Her Heart-Stealing Cowboys [Hellfire Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Her Heart-Stealing Cowboys [Hellfire Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Awareness blossomed between them. She saw when the concern melted from his eyes to be replaced with desire.

He cupped her chin. His thumb stroked her bottom lip. “You don’t seem like the kind of woman who indulges in being silly.”

She couldn’t form a coherent thought. His touch set off flutters of excitement and anticipation through her entire body. Her nipples tightened and poked through her light cotton shirt.

Wade’s gaze dropped to her breasts and his nostrils flared. The hand still in her hair tangled further. He met her eyes again and slowly lowered his head.

“I’m going to kiss you.”

She gripped his hips and threaded her fingers through his belt loops. “Good.”

Humor flitted in his eyes then his mouth settled on hers. His touch was soft and tender. He tasted of caramel coffee.

Wade brushed her lips, back and forth as though mapping the landscape of her mouth with his. The small exploration was not enough. She wanted more.

Rebecca rose on tiptoe and snaked one arm up his muscular shoulder to cup his neck. His soft black hair tickled her fingers. She pressed against him.

His moan reverberated against her lips. She gasped and his tongue dove inside her open mouth. He tasted and teased her with short, sweet darts of pleasure. His tongue lapped at the corners of her mouth then found hers and stroked wetly before pulling away.

Rebecca whimpered.

Wade’s fingers tightened against her scalp and held her still while he assaulted her mouth. He kissed her fast and hard. He was demanding and insistent. She couldn’t deny him. She didn’t
to deny him. Rebecca moaned and sighed beneath his lips, begging for more. Darts of pleasure wound their way through her body and she was achingly aware of his erection pushing against the soft juncture of her thighs.

Wade tipped her head and trailed light kisses along her jaw then down the side of her neck before returning to her lips.

“Rebecca,” he whispered. “I can’t get enough of your mouth.”

She scraped his scalp with her fingernails. “More,” she pleaded. “Kiss me again.”

He fulfilled her request with a tenderness that made her feel both cherished and vulnerable. His hands gentled and fell to the waistband of her cream linen pants. He held her lightly with thumbs stroking the sensitive skin just above her hips.

She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped his shoulders. She hadn’t felt so alive in so long. She wanted more. She wanted him to slam the door shut and sweep her to the bed then lay her down and ravish her entire body with his mouth.

She wanted to explore every inch of his muscular frame with her hands and mouth and make him feel as good as he was making her feel.

Her phone chirped.

Rebecca stilled and her eyes flew open.

Wade gently pulled away. He swiped his thumb over her bottom lip. “Jesus, Rebecca,” he whispered hoarsely.

She nodded slowly then reluctantly backed out of his arms. Holding his gaze, she snatched up the phone. “Hello?”

“Morning, Bex.” Tag’s voice rumbled in her ear. Her eyes widened and she immediately felt a surge of embarrassment as if he knew she’d just been kissing the hell out of his best friend. “What are you doing?”


The squeaking response made her think of Deidre’s earlier answer and she couldn’t quite stifle a giggle. She cleared her throat and waved at Wade to shut the door. She frowned at the phone. “What did you call me?”

“Bex,” he said. “That nothing sure sounded interesting.”

“I prefer Rebecca.”

“Uh-huh. It’s after ten. Are you coming to the office?”

The soft snick of the door shutting seemed to echo loudly in the room. She covered the mouthpiece so Tag couldn’t hear. Wade sauntered into the room and dropped down on her bed. The sight of his long body sprawled casually along the mussed white sheets sent another bolt of electricity to every nerve ending she possessed.

“Bex?” Tag demanded. “What in the hell are you doing?”

She turned away from the tempting view of Wade and her bed. Another two seconds and she’d be pulling off all their clothes and indulging in a little afternoon delight. At ten o’clock in the morning. She peeked over her shoulder and caught his wide grin and mischievous wink.

Somehow she didn’t think Wade would protest one bit.

“Rebecca,” she repeated. “I was just getting dressed and about to head to the Hex,” she said. Without the visual stimulation of Wade’s enticing body, her brain finally kicked into gear. “Is everything all right?”

Have you been charged?

They both knew that was her real question.

“Yes,” he replied tersely. “But I have some things I’d like to show you. I can come by and pick you up.”

“No,” she said quickly. “No, that’s all right. I can get myself there.”

“I insist.”

She rolled her eyes. “I appreciate the gentlemanly, if somewhat insistent, offer but I’m fine. Is it urgent?”

“Not really,” he said.

She couldn’t tell if he was irked or not. “There are a few places downtown I’d like to get to before coming to your office.” Her trip to the Hex wasn’t all tourist based. She planned on interviewing the shop keepers about the events of the last few days. She’d already gleaned quite a bit of information about Fischer’s death and the events leading up to it, but those were the cut-and-dried accounts from Tag and Boone. The two lawmen didn’t offer anything outside of the facts.

Though she’d grown up in a relatively exclusive Boston suburb, it had still been a small town. She knew how they worked. More importantly, she knew what small town residents saw and she planned to ferret that information out. She hoped to find something useful that would outright prove Tag was innocent and set them on the track of the real killer.

“Fine, if you’re gonna be all Yankee stubborn about it.”

“You say Yankee like it’s a bad thing.”

He ignored her retort. “How about we meet for lunch at the Tin Star at twelve-thirty? Deputy Carson will be back on duty then.”

“Not to mention you still have to give blood.”

He cursed softly. “We’ll see.”

Rebecca turned back around and grinned at Wade. “You promised Wade, Tag. You’re not going to cave on that, are you? I didn’t think you were the kind of guy who goes back on promises.”

“I’m not,” he said in a low voice. “I think it’s a safe bet to say your mouth is going to get your sweet butt a spanking one of these days.”

Her breath hitched and the low flame that Wade had kindled in her flared higher. “Is that a threat?”

Wade snapped to attention and a frown creased his forehead.

“Nope,” Tag replied. “That’s a promise.”

He hung up.

Rebecca stared at the phone then slowly lowered it to her side.

“Tag threatened you?” Wade asked.

She shook her head. “No, he—”
What had he done? Flirted?
“Never mind, it’s nothing.”

He didn’t look convinced but his doubt slowly eased to be replaced with the rise of desire again. Wade smoothed a hand over the sheets. “Your bed smells like you.”

She wrinkled her nose and tried to stay near the desk but the pull to join him on the mattress was strong. “That doesn’t sound appealing.”

The ebony wing of his brow lifted. His lush eyelashes drooped sensually. “Oh, but it is. Sweet, succulent oranges and cotton brushed with fresh air. Makes me want to taste you and bury myself in you at the same time.”

“Oh.” Her breath hitched and she took a step closer.

She was not a stranger to sex by any means but this instant and irresistible attraction threw her for a loop. During her college years she’d experimented with all sorts of sexual activities. Some she’d enjoyed and others she hadn’t.

She couldn’t recall ever having this sort of fire-hot need for anyone back then, though. Her gaze swept over the bed. She really wanted to join him.

Rebecca closed her eyes.
I can’t.
She had work to do, like gathering information on Tag’s case.

His image formed in her mind as full of life and attraction as Wade had projected from her bed. What had that last statement been all about? Had he just said he wanted to spank her?

Rebecca couldn’t help the pulse between her legs.

She’d dabbled in fetish play during those wild years and really enjoyed it. In fact, too many years had passed since she’d felt the sting of a man’s hand on her ass.

She gulped and imagined herself over Tag’s knee with her panties at her ankles and his big palm slapping her butt.

Her breath came in short gasps and she squeezed her thighs together.

Get a grip.

The silent admonition was useless a second later when her overactive brain tossed a naked Wade into the picture. While Tag spanked her ass, Wade fucked her mouth with his hard cock.

She moaned.


Her eyes snapped open. Wade was standing in front of her again and concern covered his handsome features once more.

She reached out and touched his chest. Her gaze strayed to the bed then back to him. She managed a smile. “I’m okay,” she said. “Just, uh, thinking.”

The worry eased and a cocky grin lifted his mouth. “Oh? Must have been some interesting thinking.”

Oh Lord. Had she said something out loud?

“Why do you say that?”

His hand cupped her breast and his fingers clamped on her nipple. She arched into his touch.

“Because,” he whispered while exerting more pressure, “your nipples got so hard they nearly ripped through your pretty pink shirt. Care to share?”

She bit her lip and shook her head.

“That’s a shame,” he said. “Because I’m mighty interested.”

She could tell. His cock pressed so hard along the seam of his button-fly jeans she was surprised he hadn’t busted though. She was interested herself.

“I have to get to the Hex,” she said with regret. “But I’d appreciate your company.”

Disappointment crested his features but he nodded. “Sure.” He squeezed her breast again. “As long as I get a rain check on this?”

Rebecca nodded. “Absolutely. Now, I have to finish getting dressed.”

Wade still cupped her breast and he squeezed gently. “But I like you like this. You’re very soft and full. I love the weight of you in my palm. You fill it out so nicely.”

She gripped his wrist and tugged with a wink. “Thank you, Mr. Merritt. I kind of like them myself.”

She turned to the dresser and opened a drawer then drew out a lacy red bra. She dangled it on one finger and sauntered toward the bathroom. She snatched the hair dryer from the floor on her way. “I’ll just be a second.”

She stepped inside and partially shut the door.

“I have to admit you’re somewhat of a surprise,” Wade called.

Rebecca stripped off her pink T-shirt and fastened the bra around her waist before spinning it around. She bent over and settled her breasts into the molded cups then straightened. “Why is that?” She pulled her shirt on then down and checked to make sure the bra didn’t show.

It didn’t.

“I expected you to be all uptight and stiff. You know, upper crust blueblood snob and all that crap.”

Her fingers trembled as she pulled her hair into its customary ponytail. She opened the door and stepped out. “How do you know I’m not?”

Wade was sitting at her desk. He rose and swept her with an appreciative glance. “No woman who kisses as passionately as you do could be a snob.”

“Oh.” Her cheeks warmed and she flushed all the way to her toes. Her nose tingled and she cleared her throat. She reached around and grabbed her purse off the desk. “Thank you. My pleasure.”
Was that the etiquette-correct response?
It’d been years since she’d attended finishing school and she was pretty sure they hadn’t covered this sort of thing. She’d have to wing it.

Wade caught her shoulders and hauled her back into his arms for a gentle hug. “You’re my pleasure,” he said.

He released her before she could figure out how to respond.

“Shall we go?”

Rebecca nodded then locked the door and turned the handle to make sure it was properly closed. It was.

They headed down the hallway toward the staircase. “Wade?”


“What are you doing here, anyway?”

They reached the bottom floor and walked to the exit leading to the parking lot.

“I was in the neighborhood and thought you might need a ride.”

Another flood of appreciative warmth zipped over her. She slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow and tried to hide just how touched she was. This sort of thing rarely happened in Boston. At least, it never happened without some sort of strings being attached.

He led her to a red pickup truck. The thing was so high it had rails just for climbing in.

The metallic paint gleamed in the May sun. He opened the door and helped her up and inside then made sure she was properly seated before shutting the door.

Rebecca studied the inside of the cab as he climbed into the driver’s seat. It was as luxurious as her father’s Bentley. If not more so.

The seats were soft, buttery leather stitched with dark gray. The sleek dash was also a charcoal color and bore a navigation system, state-of-the-art audio, multiple USB ports, and Bluetooth capability.

He started the engine and it purred with the satisfaction of having an owner who took great pride in caring for it. Soft strains of ’80s rock poured from the surround sound system.

“Nice truck,” she said and meant it.

He grinned and smoothed a hand over the dash. His long fingers caressed the console like he’d caressed her earlier.

She squirmed in her seat.

“Thanks. I like it.”

He eased onto Pearson Street and headed for town. “The Hex?”

“Yes, please.”

“Got it.”

They rode in silence for a few moments. She surreptitiously studied his strong profile as he drove. His jaw was clean shaven but she saw the darkening shadow of stubble already forming. She couldn’t help but wonder just how that stubble would feel scraping along her inner thighs.

She shifted again.

BOOK: Her Heart-Stealing Cowboys [Hellfire Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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