Her Best Friend's Brother (18 page)

Read Her Best Friend's Brother Online

Authors: T. J. Dell

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General

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Twenty minutes later, and wondering at the ineffectiveness of cold showers, Tony tip toed quietly back into the bedroom. He didn’t so much as glance towards the bed. His body was demanding that he climb back in there and finish his dream. Maybe he should get out of here?

Breakfast—he owed her the best take out breakfast he could find. Tony remembered his promise from the night before. A course of action began to take form in his mind.

He would slip out and bring back a big pancake breakfast.

She probably had some plans or another with the chef later today, but he would make the most of their morning together. Plan in place, Tony crossed the room to his desk intending to leave her a note in case she woke up before he returned with the food. A tiny noise and a bit of movement at the edge of his vision stiled him at the foot of the bed.

Turning, Tony saw Libby—eyes stil closed she had flipped onto her back, the sheet and blanket kicked down to her waist, and the outline of one hand was unmistakable underneath her camisole. Riveted to where he stood, Tony felt his body tighten almost painfuly. A groan escaped him before he was able to get control of himself.

Suddenly fuly awake Libby opened her eyes.

Embarrassingly aware of the position Tony had caught her in, she closed them again.

“Morning, Lib.” Tony’s rich voice floated over her.

“Watcha doin?”

She dared to peak at him; his face was hungry and lustful. Of course, she thought, he had always been attracted to her body. It was her heart he had no use for.

“Umm… I had a dream” She hedged.

“I guess you did. Wanna tel me about it?” Because I bet I was having the same one. He added to himself.

No way thought Libby. No way was she going to admit that she dreamed of being wrapped in his arms, of his morning stubble scratching the side of her face while he was leaned over her hair inhaling deeply. “Gio. Of course I was dreaming of him.”

Tony saw red. “In my bed! You were lying in my bed… doing what you were doing thinking of another man!” He stared at her, daring her to change her answer.

“Umm…I …” Libby was shocked into action. She scrambled backwards on the bed a little. Why had she said that? She could have just refused to answer. Insulting him was not the way to get him to join her in bed. She only wanted to convince him that she wasn’t looking for emotional attachment and that she could handle no strings sex. She wanted him to let himself give her that one memory she had longed for al night long. Surely now he would throw her out of his house.

“Wel I guess I know what I have to do.” Tony reached out and wrapped a hand around her ankle, yanking her back towards the end of the bed. “I am going to show you what you should be dreaming about. Sweetheart I am going to love you until you can’t even remember Chef Boyardee’s name.” He climbed onto the bed, stretching his body over hers, and took her mouth in a long thorough kiss. “We aren’t getting out of this bed until I have driven every thought of every other man out of your beautiful head.”


Tony began to fulfil his promise by kissing a trail down her throat, his tongue sweeping across her skin capturing every delicious inch of her. His hands smoothed down her stomach until the grasped the hem of her top, dragging it upward until he had revealed her perfect rosy topped breasts. Molding his hands over them Tony moved his oral assault lower. Licking a path to one peak where he laved a tight nipple with his tongue while roling the other between his thumb and forefinger. Her body arched and writhed beneath his begging for more attention. He obliged by repeating the process in reverse.

Libby felt each nerve ending explode with pleasure, and at the same time she was straining for more. Hot and hungry need was building in her chest. She tried to content herself with touches and tastes of his skin, but he ruthlessly herself with touches and tastes of his skin, but he ruthlessly evaded her attempts. “Let me sweetheart.” He commanded as he pressed her back into the bed. “Let me make you feel good. I can be so good to you.” He was almost muttering to himself as he resumed.

Worshipping as he went Tony used his tongue and hands to press every button he had ever discovered, read about, or even just imagined on a woman’s body. There wasn’t a spot of unloved skin on her body. He pealed his boxer shorts and her panties off her body, tossing them carelessly to the floor. Slowly he lifted one leg and starting with her ankle he worked his way up paying special attention to the skin behind her knee. When he reached the place she most wanted him, he shot her a teasing smile as he skipped right over the apex of her thighs and began his trek down her other leg. Finaly satisfied that he had tasted al of her, wel almost al of her, Tony returned to that most intimate place.

“You are so beautiful” Tony whispered against her sensitive flesh. “I knew you would be.” His tongue flicked over her. She moaned. Masculine pride surged through him. He was making her make those noises. He had reduced her to uninteligible pleasure filed mutterings.

Tilting her hips to give him better access Tony suckled and nibbled his fil of her delectable skin.

“Please.” She begged above him.

He could tel she was close. “It’s okay sweetheart.

Just let it happen.” He urged her as he redoubled his attentions.

Her release washed over her like waves in the ocean—incredible pleasure giving waves. “Oh, Tony.” She breathed out as she came back to earth

His name. His bed. His Libby. His name. His bed. His Libby. A fog of lust roled over Tony’s brain when he heard her moaning his name. “Don’t move.” He ordered. Reluctant to leave for even a moment Tony stretched out towards his nightstand, and after some rummaging he returned to her with a foil packet. That taken care of Tony captured her mouth in another kiss. Hot and demanding this time Tony tangled their tongues together as he grasped her thighs and thrust into her.

Beneath him Libby cried out into his mouth. Tony became stil on top of her. Pain glittered in her eyes where desire had been a moment before. “Libby?” Tenderness rushed through him. She had trusted him with something so precious. “Why didn’t you tel me? I would have been more careful with you.”

“Any more careful and I would have fainted from the want of it al.” Libby whispered as she kissed his jaw.

He remained stil, unsure of how to proceed.

Terrified of hurting her more, but unable to withdraw.



“You know how to do this right? I think one of us should.”

Tony chuckled softly. “Of course sweetheart—It’s just…I don’t want to hurt you Libby.”

“Oh. Okay. Wel you’re not hurting me.” Tony looked at her doubtfuly. “Realy.” She insisted “it only hurt for second.” Libby wiggled her hips experimentaly.

Tony growled and buried himself deeper. With long methodical strokes he began building them towards a slow sensual peak. When she shuddered beneath him moaning his name again al semblance of control deserted him.

Faster and faster he possessed her; taking from her al the things his body needed. Finaly, after groaning out her name, he colapsed on top of her. Roling to his side to avoid crushing her, Tony gathered Libby to his chest and pressed breathless kisses to her face and hair, and anywhere else he could reach.

“Wow.” Libby managed sometime later.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry I got a little…erm enthusiastic at the end.”

“I liked enthusiastic.” Libby purred into his chest hair. Awareness swamped her, and she realized that now she could do al the touching and tasting that she’d missed out on. Her fingers scratched tentatively along his abdominal muscles. Relishing the hardness of his body Libby grew bolder in her caresses wanting to please him as he had pleased her.

“Wait” Tony stiled her movements trapping her smal hands in place on his stomach with his own.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“Not possible Lib.” Tony pressed a quick kiss to her mouth. “I can’t tel you how I have longed to feel your hands on me. But we can’t try this again just yet.”

“Oh, right. I knew that.” Libby nodded. “Umm Tony? How much time?”


“How much time, until you are… ‘Til you can…” She trailed off when he started laughing.

“I meant you, Libby.” He said. “You are probably going to be… wel, sore.”

“I am totaly wiling to risk it... You know—when you’re ready.” Libby smiled at him.

Tony tugged Libby’s hands lower and showed her just how ready he was.

Chapter Nineteen.

When Tony woke up the clock glowed 11:00 am.

He hadn’t slept away an entire morning since colege.

Although he hadn’t done that much sleeping this morning either. Libby was snoring lightly next to him. God she was beautiful. He wanted to wake her up. Maybe with a kiss?

Maybe with something else. His stomach growled. He was too hungry for the something else, and Libby was bound to be hungry when she woke up too. Quickly Tony slipped out of bed, puled on fresh clothes, and after leaving Libby a note on the nightstand he left in search of the very best takeout breakfast (or lunch) he could find. Libby’s favorite diner was only ten minutes away. There would be a lot to talk about when he got back, and he wasn’t above bribing her with a stack of pancakes. He was going to convince her that he could make her happy. He was going to show her that she belonged with him, in his life, in his house, and in his bed.

“What did you do!?” Mel screeched through the phone while Tony carried enough food for an army back to his car.

“Good morning Sis!”

“Don’t you try that charm on me buster! Where is Libby?”

Awkward. Could he tel his baby sister that her best friend was asleep in his bed after a long morning of lovemaking? No. “Umm… she’s stil at my house, Mel. I went out get us break—lunch.”

“Don’t tel me! I don’t want to know. You have gone too far. I never thought you could be so low.

Although after your spoiled brat display last night I don’t know why I’m surprised.”

“Want to tel me what’s bothering you Mel?”

“Gio is gone. Whatever you and Libby did last night they must have had a fight because he checked out of the hotel. I hoped he’d come to his senses and decided to stay at Stuart’s with Libby—but Stuart’s was empty and her car is stil at the bar. So that means she was with you last night”

“What’s wrong with that?” Gio was gone? Had she caled him? Told him to leave?

“Nothing if I thought for a second you were serious, but we both know you’re not. You are usualy a pretty stand up guy Tony I don’t know why you keep stringing her along this way. Gio loves her! He was going to move here you know. He told me last week when I talked to him on the phone.”

“He was?”

“Wel that or she was going to move there… it was confusing, but he had plans.”

Tony had plans too. “He wanted her to move in with him?”

“To marry him, big brother. I am sure he was going to ask her to marry him. I definitely got a wedding ring vibe. You can’t stand to see her happy with somebody else can you? You are such a selfish ass! You don’t love her, but you want her to keep on loving you? She loves Gio, Tony. I could tel just from the way they danced together.” Marry her? They hadn’t even slept together.

Unless maybe she had been waiting for the wedding night?

Some cultures were stil kind of serious about the whole virginal bride thing right? Tony wanted to scream. He wanted to say that he had loved her since she had cleaned him out in monopoly six years ago. But that was not the kind of thing you said to a girl’s best friend before you said it to the girl. He settled for “I care a lot about Libby.”

“No, Tony, if you cared about her you would have wanted her to be happy. Whatever! I am going to try her cel again.”

“No. Mel. I am two minutes from home. I wil talk to her. Promise me that you wil stay out of it…

Mel?...Helo?” Damn. Tony sped up. Mel was wrong.

Libby couldn’t be in love with Gio—she just couldn’t.

Waking up a little achy and gloriously satisfied in Tony’s bed was the best experience of Libby’s life. Wel anyway—it was definitely up there. Libby reached for Tony. But he wasn’t there. Puling her camisole back on and his boxer shorts Libby went to find him. Except he was realy gone. After checking the house Libby peered out a window, and found his car was gone. He had just left her there. Curling up right on the living room floor she let the sadness have her.

Tears slid down her face. How could she have thought she was prepared for this? That she could handle being a
just sex
kind of girl if it meant she could be with him. She was wrong. She wasn’t a just sex kind of girl at al. Parker was right, and now she had probably blown even being his friend. Because she knew that she could never again be satisfied to be with him without actualy being with him.

“Libby?” Tony caled as he rushed through the front door. “Libby…” She was crying-- curled up on the floor, because he hadn’t even had the time to buy furniture. What was she doing down here anyway? Maybe she hadn’t been able to stay in his bed after her fight with Gio. Mel was right. She must love him. “Libby, sweetheart, please don’t cry.” Tony dropped the food in the halway and went to hold her. She was probably feeling guilty. Guilty because she had been seduced by Tony when it was Gio that she realy wanted.

“Don’t worry. Look I talked to Mel, and I know Gio left. Did you have a fight?”

“What? O h . Not a fight—a sort of a disagreement.” That was a little true; they had disagreed on their future. There was no reason Tony needed to know that she’d been slightly relieved when he’d decided to go.

Libby wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I’m just being a sily girl. I’m going to get dressed, and then maybe you can drive me home?”

His heart fel like a rock. Al remaining hope that she might have chosen him fled. She didn’t want him, and he was only making things worse for her by pushing. Mel was right, he was a selfish ass. “Your disagreement? Was it… did you tel him about last night?”

“What? No. I haven’t talked to him since he left the bar.” Libby slumped into Tony, and tried not to think of the irony in Tony consoling her for a broken heart he had given her.

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