Her Demonic Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 5) (17 page)

BOOK: Her Demonic Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 5)
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“I haven’t been touched like this in a long time,” he murmured and swallowed when she flattened her palm and stroked the layers of his feathers.

“Since Taylor?” She hated that thought.

Veiron’s red eyes flicked open. He shook his head. “Before her. She never touched me like this. I don’t think anyone has ever touched me the way that you do.”

Erin swallowed, suddenly aware that the only thing that stood between them was a thin duvet. Her pulse raced and blood heated. She kept stroking his crimson feathers, feeling their softness and warmth, savouring the way her touch had Veiron struggling to breathe. His chest heaved, muscles straining, and his eyes burned into her, hot with desire, pupils dilated and reflecting the hunger that she felt within her.

She shook, afraid of where this was leading but unable to bring herself to stop. Veiron was so handsome and strong, so masculine and powerful, immense, and she had felt drawn to him from the moment they had met. Taylor was right about him, but the woman didn’t know the depth of his feelings and warmth. Erin knew. When this man loved, he gave all of himself, and would do all in his power to protect the one he cherished.

Erin wanted to be that one for him.

She wanted to be the one who held him and gave him strength, and made him feel it was all right to let down his guard with her because she would never hurt him. She would cherish him, would do all in her power to protect him, just as he would her.

He reached out to her and she inhaled sharply as he caught her arm. He moved it aside and the covers fell away to reveal her bare breasts. Erin closed her eyes and swallowed when his hot hands moulded over her breasts and he groaned.

“I want you,” he husked and she moaned, nodded, shivered right down to her soul.

“I want you too.” She barely finished her sentence before his mouth swooped on hers and he had her pinned to the bed beneath him, kissing the breath from her.


eiron’s hands came to rest on either side of Erin’s head and pressed hard into the mattress, his body poised above hers. Erin lay beneath him, her eyes fixed on his, mesmerised by how the fiery flakes swirled against their blood red backdrop. Strands of his crimson hair fell down to brush his cheek and caress his forehead, giving her an excuse that she was quick to take. She raised her hand and swept them away, her fingertips lightly brushing his golden skin.

Crimson wings framed him, spread wide so they drifted down on either side of her, blocking her view of the room and keeping her focus solely on Veiron.

He was beautiful.

Black pupils swallowed some of the colour in his irises, conveying his desire as clearly as the rigid length pressed between her legs. All that separated her and his delicious body was a thin sheet and his jeans, and Erin wanted to tear both items away. She ached with the hunger to run her fingers over every inch of Veiron’s bare flesh and to follow her hands with her mouth, tasting his skin and putting all of him to memory. She burned to explore him and seek out the things that gave him the most pleasure. What would make him close his eyes and hiss in satisfaction? The brush of her nails over his pebbled nipples? The swirl of her moist tongue over the soft blunt head of his cock? A rough thrust of her hand down his rigid length? Did he like a gentle lover or a savage one?

Erin wanted to know it all.

She wanted to know all of him.

Veiron leaned down towards her, his long dark lashes falling to shutter his beautiful irises. Erin raised her hands and gently ran her palms down the arch of each crimson wing, delighting in the softness of his feathers. Veiron stopped dead, his breathing a trembling unsteady sound that equally delighted her. Taylor was wrong about this man. He didn’t need a strong lover, not in the way Taylor had meant. He needed someone strong of heart, someone who shared the depth of his emotions and his need for more than just physical contact when making love.

He needed someone who accepted all of him, who felt as strongly as he did, ruled by their emotions and desires.

Erin was that woman.

She lowered her hands, brushing his feathers, and dropped them to his shoulders. From there, she coursed them up his strong thick neck to his cheeks and settled them close to the straight cut of his jaw and held him, waiting for him to emerge and look at her. His lashes slowly lifted, revealing his breathtaking eyes, and they locked with hers.

Erin gently drew him down to her. He moved slowly and with infinite care, lowering himself to his elbows and supporting his weight off her. She held his gaze, bringing him closer, until his breath mixed with hers and she could no longer focus on him. Then she closed her eyes, raised her head and swept her lips across his.

He moaned and shuddered, his reaction more intense than when she had touched his wings for the very first time.

Erin kept her hands against his face, holding him at a distance, stopping him from seizing control of the kiss. She had no doubt in her mind that he could if he truly wanted to, but he seemed content to let her have her way. She lightly brushed her lips across his, teasing him with the whisper of contact, and savoured the taste of him, all masculine heat and spice. He groaned, fisted his hands in her short dark hair and ground against her. That was cheating. Erin’s attempt to keep things high in the emotional side of intimacy failed. She swung straight over to the physical, driven by the feel of his long hard cock rubbing between her thighs and his fingers tangling in her hair. She tried to keep the kiss light but slipped and found herself craning her neck and plunging her tongue into his mouth.

Veiron snarled, tugged her head back and kissed her. Really kissed her.

Erin couldn’t remember the last time a man had dominated her and she had enjoyed it so much. His tongue thrust past her lips and teeth, hot and probing, forcing her into submission and stealing her breath. One strong hand left her black hair and pushed beneath her, settling in the arch of her back. He dragged her up to him, so hard that not a wisp of air remained between them and she could feel every sexy inch of naked steely muscle pressing against her bare flesh. His fingertips dug into her back, his grip sending thoughts of him holding her forever and never letting her go through her mind.


It thrilled her.

Veiron slanted his head and kissed that thought away. Every rational thought left with it, vacating her head, forced out by an intense need to surrender to her passion and desire for this man. If she did, it would be the most incredible experience of her life.

“I need to taste you,” he whispered against her lips, voice roughened by passion, hunger filling each syllable.

Erin could only moan her response, feeling his need echo deep in her veins. She needed to taste every inch of him too.

He devoured her jaw, mouth hard and rough, and followed the line of her neck. He paused near her collarbone, licking the flickering pulse point on her throat. Erin shuddered and couldn’t stop herself from wrapping her legs around his hips. He groaned and she tightened her grip, thighs pressing hard against his hips, feet hooked over his backside.

Veiron pulled on her hair again, bending her head right back, and pressed his tongue into her vein.

“Fuck, I need to taste you.” He growled and wrapped his lips around her throat, tongue laving and teasing, hot and wet against her flesh.

A light clicked on in Erin’s head. He wasn’t talking about the sort of tasting she was. Simple licking and kissing, and maybe the odd nip with blunt teeth wasn’t at the forefront of his mind.

Veiron wanted to bite her.

Taylor had never mentioned Veiron doing such a thing during lovemaking. Had he never done such a thing with her?

Erin swallowed and didn’t respond, fearing that if she so much as moaned at the wrong time he would take it as an invitation to sink razor-sharp red teeth into her flesh and suck her blood.

He moved on, kissing down her chest, descending towards her breasts. He groaned when he reached them and released his grip on her back and her hair, sending her sinking into the mattress. Erin idly stroked his wings, her knees against his waist, and watched him as he pulled one beaded nipple into his mouth and covered her other breast with his hand. He squeezed and kneaded it, all the while suckling her other nipple, a look of sheer bliss on his face.

What was wrong with this picture?

Erin wouldn’t have thought it but the wings put it right there in her head.

An angel lay between her thighs, devouring her breasts, worshipping her body. Seeking pleasure.

It should have made her feel something. Guilt. Wickedness. Evil? It didn’t. She felt alive for the first time in she couldn’t think how long. Veiron brought her to life, filled her body with light and pleasure, with passion and desire, and lit her up like the fifth of November. Every fibre of her being was aware of him, crackling with electricity and need, hunger only this man could sate. She wanted him. Only that want was never satisfied. She could touch, taste, and make love with Veiron until her body could take no more and every ounce of her energy was depleted and she would still want him, still crave him with the same ferocity, as though he was something as necessary to her as her heartbeat.

He bucked as she grasped his wings and sucked hard on her nipple, sending sparks shooting outward across her skin.

“Erin,” he moaned against her breast and it was the sweetest thing she had ever heard. She arched into him, clutching his crimson wings, focusing on him and what he was doing. He moved lower, kissing downwards, flicking his tongue over her ribs, across her stomach and around her navel. “Fuck, I need you so much.”

There was such honesty in those words, such brutal honesty. It flattered her. She felt that same need burning within her, was a slave to it just as he was. She rocked her hips against him, trying to encourage him to keep going, to touch her where she needed him most of all.

Veiron tugged the sheet covering her lower half away and hissed through his teeth.

“God Almighty, you are beautiful.” He kissed below her navel and glided his hands over her breasts, down her waist and across her hips. “Let me see you.”

Erin didn’t hesitate. She spread her legs for him, heart hammering against her chest, body ignoring the quiet voice at the back of her mind that kept shrieking that he was an angel. A Hell’s angel. A fallen angel.

She didn’t care.

The first brush of his tongue over her most sensitive flesh had her flinging her head back and crying out his name.

It had been too long since she had been with a man and Veiron felt too good between her legs. His strong shoulders braced her thighs apart and he slid one long finger deep into her moist core. A second followed it, pumping in and out, heightening her arousal. She wasn’t sure how much she could take.

She scrabbled, grabbed his wing with one hand and buried the other in his hair. She arched her back, pressing her shoulders deep into the mattress. Veiron groaned into her, tongue flicking and teasing, fingers pumping. She really didn’t care about the wings. She trampled the voice out of existence and rocked her hips against his face, moaning each time he sucked her clitoris or thrust his fingers deep into her core.

“Veiron.” It came out as a husky murmur that shocked her. She had never sounded so hungry before, so lost to her desire and need.

Her throaty plea elicited a moan from him and he spread his wings over her like a hawk over its prey, covering her. His feathers tickled her bare skin, the touch of them too light for her to handle when she was so alive with sensation.

She giggled and then groaned, flitting between the two. He shifted his wings and she laughed again, her body clenching around Veiron’s fingers and knees tightening against him.

Veiron growled and was above her in a flash, his red eyes locked on hers, bright with the intensity of a thousand setting suns and so focused that she trembled.

“I must have you.”

Those were growled words, so low she barely heard them. They spoke to her soul, stripping her bare and leaving her open to him. His need for her was primal, something beyond his control. The same as hers was for him.

His wings began to shrink, his focus intensifying, a frown darkening his eyes. She watched them, marvelling as they gradually disappeared into his back.

Suddenly they were gone.

Erin brushed her fingers over his strong shoulders, following the sweeping curves of his tattoos.

She ran her hands under his arms, stroked the muscles over his ribs, and held his gaze as she quested onwards, heading towards his jeans.

Erin paused.

“Don’t stop,” Veiron breathed, voice low and tempting her to continue, eyes hooded and black with desire.

Her cheeks heated and her heart hammered against her chest.

His gaze met hers. “Is something wrong?”

The look in his dark eyes turned from passion to pain and Erin wanted to kiss him again and tell him that she hadn’t changed her mind and she still wanted to do this with him, more than anything. There was just one tiny problem.

“Well... it’s just... I was in Hell for weeks, and it’s not as though I had my, you know... special pills... on hand when I was down there.” Erin closed her eyes and cringed. Way to sound all womanly and take charge. “Total mood killer... but I don’t suppose you’re carrying protection?”

And what was she supposed to make of it if he was? It would lead to more questions and ones he probably didn’t want to answer.

“I’m not fertile.” Veiron’s voice seemed impossibly loud in the darkness of her closed eyes. She cracked them open and peered up at him. “Angels are sterile. We can’t procreate.”

“Oh.” So he basically didn’t have to worry about protection at all, which meant he could bang any woman that took his fancy. The voice in Erin’s heart told her that he wouldn’t. Veiron wasn’t that sort of man and she knew it. She was just scared that whatever was happening between them might not end the way she wanted it to. “So...”

He smiled. “How long has it been? Double figure years that take us back to before you were born. Don’t give me that look. I am an angel... immortal? Ring any bells?”

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