Hell's Gift (43 page)

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Authors: K. S. Haigwood

BOOK: Hell's Gift
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“Lameria is your soulmate, isn’t she? Why didn’t you tell me, Isaiah? I would have understood instead of scolding you back in Greed for not helping me more.”

He shook his head and squeezed my shoulder to comfort me. “It wasn’t important to your mission. Forgiving is hard, but forgetting is impossible.” His own eyes misted over and then he turned from me to blend in with the crowd at his back, his mind on lock-down so I couldn’t sense his emotions.

I looked back to Lucifer with determination in my eyes and stood with Kendra in my arms. “You encouraged this to happen.”

“My children are in control of their own actions. It’s called freewill,” he said, then glanced to Thoros and Abbi. “I am only in control of the consequences.”

“Bring her back, then.”

“I cannot. She was a child of God and the situation is now out of my hands. Mayhap your God can bring her back. Or perhaps I could discipline Murry, strike him down. One bad turn deserves another, right? I could hold him and take his powers while you inflict pain on his flesh. Would it make you feel better? Is that what you wish to happen, so you can get your revenge for the wrong he has done to someone so dear to you?” Lucifer grabbed Murry’s hands and held them tightly at the small of his back, to show me he was completely serious about letting me have my vengeance on the demon that had flipped my world upside down. “Here he is, defenseless and powerless. Shove your spear through his heart if that is the sort of payback you seek.”

I turned to hand Kendra’s body to Troy, then reached behind my head and slipped my spear free from the pack.

“No, Rhyan,” Abbi said from behind me, but someone must have stopped her from coming any closer or saying any more.

I had to do what I thought would make things right—at least for everyone I could.

Lucifer nodded, supporting my decision to the fullest.

I pulled my arm back and aimed it at the center of Murry’s chest. There was nothing else in that moment that I wanted to do. It would feel good to cause him pain, if only for a little while. “He has caused enough anguish and grief on that family. Your word has been good so far. Can I have it once more? Promise me he will never go near them again.” Murry chuckled, but Lucifer tightened his hold and the demon quickly shut up.

“You have my word he will never go near your charge’s family again.”

“None of your children will ever harm them, in any way.” I waited a moment. “Say it!”

“Master, it’s a trick,” Velan pressed.

He shrugged. “I have no problem agreeing to that. Too much time has been wasted there already. None of mine will harm the mortal family in any way. Now, give Murry what he deserves, so you can carry on with your never-ending quest.”

I lowered the spear and Lucifer’s brow popped up. “What he deserves? It’s not my place to give him what he deserves. But I will give him what I need to give him so I can live an eternity without seeing him in my mind every time I close my eyes. I forgive him.”

“What?” Murry said, but Lucifer only clenched his jaw as a bright gold door appeared by my right arm; I knew repeating what I’d said wasn’t necessary.

“Along with my wife, I will be taking Thoros and Josselyn with me. You can hand over the souls and we will be on our way.”

Shaking his head, Lucifer smiled mischievously. “Releasing Thoros from my command wasn’t part of the deal.”

“Neither was taking Josselyn and threatening to damn her soul. That’s not even possible without her consent, but you knew Thoros didn’t know that, so you used that against him to make it hard on me. I think it’s a fair trade. You know, one bad turn deserves another.”

“You do play hardball, don’t you, angel?” Lucifer’s hand came up to rub at his chin as he eyed me in contempt.

I held my breath and waited patiently for his answer. I was calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside I was freaking out. I didn’t know what would happen if he said no. Thoros would be tortured beyond anything even I could dream of if we didn’t get him out of there. I could tell Lucifer was chomping at the bit, wanting to get a hold of his insubordinate child. I couldn’t let that happen.

Lucifer took a step toward me, then hesitated to come closer when Abbi stepped to my side and held out her hands. Neon blue electric sparks danced across her fingertips.

“This doesn’t have to end badly for you, Lucifer. We just want to leave. Everyone here already knows that Hell can be conquered, so instead of worrying about us, I would concentrate on trying to prevent it from happening again.”

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and watched as Damien and Fallis walked to our side.

“No!” Lucifer shouted. “I will not release you!” he roared.

Abbi took a step closer to him and intensified the current in her hands. “You will release anyone that wants to be released.”

I was baffled by Abbi’s courage, but I supposed she did have the upper hand on him. I was glad she was on my side.

“Isaiah,” Lameria whispered, then released her hold on Josselyn so she could cross to our side. Tears fell from her eyes as she took in a shaky breath. “Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me, my love?”

I swiftly looked back to my archangel. His face was emotionless as he returned her stare. “I forgave you the moment you were banished, but trust is something that has to be earned, and that is something you have not done yet.”

I watched as she swallowed hard, then gave a slight smile. “I can earn your trust again. If it takes an eternity, I will do it.”

Isaiah looked away from her, but I could tell there was something in his eyes he didn’t want anyone to see: hope. He still loved her. I didn’t know what Lameria had done to deserve banishment from Heaven, but it was evidently bad enough to cause Isaiah to turn his back on her, as well. I prayed for both of them that they could make it work. I knew how I would feel if I were ever separated from Abbi again. I could only imagine the anguish both were going through by refusing to touch one another.

Lameria’s eyes met mine. “I’m sorry for what I did to you, Rhyan. I hope someday I can earn your trust, too. May I accompany you and your crew through the door?”

I nodded. “We’d be honored to have you, Lameria.”

She moved to stand by me, and Lucifer grabbed her hair, jerking her back to him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he said into her ear, then looked back to the growing crowd. “None of mine will be leaving today. You think you can just side with the angels and get away with it? I don’t think so. I may have been fooled by Abbi and her mate, but that is something that will never happen again. I have your souls, and there is nothing even God can do to get me to release them. Come here!” he shouted, and pointed to the ground beside him. Nobody moved to obey; his demanding words had no effect on them anymore. His features filled with rage, and in one swift move he shoved his hand through Lameria’s back, his hand closing tightly around her heart.

I heard Isaiah’s quick intake of breath from behind me, then he whispered. “Oh, dear God.”

“I warned you,” Abbi said, then took Lucifer to the ground with the power radiating from her hands, before I even realized she’d left my side.

Lameria was thrown to the ground several feet from the fight, and a few members of the LOD rushed to her aid, and carried her back to our side.

Murry and Velan watched in horror as their master tried, without success, to gain control over Abbi. His eyes had already rolled to the back of his head and veins were continuously bursting beneath the surface of his flesh.

“Abbi, we need him conscious so he can give us the souls,” I said, and she immediately stopped and stood.

She looked over to Velan and Murry, then ran a current of sparks over the tips of her fingers. Their eyes grew wide and then they both popped out of sight.

Everyone looked down at the helpless King of Hades. He gave a small groan, then coughed black smoke. After taking several deep breaths, Lucifer opened his eyes. “I will never release the souls to Heaven. I have too much pride to allow any of you true happiness—”

Abbi started to shock him again, but I placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her for a minute.

“It was written in the contract. You gave your word,” I said.

He nodded. “Yes. I gave my word, if you completed the mission successfully, that I would give Abigail’s soul back to her, but the others I did not. I have a proposition to offer you. You can either choose to accept, or you can stay here and electrocute me until you tire. I will release half a soul to each of those willing to part from here. I will not have control over the souls any longer, but neither will they be allowed into Heaven. They will be tainted and unholy and forced to walk the earth as immortals until the end of time. I suppose it will be up to the Almighty if they are allowed through the gates when he destroys the world. I do not know, nor do I care. It’s the only deal I’m offering and there is no negotiation; take it or leave it.”

I looked at Abbi, then turned to catch the expressions of Thoros, Lameria, Damien and Fallis. They all seemed to think it a better fate than what they would have to suffer through if they stayed there.

I glared back at Lucifer. “And Abbi gets her whole soul?”

He closed his eyes and nodded in agreement.

An image of a scarred beauty popped into my head, and I knew I couldn’t leave her. Coen had also earned the right to exit Hell in my book. “Release Phoebe from the Syde of Pride and Coen from Greed. They have paid their dues and wish to leave.” I felt a little tug on my trousers and glanced down to Tooka’s hopeful eyes. “Tooka goes as well.”

“Psst—” I heard from behind me and turned to see Thoros. “Baddon would choose to go if he had the option. He is my friend and I cannot leave a friend behind,” he whispered.

I locked eyes with him momentarily, then looked to the rest of the royalty. There were nods of agreement from all of them. I cleared my throat and moved my focus back to Lucifer. “Baddon goes, too.”

Lucifer glared at me. “That is all.”

“And we accept that.”

Chapter 55

The Chamberlain Residence

My heart was heavy when I arrived at the home of Adam Chamberlain and his son. There was a lump the size of a grapefruit in my throat and I had no idea how I was going to break the news of Kendra’s death to her soulmate.

Several of the others had offered to come along, but I refused the help, or even the shoulders to lean on in case my knees failed to keep me upright and steady as I broke Adam’s heart into a million pieces.

I needed to do it alone.

I walked the three steps to the top of the porch, then the seven steps to the front door. Instead of walking in like I used to always do, I put knuckles to wood. After what had happened, I didn’t feel as though I would be welcome in that home anymore.

The door flew open and a very worried looking Adam, with red swollen eyes, stared at me. Expecting. Knowing. He shook his head as I pursed my lips and let my own eyes fill with fresh tears. “No. I don’t believe it. You can’t make me believe that, after all we’ve been through, she’s just gone.”

“May I come in?”

He placed his hands over his face and just walked to the den, leaving the door open for me to enter and shut behind me.

It took every bit of energy in me to walk the twenty steps to face the widower again, but when I got there Adam was sitting on the sofa with his face in his hands. His elbows propped on his knees appeared to be the only thing balancing the position and keeping him from falling on the floor. I knew how he felt. I had loved Kendra from day one. I would get to see her in Heaven, but I honestly felt bad that Adam wouldn’t.

He took a deep breath and looked up at me. “Is this what I get for loving, for believing in God again? I get a moment of happiness, then he takes it away from me?”

“Murry had…” I started, then turned quickly when the front door opened. “…Kendra…” I said, completely astonished by what I was seeing.

“What did Murry do?” Adam asked.

My jaw fell agape as Kendra walked to me and slipped her arm around my waist, then looked to her shocked husband.

“Murry gave us a little scare; that’s all. But Rhyan made sure he would never hurt us again. Didn’t you, Rhyan?”

I could only nod and cry as I hugged her to me fiercely, and even though I didn’t want to let her go, I didn’t object when Adam took her greedily from my arms. He smothered her with kisses, and when he hugged her she smiled at me and winked.

I had really won the war and all of the battles. I guessed God agreed with me that it wasn’t her time to be taken.

In that moment I knew everything was going to be all right.


We made it, didn’t we? It was touch and go there a few times—a lot of times, actually—when I thought I’d lost, but I guess you don’t know how strong you really are until your faith is being tested.

Abbi did as she promised and asked God for forgiveness. She was nervous about what to expect, but didn’t need to have been; Heaven welcomed her with open arms.

Malcolm is still missing, but the LOD is putting together a search party to find him. Bet you can’t guess who is leading that adventure? No, not me, I’m helping out when I can, but Troy has taken the reins on that one. My leading days are over for a little while. Spending a little time relaxing in Heaven, making up for the last three centuries I’ve missed with my wife sounds pretty good to me.

I’ve been keeping an eye on Josselyn. I know she is using the speculum to watch Thoros on earth, but she isn’t admitting to anything. I’m not sure I approve of her choice of men, but anybody can turn their actions in a different direction if you just give them a little time and space to do it in; even someone like the Prince of Lust.

Some even need a little incentive, but usually when a person wants something bad enough, they keep trying until they eventually succeed. It’s what one is supposed to do, anyway. Does it always happen like that? No. But everyone does have the option to either give up or keep going. I’m a firm believer that if you just keep trying, anything is possible. Josselyn hasn’t asked to visit him on earth yet, but I foresee it happening soon. Staying away from your soulmate is difficult, if not impossible, to do. It’s only a matter of time.

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