Her Best Match: A Romantic Comedy (The Best Girls Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Her Best Match: A Romantic Comedy (The Best Girls Book 1)
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“Well, there really isn’t much story to tell. I just told him why I was qualified for the position, and he offered me the job—on a trial basis.” Anne’s fingernails were suddenly even more interesting. She couldn’t tell them Steven Gherring had made her lose control. She didn’t even understand what it was about him that got her so flustered.

“That’s it? That’s the whole story?” Charlie asked doubtfully.

“Well… it’s possible I lost my temper when he was so incredibly rude, and then I stormed out of his office. Well actually, I didn’t quite make it out the door, but I was going to leave before he apologized. Hmmm, now that I think about it, he never actually apologized. He sort of took control and led me back into the room.”

“And then the rest of the interview went really well?” Emily inquired.

“Uhmm, well it was okay, I guess.”

“Well you must have really impressed him with your qualifications, since you got the job. What did you say?”

Anne studied her nails again and stammered a bit. “Uhmm, well… I don’t exactly remember, but he was definitely impressed, alright.”

“What’re you hiding?” demanded Charlie. “You’re always good at recounting details. Why’re you suddenly so forgetful?”

Emily broke in. “Mom, you’re blushing. Ohmygosh! You’re actually really red. What did you say? What did you do?”

“Did you flirt with him?” asked Charlie. “I’ve seen his picture. He’s pretty hot for an old guy. Come on—fess up.”

“No, no, no. That’s not it at all. I didn’t flirt with him. I promise. And I really didn’t notice if he was good-looking, because he was so arrogant. I swear, I don’t even like the guy.” Anne fidgeted with her hair again and tried not to look directly at her daughters. She was a terrible liar. She couldn’t let them know how attracted she felt to her new boss, especially in light of how rude and narcissistic he was.

“Then why’re you even interested in working for him if he was so awful and rude?” Charlie smirked.

“Because of the chance to experience New York, of course.” Anne stated reasonably. “I figure I can stand anything or anyone for three months. But it’s the chance of a lifetime to actually live in New York City, even for three months. And the company pays for all the moving costs, too. Meanwhile, maybe I can find another job up there. Or I guess I can always come back to Weatherford after he fires me.”

Emily studied her mother doubtfully. “Something tells me you’re not being entirely truthful. You still haven’t told us about the rest of the interview—after you almost stormed out of the office. Did you apologize for losing your temper? I mean, not that you aren’t efficient and smart. And not that you’re not the best candidate for the job. But I know that because I know you. What did you say to convince him to hire you when he’d passed on all those others?”

Charlie added, “Yeah, Mom. I don’t actually believe you flirted with him, even if he was on the
Most Eligible Bachelor List
five years in a row.” Her eyes flashed with merriment.

Anne thought back to the fateful interview as she had so many times for the past three days. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she recalled his piercing gaze. Unconsciously, she rubbed the back of her hand, remembering his searing touch. Determined to control his physical effect on her, she forced herself to consider his egotistical attitude.

“He was just so self-absorbed and conceited and full of himself. I really didn’t notice his looks. And I may have lost my temper again—just a little.”

“Then why on earth did he hire you, Mom?” Charlie asked.

“To tell you the truth… I really don’t know.”

Chapter Three - New York, New York


Anne wrestled with her bags as she shuffled through the airport with her cell phone propped on her shoulder. “Yes, I’m safely here and all my luggage made it. Y’all sent me with way too many clothes.”

“You’re upset Charlie and I lent you some clothes? We couldn’t let you go to New York with your old wardrobe, and you refused to let us take you shopping.”

“No, no. It’s not that I’m not grateful you both lent me so much stuff. Lord knows my wardrobe was pretty sad. But I had to pay for extra luggage, and now I can barely handle everything. Ahhhhkkk!” Anne screamed as her phone fell from its perch, and she dropped her purse. She scrambled to pick up her phone.

“Emily? Are you still there? Sorry, I dropped the phone. Oh, excuse me sir, let me just get this stuff out of the way.” Anne rolled and pushed her gear next to a pillar. “So Emily, thanks for taking care of Gandalf this weekend. Have you heard from Grandpa?”

“Yep, he called this morning when he was on the road. But Mom, why is Grandpa coming to take care of Gandalf? Doesn’t Ms. Minnie usually keep him? She loves that dog.”

“Yes, she does love Gandalf. You know, she really encouraged me to go to this interview, and she was so excited when I got the job. But right now she’s on her honeymoon.”

“Honeymoon? Ms. Minnie got married? Isn’t she like ninety years old? Who did she marry?”

“No.” Anne chuckled. “She’s only seventy two, and she married Mr. Greenly. You remember—that sweet old man who works in the garden department at Wal-Mart. I think I told you about him. He always saves me some of the best perennials when they go on sale.”

“So how did this happen, Mom? Did you have something to do with this? Have you been matchmaking again?”

“No, I didn’t do anything. Mr. Greenly just happened to come by to give me some advice about my roses when I had invited Ms. Minnie over for tea.”

“Really?” Emily arched her brows. “Since when did you need advice on your roses? You’ve got the greenest thumb I know.”

“Well, my Simplicity roses got black spot disease, so I asked him to drop by that morning.”

“Ah-ha! So you admit you set them up to meet each other.”

“I might’ve subconsciously asked them to come at the same time, but I knew they were perfect for each other. They’re so sweet; they both love gardening. And they were both widows, and they were both lonely.”

“Mom, you’re incorrigible,” laughed Emily. “But why haven’t you found a match for me? You must be responsible for at least fifteen weddings already.”

“You’re so particular—I have to find just the right guy. You’ve refused to even consider the guys I’ve suggested so far.”

“Really, Mom, I’m just kidding. I’m perfectly happy alone, and I’m not sure there’s anyone out there that’s worth the trouble. Why don’t you make a match for yourself instead?”

“Oh, no! I had a wonderful husband already and two great daughters. I’m really not interested in romance for myself.”

“Whatever, Mom. I’m just saying while you’re looking for everyone else, you ought to look for yourself as well. There’re a lot of men in New York.”

“Oh stop, Emily—don’t tease me. Anyway, I’ve got to get going. I miss you already. Be sure to come visit as soon as you can. I’m so lonely already. Maybe this was a mistake.”

“Mom, are you getting cold feet again? You know everything will be fine. This is the chance of a lifetime. You’ll be great. You’ll probably get promoted to president of the company.”

“Ha! I’m sure secretaries get promoted to president all the time.” She chuckled. “I’m just nervous, I guess. But I’ll call as soon as I get to the apartment. Bye, sweetie. Love you.”


When the taxi dropped her at the apartment building with all her gear, a sharply dressed doorman whisked the door open and quickly relieved her of most of her baggage, leading the way to a comfy reception area.

“I’m Antonio. Are you moving in? Miss…?”

“Hi, I’m Anne. Nice to meet you, Antonio. Yes, I just flew in today, and I’m moving in. At least for a while.”

“That’s great. I’m on duty most of the time, and Randall is the other doorman. It’ll be great having you here. We’re always happy when a beautiful woman moves in.”

“Oh!” Anne exclaimed, blushing. “You’re so sweet. Do you always say things like that to women who are old enough to be your mother?”

Antonio laughed. “I only speak the truth. You couldn’t possibly be old enough to be my mother, but I’ve got a thing for older women anyway.”

When Anne stood speechless and crimson, he had compassion on her. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad—I’ve got a terrible flirting habit. In fact, I’m going to the FA meeting tonight.” He laughed again.

Suddenly, a door opened behind the desk and a woman emerged, moving quickly and efficiently to greet Anne and begin her check-in process. Anne noticed Antonio was suddenly silent as he watched every move the woman made.

“Hi Rayna. Nice weather today. Uhmm… I like your new shoes.”

Rayna was quickly engrossed in her work, typing Anne’s information into the computer, oblivious to Antonio’s words. He backed away awkwardly and returned to the door, glancing over his shoulder. Rayna continued to process Anne’s paperwork, scanning Anne’s license and credit card before handing her a key card.

“Your room’s on the tenth floor, with a window on the front of the building,” explained Rayna. “It’s one of our nicest efficiency suites.”

“Thanks so much, Rayna. You’ve been so nice. In fact, everyone has been very nice. Antonio was especially nice. Do y’all usually work at the same time?”

“Hmmm?” asked Rayna with her eyes glued to her computer.

“Antonio,” she repeated. “I asked if y’all usually work together. I mean, do y’all work on the same time schedule?”

“Antonio?” Rayna looked up and blinked in confusion.

“Yes. You know, Antonio—that incredibly handsome guard at the door. He was so nice and so nice-looking. Wow, if I was only your age, I’d be really interested in him. Oh, but you probably already have a relationship with someone…”

Rayna stared at Antonio as if she’d never seen him before. “Oh, uh no, I don’t have a relationship. Well, I did have a relationship, but that was six months ago. You know, men are such pigs.”

“Oh, I know. That’s why I was so surprised at what a nice young man Antonio is. I just wanted you to know, so you could pass it on to the management.”

“The management,” muttered Rayna, tilting her head as Antonio opened the door and helped an elderly man with an awkward box. She turned back to Anne. “Yes, I’ll certainly tell the management about, uhmm, Antonio.”

“You know, if you ever need someone to talk to, my door is always open.” Anne winked.

“Thanks, Anne. I just might take you up on that offer.”


Anne ferried her way up the elevator to her room. Once inside with her bags, she moved quickly to the window and opened the blinds. She peered down at the street, slightly off of a main drag, but busy nonetheless. Directly across the street was a beautiful ornate building with the words “The Economist” carved into it. The street sounds were muffled, but she could still see the teaming traffic on the main street, and marveled once again at the hectic pace of the city. Turning from the window, she surveyed her small apartment. The floors were all wood—well it looked like wood, but it was probably a high-end laminate—with nice area rugs. There was a small kitchen area near the door separated from the living area by a bar and three stools. Every surface in the cooking area was gleaming—stainless steel, glass tile, and granite.

Walking through a door she discovered a small, but beautiful bathroom with a marble shower, dark wood vanity topped with granite, and modern fixtures. Another door led to a large walk-in closet, complete with shelves, drawers and hanging racks. Back in the living area, the bed was covered with a fluffy, white, down comforter and throw pillows in a plethora of colors and textures. Bookshelves housed a few classics, decorative pieces and a flat-screen TV. Situated by the window on a beautiful oriental rug were two chairs and a small loveseat anchored by a round tufted ottoman.

Anne used the next hour to unpack her suitcases and check out the kitchen. The cooking area was supplied with basic pots and pans. She found all the necessary basics for cooking in the pantry, and the refrigerator was stocked with eggs, low-fat milk, various cheeses, vanilla Greek yogurt, and blueberries. She realized Katie must have had the groceries purchased specifically for her, recalling some seemingly casual phone conversations discussing her food preferences.

This attention to detail would soon be her responsibility, and Anne suddenly worried whether she could fill those efficient shoes. Her job at the travel agency had required attention to detail, and her clients relied on her to arrange every facet of their travel. She was accustomed to working out problems and planning for contingencies, but she really didn’t know anything about New York. Could she really manage all the issues she’d be facing in a city that was so foreign to all she knew? A simple grocery-shopping trip would be an adventure in this city. She began to pace and fret, when her cell phone suddenly rang out with the rock riff that signaled Charlie’s call.

“Hi sweetie.” Anne smiled as she spoke.

“Hey, Mom. Are you in your apartment? I want to hear all about it. Emily said you hadn’t called since the airport.”

“Oh, I forgot to call her back. She’ll probably be ticked, but I’ll call her when we hang up. Yep, I’m here, and it’s actually great.”

“Okay, great. Let’s Skype so you can show me your apartment.”

“You know I haven’t figured out the Internet around here yet. Knowing me, I’ll need some help. But we can Skype as soon as I work it out. Katie lives in this same building, so she’ll help me out this weekend, I’m sure.”

“Fine, Mom. Just send me some pictures. What does it look like?”

“It’s small, but beautiful. Nicely decorated. Tenth floor. There’s a front door guy—like a guard—so I feel pretty safe. His name is Antonio, and he’s very polite.”

“Ooooo! He sounds handsome and mysterious. Perhaps you can introduce us.”

“You seem to think my sole purpose here in New York is to find a boyfriend for you.”

“Well really, Mom, what else could be more important?” quipped Charlie.

“I’m afraid matchmaking may be the only thing I
accomplish here,” moaned Anne. “I don’t know why I thought I could work here in the city, or work for a big company, or work for someone important. I think I’m going to freak out just trying to use the subway.”

“Oh, Mom. Do you need another pep talk? You know we’ve already done this about twenty times. You impressed Steven Gherring enough to land this job. That man knows how to spot a winner. Everything he touches turns to gold. If he thinks you can do this job, you can do it.”

“Yes, but he didn’t sound really sure when he hired me. He’s giving me a three-month trial.”

“But you told me Katie said you’d really have to mess up badly to get fired, because she’s leaving for good in three months. If he fires you, he won’t have anyone at all. She said he’d interviewed over forty people before he chose you.”

“I know, I know. You’re right. I think I’ll feel better after my first week at work. Actually, I probably just need some dinner. I’m starving.”

“Yes, Mom. We all know how cranky you get when you’re hungry. And be sure to have some chocolate for dessert. You’ll feel better for sure.”

“You’ve got no room to talk, you know.”

“That’s true, but I inherited it from you.”

“Okay, I’m going to eat dinner and chocolate, take a long, hot shower, and climb in bed with a good book. Tomorrow, I’ll conquer New York City.”

“You go, girl! I almost feel sorry for New York.”

Anne laughed as she hung up the phone. Four o’clock. Too early for dinner. She sat down and glanced through the pamphlet Rayna had given her. She spotted an exercise facility on the amenities. Great. She would check out the gym before eating. She ate a piece of candy for some quick energy and changed into shorts and a tank top. Her kids had vetoed her old exercise clothes as too dated for New York, so she surveyed the more fashionable shorts in the mirror. Wow, these were a little shorter than she would usually wear. Her legs were probably her best feature, and these shorts showed them off—a little too much. The tank top was kind of tight, but it covered everything important. Anyway, she had no other option right now, and knew she wouldn’t have to leave the building. Besides, the gym would likely be empty at four o’clock on a Friday afternoon.

She pulled her hair into a ponytail, grabbed a small bag and stuffed in her phone, key, and IPod. The pamphlet said the gym was on floor eighteen. She headed out the door and found the elevator and pressed the button, while admiring the huge crown moldings and ornate furnishings that graced the waiting area. She was still studying the beautiful fresh flower arrangement when the elevator doors opened behind her.

“Ah-hem… Are you getting on?” asked a voice from the elevator.

Embarrassed, Anne swirled quickly around and rushed through the doorway, her bag swinging out to bump against the lone elevator occupant… Steven Gherring.

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