Her Big Bad Polar Bear (3 page)

BOOK: Her Big Bad Polar Bear
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Chapter 5



Andy tried to keep her eyes on the scenery outside of the big black Denali SUV. It was hard when what she really wanted to do was have Cosmo strip bare so that she could lick him all over. The man was drop-dead gorgeous. Her heart rate sped up and her palms were sweaty. She’d never responded to a guy like this before.

“So how long have you worked for the Rasbone…”

“Rasbone Archeological Research and Consultant Firm? I’ve been there about four years now.”

“Is this your first field experience?”

“Yes. Normally I’m in the research department but I was offered this position and couldn’t pass it up. How long have you lived in Miracle, Mr. Vedar?”

“All my life. Over five generations now.”

“Have you ever thought about moving to a city?”
Yes, he should move to a city and become a male underwear model.
Good grief, the man was hot! His voice was like warm chocolate.

He pulled over to the side of the road and pointed out the window. “Why would I give up all this just to live in a large, overcrowded city?”

She looked out the window and it was like a winter wonderland. The snow cascaded down the limbs of the trees and the ground was coated with the white stuff. “It’s beautiful. Point taken.”

The SUV started moving again. She kept her eyes on the gorgeous landscape. She should have pulled her camera out of her bag so that she could take pictures. She jumped when her pants pocket started to vibrate. She reached down to pull out her cell phone and answered.

“Hi. No, the bed and breakfast was booked up. I’m being taken to a cabin by my tour guide. You know that I will. Okay, love you too.” She hung up her phone and felt eyes on her. She glanced over at the guide. “What?”

“How does your husband feel about you coming out here in the middle of an ice village all alone?”

“I wouldn’t know since I’m not married.”

“So that was your boyfriend then?”

She looked at him curiously. Was he trying to find out if she was available? Did he miss the sexual looks that Rhonda was giving him? He couldn’t really be interested in her. She was dressed like an oversized Koala.

“I don’t have a boyfriend, either. That was my dad.”

Cosmo smiled at her and she felt her heartbeat speed up. What kind of game was he playing with her?

“Here we are,” Cosmo told her as he parked the SUV.

Andy looked out at the cabin. It was larger than she thought it would be and had a nice front porch with two rocking chairs facing a lake. She could picture herself waking up in the morning and having a cup of coffee as the sun rose. She bounded out of the passenger seat, almost losing her footing on the ground.

Cosmo caught her before she hit the ground and steadied her. “Easy, now.” His hands lingered on her hips.

“Thanks.” Her voice was breathy as she stared up into his dark brown eyes. For a moment, they almost looked black. Then they lightened up. She blinked.
Had she imagined that?
“I’ve got it now.”

He pulled his hands away. “Go on inside. I’ll bring your luggage.”

“Okay.” She walked more carefully over the snow covered ground toward the cabin, then climbed the steps and paused once she was on the porch to look back toward the lake. The sun was starting to set and the view was breathtaking. “I definitely see why you would want to stay here.” She turned and opened the unlocked door.

At first glance of the interior, she burst into laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Cosmo asked, coming inside.

Andy waved her hand around the nicely decorated cabin. It had big, comfortable furniture, and the kitchen was a chef’s dream: an eat in bar and a small kitchen table. There was a large stone fireplace with comfortable looking couches and chairs around it. The place had electricity and all the necessities. It looked like it should be on the cover of a magazine.

“I am just thinking that Rhonda is going to be pissed when she finds out that she passed on a luxurious cabin. She probably assumed it was a minimalist cabin with no running water and no electricity.”

“Well, we do have some of those around, but we would never offer it to hum...our customers.” Cosmo carried the luggage down the hallway. “The bedroom is back here, along with a fully functioning bathroom.”

She started to remove her coat, gloves, and her extra layers. By the time Cosmo came back to the front room, she was down to just a single clinging sweater and her jeans. She was glad that she had braided her long hair. The braid fell to her waist. She looked up and saw that Cosmo was staring at her intently, and his eyes looked black again.



Cosmo’s bear was roaring to break free and claim the female. What the hell? He came back from the bedroom and found what he thought was going to be a plump female to be instead a very curvy, hot brunette. Damn if her scent wasn’t stronger now that she had removed some of those layers. He wanted to remove all her clothing and rub himself all over her so that his scent on her would warn other males away from her. What was he thinking?

He went into the kitchen and opened some of the cabinets. “There’s not a lot of food in the cabin. We weren’t expecting visitors and it’s probably been a few months since the last person was here. The water comes from a spring so it’s fresh, and there’s coffee beans. If you’re hungry, I can have Sage bring you a meal from the local diner. In the morning I will come by and take you to pick up groceries.”

“I don’t want to put anyone to any trouble.”

“It’s no trouble. The local dinner has great food. What things do you like to eat?”

“I’m fine with anything. What do you suggest?”

“They have a great T-bone and baked potato.”

“That sounds perfect.”

Cosmo pulled out his cell phone and called his sister. “Hey, Sage. Yeah, I’ve got her here at the cabin, but didn’t realize how little food there is. Could you call in an order to Mary’s Diner, pick it up, and bring it out here to the cabin? Yeah, order two T-bone specials with baked potatoes loaded, and two cups of tea. Hold on, let me ask.” He looked over at Andy, who was watching him. “How do you like your steak?”


“Do you like chocolate?”


Cosmo put his phone back up to his ear. “Order one T-bone medium-well, one well with pink inside, and two slices of chocolate cake. Thanks, Sage. See you in a few.”

“So you’re going to eat with me?” She looked a little nervous as she walked around the cabin.

“If that’s okay with you. I didn’t get to have lunch or dinner because of issues at work. I’m kind of hungry, and I need to check on the snowmobile.”

“I don’t mind you staying, and I’m sorry for being part of the issues that kept you from eating. What snowmobile?”

“We keep a snowmobile in the shed for visitors to use. I figured it would be the best way for you to get around while you do your work. The town is really close. It takes ten minutes to get there on a snowmobile, and having seen your outerwear, you’ll definitely be warm enough. ”

She blushed a becoming shade of red. “I don’t know how to drive a snowmobile.”

“I’ll teach you tomorrow when I come to take you to get your groceries. I’ll go out and make sure it has gas and oil.” He headed for the door. “The hot water is working right now, but if we get more snow tonight, the pipes might freeze up, so you should probably take your shower now.” He left the cabin with images of her naked and wet in the shower filling his head. He had a hard-on from hell.






Chapter 6



Andy went to the bedroom and opened her luggage, which he had placed on the bed. She grabbed the yoga pants and T-shirt she wore to sleep in, underwear, and her bag of toiletries and headed to the connected bathroom. She turned on the water and started to undress. She sighed, looking at herself in the mirror. She looked like a mess with no makeup on. Her eyes were tired from lack of sleep and her hair was frizzy.

She got into the large shower stall and washed herself quickly. She debated taking her hair down but in the end she knew her hair would be harder to comb if she left it in the braid. So she took the rubber band off the end and wrapped it around her wrist. She slowly undid the braid, cringing from the painful tingles at her roots. She shampooed, then put in some leave-in conditioner.

She dried off and wrapped the towel around her body. She went to the sink and grabbed a brush and started brushing her hair. It was even longer wet and clung to her. Sighing, she went to put on her clothes on. Her breasts were big but not as big as Rhonda’s, so she decided she didn’t need a bra since her T-shirt was large and loose on her.

A knock on her bedroom door startled her. “Who is it?”

“Miss Johnson, it’s Sage Vedar. I brought the food.”

She opened the door and looked up at the tall young woman. She seemed to be a really sweet girl. “Thank you for bringing it. What do I owe you?”

Sage walked back into the main living space and Andy followed her. “You don’t owe me anything. It’s on the company’s account because we’re supplying you with accommodations.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, let me go out and get Cosmo before his meal gets cold. He was working on the snowmobile when I pulled up. I have to head home soon. My mother doesn’t like me to be out by myself at night. It’s ridiculous. I’m turning eighteen and graduating high school next week. I’m a grownup for goodness sakes.” Sage rolled her eyes and Andy laughed.

“I don’t have a mom, but my dad still to this day calls to make sure that I have food in the refrigerator. He called me five times today already.”

“Parents.” Sage shook her head, smiling. “Go ahead and sit down and eat. I’ll get Cosmo. I left my number on the counter. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“Thanks, Sage.” She waved goodbye and watched through the window as Sage went to her brother, who was on the ground working on the motor. She watched the large man stand and hug his sister with love and gentleness. It made her like him even more. Sage walked to her jeep and drove away, and Cosmo turned toward the cabin.

Andy jumped back so he wouldn’t see her spying on him. She headed to the table and started pulling out the containers inside the bag. She laid out the food on the table and opened one of the containers. She saw the little plastic pick that marked it as well, so she shut it and opened the next one. She closed her eyes and inhaled the delicious aroma.

“That smells really good.” Cosmo spoke from the doorway.

Andy opened her eyes and looked at him. “It does, doesn’t it? I have to confess, I am starving.” She sat down and waited for him to sit across from her. They started to eat their steaks, and Andy could not help moaning with pleasure for the taste. “That is so good.”

Cosmo smiled as he chewed. “I told you, Mary makes the best food. If it wasn’t for my mother’s mandatory Sunday dinners, I would eat at Mary’s every day of the week.”

“Sunday dinners?”

“I’m one of seven children. It was hard keeping up with us all over the years, but my mother insisted that we come home for Sunday dinners. Even my brother, Damen, who’s a lawyer in a big city, calls home on Sunday evenings. I have two brothers, Niko and Ryder, who are sheriffs for the town and one of them is always off for Sunday dinner.”

“That’s a huge family. You named three brothers. I’ve met Luka and your sister. Do you have another sister or another brother?”

“I have a twin brother named Ivan.”

Twins? There are two of them out there. She licked her lips. “Identical?”

“To others, we’re identical, but to our family, we are nothing alike. Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“I’m an only child. It was just me and my dad growing up.”

“That must have been lonely. I can’t imagine my life without my family. Though, there are times when they drive me nuts and I wished I was an only child.”

“I did wish for a brother or sister growing up, but Dad took my mother’s death hard and never remarried. My childhood was great. My dad taught me to work hard and he always encouraged me to follow my dreams.”

“Sounds like he’s a good man.”

“You mentioned your mom but not your dad.”

“My father and grandfather both died when Sage was born.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry about your mother’s death, too. Was it hard on you?”

She shook her head. “No, I didn’t know her. I was too young when she died in a car crash.”

They finished their steaks and baked potatoes, and opened the container with the chocolate cake. The first bite seemed to melt in her mouth. She closed her eyes and savored the flavor.  “Oh my God. That’s delicious.” She opened her eyes to find Cosmo staring at her lips. “You should try some; it’s wonderful.”

She loaded her fork but as she was lifting it to her lips his hand reached out and caught her hand. He brought the fork to his own mouth. She watched with longing as his tongue came out to lick the icing off the fork. Some of the frosting got on her finger so he sucked it into his mouth. Their eyes locked and she could picture him sucking on her clit just like that. Oh, fuck, that was hot. The moment was broken when his cell phone rang.

He reached for his phone, pissed. He’d been about to kiss Andy. “What? Fine. I’ll leave right now.”

“You’ve got to go?”

“Yes, Luka never went back to the office to relieve my assistant so that she could go home. I have to go relieve her and close up shop.” He got up and she followed him to the door.

“Be careful. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yes, see you tomorrow.”

She watched him climb inside his SUV and head off. Her body was still tingling from the arousal he was building in her. That was one sexy man, and there are
of them out there. She went back to the table and threw away the containers, then went to bed.

About midnight she woke up for some strange reason. She went to the kitchen for something to drink. She heard a roar outside, so she opened the door and stepped out on to the porch. The moon was shining brightly over the lake of ice. Something moved and she thought she caught a glimpse of a polar bear. That couldn’t be right. She would have to ask Cosmo about it.

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