Her Cowboy Daddy (14 page)

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Authors: Dinah McLeod

BOOK: Her Cowboy Daddy
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“Colton…” she whined.

He loved the girlish voice she used when she was pouting and he couldn’t help but grin to himself. “Yep?”

“I don’t like that.”

“Well, I don’t like being lied to.”

I was sorry!”

“Sayin’ it and provin’ it are two different things, baby-girl.”

“Hmph,” she sniffed.

Thinking that was as good an answer as he was going to get, he set to work spanking the now-bare cheeks. His hand rose and fell with a loud, hard
again and again until her creamy flesh had turned a bright shade of pink. She was protesting with little moans and yelps with each swat, but he didn’t stop until he was satisfied.

“Get that cute butt into the corner over there,” he ordered, freeing her legs and giving her a sharp swat for motivation.

With a yelp, she leapt up from the couch and over to the corner he’d indicated.

“That’s right, stick your nose into it. Yep, just like that. Panties down now.”


“You heard me. Now do what I told you.”

With slow, jerky movements, Scarlett slid her panties down her cheeks and turned back around to face the corner. He took his time enjoying the view. My, oh my, she had the most gorgeous globes he’d ever seen. Whether they were creamy white or rosy red, they were shapely and perfect.

“Kick them off,” he instructed without taking his eyes off her. “You won’t be needin’ them.”

Scarlett’s head snapped around and she glared daggers at him. He looked back calmly, secretly chuckling on the inside, and watched as she did as he instructed. Before she turned back around, he got his first glimpse of her sweet-looking pussy. He’d bet his prize horse that it tasted better than it looked—and that would be saying something. Too bad she was being punished, otherwise he’d relish the chance to dive between those legs and get her moaning for an altogether different reason. Maybe, depending on how she took the rest of her punishment…

“Alright, honey, come on out,” he called after a moment. “Fetch me that wooden spoon out of the jar, would you?”

Scarlett’s brow furrowed as she looked at him, but she walked to the kitchen all the same. He loved that about her. She seemed, at her core, to want to be obedient, to please him. He hoped he wasn’t wrong on that one. When she came back, she held the spoon to her chest, as though it was a treasured possession. Or, perhaps she just didn’t want to relinquish it, he mused. Had she already guessed what it was for?

“A-are you going t-to hit me with this?” she asked, still clutching it tightly.

“I’m going to spank you,” he corrected, holding out his hand.

She hesitated for the smallest fraction before handing it over. Then she watched with wide, wary eyes as he sat on the couch and patted his lap once more. Once she’d laid face-down over his knees, he took a moment to caress her sunset-pink cheeks. They were such a pretty hue, and still warm to the touch.

Colton marveled at the feelings that welled up inside of him as he admired the beautiful ass that had been offered up in complete submission. This certainly wasn’t his first rodeo; he’d spanked his fair share of women. Hell, he’d even paddled and whipped some of them. Yet, not a single one of them had touched his heart the way that Scarlett had. While he could certainly appreciate the display in front of him, he was spanking her for punishment, not for pleasure. With every other woman, he had ached to see just how red he could turn their bottoms. Where Scarlett was concerned, he wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, once he held the heavy, thick wooden spoon in his hand, he knew that wouldn’t be prudent. He needed to take it slow, both to give her enough time to fully appreciate the burn in her bottom, but also so that he didn’t overwhelm her with pain.

“I’m going to paddle you now,” he told her softly, running his hand over her bared cheeks, making her shiver. “I’m going to go slow, but it’s going to hurt. I’m not going to stop until I mean to, no matter what, but then your punishment will be completely over.”

“Yes, sir,” she murmured, sounding more like an angel than a repentant little girl just then. “I understand.”

With a nod that she could not see, he began to rub the smooth wood over her cheeks. Though he knew it couldn’t have hurt, she still flinched at the contact. She’d do more than flinch when she felt the sting that a wooden spoon could impart. He raised his hand and brought the spoon crashing down with a swift, loud crack that instantly earned a scream from Scarlett. She’d taken her spanking so well, up till now. After that first lick of the unforgiving spoon, she was now thrashing over his lap as she cried, trying to throw herself off his knees.

“Stop it,” he scolded, his voice stern.

“I c-ca-can’t,” she sobs. “It

“I told you it would, Scarlett, now be still so we can finish this.”

“No,” she gasped, craning her neck to look back at him. “You
. It hurts sooo badly!”

“I’m sorry, I can’t?” He arched both brows in silent condemnation. “Who’s the little girl who lied?”

“I-I did, but—”

“No, no buts. You earned this paddlin’, and you know it. Now, no more thrashin’ about or I’ll double what you’ve got comin’.”

Scarlett went pale and it was almost enough—
—to convince him to stop. But then he reminded himself that she really had brought this on herself, and she had to learn. Steeling himself against the tears in those pretty blue eyes, he raised the wooden spoon again. Scarlett’s eyes grew wide as saucers before she turned back around, burying her face in the cushion that rested beside her. When he gave her the swat, her scream was muffled, as were the sobs that followed.

He gave her an even dozen, six on each side, and they were all delivered to her quivering thighs. He wanted her to learn her lesson so well that they never ended up here again, and the only way that could happen was if she was well and truly punished for her actions. She would remember this spanking for a day or two, of that he was certain. He didn’t like to give this kind of punishment often, but she needed to know how seriously he took lying. By the time he finished, she was nothing more than a sobbing, shaking bundle of nerves. He was more than happy to pick her up and sit her down gently in his lap as he wrapped his arms around her. She seemed more than grateful to accept.

“Shh,” he murmured, pressing his lips to her hair. Her normally straight, golden hair had been mussed throughout her punishment and he smiled to see her halo a bit out of place. If anyone asked, he would have said that he found her more beautiful than ever. “It’s all over.”

“I-I’m sorry,” she sobbed into his chest. “I am, I p-promise.”

“Shh. I believe you. Hush now. Give yourself some time to catch your breath.” He waited like that for a while, letting her cry her heart out. He knew that she was crying about more than the lie she’d told, about more than her sore bottom. But he’d let her tell him about it when she was ready—he didn’t think she could handle any probing questions just now.

“I’ll be right back,” he said, trying to disentangle himself.

“No!” she cried out, tightening her grip and hanging on to him for dear life.

“I’ll just be a moment, baby. I promise.” He gave her several reassuring kisses on her brow before she reluctantly released her hold. He chuckled to himself and made quick work of finding what he needed. He was as anxious to be back at her side as she seemed to be to have him there.

When he walked back into the living room, his hands were full. “See, I’m back,” he told her. “Lie on your belly.”

She gave him a pitiful, sad look, but did as he asked.

“Don’t worry, baby, you’re not in trouble. I told you we’d be done after your paddling.” Setting his other items down, he unscrewed the top off the jar he carried. “This will make you feel a little better,” he said as he applied a thick smear of soothing cream to her bottom. As he worked it in, moving to every inch of skin and working around the butt plug, he heard her let out a sigh of pleasure.

“I do feel better, daddy… well, a little better, anyhow.”

“That’s good. I want you to be as comfortable as possible. Now, sit up.” As soon as she obeyed—only wincing slightly as her butt hit the couch once more—he slid behind her and began brushing out her hair with the brush he’d brought.

“What are you doin’, daddy?”

He grinned, wondering if she’d ever know how much that endearment meant to him. “I’m going to braid your hair, baby.”

“Two braids, please,” she said, brightening considerably.

“Oh, two is it?” he chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do.” He managed quite nicely, surprising himself. “Go have a look in the mirror.”

She toddled off quite happily and when she came back, she rewarded him with a grin that lit up her entire face. Her cheeks seemed rosy with pleasure, instead of pain, her eyes bright with happiness instead of tears. He was quite pleased with the effect himself.

“Okay, sweetheart, why don’t you run along to the bathroom, then I think it’s time to take a nap.”

Scarlett’s brow furrowed immediately. “But I’m not sleepy.”

“Yes, you are, baby. Now, don’t argue. Come here.”

When Scarlett obeyed, he made quick work of removing the butt plug and grinned to himself as she ran off to the bathroom. When she came back, she was a sight more subdued than when she’d left.

“I’m still not sleepy,” she told him. He pointed firmly at the couch and though she stuck out her lower lip, other than that small pout, she made no protest. She came over to the couch and lay down, even giving him a small smile when he spread a blanket over her.


“Yes,” she replied, seeming surprised to realize that she was.

Colton wasn’t surprised in the least and had, in fact, come prepared for such. When he held out the bottle full of grape juice, he watched as many emotions flickered over her face. There was surprise, of course, as well as confusion and perhaps a bit of disgust.

“What do you want me to do with that?” she asked at last.

“What do you think?”

“You can’t want me to… to drink out of it.”

“I do.”

“But that’s for babies!”

“As a matter of fact, it is. And that’s okay, because you’re my baby today.”


“Don’t you want to be my baby, Scarlett?” She didn’t answer, except in the form of biting her bottom lip and looking away. When they flickered back toward him, though, they were full of a shy desire that he read loud and clear. This time, when he offered her the bottle, she reached out and took it.

From the moment that her lips touched the nipple, she seemed to be in her own world. She seemed contented and at peace in a way he’d never seen her before. He sat down and just watched as she drank until she was finished and fell asleep. Even then he didn’t move from his spot. He knew she needed to rest, and he wanted to stay with her while she did.

Chapter Five



When Scarlett’s eyes fluttered open, she had a flash of momentary panic. She didn’t know where she was, only that her ass felt sore in a way she’d never felt before and her eyelids felt heavier than lead balloons. She almost let them slide shut again until she caught sight of Colton in the rocking chair. Suddenly, everything came rushing back and she felt embarrassed, humiliated, and tenderly loved all at once. This man seemed to bring a mix of emotions along with him, but he made her feel things that she didn’t know she was even capable of.

“Hey there. I didn’t think you’d be up for another hour at least.”

She smiled shyly. “I am still tired.”

“Then rest. You need it.”

“Have you been there the whole time?”

“What, in the chair? No, I was on the ottoman for a while, then I moved.”

“I… I thought you’d have gone home by now.”

“And leave you alone?” He seemed shocked at the suggestion, which made her feel good in a way that, if pressed, she wouldn’t have been able to explain. “No, I’d rather stay and make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m more than a little sore.”

“Well, that’s to be expected. But otherwise?”

Other than what? She wondered. Then she realized what he was asking. Was it possible that Colton—big, strong, rodeo-winning Colton—was insecure? “I know I deserved to be punished, if that’s what you’re asking.”

There was no denying the visible relief that washed over his face. “I’m sorry I had to be the one to do it.”

“I wouldn’t want anyone else to do it.” She hadn’t intended to tell him such a thing, even if it
true, but when his face broke into a smile, she couldn’t regret it.

“I hope that’s not your way of sayin’ that your other boyfriends had stronger spanking arms.”

“No, not at all,” she giggled, tickled at the idea of anyone else even trying. She didn’t think she would put up with it from anyone but Colton.

“Ah, speakin’ of boyfriends…”

She tensed immediately. Here it comes, she thought. She knew they’d come around to it eventually, but she’d hoped for more time to be like this, just laughing and joking with one another.

But instead of finishing, Colton stood up and walked toward her. He scooped her up into his arms, quilt and all, and sat back down with her cuddled in his lap. It was easy to sink into him, to lie her head on his chest and inhale his delicious, manly scent. Being in his arms helped her relax considerably, and suddenly this line of conversation didn’t seem so bad.

“I heard you got a visit last night.”

“Mrs. Fettermen?” she guessed, even though she already knew the answer.

“Like I said, when they told me you called out sick, I hightailed it over here and she caught me in the hallway. She actually thought I was your ex, at first.”

Scarlett winced, wondering what the old lady had said to Colton. She might be up in years, but that didn’t mean that her tongue wasn’t sharper than anyone Scarlett had ever met. “I’m sorry, Colton.”

“You’re sorry?” he echoed. “Hell,
the one who’s sorry. If I’d had any idea…”

“I should have told you,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. I just…”

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