Henry Wood: Time and Again: (10 page)

Read Henry Wood: Time and Again: Online

Authors: Brian Meeks

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Historical, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Noir, #Mystery/Crime

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"Father, I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting," Henry said as he unlocked the door.

"No matter, my son, a wee bit of time for quiet reflection is always appreciated."

Henry nodded and led the father in to the outer office. "May I take your coat?"

"Thank you."

Henry hung the priest's coat on the coat tree, then added his beside it. He led him into his office and asked, "Would you like a cup of coffee, Father?"

"No, that is quite alright."

"How may I help you?"

"I should probably begin by introducing myself. I'm Father Patrick."

"Pleased to meet you, Father Patrick," Henry said, shaking his hand.

"I'm with Saint Peter's over on Barclay. I heard about the loss of your friend, Michael Thomas Moore. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. You have my condolences. I didn't know him well..." (he lied, as he didn't know him at all) "...but he was a good man. Is there anything I can do for you in this hour of need?"

Henry was a little surprised to be hearing from a priest about Mickey, as his friend had never been religious either. Of course, he knew Mickey was Catholic. Henry remembered that Mickey would attend mass on the major holidays and two or three times a year, when he was feeling extra full of sin, but it still seemed strange to have the priest calling. Henry couldn't recall Mickey ever mentioning St. Peter's, or any church for that matter, but the father seemed sincere.

"Father, we are planning the wake, and, to be honest, I didn't know where he attended mass. It has been a real shock."

"I know, it always is when one parts this earth, before his time. He wasn't a regular by any means, but he did stop in from time to time. It has been a while since we talked. He will be missed. Forgive me for asking, but I just heard of his passing this morning...how did he die? I wasn't aware of him being sick." Father Patrick was reading Henry and could tell that he had best keep it vague. He was also covering for his slight verbal blunder, though he didn't think Henry had noticed.

Henry, though not religious, was feeling the need to unburden himself. Father Patrick's question nudged Henry forward enough to get him to divulge his suspicions about Mickey's death. "Father, I don't think it was an accident. I think he was murdered."

Father Patrick lowered his head and said a prayer. Henry lowered his head, too.

"I didn't know Michael well enough to know about his family. He didn't mention anyone. Will you need help with the arrangements?"

Henry felt slightly better. The offer of help with the arrangements was a Godsend. Henry explained to the priest that Mike and Luna were putting together the wake…and then he ran out of steam. The thought of burying his friend before he found the killer, or even working on the funeral, was almost more than he could bear. There was a long silence.

"Yes, Father, I would like some help with the arrangements. Let me talk to Luna and Mike. We will call you tomorrow. Your timing couldn't be better."

Father Patrick smiled. "I hope you're wrong about it being murder. I'll pray that you find the truth, and if it's as you suspect, then I'll pray you find the men who did it."

Henry shook the priest's hand and showed him to the door. He returned to his desk and opened his notebook. He started to write down his memory of the conversation, mostly out of habit, but partly because his gut told him it might be important. He jotted down that the priest was a few years older than him, possibly even early 50s, had blue eyes, and stood about 6 feet tall. He noted their conversation, the subject, the date, and then he paused. Something was bothering him.

Henry picked up the phone and dialed.

"Luna, Henry here."

"I know. How are you doing?" she said with a gentleness that Henry sorely needed.

"I’m doing fine. Thanks." And though he was not doing fine, hearing Luna's voice did make things better. "I was wondering if you and Mike had contacted a church yet?"

"No, we weren't sure where he went. Mike was going to call you later today and ask."

"I just had a visit from a priest, Father Patrick, who said he knew Mickey. He offered to help with the arrangements."

"That was very kind of him."

"Yes, it was." Henry said in a tone which had just a hint of accusation.

Luna picked up on it. "What is it Henry?"

"I don't know, it may be nothing, but I wonder how he knew to come see me. Have you read today's paper?"

"Yes, there was a small piece about the accident and it mentioned...wait a minute...I'll get it."Henry heard her walk away from the phone and then back while flipping through the paper "Here it is: 'A local, and much loved local, by the name of Michael Thomas Moore, was struck and killed by a car outside
The Dublin Rogue
. At this time police are ruling it an accident, but are looking for the driver. If anyone has any information....' Then it gives a number people can call if they know anything."

"I suppose Mickey could have mentioned me. Thanks Luna, you have been a big help. Could you save that for me?"

"Sure thing. Will you be around later? Mike and I thought we would come by to check on you."

"I have to head down to the library, but I should be here later in the day. Thanks again."

After he hung up the phone, he paced around a bit. It was quite likely that if Mickey did know Father Patrick, Henry could have come up in the conversation, as Mickey always told stories about his friends. Why did Henry still feel like there was something out of the ordinary? Was it something he had said?

Back and forth he paced. He imagined the greeting at the door, then the conversation. Finally Henry got it and said aloud, "I know, it always is…when one parts this earth before his time." The paper had said it was an accident.
If that was the case, shouldn't a priest conclude that it was Mickey's time?

Henry went to his list, which only contained the one item, “Meet with Mr. Brown.” He added the number two and then wrote, “Look into Father Patrick of St. Peter's Catholic Church.” Henry grabbed a phone book, looked up the address, and noted it as well. Then he added his next task next to a numeral three, “Talk to Marian the librarian.”





Chapter Twenty-Two


From the office window only shades of gray could be seen in the fading afternoon light. Spring was getting closer, but winter had not let go her grip on the city. A thin shapeless sky threatened to add some rain. This might wash away some of the filthy snow still lingering in the streets and on the sidewalks, but would it wash away the gray? Henry didn't think so. People were wearing their collars up to keep the uncomfortable realization that there might be one more storm left in Mother Nature's bag at bay. They walked with their heads down, their shoulders hunched, not saying a word.

Henry didn't like gray. He liked black and white; he liked blue skies and green infields; he liked order and baseball. He wanted to know the score. Who killed Mickey, and why was Katarina back? The dinner with Katarina had crept back into his mind, shoving Mickey impolitely to the side. It was wrong to let it, but reminders of her and those happy days kept nipping into his thoughts.

The worn notebook sat on his desk, with the pencil napping on top of it. They both knew it would be a while before he needed them again. There was a day, many years ago, when Henry and Katarina had been out somewhere, he couldn't remember where. They had left the bookstore or gallery and decided to walk back to Henry's place. The sudden spring storm caught them off guard. Katarina's quick temper had her throwing a fit. She was enraged that her hairdo was ruined. She went on about it for three blocks, angry that they didn't take a cab, blaming Henry, though she had suggested the walk. She might have even cursed God, but Henry couldn't remember for sure. She finally stomped her feet while they waited at the light, and said, "Damn it, look at me! I'm a mess!"

Henry smiled as he remembered his reply. It was along the lines of, "Yes, you are. I would say you closely resemble a wet rat." He had chuckled to himself, but she hadn't said anything. She was stunned. Henry had then added, "Not everyone can pull off the wet rat look, but I think it works for you." They were both soaked to the bone. It was a warm rain, unseasonably warm for spring in New York, and then there was a break in the downpour. The sunlight sneaking through the gap in the clouds made the wet street and cars seem all shiny and new. Katarina, had started giggling, slung her arm through his, and before they reached the other side of the street, the giggle had bubbled over into a full blown laughter.

Henry never told her that he had meant it, every word. He couldn't remember a time where she had looked more beautiful. There was something about having her hair soaked, her makeup running, and her rage lose control, which exposed her core, for good and bad. Henry liked truth and at that moment, she wasn't a stunningly beautiful woman because of the clothes or makeup; she was beautiful because she just was. The chaos and rain had shown him that. That may have been the moment he fell for her. Though he couldn't be sure…there were other moments too, so Henry decided to add it to the gray-area category.

Henry kept thinking about holding her hand at dinner. It was warm, soft, and familiar, though in truth, it wasn't familiar at all. It was more of a want of familiar, which was now stirring the emotions and meddling with Henry's mind. He turned away from the window, then walked to the edge of his desk, choosing to sit on the corner. To a fly on the wall, it may have appeared that he was staring off into space, but he wasn't. He was staring back in time, to their dinner, and directly into her lovely eyes. He was so focused that even his peripheral vision wasn't working.

His mind suddenly noticed something. It was a little thing, sort of fuzzy, like it was out of focus. Sitting behind Katarina, near the window at the front of the restaurant, was a man. He tried to see him more clearly, but he was just a dark mass eating a fish course. Henry wasn't entirely sure he was right about the fish course either.

Henry grabbed his sleeping notebook and pencil and ran out of the office. His coat and hat felt slighted at not being included in the outing. Once spring arrived, they would be out of action until the fall, or the odd rainy day. His progress on Mickey's killer had been minimal, at best. He was sure – or more accurately, he hoped he was sure – he would be able to piece everything together, but the whole Mickey case was out of focus too. He just couldn't wrap his head around Mickey working on something in the art world that was such a big deal, it got him killed. There must be more to it.

Henry didn't care that his light jogging up 23rd street, round the corner, and then up to the restaurant, was strange enough that people were lifting their heads out of the gray to give him dirty looks. Surely this crazy running man must be from out of town.

Henry looked around the restaurant, but didn't recognize anyone. He hadn't really paid much attention to the wait staff, but then he noticed the bartender was the same guy as before. Slightly out of breath, Henry took a moment to gather himself. With his composure returned, he asked if it was possible to find out who had been sitting at the table by the window the other night. The bartender didn't know his name, and asked one of the waiters. The waiter remembered only that he had been very generous…for a priest. Henry asked if the priest was a regular. He was not.

The pencil and notebook got it all down. There are lots of priests in New York, it could have been any of them, but his senses were telling him it was Father Patrick.





Chapter Twenty-Three


It was 6:00 when Henry decided to visit the residence of Dr. Schaeffer. He had been too busy to call Marian, though he was curious if she had found anything about the anti-thingy.

Hans answered the door. Both Henry and Hans were caught off guard. In the briefest of moments between shock and things getting out of hand, Henry decided to explain what he knew. It was possible that Henry had just stumbled upon a major piece of the puzzle, the same piece which he was expecting to meet with the next day at noon. It also crossed his mind that the expression on Hans’ face, had made a slight shift from surprise to distrust, and it looked like anger was just around the corner.

“Hans, I had no I idea I would find you here. I'm following up on an old case, and just today was told that Dr. Schaeffer was an expert on art. I hope you don’t think…”

“Mr. Wood, I find this to be highly irregular. We have a meeting scheduled for noon tomorrow, and now I'm not sure…”

A voice in the back could be heard, but was only clear to Hans; Henry couldn’t make out what had been said. Hans had stopped talking, and then responded, “Yes, Doctor. Please follow me, Mr. Wood.”

Henry was immediately aware he was walking through a home unlike any he had ever seen. The décor was late 19th century wealthy-beyond-imagination, with a nod towards, early 18th century opulence.

Henry was shown to the dining room, where Dr. Schaeffer was standing by his Victrola. The man was removing the needle from Wagner’s Die Feen. He carefully took off the record and returned it to its sleeve. Dr. Schaeffer then made another selection. When the music began, he spoke to Henry.

“I hope you don’t mind a little music.”

“I like music, though I don’t know this piece.”

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