Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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A breeze blew through the room, taking the lovely catnip scent with it. He blinked and looked at the box he was kneading and then jumped back. Playing with another man’s protection wasn’t cool. That damn witch.

“What I want is for you to mind your tongue from now on and get back to the task at hand.”

With his teeth, he snatched the box of condoms and wondered what he was going to do with them. They’d see them in the trash. Heat shot through his tail again. He hissed, and laughter circled him. The strong smell of valerian, another plant that drove cats crazy, led him to the kitchen window. It was wide open. He jumped onto the counter, knocking the dish soap over, and then he leapt out the window.

The delicious scent led him to a soft patch of soil in the far corner of the backyard. The urge to dig surged through his body. After digging a large hole, he dropped the box in and ran back into the house. Catnip led him to three more stashes of two to three single condoms. This time his warrior side took over, and he was able to resist the need to paw and rub the condoms. Once he had them all out of the house and in the hole, he covered them up. Unable to help himself now that the job was done, he rolled around in the scented soil for a moment.

Ah. Heavenly
. A cat could get used to this. A car door slammed shut, and he shot up. Running, he headed for the window and, in a flash, leapt through it. The thing closed hard and fast behind him. Twitching his tail, he sighed when it was pain free. That damn window had almost gotten it. Blasted witch.

Laughter once again drummed through his mind. He heard the doors in the house close a second before Katarina walked in the house.

Chapter Ten


If they didn’t get it on soon, Katarina was sure she was going to die.

It had been two long weeks since Gaven’s cop friend had interrupted their moment in the kitchen and Gaven had had a nightmare. That was something she didn’t want to see him go through again.

She still shivered when she remembered waking up between Gaven and Lunn. It had been paradise. It was a shame she hadn’t gotten to sleep with them again. Gaven hadn’t had any more nightmares. She was happy about that, but she sure missed sleeping between them. Her soul cried out to be one with them.

She blew her hair from her face as she straightened the papers in the file she’d just finished for Lunn. As she placed it on his desk in his home office, she wondered what he had hidden on the third floor. The three of them were close enough now that she should know, right?

They had both been kissing and caressing her every chance they got since Gaven had fired her and Lunn had hired her. She’d caught on quickly to the delights of kissing them. It was wonderful. Every time they hungrily explored her mouth, she melted into them. Her exes were talentless compared to Gaven and Lunn.

As she stepped out of Lunn’s office, she glanced at the door. The guys weren’t due to come home for at least another thirty minutes. What harm could a little snooping do? Lunn had said it was just some man stuff up there. She’d seen man stuff before. Gym equipment, parts of motors, and broken remote control cars waiting to be fixed. The list went on and on.

Deciding to be bold, she headed for the stairs. With each step she took, fireflies buzzed around in her stomach. She could do this. It was important for her to know everything she could about her guys. Moving on to the third-floor stairs, she glanced guiltily over her shoulder. No one was there. Gathering strength from that fact, she hurried up the stairs, clearing them in no time. It all looked normal. The stairs opened into a hallway that had two rooms to the left and one to the right. As big as the house was, the rooms must be huge.

Going to the furthest door on the left, she turned the knob and pushed the door open. “Holy cow!” Lunn’s man-stuff was scary and interesting all at the same time. She walked over to the bondage table and ran her hand over the soft leather. The thought of being bound to it with the padded wrist and ankle cuffs was so erotic her natural juices dampened her panties. It was a nice wide, sturdy table. Three people could easily have a good time on it. One of her old friends from her papa’s place had taken her to a bondage room once, and it looked a lot like this one. Only this one was even nicer.

A shadow flickered at the edge of her vision. She turned and saw a tree branch blowing in the wind. Two of Lunn’s bonsai trees were placed on stands in front of the window.

One was the side view of a standing man. His calves, butt, head and chest were curved to perfection, but what really caught her attention was the large penis that jutted forward.

Following the direction the cock was pointing, she stared in awe. The next tree was of a graceful couple caught in a lover’s embrace. The branches were placed so that the couples’ bodies were just as well defined as the standing man. She really appreciated the way their arms were wrapped around each other’s waists. Their fronts were mashed together as they kissed. It must have taken Lunn a long time to get them so perfect. The two living sculptures were amazingly erotic. She could envision Gaven standing still with his cock hard as he watched Lunn kiss her passionately. Moaning, she reached between her thighs and rubbed her clit, wishing it was one of them doing it for her.

A clock chimed, reminding her that she was running short on time. Moving on, she explored the kneeling bench. It was well padded and had rings attached to it in several places. She wasn’t sure what all could be done on it, but she knew Lunn would. Feeling a need to hurry, she walked over to the cuffs that were attached to the wall. Reaching up, she tugged on the cuffs, and when they didn’t budge, a slice of longing pierced her nipples and clit. God, she needed them.

Going over to a strange leather-covered
she walked over to it and circled it. The thing looked kind of like a short chaise lounge except it didn’t have legs, and both ends had exaggerated curves. Loops with cuffs were placed in different locations all around the thing. She pressed down on it and was surprised at the texture. It was soft yet firm like a memory foam mattress. She leaned over one of the large rounded ends and envisioned her ankles being cuffed to the outer side, giving her men access to her body. Her slick canal clenched in need. She didn’t know how much longer she could wait for them to take her. An ache was starting to radiate through her core. It was stronger today than it ever had been before.

A gruff voice sounded from the doorway. “Don’t move.”

She pushed herself up, whirled around and found Lunn and Gaven standing in the doorway. Not able to control her wayward eyes, she looked at the front of their jeans and wanted to pant when she saw the outline of their erections. “I know I was told not to come up here, but I couldn’t help myself. I hope you’re not too mad.” Damn, she’d stayed too long. Just because they were horny didn’t mean they wouldn’t be angry at her for invading their space.

“Au contraire. I’m delighted to find you in my playroom. It’s the very place I’ve wanted you for quite some time. Are you ready to pay for snooping?” Lunn’s voice was smoky yet fierce.

Her channel clenched hungrily.
If I act boldly I may just get what I’ve been wanting for years.
Straightening her shoulders, she answered, “I’m yours.” Both men’s eyes glazed over with barely checked passion. A shiver of excitement danced down her spine.


* * * *


Lunn loved the way she was bravely going after what she wanted. He could tell she was nervous, but that wasn’t stopping her. They were some of the luckiest men alive. The sight of her spread out and bent over the esse bondage chaise rekindled his need to bind a woman and pleasure her. The feeling had been fading for a while. No woman had sparked it for at least a year. Katarina, on the other hand, more than brought it back to life.

The chaise was made of dense foam and had six cuffs and twenty-eight loops to lock a person down in lots of positions. The mini scoop foam cushion could be placed in different positions to make the bound prey more comfortable.

Gaven folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe. He knew this was Lunn’s show for now.

He looked past Katarina’s shoulder and said, “I see you were curious about the esse chaise. That’s good because you’ve earned some time on it. Snooping is a bad habit that must be broken.”

She shivered, and he guessed her panties were already wet. “Strip and bend over the chaise just like you were a minute ago,” Lunn ordered. He was happy to see desire and a slight look of embarrassment flash in her expressive eyes. With trembling hands, she removed her clothes. Fuck, she was fine.

If he was right, she was innocent in the art of bondage. That innocence would freak Gaven out. He’d need her and Gaven to be burning up with lust before the sex began. This had been coming for years, and he wasn’t about to let anything stop them now.

Gaven groaned when Katarina stood before them in her naked beauty. Her lush curves had both of their cocks tenting their jeans. He longed to spread her legs and plunge into her hot body.

“Assume the position,” he commanded, needing to keep the passionate situation under control.

Pink raced up her chest and darkened her cheeks, but she didn’t protest. Once she was bent over the curved, soft surface, he walked up behind her and tapped her foot. She moved it outward, but not far enough. He tapped it again. This time she moved it into the perfect position. He slid his hands down her back and grinned when she trembled. His hands squeezed her rounded globes, and she released a light moan. Oh yeah, she was good with this.

Kneeling, he blew a breath across her moist, womanly flesh. She squirmed, and he slapped her ass. “Stay still, kitten.” She harrumphed but stilled all body movement. “You’re doing good, little kitten.” He kissed the pink spot on her ass where he’d slapped her then slid his hands down her right leg and cuffed it to the chaise. He nodded to Gaven, and he cuffed her left ankle to the other side.

Both men stepped back to admire her. The pretty pink lips between her legs were spread wide. Moisture glistened on her delicate flesh. Her arousal scented the air. His cock begged to be freed.

“You look beautiful, babe.” Gaven’s voice was husky with desire.

“She sure does,” Lunn concurred.

“This isn’t so bad,” she said.

“It shouldn’t be. I like my prey bound, but not in pain. That’s not to say I won’t sexually frustrate you. You deserve it for snooping.” On that note he looked at Gaven and started undressing. Gaven followed suit.

Retrieving a bottle of oil, Lunn slicked his hands up then passed the bottle to Gaven, who quickly oiled his own hands.

“I’ll rub her right side. You work on her left side.”

“Got it.”

Kneeling beside her, they started at her calves and worked their way up to her inner thighs. They stroked and massaged her silky flesh until she sank deeper into the esse chaise and moaned breathily. Moving up, they grazed her pretty pussy as they massaged the lower section of her soft butt. She started squirming and tried to rise up. Lunn firmly placed a hand between her shoulder blades and pressed her down while Gaven took over kneading her rounded cheeks.

“Stay put. If you try that again I’ll cuff your wrists as well.”

“I just…”

“Just what?” Lunn asked as he ran his hands down her back and spread her ass cheeks wide.

A shudder shook her body. “I need you both.”

“You’ll have us when we think you’re ready.” Lunn shook his hands making her skin shake. He knew the vibrations that were running through her pelvis were pushing her closer to the edge of ecstasy.

Gaven sniffed her pussy and then leaned forward and licked her pink flesh. A low moan escaped her full lips. Lunn pictured his cock sliding between her moist, plump lips. A bead of pre-cum eased from his cock.

They caressed and licked her until she cried out in frustration, “Okay, I can’t take any more teasing.”

Lunn ran his thumb over her clit and stroked it until she started trembling, and her muscles tightened. When he pulled back in the last second, she cried out, “I’m sorry for snooping.”

“That’s what I’ve been waiting for, kitten.” He looked at Gaven. “Keep her hot while I get the condoms.”

Gaven got comfortable between her legs and started licking her pussy. The man’s tongue circled her clit, and swiped her swollen lips before delving into her tiny pink hole.

Satisfied, he went to the drawer where the condoms were, but it was empty. “I’ll be right back. The condoms are gone.”

“Hurry,” Gaven responded then went back to licking her pink flesh while she moaned and trembled under his skilled tongue.

Strolling from the room, he was shocked to find all of the condoms gone.
What the hell
. Fire was heating his balls, and he didn’t have a fucking condom. Need raged through his body. His cock ached with every step he took. He needed her now.

When he got back in the room, Gaven was rubbing his cock through her glistening folds. “Toss me one, man. I’m hurting bad.”

“All the condoms are gone. Have either of you seen them?” Lunn questioned. He desperately hoped so.

“What?” they both blurted at the same time.

“The condoms have vanished. What the fuck are we going to do?” he said, growling.

Her body convulsed. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I have to have you both. Let’s do it without the condoms. I don’t have any STDs. Please, I’m burning up.”

“I’m clean and want to continue,” Gaven added.

“I’m clean as well. Let’s finish this before we go up in flames.” Lunn walked over to them and sat in the center of the chaise with his legs draped over the sides. Katarina had reared back so he could sit with his rock-hard cock right where her face had been.

“I don’t know what’s happening, but I have to taste you, and I need Gaven in me,” she stated confidently and then lowered her head and sucked his cock into her hot mouth.

Gaven guided his cock into her pussy and pushed his way in. “God, she’s tight. So fucking perfect.”

BOOK: Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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