Hellfire, Texas (Hellfire #1) (10 page)

Read Hellfire, Texas (Hellfire #1) Online

Authors: Elle James

Tags: #Suspense, #Romance, #Firefighters

BOOK: Hellfire, Texas (Hellfire #1)
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After Kinsey disappeared
into the house with a sexy smile on her face, Becket revved the ATV engine. The rumble of the machine beneath him seemed to be a metaphor for how he felt at that moment. His divorce three years ago had put him emotionally on hold. No woman was worth the trouble of dating if the relationship would only end up in disappointment, or her leaving him for a richer man.

Until Kinsey. He was attracted to her for who she had been, and who she’d become. However, telling himself over and over to take it slow with her would be futile. He’d never look at his ATV the same. The rumbling engine reminded Becket of Kinsey riding him, with nothing but air covering her skin and blue sky as a backdrop.

She was hot and she was beautiful, her laughing green eyes shining right into his heart. He could fall in love with her, if he let himself. Becket shifted into gear and pressed the throttle.

Take it slowly.

His new mantra repeating in his head, he drove the ATV into the barn and parked it next to the other that needed repair.

Though his body was in the barn, he let his thoughts drift to Kinsey showering in the bathroom across the hall from his bedroom. If he hurried, he could catch her, dripping wet, and in need of someone to dry off her skin. They could move to his bedroom and make love again. This time on the comfortable mattress, taking their time and not risking sunburn on her naked body.

Sweet Jesus.
Had he really made love to Kinsey on the seat of the four-wheeler?

Take it slow.

Becket inhaled and let out his breath in a long, slow stream. Kinsey needed to recover before she threw herself into anything. Especially into sex with another man. She had been more than willing, initiating the encounter, but was it the right thing to do? Had he taken advantage of her at a weak moment?

He would give her time. Let her shower as planned, and then meet him in the kitchen to make a sandwich. Not steal a kiss, or take her on the kitchen table. His groin tightened as he struggled to quench his desire.

Feed the horses.
Hell, he’d already done that.
Stack some hay
. It was all perfectly stacked, ready to use in the winter. Maybe he could reorganize the tack room. That could kill an hour, if he took his time.

Making his way to the room filled with saddles, bridles, and other equipment, he glanced inside. Well, damn. He’d completely reorganized it a month ago. The equipment was still clean and orderly.

He might as well go to the house and see if Kinsey was done in the shower. Maybe he’d climb the stairs and knock on the door, just to see if she needed anything—fresh towels, toilet paper, someone to pat the moisture off her skin. He groaned and started to turn away from the tack room.

A scuffling sound and a movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Before he could react, something hard hit him in the back of the head.

Pain shot through his skull. Becket staggered into the tack room, his knees buckling.

Fight it. Don’t go down

Another blow to the back of the head sent him crashing to the hardwood floor, and the lights blinked out.

Chapter Seven

insey finished a
long shower, disappointed Becket hadn’t joined her. She’d taken her time drying off, hoping to hear a knock on the bathroom door. In her mind, she already had a plan. She’d drop the towel, plant a hand on his chest, and back him into his bedroom across the hallway.

No knock came to her door. With a sigh, she dressed, dragging her clothing over her sensitized skin, wishing Becket’s hands were covering her instead of clothes. She laughed at her imaginings. Kinsey realized having a relationship with someone she trusted was so much better than what she’d had with Dillon.

The house was silent except for the sound of her footsteps as she descended the stairs and entered the kitchen. Becket had obviously stayed to perform needed chores in the barn. Or maybe he regretted making love to her in the pasture.

Deflated and a little sad, Kinsey searched the refrigerator for sandwich ingredients. Deli meat, mustard, mayonnaise, and cheese—everything she needed to make a lunch.

The door creaked open behind her.

“Just in time. I was about to make sandwiches. You can help.” She turned with a smile.

“Hello, Kinsey.”

All the items slipped from her arms and crashed to the floor as Kinsey faced the man who’d become her living nightmare. “Dillon,” she said, her voice barely a whisper, her insides quaking.

Dillon advanced a step. “Imagine how worried I was when I woke up to find you gone.”

Kinsey inched backward, her gaze darting around, searching for a way out. All escape routes required passing her ex-boyfriend. Where was Becket? “I’m sorry. I sh-should have left a note.”

He took another step, closing the distance. “You stole my keys out of my pocket.”

Stay calm
. Her heart slammed against her ribs, pumping so fast her head swam. “I only took the key to
car and put the others back.”

“You stole them out of my pocket.” Another step and he could almost reach her.

Kinsey stepped back and to the side, placing the kitchen island between them. If she remembered correctly, knives were kept in one of the drawers. Which one? She’d only have a single chance to find it.

Dillon’s eyes narrowed, and he held out his hand. “You’ve had your fun, Kinsey. Time to come home.”

Kinsey’s back stiffened, and her eyes narrowed. “I’m not going back.”

“You belong to me.”

To me. Not with me.
Dillon considered her his property, not his partner. Anger stiffened her muscles. “I don’t belong to anyone. Especially not you.” Her voice hardened, though her knees shook. She shot a glance toward the open door behind Dillon. Where was Becket?

“Grayson isn’t coming to save you.” Dillon’s lips curled into a sneer. “He’s not coming to save anyone ever again.”

Her heart stopped, and she clutched the edge of the island. “What do you mean?” Then she smelled smoke coming through the open door, and her pulse leapt. “Dillon, what have you done?”

Dillon’s lips peeled back over his teeth in a feral snarl. “Taken away temptation. You’re coming home, and you’re not ever returning to Hellfire. Now, quit wasting my time. Let’s go.”

Rage filled her, bubbling over like a boiling cauldron. “Dillon, you’re a sick bastard. There is no way in hell I’m going anywhere with you.” She yanked open the drawer, grabbed the biggest, sharpest butcher knife she could find, and held it in front of her. “You’re never laying a hand on me again.”

Dillon gave her his ‘public’ charming smile and raised his hands as if in surrender.

Something he’d never do. “Baby, I promise. I won’t hurt you.”

“You forget, I’ve been with you long enough to know you break all your promises.” She circled the island, the knife firmly in her grip. She had no question in her mind that she’d use it if he came at her. Her goal was to get the hell out of the house and find Becket. Her chest tightened as she imagined all the horrible things Dillon could have done to him. And why was smoke drifting through the kitchen door?

“Quit stalling, Kinsey. We’re leaving now.”

“Then leave. I’m not going with you. Ever. Again.”

Dillon lunged for her.

Kinsey jabbed the knife at the hands reaching for her, cutting into his forearm.

He cradled his arm. “You fucking bitch.”

Kinsey turned and ran for the door.

Footsteps pounded behind her.

Before she made it through, strong hands grabbed her around the waist and yank her back against him. She slammed the knife into his thigh.

“Bitch, you’ll pay for that.” With one arm around her middle, Dillon knocked the knife out of her hand with a heavy blow to her wrist.

Pain shot up her arm, but she couldn’t give up. Not now. She’d come this far, she couldn’t go back. Wouldn’t. She jabbed her elbow into his gut and stomped on his instep.

Dillon grunted and wrapped her in a bear hug, trapping her arms to her sides and lifting her off the ground.

Kinsey kicked and twisted, but the more she fought, the tighter he squeezed, until she could barely draw a breath. “Put me down, Dillon. You’re breaking the law. I swore out a restraining order against you.”

“Yeah, I got the texts from my teammates. How’s that working for you?”

Not any better than she’d predicted. The man was insane, and hope began to leach out of her. He was so much bigger, and as strong as an ox. How could a woman of five feet one inch, weighing less than half what he did, fight a man that big?

Use your brain.

Warm, wet blood dripped down her leg. She’d injured him. Based on the strength of his grip, the damage wasn’t enough to weaken him. But, the amount of blood on the floor would make it slippery. She let her body go limp, pretending to pass out.

“ ’bout damn time,” Dillon grumbled, loosening his arms slightly.

Kinsey sucked in a deep breath, clearing her head.

Dillon started through the door, but Kinsey jerked her legs up, planted them on the frame, and pushed hard.

He staggered backward, slipping in his own blood. Then, he crashed to the floor, taking Kinsey down.

As soon as he hit the ground, he released her and groaned.

Kinsey was ready. After rolling to the side, she leaped to her feet and scrambled for the exit. The hot Texas sunshine beckoned her, and the fresh air screamed freedom. All she had to do was get there.

Two steps. That’s as far as she made it before Dillon swept out his leg. He caught her at the ankles, knocking her feet sideways.

She fell, watching the floor as if it rose up to greet her. Her forehead hit, pain ripped through her, and blackness descended.

Becket coughed, dragged
in a breath of hot, acrid smoke, and coughed again. He forced open his eyes and they stung, making them tear. As he fought his way through the fog to consciousness, he took a moment to realize the fog was smoke, and he was awake. Pain throbbed at the back of his head. He pushed to his knees to get a bearing on his location. Stirrups hung in front of his face from saddles perched on saddletrees. Tack room.

His first thought was of the horses. Then he remembered turning them out to pasture earlier.

Becket staggered to his feet, pulled his T-shirt up over his nose, coughing. His eyes burned and smoke filled the air, making seeing in the small room hard. He touched his fingertips to the door and doorknob. They were hot. Which meant the fire was on the other side.

Grabbing a saddle blanket, he wrapped it around the doorknob and twisted. The door didn’t budge. He held the knob and threw his shoulder against the wood panel. Still, the door wouldn’t open. Something blocked it. He hit the door again with his shoulder. Again, to no avail. If he didn’t escape soon, he would be overcome by smoke, or the fire would find its way through the walls, and consume him and everything else in the tack room.

Hunkering low, he felt his way through the cloud of smoke until he found the outside wall. He cleared an old wooden trunk and several saddletrees out of the way, and then kicked at the boards. His first blow did little to budge the nails driven into the beams over fifty years ago when the barn had been built.

Bracing his back against the boards, he cocked his leg and threw everything he had into hitting one board, low to the floor. It moved, the nails sliding out. Kicking again and again, he loosened one board, and then the adjacent one. The smoke thickened, and he couldn’t get a clean breath of air. He hacked and coughed, but he didn’t give up.

He suspected Dillon Massey had been the man who hit him. The thought of what Dillon might do to Kinsey made Becket kick harder until one board shot free of the brace boards, and Becket could see blue sky. Fresh air seeped in but the smoke prevailed. He worked at another board until it broke. The hole he’d created was barely big enough.

Becket laid flat on the floor of the tack room and squeezed his big body through, sucking in air once his head cleared the barn. With renewed strength, he wiggled, scooted, and crawled inch by inch until he was free of the barn. Coughing, practically hacking up a lung, he staggered to his feet and ran for the house. He didn’t know how long he’d been unconscious.

Dillon could be halfway across the county with Kinsey by now.

As Becket reached the house, he saw Lily’s red truck pull into the barnyard.

She dropped to the ground, staring at the barn. “Holy hell, Becket. What happened?” She didn’t wait for his response, but ran for the water hose.

“I’ll explain in a minute,” he called out, barreling through the kitchen door. He slipped on something dark and wet and nearly fell. He straightened, and his heart sank to his knees. The liquid was blood, and a butcher knife lay against the baseboard with more blood streaked across the blade.

Becket ran straight for the phone in the hallway. He knew he wouldn’t find Kinsey in the house. Dillon had her. Sweet Jesus, he prayed she was still alive as he placed a call to 9-1-1. “There’s been an attack at the Coyote Creek Ranch. Kinsey Phillips has been abducted. Send the sheriff, the National Guard, hell, call out anyone and everyone you can. Dillon Massey has her. He’s insane and will kill her if we don’t find her quickly. He’ll probably head out of the county. And send the fire department to the Coyote Creek Ranch. The barn is on fire.” He slammed the phone onto the cradle and ran back out the door.

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