Her Black Tiger (Alaskan Tigers Book 11) (5 page)

BOOK: Her Black Tiger (Alaskan Tigers Book 11)
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Chapter Six

nger simmered
within Carran until he thought his beast would spring free. It had been a fucking setup. The information that came through an old contact in the area was planted by one of the wolf pack. His money was on someone working directly with Donovick. That bastard must have been watching them and knew he didn’t stand a chance getting his hands on Brooklynn with Carran there.

“When I get my hands on that wolf…” His words were cut off by a growl escaping as if his tiger wanted to express rage further.

“She’s alive and we’ll get her.” Red grabbed a box of ammo out of the back of the SUV.

“Got an extra one?” Ambrose tossed his bag into the back seat and climbed in. “Gun, I mean, not mate,” he added as the others got into the SUV as well.

“We got this.” Carran pulled his gun from the holster and slid behind the wheel. He’d drive and Red could reload him. “You can wait in the vehicle.”

“That worked so well last time.”

With his gun still in his hand, Carran turned back to look at Ambrose. The lion didn’t know how close he was to getting shot. That comment implied that he was at fault for leaving his mate alone and unprotected. At the time it seemed like a better answer than taking her into a house with a possible rogue.

“We’re not going to lose another mate. Not today.” Ambrose unzipped his bag and pulled out a knife. “If I have to, I’ll go up against the wolves with this, but we both know a gun would be better. Let me help you save your mate.”

“Drive. We’re falling behind them.” Red slid the now refilled magazine into his own weapon before taking Carran’s. “Do you even have any experience?”

“No,” Carran answered for Ambrose. “The Rhode Island Tigers are small and they don’t encounter problems. The Alpha doesn’t even have his land secured to keep people who might mean them harm out. If anything, they’re a target.”

“True, but I’m a lion. Even before there were threats from others, we had our own issues. Lion shifters are more like our animal than humans. Our biggest issue has always been inner pride fighting. Males want to take over, lead the pride, and the weaker lions will be killed. If a male wants to survive within a pride, they must be willing to fight and even kill for that right.” Ambrose dropped the knife on top of his bag and leaned forward. “This is your mate. Are you willing to risk her?”

“He’s right, Carran.” The click of the magazine sliding back into the gun brought home the point before Red continued. “She’s injured and if they took her, they’d take her back to the wolves’ den. We’re out numbered and can use all the help we can get.”

“Fuck!” Carran took his gaze off the road for a moment to glance in the rearview mirror at Ambrose. “Give him a damn gun and call Taber. Find out where my backup is.” His grip tightened on the steering wheel, turning his knuckles white, and the wheel creaked under the pressure.

“You’re going to have a hard time explaining how you bent the steering wheel.” Red barely glanced at Carran as he found Taber in his contact list.

“I should have never left her alone.” He growled, forcing himself to loosen his grip on the wheel, but as he did so, he pressed harder on the accelerator as if he needed to take his rage out on something.

The scent of Brooklynn’s blood kept his tiger on edge as he drove through the city streets. Thanks to the little tracking device Tabitha had handed him before he boarded the plane, he knew where they were taking her. Now he just had to get there before they could hurt her further.
Hang on, I’m coming for you.

lone in total darkness
, Brooklynn struggled against the ropes that held her to the chair. Every part of her body ached, but sitting there waiting for Donovick to come back wasn’t an option. He was livid, because in his mind she’d betrayed him and that rage would lead to her death. Cops like her father would lay down their lives for their partners, but for Donovick there was a higher bond than that—his pack. Being willing to die for something or someone was one thing, but being willing to kill was another. He was more than willing to kill her, and he almost seemed to enjoy the idea of it.

During the nine months on the job, she’d spent at least forty hours a week with him, mostly in a patrol car, and before this she would have said she knew him as well as his wife. She wouldn’t have believed he could hide something that was so much a part of him from her. How had she never thought there was something different about him? What else didn’t she know about the man who’d once been her partner and her friend?

It was too dark for her to see where she was, so she tried to focus on her other senses. Her head pounded as she tried to listen for a car or anything that might let her know she was still in the city. Only the chirps of crickets echoed through the still night, stealing the hope that Donovick had taken her back to his house. He owned a small house in the city that sat just below the sound divider from the highway. Crickets wouldn’t be heard over vehicles driving up and down the highway, not even late at night.

Outside of the city…Carran will never be able to find me.
She shivered as the cool air that whistled through the slots in the boards behind her blew past her.
Somewhere outside the city…
She dragged the toe of her shoe across the floor and realized it was dirt. A barn? The darkness made it too hard to tell, but it was a possibility.

If she could get out of the ropes, she might be able to get free. She pulled on the ropes again, tugging and wiggling her wrists until they were raw. Needing something to cut them with, she twisted in the chair to look for something she could use.

“Don’t bother.” A rough voice that had an odd familiarity to it cut through the darkness.

“Who’s there?” She twisted back around to find who’d spoken, but all she could see was blackness. “Stay away from me.”

“Why?” The voice was closer but she still couldn’t see anyone. “You know you’re going to die. Wouldn’t you prefer I do it quickly instead of waiting until Don comes back? I promise you, he won’t make it quick.” He let out a ferocious laugh that seemed to echo off the walls of the barn and sent a chill through her.

“I did nothing.” She was met with only silence. “Donovick? Can you hear me? Think of Meghan and your son. Don’t tear your family apart over something that can be fixed. I didn’t do anything.”

“Except out our kind in your report.” A light flicked on, casting a soft glow, revealing the man before her.

“Lieutenant Dixon…” Her breath escaped her lungs and black dots danced in her vision. There before her stood her commanding officer and his words were like a knife twisting in her stomach. O
ur kind…he’s a shifter.

“I can see you didn’t know what I was.” He pulled a knife from his belt and stepped closer.

The darkness in his eyes warned her that the knife wouldn’t be used to cut her free. He had something more sinister in mind. “I…want to retract my statement. It was the concussion. I…wasn’t…please…” He flung the knife at her and it landed deep within her thigh, tearing a scream from her throat. Pain exploded though her and tears welled in her eyes. “Fuck!” She fought against her bonds, her stomach churning as the burning sensation spread.

“Stop.” He reached down and pulled the knife from her leg. “I missed the artery…
this time

“Please…” She couldn’t remember what she was begging him for as she fought the darkness threatening to close in on her again. If she fell back into the bliss of unconsciousness, she might not wake. There were at least three people involved with her kidnapping. Lieutenant Dixon and Donovick had a personal reason to want revenge. She wasn’t sure of the last person, she couldn’t even picture him, but she could remember his voice.

Fight. Carran will find me.
She forced air into her lungs, taking a few deep breaths before looking up at her commanding officer. “It was a mistake, but you can squash the reports. My concussions. I’ll go to the station and file an amendment, state it was a dream. I didn’t know what I was talking about. I’ll tell them whatever you want.”

“But now you know the truth.” Donovick came out of the shadows and glanced from her to Dixon. “I told you, she’s mine.”

“You’re both wrong.” Carran flung a door to her right open and stepped through, his gun raised. “She’s mine.”

“I knew you’d come.” Standing mostly in the shadows, Donovick reached behind his back and she knew what he was going for.

“Gun!” She pulled against the ropes, putting all her effort into it.
They’re going to die because of me.
In an instant, things went to hell. Dixon brushed the small light off the bench, pushing it to the floor, sending the room back into darkness. Before her eyes had a moment to adjust, she could hear footsteps. Someone was running. Neither Donovick or Dixon seemed like the type to run, but Carran wouldn’t have left her. Would he?

“Red, go…” Carran’s order made her glance in the direction of his voice.

A gunshot rang out, but she couldn’t see what was happening. “Carran…”

“Shh.” The deepness of his voice was enough for her to know it wasn’t Carran, but there was something familiar to it. Was it Red? She wasn’t sure and all she could make out was the silhouette of the man crouched beside her. “Stay quiet. I’m going to get you out of here.” The blade of his knife slipped beneath the rope and brushed along her skin. Even as she flinched away, he was careful not to cut her. “I’m with Carran. I’m not going to hurt you.”

Not being able to see him, she wasn’t sure she could trust him, but what choice did she have? She stayed still and let him cut her free. If she wasn’t tied up, she might stand a chance. Letting him do his work, she tried to make out the movement of Carran and Donovick fighting somewhere in front of her.
Carran, please be okay.

Twice, he’d risked himself for her. Why? He was looking for the man who’d attacked her earlier, but he didn’t need her to find him. So why had he come back for her? He could have left her in Donovick’s hands. He’d no longer have to worry about their secret going any further because she’d be dead by morning.

“Can you walk?”

“I think.” The last of the ropes fell away and a hand cupped her under her arms, helping her rise. Pain exploded through her and without his support she would have collapsed back onto the chair. “Maybe not.” She cringed, gasping.

Without a word, he lifted her, and walked toward the exit. She couldn’t see anything as he held her against his chest and carried her to the door without bumping into anything.

“We can’t leave…” A few hours ago she couldn’t get away from him fast enough, and now she wanted to hang around, giving Donovick a chance to kill her, all for a man she didn’t even know.

“He’s fine.” He didn’t slow down as he stepped through the door and carried her toward the SUV that was parked a few feet from the barn. “He’ll be behind—”

The lights of the SUV lit the area and she caught a glimpse of her savior. “It’s you!” She slammed her fists on his chest, wiggling to try to escape his grasp. “Let me go!”

“Stop.” His grip tightened. “I told you I mean you no harm.”

“Bullshit! This is all your fault.” The back of the SUV was open and he sat her down on the tailgate, quickly grabbing her wrists to stop her assault. “People are trying to kill me because of you!”

Chapter Seven

he mission
to Pennsylvania became complicated, but Carran wasn’t about to feel guilty over saving a woman’s life.
Not just any woman. She’s my mate.
The dead wolf—possibly two dead wolves if Red was able to catch the other one—wouldn’t make things easy with the wolf pack. It was likely he’d just created an enemy, not only for himself but for both the Alaskan Tigers and the West Virginia Tigers. One thing they didn’t need right now was a wolf pack gunning for them. He’d have to inform Ty and see how his Alpha wanted him to proceed, but first he needed to check on his mate.

Wiping his blood stained hands on his black jeans, Carran stepped out of the barn just in time to see Brooklynn sucker punch Ambrose in the stomach. She must have packed quite a punch to have Ambrose bent over and the wind knocked out of him. A cry of pain tore from her lips as she climbed down from the tailgate and tried to get away from Ambrose. Her pain tainted the air, making his tiger lunge forward.

“What the hell is going on?” Neither of them answered him. Instead, Brooklynn hobbled farther away from him, doing her best to move faster. She glanced back over her shoulder at him, as if suddenly terrified. “Where do you think you’re going?”


“Get Galen over here now,” he ordered Red without even glancing toward him as he stalked after Brooklynn. When he was close enough, he wrapped his hand around her bicep and forced her against the side of the barn until her back was pressed against the old wood. Using his body as a barricade, he stopped her from moving away from the wall. “I’ll ask you again, what’s going on?”

“Get off me, asshole.” She tipped her head toward the SUV. “What’s he doing here? You sent him after me!”

“He untied you and got you out of there safely.” There was no doubt she recognized Ambrose, but he wasn’t certain where her anger was coming from. Ambrose helped save her life, but she wasn’t thankful, only furious.

“He’s the reason I’m in this mess. If he’d have kept his—”

“Cat in the bag?” Carran smirked. “Finding out about shifters isn’t such a bad thing. It will open you up to new opportunities if you let it.”

“It’s when they want to kill me that upsets me.” She pressed her head against the wall and sighed. “He’s dead, isn’t he?” Unshed tears coated her voice.

His hand slid down her arm until he could entwine his fingers with hers. “He planned on killing you.”

“I know.” She turned her head and looked past him, out toward the open field that led to the woods backing the property. While he could see the landscape and his backup in the distance, he knew all she saw was darkness. She must’ve found comfort in it somehow. She added, “I considered him a friend. His wife Meghan and their son…”

“His family will be taken care of.”

“Taken care of?” She looked back at him with wide eyes, her jaw slack. “What comfort does that offer her? Her husband is dead and Randy will be raised without a father.”

He was silent for a moment, lost in his thoughts about the innocent child involved. He was very much aware of what it was like to grow up without a parent, but Randy still had his mother and the wolf pack. Sometimes growing up without a parent was better than growing up with them. Maybe it would save him from turning out like his father. In the end, leaving Donovick alive would have put Brooklynn in jeopardy and that was unacceptable. It didn’t mean that he didn’t feel sympathy for the boy; it only meant he’d do it again if it came down to it. “He’d have come after you again.”

“There is a legal system for a reason. You can’t go around acting like judge, jury, and executioner.”

He brought his hand up from her waist and cupped the side of her face. “I did it to keep you safe. Damn it, Brooklynn…” His thumb brushed along the corner of her mouth, bringing his beast forward, urging him to kiss her. He thought he’d lost her and now that she was standing in front of him again, he wanted to find out what she tasted like. To press his lips to hers and allow the mating desire to rush through them.

“What?” she pressed.

Instead of answering, he slipped his thumb under her chin and forced her head back just enough to give him what he desired. As if she realized what was about to happen, she licked her lips, sending a pulse through his shaft. He traced his finger down the curve of her neck, before coming back up to tangle his fingers in her blonde hair. Then he leaned down to claim her lips.

The full lips that called to him tasted like freshly picked strawberries, so sweet, making him want more. With each kiss, her longing seemed to grow until she met his kisses with an eagerness of her own. The fist she had at her side uncurled and she hooked a finger through his belt loop, pulling him against her until he wasn’t sure where he ended and she began. The mating desire burned within him, urging him onward until he slipped his tongue between her lips. It wasn’t enough, but it would have to sustain him—at least until Galen healed her. With one last kiss, he forced himself to stop.

“Wow.” Her voice was breathy. “What was that?”

A deep chuckle vibrated in his chest and he pressed his forehead against hers. “A kiss. And that, beautiful, was just a sample.”

“No.” She looked directly into his eyes, telling him she wasn’t backing down this time. “You refused to answer me before about this…sensation. But when you kissed me, it was different, stronger.”

“Not yet.” He leaned back from her, but before he could step back, she hooked another finger through his belt loop and kept him pressed against her. “We need to attend to your wound.”

“You can take me to the hospital after you answer me.” She glanced down at her leg as if she forgot about it and when she touched it a soft moan escaped her lips. “But maybe I could sit down. I feel lightheaded.”

“Let go.” He stepped back, breaking her hold, and lifted her into his arms. “Just hold on another minute, beautiful. Galen is almost here.”

“Galen?” She glanced over his shoulder, obviously looking for movement.

“He’s with me, part of my backup detail that’s just arrived. He’ll see to your injuries.” He carried her back over to the SUV and sat her down on the tailgate without breaking his skin-to-skin contact. She didn’t know it yet, but his touch was keeping her pain at bay. “Red and Galen are coming up the drive now.”

“I don’t see a road.” She twisted around to look toward the side of the SUV.

“Take my word for it.” He grabbed a package of cotton gauze and tore it open, setting it aside to grab a pair of scissors. “Look directly behind me and you’ll see the SUV’s lights any second.” She did, and while she was distracted, he slipped the tip of the scissors under the material of her jeans and began to clear the area.

“Holy hell!” She dug her nails into his shoulder and fought to stay silent through the pain. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Galen’s going to need the area clear so he can heal you.” As her wound came into view, he had to suppress a growl from his tiger. The jagged wound and blood making his tiger want to tear Donovick apart. He hadn’t done nearly enough to that bastard to make up for the wound on his mate.

“What are you talking about? I need…stiches.” The last part come out breathy.

He glanced up at her and found her pale. “Are you going to pass out?” She shook her head, her breath coming in shallow gasps, and he wasn’t convinced. “Damn it, it must be the head wound. Stay with me, Brooklynn, he’s almost here.”


He tore his shirt off, quickly draping it over her lap, blocking her leg from view. “My tough cop faints at the sight of blood.”

“Even the best of us get lightheaded at the sight of blood,” Galen said as he came up in front of them. “Instead of chastising her, you could have put something other than your bloody shirt over her.”

“It’s what I had available.” Carran took a quick glance at the healer. From looking at Galen, anyone could tell he’d lived a hard life. The crinkled skin around his eyes, the snow white hair that was always combed back, were clear indications he’d grown older quicker than most shifters. Even in his mid-seventies, he was still able to keep up with the rest of them. On missions, the teams forced him to stay back a safe distance. He was too valuable to the clan to risk him. Though no one knew his whole story, and Carran suspected not even Ty knew all of it, the healer had still been welcomed into their clan.

“Don’t let him lie,” Brooklynn teased. “He wanted me to see his chest.” She glanced from Carran to Galen.

“I’ll show you more than that if you let Galen work.” Carran squeezed her hand.

“Get behind her and hold her tight.” The old tiger began to peel his gloves off, slowly working from finger to finger before slipping them into his pocket.

“What? Why?” Her anxiety rose, all of them sensing it.

Carran climbed onto the SUV and slipped behind her so that his legs were on either side of her. “Galen is a healer. You won’t need stiches and in a few moments, other than the blood and ripped jeans, you won’t even know you had a wound. The headache, nausea, and dizziness that you’ve been fighting will be gone. In order for that to happen, you need to stay still while he heals you.”

“I heal with touch,” Galen explained. “It’s why I wear the gloves. There won’t be any pain, but you’ll feel a warmth as your body repairs itself. There will be a glow, but I want you to stay relaxed and let me do this. Focus on your ma—” Carran shook his head, cutting Galen off, who quickly corrected himself. “Focus on Carran. He’s been through this before and he’ll talk to you. It doesn’t matter what he says, just focus on the sound of his voice. Let it carry you away.”

“I think I should just go to the hospital.” She shifted uneasily as Carran’s arms came around her.

“You can’t. There would be too many questions we can’t answer. More importantly, Donovick and the other man aren’t the only shifters on the police force. Some of them belong to the Donovick Wolves. You wouldn’t be safe, but you’re safe with us. Trust me.” He wrapped his arms around her so that she was held snug, but not so tight it would frighten her. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“You just won’t tell me the truth.”

His body stiffened. Normally, having a human mate meant he had to take a risk and tell her what he was. With Brooklynn, she already knew, and while that should relieve some of the tension for him, it only made things worse. She was in this situation because of a shifter and she already proved she was still angry with Ambrose. Would she accept a shifter mate?

he sun was already peeking
over the horizon when they arrived at the safe house. Brooklynn wanted to go home, but Carran reminded her that she was an easy target there. Her coworkers could easily find her address, and until he had an opportunity to speak with the Alpha of Donovick’s pack, the danger was too great.

Curled up on the chair, the room’s only furniture besides the bed, she tried to figure a way out of this mess. How could she fight against people who were stronger and faster than her? Even if she could stand her ground with them, how could she find them? Any one of the officers she worked with could be a shifter and she wouldn’t have known. How many had she worked next to over the last year? Were they all a threat?

“It would have been better if Donovick had just killed me.” Rage flared within her and she flung the throw pillow on the armrest across the room.

“No, it wouldn’t have.” Carran strolled through her door toward her.

“Go away.” The soft glow from the bedside table lamp reflected off his bare chest. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen him without a shirt, but last time she had been unable to appreciate the contours of his chest. He had a body that some men would kill for. Water droplets teased their way down his toned chest, making her want to run her tongue along the same paths.
What the hell…I barely know him. Lust…that’s all this is and all it will ever be.
Even as she told herself that, she couldn’t tear her attention from his body. She took him in like she was drawing a mental picture of him that she could carry with her for the rest of her life.

“No. You’re feeling sorry for yourself because things are uncertain at the moment and you’re stuck here with a bunch of shifters.”

“That’s not it. It’s not because of shifters, it’s because…” She ran her hand over the smoothness of the chair arm. “Saying it out loud now sounds so selfish, but my life is in tatters. It’s like when you tear up a piece of paper and toss the bits into the wind. They all scatter and no matter how hard I look; the pieces are gone. I’ll never be able to stitch them back together to make something out of this mess.”

“You’re alive. That’s what matters.” He crouched next to the chair so they were eye level.

“I’ll have to leave the city. I love this place.” She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and sighed. “People are dead, there’s a wanted man in the next room, and I’m sitting here upset because I’ll have to leave the city.”

“When I left, things worked out and I know they will for you, too. But if you want to stay here, I’ll do everything I can to make it possible for you.”

As he rose from before her, she watched him closely. There was something in his voice that she couldn’t make out. It was almost as if he was dreading the day they had to go their separate ways.
That’s crazy. He doesn’t even know me.

“If it makes you feel better, Ambrose is no longer wanted.” Carran stepped back from her, putting a little distance between them, and turned toward the window. “So don’t feel guilty that you’re not arresting him or calling the police.”

“Because you’ve erased his charges? That’s illegal.” She let out a lighthearted chuckle. “After everything that’s happened tonight, I’m worried about you hacking the system to erase your friends’ charges. Instead, I should be concerned with going to prison myself. Someone will find out that Donovick and Lieutenant Dixon are dead and it won’t take long before they know we were there. My fingerprints are on file, and they’ll put a warrant out for my arrest.”

Her chest tightened. No matter how many breaths she took, she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. She’d end up in jail, possibly prison. A cop turned inmate spelled nothing but disaster. A cool hand took hold of hers, pulling her gently upward, forcing her to stand. She knew from the tingling sensation that spread from the contact that it was Carran, but she couldn’t see him. All she could see was the prison cell she’d be confined to for years. The walls closed in around her until she realized they weren’t walls but inmates. The skills she’d learned as an officer would keep her alive, but it would mean doing time in the hole. How long until solitary confinement broke her?

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