Helping Hand (9 page)

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Authors: Jay Northcote

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of it, Jez was dim ly aware of the hot splash on his belly as Mac cam e too.

They lay panting for a few m om ents, the pounding beat of Jez’s

heart slowly settling as their breathing slowed. He drew back until he

could see Mac’s face. Mac’s ey es were open, and his lips curved in a

sm all sm ile. Jez wanted to kiss him again, but it felt like the m om ent had

passed, and he was afraid Mac m ight not want that.

Instead, Jez closed his ey es and drifted, not ready to m ove y et. Still

woozy from beer and com e-drunk on top of the alcohol, he could have

fallen asleep like that: sticky and half-naked on top of his duvet. But Mac

m oving brought him back to reality. Jez opened his ey es and watched as

Mac sat up, holding his hand out in front of him and grim acing.

Jez chuckled. “I’m out of tissues, sorry.”

The bed shifted as Mac stood. He pulled up his j eans and picked his

T-shirt up from the floor and used it to wipe his hand. Jez lay unm oving.

His cock was still out, wet and softening against his thigh, but he was too

tired and fucked out to care as Mac stared at him in silence, his face hard

to read in the dim light. A car horn sounded out on the street and broke the


“I’d better go,” Mac said.

Jez didn’t want Mac to go y et, but he couldn’t think of the right words

to m ake him stay. He was too tired to be coherent. “’Kay … night.”

“Good night.” Mac closed the door softly behind him .

Jez barely had the energy to take his j eans the rest of the way off,

find som e clean boxers, and get under the duvet. Exhausted by drinking,

dancing, and em otion, he fell asleep quickly —with a vague sense of

unease about what they ’d done and what it m ight m ean for their


Chapter Nine

The rules changed again.

Now kissing was on the table, it stay ed there, and watching porn

together was a thing of the past. They still didn’t talk about what they

were doing, but there was an undeniable shift towards intim acy. Jez loved

and feared it in equal m easures, because as m uch as he craved Mac’s

kisses and the way he touched Jez’s body with growing confidence when

they got off, Jez couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being swept along

by som ething he couldn’t control.

It still felt illicit. The secretiveness of this thing between them was an

undeniable thrill to Jez. Yet at the sam e tim e, he craved m ore. Sitting next

to Mac on the sofa, he longed for Mac’s touch, for som e casual affection,

but Mac avoided touching him unless they were alone.

A few day s after the night out, Jez headed for Mac’s room to borrow

a CD and caught Mac fresh from the shower with only a towel round

him .

He knocked and entered after Mac’s “Com e in.”

“Oh hey. Um ….” The words stuck in Jez’s throat as the sight of Mac

—all wet hair, dam p skin, and nipples tight from the cool air—wiped the

m em ory of what he’d com e in for. Jez licked his lips nervously, and Mac’s

ey es tracked the m ovem ent.

“Did y ou want som ething?” Mac quirked an ey ebrow and the corner

of his m outh lifted in obvious am usem ent.

The fucker. He clearly knew the effect he was having on Jez and

was enj oy ing it.

Jez was still unclear about Mac’s m otivations. Mac was alway s

enthusiastic about the phy sical side of their unspoken arrangem ent, and

whenever they fooled around, he had no trouble getting hard or getting

off. But there were definite lim its that Mac didn’t cross. He was good for

kissing and hand j obs but had never used his m outh on Jez’s cock, and

neither of them had gone any where near each other’s arsehole. Jez

wasn’t com pletely opposed to the idea, but he suspected it was way out of

Mac’s com fort zone.

“Jez?” Mac speaking his nam e snapped Jez out of his thoughts.

The heat in Mac’s expression m ade Jez drop his gaze to Mac’s crotch.

Mac was half-hard, and the thick ridge of his dick was clearly visible

through the towel.

Jez closed the door behind him and flipped the lock. They usually

only did stuff when they were alone in the house or late at night when the

others had already gone to bed. But it was early evening, and the house

was busy with people. That knowledge only added to the thrill as Jez

approached Mac, holding his gaze and raising his ey ebrows in a question.

Mac answered him by grabbing his hips and pulling him close, his

lips seeking Jez’s in a kiss that stole Jez’s breath as a dizzy ing lurch of

arousal hit him like a punch in the gut.

Jez unfastened Mac’s towel and let it drop, leaving him naked. Mac’s

cock reared up against Jez’s belly, poking him insistently until he wrapped

his fingers around its hot length. He sm iled into the kiss and felt Mac sm ile

back. Mac tugged at the hem of Jez’s T-shirt, lifting it until they had to

break apart so that he could get it over Jez’s head. Mac sm oothed his

palm s over Jez’s chest, grazing the light sprinkle of blond fuzz. Jez

wondered what Mac thought of it com pared to his own sm oothness. Did

he like it? Or did it only serve to rem ind him that Jez wasn’t a girl.

I’m not gay. Mac’s words echoed in Jez’s head. As far as he knew,

Mac hadn’t changed his opinion, but it didn’t seem to stop him wanting to

get his hands all over Jez.

“Get these off.” Mac snapped the waistband of Jez’s tracksuit

bottom s, and Jez com plied, pulling them down along with his boxers.

Facing each other fully naked for the first tim e in the glare of Mac’s

overhead light left them nowhere to hide. Two guy s together, stone-cold

sober, kissing and touching each other with no excuse apart from desire.

However Mac j ustified this to him self, to Jez it felt pretty fucking gay,

and he suddenly realised he was okay with that. More than okay, in fact.

He dropped to his knees and pressed his face into the j uncture where

Mac’s thigh m et his groin. He breathed in, sm elling Mac beneath the soap.

Mac’s pubes were still dam p from the shower and his balls had pulled up

tight in the cool air. Jez licked them , and Mac drew in a sharp breath.

Looking up, Jez licked up the underside of Mac’s shaft. Mac stared down

at him , his ey es wide and dark, m outh slack. Jez paused at the tip then

circled it delicately with his tongue.

“Jez,” Mac groaned. “Com e on.”

Staring up at him , Jez had the sudden realisation that although he was

the one on his knees, he had all the power here. He’d alway s thought a

guy in his position would be the subm issive one, servicing the other, being

used som ehow. But now he was kneeling in front of Mac, it didn’t feel like

that at all. Mac wasn’t taking any thing from him , Jez was giving, and it

was all on his term s.

“Stop teasing.” Mac’s voice had a desperate edge, and it sent a thrill

through Jez, a flare of arousal so strong that his cock j erked and ached.

Jez stopped teasing… well, alm ost. A little teasing was fun, but he

didn’t m ake Mac wait too long to com e. Another tim e it m ight be fun to

draw this out for longer, but the floor was hurting Jez’s knees, so he used

all the tricks he knew to m ake it good until Mac’s thighs were taut and

trem bling and his hips were m oving, pushing his cock deeper as Jez

encouraged him with enthusiastic sounds. Mac didn’t warn Jez when he

cam e, not verbally any way, but Jez was ready for it because he knew

Mac’s signals now. He recognised the sm all, desperate sounds Mac m ade

j ust before and the pulse in Mac’s dick as he was about to shoot, and he

carried on sucking Mac right through it.

“Jesus,” Mac said as Jez pulled off. “That was fucking awesom e. I

thought I was going to black out there for a m inute.” He stum bled to the

bed on wobbly legs and then sprawled out on his back.

Jez grinned as he stood. “That would be fun to explain in A & E.”

Mac’s gaze slid down to Jez’s cock. “You really like sucking m e off,

don’t y ou?”

Jez’s face heated, but there was no point try ing to deny it. The hard

evidence curved up in front of him , proud and unasham ed. “Yeah.”

“Get over here.” Mac patted the bed.

Instead of going to lie beside Mac as Mac probably intended, Jez

crawled over him instead. Lust m ade him bold, and Jez straddled Mac’s

hips, his bare arse resting on Mac’s softening dick as he started stroking

him self.

“You turn m e on,” Jez said, the adm ission spilling out unchecked.

“It’s hot… having y ou in m y m outh, m aking y ou com e… I never knew it

was som ething I could like that m uch.” He was breathless, the sweet grip

and slide of his hand pushing him close already.

Mac stared at him , his gaze flickering between Jez’s cock and his

face. Mac’s cheeks had flushed and his ey es were half-lidded and sexy as

hell. His expression didn’t give m uch away, but Jez figured if he wasn’t

into this, it was up to him to say, or to push Jez away.

Mac didn’t push him away. Instead he brought his hands up to Jez’s

arse, palm ing the globes of his buttocks, stroking and squeezing. He hadn’t

touched Jez like that before, and it felt dangerous, but so dam n good at the

sam e tim e.

Jez’s cock throbbed, wet and slick in his hand as he j erked him self

faster. The sound it m ade in the otherwise silent room was obscene. He

m oved his hips, fucking forward into his fist with a groan, and as he

m oved back, his perineum dragged over som ething hot and firm .

Oh God. Mac was getting hard again. Having Jez j erk off over him

wasn’t a problem , then.

Mac’s obvious arousal sent Jez spiralling higher. He carried on,

m oving faster, fucking harder into his hand.

“Yeah, com e on,” Mac said hoarsely, and he readj usted his grip on

Jez’s arse. His fingers slipped into the crack where Jez was slippery with

sweat, and a fingertip grazed over Jez’s hole, first accidentally. Jez

gasped, and Mac did it again, circling with careful, deliberate pressure as

though he was testing to see whether Jez’s body would let him inside. An

unbearably sweet j olt of sensation surged through Jez, and he cried out as

he cam e in a series of m uscle-tensing, body -shaking pulses that left him

weak and trem bling. Legs aching and exhausted, he flopped forward onto

Mac’s chest, sm earing his com e between them as Mac slid his hands up

Jez’s back and held him tight as Jez slowly cam e back to earth.

“I’m gonna need another shower now.” Mac’s voice was warm , a

low rum ble in his chest.

Jez let out a huff of exhausted am usem ent. “I’ll m ove in a m inute,”

he m uttered.

“That good, huh?” Mac sounded am used.

“Yeah.” Jez wasn’t capable of m ore than m onosy llables. He loved

being in Mac’s arm s. Mac was so strong and powerful, y et gentle too. The

steady thud of Mac’s heart vibrated through his ribcage. The beat was

slow com pared to Jez’s, but as Jez lay there, the frantic beat of his heart

gradually calm ed, pulled into sy nc by the rhy thm ic lub-dup, lub-dup,

lub-dup of Mac’s.

Later that night, Jez showered before bed. As he soaped him self up

and washed away the sweat and com e from earlier, he paid m ore

attention to his arse than he usually did. Curious, he probed his hole with a

slippery finger and m et resistance. Pressing harder, he m anaged to

breach the ring of m uscle with a fingertip. It felt weird—stretched and

uncom fortable—and triggered the urge to push. But when his m uscles

acted reflexively, they softened and his finger slipped in further.

He hissed in surprise, tensing again at the burn and surprised by the

strength of his m uscles as they clam ped tight around the intrusion. It

didn’t feel good exactly, but it didn’t feel bad either. Mostly it felt strange.

He im agined how it would feel if it was Mac’s cock instead. He found it

hard to believe taking som ething that thick could be pleasant, prostate or

no prostate. But he supposed it m ust do, otherwise why would people


Done with experim enting for tonight, Jez withdrew his finger,

wincing a little at the sensation of it slipping free.

When he was tucked up in bed later with his laptop, supposedly

researching geom orphological hazards for their current assignm ent, he

took a sharp detour via Google.

How to have anal sex, he ty ped.

Overwhelm ed by choice, he started at the top of the results and

worked his way down the list for a while, skim m ing through the various

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