Hels's Gauntlet [Forbidden Legacy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Hels's Gauntlet [Forbidden Legacy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I didn’t mean to wake you.” He leaned down, taking full advantage of her drowsy state to slant his mouth across hers. She opened to him like a blossom turning to the sun, her tongue darting out to stroke his as he slid it along her teeth. The kiss fueled the lazy fire burning through his body, yet he was content just to nuzzle her mouth and massage her petal-soft lips. Her arms lifted to wrap around his neck, and he shifted. Tugging her into his arms, he stretched out on the bed and angled her softness against him, enjoying the sleep heated warmth of her body.

“Hmm.” She laughed into the kiss and sucked his lower lip between her teeth in a playful bite. “I like being woken like that.”

“Me, too, but you’re exhausted.” He pushed the tumble of hair away from her face. “You should sleep.”

“In a little while.” She brushed off his concern. Her hands wandered down his chest. Her nails teased his nipples, and his good intentions went up in a puff of passion-induced smoke.

“Well, if you insist.” He grinned.

“Oh, I do.”

As Cassie sank back into the pillows, Jacob slid a leg between hers, careful to not let his weight press down on her. The swell of her abdomen promised a future that he wouldn’t endanger in careless passion. His heart smacked against his ribs so hard surely she had to hear it. Lust thrummed in his blood. If he didn’t get control of himself, he would strip away the sheet and ride her until they were both mindless.

“Jacob, you’re overthinking this again.” Her voice shook him out of his stupor. Amusement softened the desire yearning in her expression. “You won’t hurt me. You won’t hurt us.”

The words sounded so easy, and maybe for her they were. But they weren’t easy for him. It would never be easy for him. Until she had walked up onto their deck and told them both that she was pregnant, it was easy to not want the idea of it. The suggestion of it. He was comfortable with the idea that she carried the Elf’s baby.

Truthfully, he didn’t care who fathered the babe in her womb, but he loved that baby. He loved it with a ferocity that surprised him. He’d loved his own children, every human inch of them. He’d celebrated their successes, grieved their failures, and mourned their loss. He mourned his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren. He mourned them until he’d been able to divorce himself from that human bloodline—a bloodline he would have to revisit now if their investigation into the possibility of female Wizards bore fruit.

He sighed, the sound whistling through his teeth and transforming to an
as Cassie planted her hands against his chest. The familiar tug of magic pulled through him and he flipped onto his back. Cassie rose up above him, her sleep rumpled hair managing to look seductive draping over her naked shoulders. The tips of her hair caressed his chest, and his cock slipped against the moist, slick heat of her pussy.

“Stop it.” Her gold eyes gleamed with purpose, but her brows drew together in a concentrated frown. Catching his hands in hers, she placed his palms against her breasts. Her nipples pebbled instantly at the contact, and she used his hands to tease herself. “Do you feel this?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Laughter and lust twined through him.

“This is a very naked, very wet, very hungry woman sitting astride you.” Her nose wrinkled with an almost impish delight. She rolled her hips, stroking his aching dick with a promise of damp heat. She angled the contact to rub her clit along him from tip to ball sac and back again.

His teeth clenched and his control shuddered, but he couldn’t help the wonder at watching her take exactly what she wanted from him. It was usually quite the opposite. She tapped his hands when he went still, staring at her. Every hormone in his body zinged through him, demanding fulfillment, but he fought to stay still.

She was utterly magnificent in her frustration.

“Fine, if you want me to do all the work.” Impatience hummed in the words, and she kissed him, taking his lips into a searing hot, openmouthed kiss. His body surged, blood rushing to stiffen his cock where it sandwiched between her nether lips. His dick knew exactly where it wanted to be. She abandoned his mouth and kissed a path down his neck. Every sweet nip of her teeth and succulent nibble of her lips threatened to send him over the edge.

She arched her back and rubbed her breasts against his hands. Moisture soaked his cock as her pussy wept against him, every easy glide a broken promise of completion. Cassie moved lower, pulling free of his hands as her mouth closed over his nipple and her cunning tongue teased it to a hard point.

She dribbled kisses down his abdomen until her breath warmed his eager flesh. One lick to the head of his cock and his balls seized up tight. He was going to come, right then and right there.

“Stop.” His voice was rough, and it jerked her head up. Her gaze collided with his. “Turn around.”

She lifted her brows and then grinned, scrambling to obey, her knees pressed down on the pillows on either side of his head. Heaven hovered above him, and he clasped her hips, guiding her down until he could lick the seam of her nether lips. He repaid her impatience in kind, nosing her sweet entrance and enjoying the heady musk, as his mouth closed around her swollen clit.

A sharp gasp of sound flushed hot warm breath on his cock as she guided it between her lips. He spared her no quarter, certain he would blow at any moment. He thrummed the hard little nub, suckling it until she gasped, releasing his cock from the sweet glove of her mouth. He set his mouth to work on her pussy, licking her until she shivered and moaned. He spread his hand against her ass above and gave one cheek a smart slap as he suckled her clit.

“Again.” He blew a breath against her pussy, enjoying the way her hips rose up, and he could see the sweet pink swelling and clenching. She drew his cock back into her mouth obediently. He indulged himself, slipping his tongue inside of her and swirling around the wild heat that fought to clamp down on his mouth. She tasted like ambrosia. He pushed a finger in, working against the greedy little muscles of her pussy. He couldn’t wait to slide his cock in there, if her mouth didn’t kill him first.

Pleasure pounded over him, a stormy surf, surging against the shore. He slid a second finger in, stroking her inner walls, and sucked her clit hard. He wasn’t going to make it. He wanted to make love to her for hours, tease her to the edge and drag her back, and then take her there again. But her mouth worked his cock, hard, furious strokes that sent fire skating over every nerve. He wanted to tip his head down and watch his cock disappear between her lips, but he pressed his face hard against her slick pussy. He was going to come. She was damn well going to come with him.

He drummed his tongue against the nub, forcing it to swell. The sensations of it all caught her unaware, she clamped down on his hand as her orgasm took her, and the hard pressure of her mouth jerked him. He tried to keep himself in check, to not slam his hips upward and fuck her mouth as hard as he wanted to, but he came nonetheless, his control shattering as she came apart against his mouth.

She collapsed on top of him, groaning. Little wet sounds reached his ears as she licked his softening cock like it was an ice cream cone. Laughter shuddered through him, and it turned to a gasp as she drew on his head, a hard suckling pull, and blood surged into his cock again.

Giving her pussy one last affectionate lick, he rolled her over carefully and tugged his stiffening cock free. She looked up at him, lips swollen and pouty.

“You want more, don’t you?” The husky note in his voice didn’t escape him. He wanted more, too. At her unabashed nod, he shifted her down the bed until he could kneel between her legs. His cock twitched in anticipation.

Licking his thumb, he pressed it down to her sensitive, quivering clit. Her eyes widened as he began to stroke it. “You come for me again, and then you get me.”

Her only response was a soundless
as the sensations stormed over her again and she moaned. The sound whispered through the room and filled his soul. He petted her through the climax, enjoying the wetness squeezing out of her, and when she began to quiet, he pulled her up and entered her in one, hard thrust. Her hands closed on his shoulders. They were both wet and slippery with sweat. She gazed at him, her teeth tugging at her lower lip, and then she began to move and they both groaned.

He gave her control of the pace, hands on her hips as he tried to keep his thrusts in check, but it didn’t take her long to fly apart in his arms all over again, muscles clamping down on his cock in pure bliss, and he captured her mouth in a searing kiss as he came.

He cradled her quivering body to him, nestling against her shoulder and pressing a kiss to the skin there. “I love you.” The rough tone might have embarrassed him once or made him want to duck away from the rage of need pouring through him.

But not with Cassie.

Never with Cassie.

“I love you.” Unshed tears thickened her voice, and he lifted his head, worried that somehow, he’d hurt her. But she smiled through her tears, affection and devotion softening her features.

He opened his mouth, but a fist hammering against the door tore away the curtain of intimacy.

“Boss,” Jude shouted through the door. “We got a problem.”

Chapter Four


“Kyrian, you shouldn’t be here.” Helcyon refused to relax his guard, flexing his grip on the sword until it balanced perfectly with his arm.

“The gateways are open, brother. Underhill flows into the world again, and the world flows into Underhill. I can be where I choose.” As though uncaring of the danger, or perhaps in spite of it, Kyrian strolled toward him, his posture relaxed, his chin up, and an insouciant gleam in his eyes. “The one who shouldn’t be here is you. Why do you still pay homage to the Danae when you are free?”

“What I do or don’t do is not your concern, brother. You made that clear when you withdrew your support and fled into the world.” The words ground against his teeth, the old anger and resentment unfurling from the dark burial in his mind.

Kyrian sighed, arms folding across his chest. He dressed much like the humans, from the pressed slacks to the white button-down shirt. Even his shoes were human-made, leather loafers. The tan skin, the white hair, and the blue eyes suggested he enjoyed the southern climes of Cassandra’s world.

“What do you want, Kyrian?” Helcyon longed to return to the Sierra Nevada, to see his lady and put behind him the constant danger of politics and doubletalk.

“After two hundred years, you’d think you would be happier to see me. But I suppose you’re still pissed that I threatened your clout in the Court.” Even his language was that of the humans, formalities melted down to their base components.

Instead of responding, Helcyon extended his senses around them. Lingering too long might raise questions. The Brownies wouldn’t turn him in. But the Danae’s watchers could be anywhere. She would gleefully send another assassin to solve the problem of Kyrian’s presence. She might even take the insult as a direct attack and move up her plans to take Cassandra. Plans Helcyon had no doubt she already calculated.

“Fine.” Kyrian exhaled the word on an impatient sigh. “I’m here for my son.”

“Vanagan is a member of the Wizarding Council. I see no problem with your son.” Helcyon danced around the knife’s edge of truth.

“Not my eldest son, my youngest.” His brother’s veneer of civility trembled. His blue eyes cooled to ice chips, and his jaw flexed as he fought to keep the irritation off his face. A small part of Helcyon spared that emotional response a smile. Kyrian incorrectly believed himself a master manipulator. His younger brother never learned the danger of playing those tricks on Helcyon.

“Your son is not Underhill, Kyrian, unless you managed to impregnate Jessalyn.” Helcyon canted his head to the side, as though solving the math. “But that would make Vanagan the younger son.”

“Clever, brother, very clever. I am speaking of the Wizard Jude. The one whose guise you wore when you infiltrated the Wizarding Council’s stronghold in defense of your mate and her lover.” A muscle ticked in Kyrian’s cheek, betraying his temper’s arousal.

“The flower child. Are you sure he is yours? He seemed a level-headed and intelligent youth.” The dig didn’t escape Kyrian’s notice, and his brother lunged forward. Helcyon batted him away with the flat of his blade. The slap echoed in the quiet morning, staggering his brother sideways.

Kyrian clapped a hand to his face, blood seeping between his fingers. Fury melted the frost in his eyes. “You don’t want me as an enemy, brother. Not when I can help you with your Cassandra dilemma.”

“I want you as my ally less. Speak your mind and then leave.” The air tingled with possibility. The chances for discovery rose with every passing moment they lingered in the Brownies’ village.

Kyrian lunged forward, sliding under Helcyon’s sword arm. Arms wrapping around Helcyon’s torso, his brother jerked him sideways, and they fell. Slamming into the sand, Helcyon used the momentum to flip his brother, twisting out of his grip and driving the hilt of his sword up into his jaw. The brothers sprang apart. Wind caught their hair, and the sound of the surf pounding against the shore pulled his attention. A stormy sky shrouded the sun and the promise of rain carried in the air.

“Now we’re not Underhill, so you can stop worrying about her watchdogs.” Kyrian spit blood from his mouth. The red stained his teeth. A bruise darkened his jaw where Helcyon’s blow impacted.

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