Her Dragon Hero (4 page)

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Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Paranormal

BOOK: Her Dragon Hero
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She tilted her head, her red gaze boring into the old dragon. Fury raced through her veins, but she held back her malicious words. Diplomacy is always required when dealing with fools. Javir, like all the others, served a purpose and helped build the path to the new hell she wanted to create in the Human Realm. Once their usefulness was over, it was easy to get rid of them.

“Have a little faith in my abilities. A Princess is not without her powers and ways.”

She raised her hand and snapped her long fingers. Several demons came scrambling into the throne chamber of her little section of the Hell Realm.

“Princess, we live to serve.” The large
demon bowed low. The faithful black demon, large and twisted, had served her father before her, and built a reputation for getting the job done.

“Viur, there are two dragons, Slade the Sly and Brimstone the Crusher, in the Human Realm. Find them, discover their weakness, and then destroy them, but let it be done with care. Our plans cannot be discovered…well, until it is too late for anyone to do anything about it.”

“Your will is mine, Princess. I have heard of Brimstone the Crusher; he is a killer of our kind. It will be a pleasure to destroy him.” Viur turned, motioning to the two other Muatti demons. “We will not fail.”

“Take my little pet with you. He will help guide you in the Human Realm and can get close without being detected, and then you can choose best when to strike.”

Yes, her little human pet, that she had acquired as a part of her strategy. Marcus Grekko, the powerful human, business man, would be useful to help her plans. It was why she had seduced him, killed him, and trapped him within her Hell Realm to be at her beck and call. The human matched her desire for power, but he possessed a weak moral shell, one she had broken and rebuilt.

Movement, one allowing demons to move from the Hell Realm to the human one, had become extremely difficult, since the interference of the Sumerian moon god, Neman. It was his powers which sealed off the Hell Realms from the human one. Unswerving in her plans, Breylla found another way to sneak her demons into the realms via the unused passages of the Dragon Realms, more commonly known as The Outer Realm, one in which other magical creatures dwelt.

Once, millions of years ago, before the division of the realms by the foolishness of the gods, demons and magic ruled over the humans. Breylla simply wanted to restore the balance of power as it should be. With her, of course, leading the charge, she would soon rule over all of humanity.

Two simple dragons would not stand in her way. The surge of malicious intent excited her; it was a pity she would not be able to witness their demise, but for the greater good of the plan, even she must make sacrifices.

Chapter 3

Amber squealed in shock as awareness of what she was doing, and with whom, came flooding back. She was not the sort of girl to fuck a stranger within twenty minutes of meeting them, especially after recently dumping a loser boyfriend. Her face flushed hot enough to fry eggs.

Brimstone was slower to release her, even though she shoved at his chest. He set her carefully away from him, turning to face a red-faced and angry Wayne. Brimstone moved to stand in front of Amber, and handed her the card key, not even looking her way.

“Get your belongings now.” Brimstone's command was clear. Amber wanted to argue the point, that he couldn’t order her about and make her go with him, but after peeking around him, seeing the murder in Wayne's glare, she let it slide. At this point in time, she would much rather be with Brimstone than Wayne.

With trembling fingers, she hurried to open the door and stumbled into the room. Her lips still tingled from Brimstone's incredible, bone-melting kiss. Her whole body throbbed. She wanted Brimstone like a mad-crazy woman. Cripes, she has never been kissed like this. If she were to go by only one kiss, what would sex be like with him? She almost moaned aloud thinking of multiple orgasms, something she longed to experience.

“I’m out of my frikken mind!”

Yes, but think how much I can improve my writing with first-hand experience of not only fantastic sex, but mind-blowing sex with Brimstone. He is your new hero, remember.

With the thought now entrenched in her mind, she ripped her suitcase from the cupboard and hurriedly shoved in her belongings. There was a loud thump from outside the door, but Amber resisted the urge to look out and see what was going on. Placing her laptop in the case last, and satisfied she got everything, she zipped it up and dragged the large, pink bag out into the hallway.

She paused at the sight of Brimstone leaning against the hall wall. His intense, brown gaze lifted from where Wayne lay slumped on the floor.

She gasped. “What did you do?”

“He took a swing at me. Unfortunately, the fool will live.”

Amber gaped, watching Brimstone's muscles flex when he bent and took a hold of Wayne’s legs, dragging him into the open room, leaving him on the floor, exiting the room, and closing the door behind him.

She felt like a fish out of water with her mouth opening and closing, not knowing what to say.

Brimstone picked up her bag as if it weighed nothing and took her other hand, tugging her back towards the elevator.

“I…uh, I think we should talk,” she managed to say while they waited for the lift. The door slid open, and Brimstone ducked his head as they entered.

“Yes, but we’re still going to fuck. You're mine now.”

Might as well add bacon to the egg-frying heat in her face. She didn’t want to say no, but she couldn’t find her voice to say yes. Amber nodded and Brimstone gave a satisfied grunt, not bothering to hide the slide of his hungry gaze over her body.

Oh, wow, I managed to find the only caveman still living on the planet!
Why his Neanderthal routine pressed all her buttons and made her hornier than a rabbit overdosed on aphrodisiacs, she didn’t have any idea, but she wasn’t going to let this opportunity go to waste either.

Amber Stone was going to have real sex with a big-muscled, sexy guy, and by the size of Brimstone, a lot of really good sex.

She saw the taxi waiting for them out front when they passed the nervous-looking, reception girl, who took the key card from Amber’s still shaking hand.

“It’s going to be okay,” Brimstone managed to rumble, his free hand at the small of her back, guiding her out into the evening air, and into the waiting cab. He handed her bag to the driver before folding himself into the back seat, and pulled her close against him.

“You feel the pull between us, yes? The attraction?”

Amber licked her dry lips before confessing. “I’d be an idiot not to be attracted to you.”

She wasn’t sure if she wanted to slap or kiss the smirk of satisfaction on his sensually, full lips.

He chose for her, dipping to capture her lips again, his large hand cupping the back of her neck, guiding the angle of her head.

“Uh, folks, where to?”

Brimstone broke away long enough to rumble 'Skycity hotel' at the driver, his lips barely leaving hers.

She tried to shove his massive chest, remembering where they were. “Brimstone, stop!” Her voice was breathless, and she turned her head to prevent another dizzying kiss.

His lips found her throat and sucked, and eyes rolled back in her head.

“I like the way you taste.” He licked her throat, and she almost came.

“Damn it, Brimstone, stop!”

“In a minute.” He pushed her further back in the seat and slid enough to line his face up with her cleavage. Amber sucked in a sharp breath when he buried his face between her breasts, his tongue lashing out. He had no intention of stopping at all.

“Brimstone, do you want the driver to see my naked breasts?”

His head snapped up, slamming against the roof of the cab. Amber winced, glancing over to see a red-faced, but amused, cab driver.

“Back with me now?”

Brimstone growled like a child deprived of his favourite toy. Amber pushed him back. He allowed her to do this, because there was no way she would really ever be able to shift his weight by herself.

“I don’t know where you grew up, or what army you’re in, but growling and grunting is not a form of communication.”

“It works.”

“You sound like a barbarian.”

He studied her for a moment. “You like it.”

She turned her head away to glance out at the passing traffic, smiling, but unable to refute his statement.

“You were talking earlier.”

“Talk later, I need you too much.” He went to grab for her again, but she slapped his hands away. He grinned a big, wide, white smile.

Amber fought the hysterical urge to giggle like a loon; he made her feel crazy, wild, and utterly reckless.

His smile widened. “You want me to talk? Baby, I’m going to make you come so hard and so often, you’re not going to be able to think of anything to talk about for a week.”

Amber gulped, and the driver almost swerved off the road. God, she was utterly doomed. She shut her mouth, but the sexual tension in the cab for the rest of the trip was so thick, it almost choked her.

Everything passed in a blur until the driver pulled to a stop in front of the entrance to the most expensive hotel in Darwin. Brimstone tossed several bills at the driver, who hurried to retrieve her case from the trunk. She didn’t have time to admire the stylish interior of the lobby, as he swiftly pulled her through to the elevator. The door opened and Brimstone growled at several other people who moved to step in at the same time. They stared at Brimstone and took a step back, eyes wide, in obvious fear.

“Do you have to scare people?” She was trying to sound stern, but failed with her voice so husky and tight with wanton lust.

He shrugged and the elevator dinged. The door slid open as quickly as it had closed, but they were on a different floor. She blinked in confusion, swearing the elevator didn’t move at all.

Brimstone didn’t give her mind time to think about what happened as he herded her out and into a luxury suite.

In a blur of movement, he dumped her bag, slammed the door shut, and swung her up into his arms.

If Brimstone was any other man, she would have protested him carrying her, but she loved how small and feminine he made her feel. She let her body soften against him, her arms around his neck, and fighting back the urge to giggle. He strode through the large suite with determined purpose.

 “I can walk, you know.”

“For now.” She swallowed at the wicked gleam in his brown gaze, giving her a sharp reminder of what they were about to do.
Oh, yeah, sex. Remember, try to stay objective this is research
. …or so she would like to tell herself.

Somewhere between the sitting area and the bedroom, Amber lost her dress, and her body wrapped around Brimstone. She was vaguely aware of a boot sailing across the room and knocking over a bedside lamp. If there was an Olympic medal in kissing, Brimstone would win, hands down.

When he left her lips, they vibrated; in fact, every part of her hummed in some exciting way. Her breasts pulsed and her pussy wept. There wasn’t a place on her body not crying out for his touch.

He hoisted her up, burying his face in her cleavage.

“Brimstone?” His name came out on a groan as his hot, wet tongue traced the line of her red satin bra. “I need to touch you.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely!” he groaned, trying to pull her bra off, using only his teeth because his hands were full of her arse.

“You have too many clothes on,” she insisted, trying unsuccessfully to pull off his shirt. The black fabric moulded to his torso.
What the hell was the thing made of? Teflon?

Brimstone pulled back and glanced at his own clothed state, dawning on him then what getting naked would require.

“Demon balls.”

“Oh, you sweet talker.”

Amber gave in to the urge and giggled. He rumbled out a rough laugh, and she shrieked suddenly when he tossed her through the air. She landed with a sharp gasp on the bed. No one had ever thrown her! By no means was she a small woman at a full size sixteen. She gaped when she managed to draw in a breath. Brimstone didn’t allow her even this, when completely naked, he pounced, never allowing her a peek at all his male magnificence.

“Now who has too many clothes on?”

He didn’t bother unhooking her bra. He tore it in half, tossing the offending scrap of material across the room. Her breasts were now left open to his hungry gaze, and gaze he did, with such intensity that Amber fought the urge to try and cover them. His deep growl told her it wouldn’t be a smart move. If he hadn’t run yet, she was resigned to let him look his fill.

“Fucking perfect.” His head fell to her breast, taking possession of one tight, pink bud.

Amber almost shot off the bed, but he kept her pinned down with one hand flat on her stomach while he licked and sucked at her right nipple. He switched, moving over until he reached her other breast. Each touch on her nipples, each suck of his drew a direct line down to her clit as if he was tugging at it, and making it pulse. It made her aware of his other hand sliding down toward her sweet spot, with him caressing soothing circles on her lower belly.

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