Henry IV (121 page)

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Authors: Chris Given-Wilson

BOOK: Henry IV
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Hall, Edward, chronicler,

Hall, John,

Halley, John,

Halley's comet,

Hallum, Robert, bishop of Salisbury,
; at council of Pisa,

Halsall, Gilbert,

Hangest, Jean,

Hankford, William, chief justice,

Hankyn of Gdansk,

Hanmer, John,

Hansa, Hanseatic League,

Hardyng, John, chronicler,
; and Percy family,
; and Henry V,

Hardwick, Thomas,

Harfleur, France,

Harlaw, Scotland, battle of,

Harlech, castle, Wales,

Harrington, James,

Harrington, John,

Harriss, G. L.,

Hartfeld, Robert,

Hartlepool, John,

Harvey, Margaret,

Hastings, Ralph,

Hastings, Richard,

Hauberk, Nicholas,

Haughmond Abbey, Salop,
; abbot of,

Hauley, John,
; John, his son,

Hauley, William,

Havering-atte-Bower, Essex,

Haxey, Thomas,

Hayward, John,

Hedwig, queen of Poland,

Heilly, Jacques de,

Hende, John,

Henry the Navigator,

Henry the Page,

Henry I, king of England (d.1135),

Henry II, king of England (d.1189),

Henry III, king of England (d.1272),

Henry IV, king of England (1399–1413), earl of Derby (1377), duke of Hereford (1397), duke of Lancaster (1399):

1367–1399 (chronological)
: birth at Bolingbroke,
; patrimony,
; childhood,
; Knight of the Garter,
; plans for first marriage,
; in Peasants' Revolt,
; household expenditure before 1399,
; Derby title,
; with John of Gaunt at trial of Swinderby,
; conflict with Richard in Passenham dispute,
; relations with Richard II,
; with John of Gaunt in Yorkshire and Lancashire,
; attends first parliament,
; supports John of Gaunt's claims to Castile,
; first diplomatic experience,
; first child,
; and Bohun inheritance,
; and John of Gaunt's absence in Castile,
n.5; role in crisis of 1380s,
; said to claim crown,
; stresses loyalty to Richard,
; in Merciless Parliament,
; exchanges gifts with fellow-Appellants,
n.20; and Burley trial,
; illness in 1388,
; reconciled to court,
; attends council,
; breach with fellow-Appellants,
; with Richard at Westminster,
; permission to cross France denied,
; travels, 64–77: in Prussia and Lithuania,
; birth of son Humphrey,
; in Venice,
; in Holy Land,
; expenses and style of travel,
Confessio Amantis
dedicated to,
; honours of Bolingbroke and Tutbury,
n.58; family concerns and influence of Mary de Bohun,
; income and expenses,
; dispute with Gloucester,
; dispute with Elizabeth Nevill,
; dispute with Warwick,
; death of Mary de Bohun,
; and John of Gaunt's title to Guyenne,
; suppresses rebellion in North,
; remains in England during John of Gaunt's absence,
; visits Arthurian sites,
n.12; John of Gaunt claims as heir to throne,
; has offer from William, count of Ostrevant,
; disagreement with John of Gaunt,
; reputation abroad,
n.38; in Richard's household,
; meets with Mowbray,
; meets with Richard,
; imprisoned and released,
; trial by battle proclaimed,
; accuses Mowbray of Gloucester murder,
; European contacts,
; combat with Mowbray disrupted by Richard,
; exiled,
; question of betrayal of Mowbray,
; death of John of Gaunt,
; John of Gaunt's lands taken by Richard,
; sympathy for Henry,
; contacts in France,
; returns to England,
; assumes rule of kingdom,
; demolishes Richard's livery badge,
; meets with Duke of York,
; takes Richard's greyhound,
; army loots Cheshire,
; captures Exeter and Surrey,
; seizes Richard's treasury,
; sends Northumberland to Conway,
; meets with Richard,
; prophecy of Lancaster triumph,
; reaches Westminster with Richard,
; deposition of Richard,
; chosen as king,
; Archbishop Arundel praises manliness,
; coronation,

1399–1413 (thematic)
: affinity and retainers,
; books and literary interests,
; building
; burial and memorial service,
; character,
; children and family,
see also
Henry V, John, Thomas, Humphrey, Blanche, Philippa; chivalric and military reputation,
; court,
; death,
; diplomatic achievement,
; excommunicated,
; extravagance,
; general pardons issued by,
; grave opened (1832),
; guns and cannons,
; health and illness,
; historiography,
; household, wardrobes and chamber,
; humour,
; illegitimate son (Edmund Leborde), 421, n.63; imperial policy,
; itinerary (1399–1413),
; jousting,
; landed power,
; marriage to Joan of Navarre,
; military campaigns,
; musical interests,
; nobility, relations with,
; patronage and grants,
; personal kingship,
; piety,
; plots and rebellions against,
; prisoners,
; propaganda,
; regal image of,
; religious houses patronized,
; seals,
; ships,
; tomb,
; towns, relations with,
; will,

Henry V, king of England (1413–1422),
; as king, 2–3, 72, 77, 441 n.
; birth of,
; childhood,
; marriage plans for,
; in Ireland with Richard II,
n.21; knighted by Richard,
; returns from Ireland,
n.42; at Henry IV coronation,
; own coronation as Henry V,
n.57; becomes Prince of Wales,
; duke of Aquitaine (Guyenne),
; duke of Lancaster,
n.4; has Richard II's body removed to Westminster Abbey,
; earl of Worcester becomes governor,
; role in Wales,
; relations with Henry IV,
; style of own household,
n.17; royal lieutenant in Wales,
; Worcester's resentment,
; and Hotspur rebellion,
; at Shrewsbury,
; wounded,
; convalescing,
; lieutenancy of Wales renewed,
; praises service of Edward, Duke of York,
; question of succession to Henry,
; attends council,
; and his father's declining health,
; witnesses royal charters,
n.20; champion of Calais garrison,
; and Thomas Beaufort as chancellor,
; offers pardon to Glyn Dŵr,
; relations with Thomas, duke of Clarence,
; power shifts with Henry IV,
; as Henry V,
n.58; and heretics,
; founds religious houses,
; as Knight of the Garter,
; as duke of Cornwall,
; as earl of Chester,
n.4; Knight of the Bath,
; in France,
; and Percy sympathizers,
; against intervention in Guyenne,
; as ‘Monsieur le Prince’,
n.43; death,
; plot to kill,
; and Henry IV death and burial,
; tomb,
n.35; coronation,
; first parliament as king,
; and Henry IV's debts,
; imprisons Joan of Navarre,
; death,
; posthumous reputation,

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