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Authors: Brian Aldiss
‘Our ablest SF writer’
‘Propels the reader headlong into marvel. A trilogy which has acquired monumental nobility’
‘Science fiction has never before had this grandeur’
‘Brian Aldiss’ towering imagination places his
trilogy far above standard science fiction’
‘Rarely has someone else’s brave new world been brought so stunningly to life’
‘One of the best SF writers Britain has ever produced’
‘A marvellous journey to another world – a remarkable feat of the imagination’
The Brightfount Diaries (1955)
Non-Stop (1958)
Bow Down to Nul (1960)
The Primal Urge (1961)
The Male Response (1961)
Hothouse (1962)
The Dark Light Years (1964)
Greybeard (1964)
Earthworks (1965)
An Age (1967)
Report on Probability A (1968)
Barefoot in the Head: A European Fantasia (1969)
The Hand-Reared Boy (1970)
A Soldier Erect (1971)
Frankenstein Unbound (1973)
The Eighty Minute Hour: A Space Opera (1974)
The Malacia Tapestry (1976)
Brothers of the Head (1977)
A Rude Awakening (1978)
Enemies of the System: A Tale of Homo Uniformis (1978)
Moreau’s Other Island (1980)
Life in the West (1980)
Helliconia Spring (1982)
Helliconia Summer (1983)
Helliconia Winter (1985)
The Year Before Yesterday (1987)
Ruins (1987)
Forgotten Life (1988)
Dracula Unbound (1991)
Remembrance Day (1993)
Somewhere East of Life (1994)
White Mars Or, The Mind Set Free (with Roger Penrose) (1999)
Super-State (2002)
The Cretan Teat (2002)
Affairs at Hampden Ferrers (2004)
Sanity and the Lady (2005)
Jocasta (2006)
HARM (2007)
Space/ Time and Nathaniel (Presciences) (1957)
No Time Like Tomorrow (1959)
The Canopy of Time (1959)
Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (1960)
The Airs of Earth (1963)
Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (1965)
The Saliva Tree and Other Strange Growths (1966)
Intangible Inc. (1969)
The Moment of Eclipse (1970)
The Book of Brian Aldiss (1972)
Last Orders and Other Stories (1977)
New Arrivals, Old Encounters (1979)
Seasons in Flight (1984)
The Magic of the Past (1987)
Best SF Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (1988)
Science Fiction Blues (1988)
A Romance of the Equator: Best Fantasy Stories (1989)
A Tupelov Too Far (1994)
The Secret of This Book (1995)
Common Clay (1996)
Super-Toys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time (2001)
Cultural Breaks (2005)
The Shape of Further Things (1970)
Billion Year Spree (1973)
Science Fiction Art (1975)
Science Fiction Art (1976)
Science Fiction as Science Fiction (1978)
The World and Nearer Ones (1979)
The Pale Shadow of Science (1985)
… And the Lurid Glare of the Comet (1986)
Trillion Year Spree (1986)
Bury My Heart at W.H. Smith’s: A Writing Life (1990)
The Detached Retina (1995)
The Twinkling of an Eye or My Life as an Englishman (1998)
When the Feast is Finished (with Margaret Aldiss) (1999)
Art after Apogee: The Relationships between an Idea, a Story, a Painting (with Rosemary Phipps) (2000)