the dildo—and
the cluster of spikes—sprang to life between her legs.

"That's the lowest setting," he said, with that
smirk she both loved and feared. "Let's see how you do in public once I
start playing with the control."

"P-public?" she squeaked, as he unexpectedly
turned the toy back on again.

"Why yes," he answered smoothly. "I promised
to take you out on a date, and I've made reservations at Ad Astra." At her
panicked look, he smiled. "Don't worry. They have a live band tonight. No
one will overhear if you lose control and moan."

"You jerk." But she was grinning as she said it.

"If you can keep yourself from climaxing until we
return to my place, I'll be at your command for the rest of the evening."

"Which means," Katie said, as he rose to his feet,
and bent to kiss her mouth. "You're going to be relentless, aren't

"Of course. I think we're both going to enjoy our date
very much."

* * *

Ad Astra was a popular restaurant located in a former
factory. Two stories high, with rough brick walls, retro-industrial décor, and a
loft that overlooked the vast expanse of the main dining room, the place was
packed to the rafters with young, affluent techies drawn to its excellent Pacific
Rim fusion food and a live jazz band.

Andras hadn't lied when he had told her that the restaurant
would be too noisy for any of their fellow diners to hear her involuntary

What he
mentioned, the rat, was that instead
of being seated in a private booth—or even a private table--they were
elbow-to-elbow with their fellow diners.

In fact, Ad Astra had no private tables at all in the
downstairs dining room. Long communal tables circled the perimeter and snaked
down the middle of the huge room. There were occasional gaps so that customers
could squeeze in and out of their seats, but no hope of private conversation—or
private anything else.

Katie's dismay must have shown as she slid onto the long
banquette that lined the wall. Andras coolly took his place opposite her,
reached into his pocket, and turned on the vibrator as the pierced and tattooed
server came to deliver menus and take drink orders.

Afterwards, Katie couldn't remember what she said or

Andras cheerfully tried to make conversation, which involved
shouting to be heard over the wailing saxophone and steady rhythm of the drums,
not to mention the fact that everyone else was shouting, too.

And all the while, he steadily manipulated the controls of
that clung to her private parts, as she gritted her teeth and
tried desperately to pretend she wasn't being deliciously violated by what felt
like a voracious alien from a science fiction porn flick.

She couldn't help the occasional moan, which she tried to
disguise as pleasure at the food she could barely taste, and Andras smirked
triumphantly every time she was forced to squeeze her eyes shut at the bursts
of intense sensation.

Katie's own moment of triumph came somewhere between the appetizer
plate of deliciously flaky flatbread served with a curry dipping sauce, and the
main course of spicy seafood (served with a scoop of basil sorbet to clear the
palate), when she realized that the toy just wasn't quite powerful enough to
actually push her over the edge of climax.

Along with that realization came the notion that she might
actually win the bet with Andras, and have him at her mercy for the rest of the

Oh, the things I want to do to him...

She tried to hide her reaction from him, and play along, but
when push came to shove, she just wasn’t a very good actress. She saw the
moment when he realized the truth, as well, and she grinned at him.

The teasing sensations between her legs died away. She
pouted at him.
Don’t stop now,
she mouthed, fairly certain that he could
lip-read her.
You'll ruin the mood.

"I'm going to be sorry, aren't I?" he shouted

Katie was certain that her answering smile was every bit as
wolfish as the one he liked to use on her.

Andras insisted that they order dessert and coffee, drawing
out the inevitable moment when they would return to his loft, and she would
have him at her command.

At least he was a good sport about continuing to skillfully
torment her with his little toy, keeping her aroused and ready for the next
part of their date.

They didn't talk a lot when they finally escaped the din of
the restaurant, and Andras retrieved his BMW from the valet. Katie's ears were
ringing, and Andras looked a little...

Wow, was he actually

Oh yeah. This is going to be fun.

She let Andras stew in his own juices until they arrived at
his loft, just putting a possessive hand on his knee as he drove and smiling at
him occasionally.

He unlocked his door and ushered her inside with a courtly
gesture. Once he had closed the door, he dropped his glamour.

Magnificently bare-chested, his wings making him look like a
fallen angel, he asked, "And what does my lady wish?"

Katie stepped close and gently pushed at his chest, pressing
him against the wall, mindful of his wings. She kissed him hard, and he let her
plunder his mouth.

"What did you have planned for me tonight? Were you
going to tie me up? Make me beg before you let me come?" It was a safe
guess. She loved it when he did that.

Andras nodded.

Katie smiled. "You said I'm in charge tonight?"

He nodded.

She pressed herself against him. "I want you to tell me
everything you had planned for me, and then I'm going to do them to

He went completely still. Under her hand, which was still
pressed to his chest, she felt his heartbeat accelerate, and his nipple
stiffened under her palm.

"Do you need a safe word?" Katie asked.

She saw him swallow. "No. You know what I am. You can't
possibly hurt me, Katie."

Katie stared at him, waiting.

"Fine." Andras sighed, and submitted. "
It means 'stop' in Greek."

She went up on tip-toes and kissed him again. "Good
boy," she said, just to see him grimace. Oh, this was going to be

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