Her Alpha Saviors [The Hot Millionaires #2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Her Alpha Saviors [The Hot Millionaires #2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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A piquant thrill passed through her simply because she was able to attract him. She knew that they’d finish up having sex—she who’d
had casual sex in her life before. He could have simply taken another room key but used the excuse of the brick to come here. Ever since that kiss at the stables earlier, they’d both known that this would happen sooner or later. Skye hadn’t wanted to admit it, but she’d been unable to think about much else since then. He was making her crazy, and he damned well knew it.

His hands fell to her waist and worked their way upwards beneath her top. Smooth, rhythmic actions had her squirming with pleasure as he reached the sides of her breasts and touched them gently. So gently that she thought at first that she’d imagined it. Even so that simple contact, imaginary or not, was enough to send lightning streaking through her bloodstream. A long sigh escaped her.

“Keep still,” he said, tapping her thigh hard. “Let me do my job.”


She let out a small moan of protest when his hands left her torso and reapplied themselves to her calves. Her breath hitched as they gradually, agonizingly slowly, worked their way upwards.

“You ought to know before we go any further that I’m a sexual Dom,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“A what?”

“It means that when you agree to let me fuck you, like you know you want to, you’ll have to do everything I tell you to.”

Skye gulped. “Everything?”

“That should be, ‘Everything, sir.’”

She twisted her head sideways, trying and failing to catch the expression on his face. To gauge whether he was actually serious. “I have to call you sir?”

“Oh yeah! When we’re in bed, I’m your lord and master. Whatever I say goes.”

“Even if I don’t want it to?”

He tapped her thigh. “What did you say?”

She giggled. “Even if I don’t want it to, sir?”

“I won’t do anything you won’t want, babe, of that I can assure you. In fact I won’t do anything to you at all until you beg me to.”

She wanted to tell him he was an arrogant so-and-so, but his hands were now creeping up the insides of her thighs and she’d instinctively opened her legs to give him easier access. It was only a matter of time—she hoped—before he reached her cunt and discovered that she was dripping wet.

“What things will you do to me, sir?” she asked, almost panting with anticipation.

His fingers slipped inside her boxers and made contact with her pussy. “My, my, we are impatient, aren’t we? That will get you punished.”


With lightning speed, he pulled her upright and then set her facedown across his knee. “Ever been spanked?” he asked.

“No, sir,” she said breathlessly, not willing to admit how unadventurous her previous sexual exploits had been. “I think it would hurt.”

“Yeah, it will, but I’ll teach you how to transmute the pain to pleasure.” He tapped her so lightly on the buttocks that she hardly felt it. “Will you let me spank you, Skye?”


“Yes what?” Another tap, a little harder this time.

“Yes please, sir. I have a lot to learn.”

Jay chuckled. “That you do.” He pulled her boxers down round her thighs and ran one hand over the globes of her behind. “You have a beautiful ass.”


“Now then, when my hand hits you, roll with the pain, babe, and wait. Try not to tense against it, and see where it takes you. Ready to try?”


He brought his hand down lightly, the slap still sounding unnaturally loud in the otherwise quiet loft. “Feel the tingle, Skye. Revel in it. Let it consume you. All right?”

“Yes. Do it again please, sir.”

“See, you’re a quick study. I knew you would be.” He smacked her again. “Where do you feel the reaction?”

“In my pussy,” she groaned. “It’s on fire.”

“No it isn’t. We’ve barely started.” He leaned down and purred into her ear. “Did I mention that you can never climax unless I say it’s okay?”

“But I can’t possibly control when I come!”

“Yeah,” he said, grinning, “you can.”

This time when he spanked her, he also inserted a finger in her slick vagina. She expelled an elongated sigh.

“That’s it. That’s what you wanted. Now you feel it, don’t you?”

“Yes, I had no idea. It’s wonderful.”

He increased the frequency of the spanking, added a second finger, and found her clit with his thumb. “When did you last have an orgasm?” he asked, his voice sounding gruff and thick.

“This evening, in the shower.”

Jay guffawed. “I turned you on that much with just one kiss, did I?”

“Nothing to do with you,” she lied. “I always attend to my own needs. It’s easier that way.”

“Not anymore. Luke and I will take care of you.”

“Both of you?” She lifted her head, which earned her a harder spank.

“Luke and I hunt in a pack.”

“But how, I mean—”

“Don’t tell me you’ve never had anal sex.” She could hear surprise and, she thought, pleasure in his voice.

She shook her head. “No, sir, I never have.”

His breathing became laboured. “Baby, you don’t know what you’ve missed.” He bent his head and ran his tongue down the crack in her behind, circling it round her anus. She flinched at the alien contact but then relaxed into it, already convinced that she was more than ready to follow wherever he led. When a man was as authoritative as Jay, it was easy to comply. “Will you let me teach you?”

“Will it hurt?”

“Hell, no!”

“All right, but not tonight.”

“No, tonight all I’m gonna do is fuck your sweet cunt until you beg for mercy.”

All? It sounded like heaven to Skye.

His thumb found her clit again, while the rest of the fingers on that hand disappeared inside her. He spanked her harder and worked his fingers in as far as they would go. It was too much for Skye. Every nerve ending in her body screamed for release. Her pussy was on fire and she sensed a climax building. The spanking only made the feeling more pleasurable, so much more intense that she thought she was about to die.

“Jay, I can’t, I need to—”

“Come for me, baby,” he said gruffly. “Let it go.”

He thrust his hand in harder still, increased the pressure on her clit, spanked her hard enough to make her scream and for pleasure to engulf her. She spasmed against his hand, bucking her hips in a desperate endeavour to get more of him inside her, floating on a wave of seemingly endless pleasure as her body came to life and sang in a way she’d never before experienced.

When she finally stopped moving he righted her on his lap and held her close.

“Okay?” he asked. “Did I hurt you?”

“Hurt me? Are you crazy? That was
most incredible experience of my entire life. I had no idea it could be like that.”

He cocked a brow. “You’re kidding me, right?”

“I’m not saying it again and playing to your male ego, if that’s what you mean.”

“That Peter character wasn’t much of a stud then.”

Skye hoisted one shoulder. “I guess not.”

Jay stood up, sat her on the bed, and, with her watching him intently, unfastened his jeans. He pushed them down his legs, stepped out of them, and stood in front of her, sporting an erection that made her eyes water.

“Like what you see?” he asked, taking hold of it at its base and gently rubbing it back and forth.

Skye licked her lips. “I guess I could get used to it. It’s been a while.”

“Luke and I will have to see if we can convince you that we’re better than doing it yourself.” He fell onto the bed and pulled her into his arms. “We enjoy that sort of challenge but, for tonight, I’m afraid you’ll just have to make do with little ol’ me.” He nuzzled her neck. “It would be such a shame to disturb Luke, don’t you think?”

Skye pouted. “You’re such a tease.”

Chapter Seven


“Come here, babe.” Skye was pulled into Jay’s strong arms as they burrowed together under the covers. “It’s freezing in here. How do you cope?”

“I’m used to it, I guess. Besides, I’m not up here much, except to sleep.”

“Now I understand the socks.”

She smiled against his shoulder. “Passion killers, I know, but I wasn’t expecting company.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Skye blinked at Jay, feeling calmer and more at peace with the world than she’d been since her father left her with such huge responsibilities. If that was what playing games with a hunky man did to one’s psyche then she was more than ready for round two, and the world could go hang until she was ready to be part of it again. As though sensing her impatience, Jay chuckled and wagged a finger beneath her nose.

“Don’t be so greedy,” he said.

“Easy for you to say. It’s been a while for me.”

“When was your last time?” he asked, tracing the outline of one areola with a gentle touch that made her nipple stand rigidly to attention.

“Six months ago, just before I broke up with Peter.”

“Six months!” Jay’s expression was an almost comical combination of shock and disbelief. “You really are in need, aren’t you?”

Without waiting for an answer, he dropped his head and gently tickled the corners of her mouth with his tongue. In no mood to be treated gently, she took the initiative by sucking his tongue into her mouth and holding it captive there. Jay reacted with a grunt of surprise, but it was short-lived. She discovered that he really wasn’t the submissive type when he wrenched back control by reclaiming his tongue and setting it to work inside her mouth. Brutal feelings of raw carnality communicated themselves as his lips crushed hers, making her senses sing and her pussy throb.

Skye leaned up on one elbow, wrapped her arms round his neck, and sank her fingers into the thick hair that brushed against his shoulders. She pressed her breasts against his chest, desperate to feel the texture of his hot flesh against hers. With a sigh, she emptied her mind of all the dross floating on its periphery and lost herself in the moment, only to be disappointed when he abruptly broke the kiss.

“I’ve wanted to do that since you first tried to evict me from your office this morning,” he said.

Was that only this morning? “But you were really cold toward me,” she reminded him, blinking with surprise. Did he think she needed sweet words and false promises? Hell no, she just needed to get laid.

“That’s because the sight of you all dishevelled in those tight jodhpurs, the light of battle flashing from those stormy eyes of yours, was a real turn-on. I don’t usually get turned on in my business dealings.”

Skye tried not to let her disappointment show. They were only doing this because he didn’t intend to help her, but then she’d already known that in her heart of hearts. He’d already warned her that he didn’t let his heart rule his head when it came to business. As he’d now admitted that she turned him on, it presumably meant the business side of their dealings was at an end. Nice of him to tell her. Still, she might as well broaden her education and enjoy what was on offer before he took himself off again. It was ridiculous really, a woman of her age being so ignorant about the sorts of games Jay and Luke liked to play, but she fully intended to make up for lost time.

“Sorry to have disrupted your routine,” she said, unable to stop a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, aware that she didn’t sound sorry at all.

“And when you tapped your boot with that bloody whip…well, I guess you know now what I was thinking.”

“You didn’t need to be so mean to me,” she protested. “I didn’t know what I’d done.”

“I know you didn’t, and that only made it worse.”

Skye stroked the hair back from his brow and kissed his forehead. “Poor baby!”

“So, how can I make it up to you for being mean?”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

“No games this time,” he said in a thick voice. “Just tell me what you like, Skye, and I’ll oblige.”

“Well,” she said, lying on her back and squirming as one large hand came to rest on her gut, “I quite like being licked.”

“You want me to lick you? All over?”

“Hmm, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“I guess I could force myself.”

With a throaty chuckle, Jay dropped his head. To her ear.

Her ear! That wasn’t what she had in mind at all. Skye quickly revised that opinion when his skilled tongue found the erogenous zone immediately below it and she felt the reaction sizzle through her entire body. He kissed his way down her neck after that, his teeth gently nipping and sucking as he went. When he reached the pulse that beat at its base and his tongue lapped in the hollow there, she felt moisture seeping from her fanny and wondered if perhaps she should have asked for something a little less time-consuming. She could feel her climax already building and, no matter what he said, whatever punishment she was made to endure afterwards, she had no intention of letting it wait and lose its intensity.

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