Heller's Punishment (44 page)

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Authors: JD Nixon

Tags: #romance, #adventure, #relationships, #chick lit

BOOK: Heller's Punishment
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He stopped
suddenly, releasing my lips, sensing my anxiety. “I’m not doing it
right, am I? Not like this?”

I took a deep
breath. “Not like that,” I agreed and placed my hands either side
of his beautiful face, slowly stroking down his neck, across his
broad shoulders and down his arms, my eyes fixed on his. When I
reached his hands I pulled them towards my mouth and kissed the
back and palm of each. “Slowly, my darling Heller. We have all
night. You don’t have to run home in the morning this time.” I
smiled at him and started to relax.

“I’m sorry, my
sweet. I just want you so much,” he smiled back.

He gathered me
in his arms, kissing me more gently and slowly, allowing us the
chance to move our hands caressingly over each other. I unbuttoned
his shirt and dropped it carelessly to the floor, savouring the
feel of his smooth skin and taut muscles, kissing his shoulder,
tracing a trail of kisses up his neck, across his chin, back to his
mouth. He buried his hand in my hair and slipped the other one up
my shirt, cupping my breast and rubbing his thumb across my nipple.
It felt so good. We kissed for a long, long while, our hands
roaming freely, before he started nudging me backwards towards the
bed, unbuttoning my shirt as he did. I shrugged out of my shirt and
kicked it out of the way when it hit the floor. He reached behind
me and made a valiant attempt to undo my bra, fumbling clumsily, a
comical look of frustration on his face.

“I hate those
things,” he said, admitting defeat, and I laughed, relaxing even
more, reaching behind me and undoing the clasp instantly. “You’re
so clever, Matilda,” he admired, and I laughed even harder.

He pulled the
straps down over my arms and threw my bra on the floor over his
shoulder. He ran his hands gently over my breasts, bending down to
kiss my nipples and tease them with his tongue. I stopped laughing
straight away, my breathing becoming more ragged. I unbuttoned and
unzipped his jeans and slid them down over his hips, and he stepped
out of them. I’d already seen him naked many times before, but it
was a magnificent sight to be sure. He was rock hard already and a
wave of desire tore through me at the thought of him being inside
me again, leaving me gasping. Oh God, I wanted him.

I helped him
pull off my jeans and panties, both of which received the same
careless tossing aside as all our other clothes. He stopped for a
moment, his eyes raking over my body thoroughly.

“You’re so
beautiful, Matilda,” he said softly and pushed me gently backwards
onto the bed. We lay together on his king-sized bed, rose petals
sticking to our bodies, their rich fragrance adding to the
sensuousness of our lovemaking. We took the time to slowly explore
each other’s bodies – touching, stroking, embracing, teasing,
licking, kissing.

“I love your
skin. It’s so soft, so pale. Beautiful,” he said and showed me how
much he loved it by leisurely kissing me everywhere, until I was a
tingling mass of raw hunger. He rubbed up against me and I thought
I’d explode with pleasure. I’d moved beyond any rational thought,
driven by passion.

“I can’t wait
any longer,” he said after a while, lifting his lips from mine, his
voice husky, his breathing heavy. I was ready for him in every
possible way, and I moved my legs further apart so he could gently
push into me. The feel of him inside me again was unbelievable, and
I never wanted it to end. The rapturous expression on his face
showed he was feeling the same way. We moved together, measured and
unhurried, his hands pinning mine to the bed over my head, staring
into each other’s eyes the whole time, his icy blues melting into
my light browns. It was so intense; I’d never experienced anything
like it before. I closed my eyes briefly with the extreme

“Open your eyes
again,” he demanded hoarsely. “I want to see everything you’re
feeling. I want to see your love for me. Say it.”

I opened my
eyes again and looked into his. “I love you,” I breathed, powerful
sensations building inside me.


“I love you,

“Oh God!

“I love you.”
And I kept saying it, over and over.

“God! I can’t
describe how incredible it feels when you say that,” he

My orgasm was
exquisite, strong waves of ecstasy washing over my body, chasing
away every tension and doubt I’d ever had about him. He stared
deeply into my eyes as I came, and I knew that I’d told him with my
eyes everything I really felt about him. He wasn’t finished though
and kept thrusting and thrusting, bringing me to a second orgasm,
quickly followed by a third. It was, without doubt, the best sex
I’d ever had – his reputation was well-deserved. My body was by
then so over-pleasured and over-sensitive that I was about to beg
him to stop, not being able to take any more.

Luckily for me
though, a few further plunges later he also came, shuddering and
shouting out his immense satisfaction. It was thrilling for me to
watch the emotions roll across his face and his eyes as he did. He
relaxed onto me kissing me for a while before rolling off, to lie
next to me, his chest falling and rising rapidly. He clasped me to
him, his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest. He stroked my
back and kissed my forehead, leaning down to kiss my mouth.

“God, Matilda.
I’ve waited so long for you, thought about this moment so often,
and that was just . . .” He stopped and I looked up at him. He
started blinking furiously as if he had something in his eyes and
rolled onto his back, stared at the ceiling, then squeezed his eyes
shut, his face contorted.

“What’s the
matter, Heller? Are you okay?” I asked in concern, leaning on his

He opened his
eyes and blinked rapidly again, throwing me a quick desperate
glance, before returning his gaze to the ceiling. I could see that
his eyes were glistening with moisture before he clamped his hand
over them.

“It’s so
embarrassing and totally unexpected, but I’m suddenly feeling very
emotional,” he confessed in a thick voice, taking a deep breath,
and wiping his eyes fiercely with his palms.

“Oh God! Don’t
you start,” I said, my eyes instantly tearing up as well. “You know
what a cry-baby I am. I’ll be bawling my eyes out in a moment.” We
regarded each other, both of us misty-eyed. Then he laughed
shakily, and turned on his side again to face me, wiping a stray
tear from my cheek, and throwing his leg over me.

“That was so
intense. So emotional. I’ve never had sex like that before,” he
marvelled, when he was under control again, stroking my face. “You
were right all along, Matilda. Casual sex with strangers just
doesn’t compare to sex with someone you love. I never believed you,
but now I know it’s true. I hope it was as perfect for you.”

“It was
everything I’d ever imagined and more. I can’t believe how afraid
I’ve been to sleep with you, all this time. It was wonderful.
Perfect. We’ve wasted a lot of time, haven’t we?” I said
regretfully. He nodded ruefully and we lay together for a long
while, kissing, our bodies entwined, finally drifting off to

The next
morning, our second time was even better. Heller discovered that me
telling him that I loved him took the sex to a whole new level, one
that really turned him on. Afterwards we showered together, washing
each other, before one thing led to another and we ended up back in
bed again.

When we’d
finished, Heller peeled rose petals off his damp skin, “These
aren’t very practical, my sweet. I’m covered in them.”

I laughed
lazily, stretching out every muscle like a cat. I didn’t think I’d
ever felt so relaxed before. “But they smell nice.”

Giving up on
the petals, he leaned over me, pinning me to the bed, kissing me.
“Are you happy?”

happy,” I smiled, reaching up to kiss him. “Are you?”

“Oh, yes.” He
sat up. “But, regardless of my happiness levels, I must go do some

And so we
settled into a pattern. We didn’t discuss our relationship or our
future. We just had a lot of sex. In fact, I’d never had so much
sex in such a short period of time before in my entire life. We had
slow and sweet sex, hard and fast sex, sleepy and affectionate
morning sex, urgent and desperate evening sex. We had sex in the
bed, on the floor, in the bathroom, on the lounge, slammed up
against the wall, and one memorable night even on the rooftop, in
the darkest part of the evening, our lovemaking necessarily muffled
and discreet. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other and
absolutely wore each other out in the nicest possible way.

And while we
wallowed in amazing sex, life trundled on around us.

Trent returned
to work, his first story back a scathing investigation of bad
citizens who didn’t help others in need, using what had happened to
us as an example. I hoped his story shamed those people who didn’t
come to our aid when I’d begged them.

Will emailed me
that he and Penny were now the proud parents of a baby girl,
attaching a photo of him beaming like a lovesick fool as he glanced
down at his little bundle of joy. My return email was
congratulatory, but cool.

Simon emailed
me that he and the lovely Nicola were now ‘romantically involved’,
which I presumed meant that he’d given up on his vow and was
shagging her senseless every night, much like Heller was doing to

Both of my
sisters-in-law announced at a family dinner that they were
pregnant, third child for Brian and Gayle, first for Sean and
Elise. But what should have been a joyous occasion was marred by
their over-sensitivity to upsetting me any time the mention of a
baby was made. It was ridiculous and I kept telling everyone that
I’d come to terms with my inability to conceive a while ago. But
still they tiptoed around the subject.

“What are you
so happy about?” Heller queried as he joined me in the hot tub one
night later that week. I moved over to sit on his lap and he soon
started doing naughty things with his hands under the water. It
felt good.

just seems so perfect at the moment. We’re getting along so well
together and I’m really enjoying my new job now that Trent’s back
at work.”

“Life seldom
stays perfect for long, Matilda.”

“Oh Heller,
don’t be such a pessimist! You’ll ruin my mood. Life is great at
the moment. What on earth could possibly go wrong?”

Later, I wished
I hadn’t said that. Because there was plenty that could go

And did.


~~~~~~ ######


About the

JD Nixon lives
in Queensland, Australia writing and editing for a living during
the day, but by night lets a wild imagination run free.


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