Hell On An Angel (Fated Love Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Hell On An Angel (Fated Love Book 2)
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Turning my iPod down lower, I took one of my earbuds out. “You want to explain what that was about?” I asked.

“Me? I wasn’t the one down there flirting with another guy, Maddison.”

“Neither was I, Morgan. He was flirting with me. I didn’t reciprocate.”

“You didn’t stop him, though!”

“What was I supposed to say, Morgan! I have a boyfriend? News flash. I don’t.”

The look on his face was worse than the cold look he gave me downstairs. “It’s him, isn’t it?”

“It’s who?”

“Tim. Since he got here, you’ve changed!”

I let out a harsh laugh. “How would you know, Morgan. You have no idea
I really am. You have known me five minutes! Do NOT go throwing everything I told you back in my face.”

Morgan turned his back to me and gripped the railing before dropping his head. “What is going on here, Maddie.”

“You are being a controlling ass, and I learned a long time ago not to let any man run my life.”

He shook his head and pushed off the railing. Without a word he went back inside and walked out the hotel room door. I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the last time I would see him…


Walking Maddison and Morgan back to the room was awkward as fuck. I could feel the tension between the two of them, and it made me wonder just how long they had been together. The Maddison I knew, when she was seeing someone, and then she was all in. What happened downstairs never would have happened, and I knew just how much of a firecracker she could be. Once I checked that Morgan was secure, I went back to my room. Mistake. I heard Morgan and Maddison fighting on the balcony, and when I was brought into it, I cringed. I knew I crossed the line putting that guy on his ass, but at the same time I wasn’t sorry. He had his hands on Maddison, and that made me see red before we had even gotten together.

Now, I knew I still had feelings for her. I just needed to get a handle back on them. She was so much better off without me, and better off with Morgan. I was never in the one place long, and who knew if I would come home in one piece. That was something I couldn’t put her through. No. I had to be an asshole and keep her at arm’s length. As much as I wanted to apologize for everything that happened ten years ago, it was best she felt the way she did.

Letting out a breath, there was a knock on the door. I moved across the room to open the door and came face to face with Morgan. “Why did you do it?!”

My brows creased in a frown and I stepped back so he could pass me. “Do what?”

Morgan turned to look at me and narrowed his eyes. “Why did you leave without a word? Why come back? Why did you do what you did down in the gym?”

I shook my head. “A) You don’t get to talk to me about my past. If Maddie wants answers then she can come to me for them. B) I came back because Lucas offered me a job, and I wanted to get away for a bit, so I took it. I had no idea Maddie would be here or I would have stayed away. I hate that I hurt her, and being here is hurting her all over again despite the front she is putting up. I know that girl like the back of my hand, and I know she is in pain. C) The gym was instinct. I see someone with their hands on a girl who is about to turn around and put them on their ass, then you can be damn sure I am gonna step in.”

Morgan ran his hands over his face. “How’d you know that?”

“Know what?”

“Know that she was about to put him on his ass.”

“I have done training with her. She is trained in Martial Arts, Morgan. I know the look. I have been on the other end of it. Maddison knows just the right way to put a guy twice her size and more on their ass. She isn’t a helpless kitten, so don’t treat her like one.”

He glared at me again and if he wasn’t technically my boss, then I would be hitting him right now. “She dreamt about you. I was lying in the bed beside her, and she dreamt about you.”

I tried not to let the smug grin show at his words. “Oh?”

“Yeah… She dreamt my dad was trying to kill her, or, well, he did kill her. Her ex Josh was my cousin, and her Uncle Michael was blackmailed into helping them both. You came in to save the day then, too…”

Moving to sit down on the bed, I nodded. “Maddison has dreams like that when she is upset, so you may want to be careful with that. I’d be surprised if she doesn’t have another one tonight. Have pancakes sent up to her. Blueberry. They make her happy.”

Morgan came and sat down beside me. “She is right. I have no idea who she is. I am getting raging mad and jealous over a girl I have known a couple of days.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “She’s somethin’ special, bud. Don’t feel bad. She has that effect on people.”

“Would you ever ask her for a second chance?”

Looking over at Morgan, I nodded. “Honestly? She is the love of my life. I hurt her really bad, though. She is better off with someone who gave her what I never did. Our whole relationship, if she forgave me, would be Maddie wondering what if, or am I gonna disappear again. I couldn’t do that too her.”

Morgan nodded. “I really wish I could hate you for that answer.” He gave me a look and I laughed. I watched Morgan as he stood up “Guess I better go see if I can get another room.”

I raised a brow. “Snowflake kick you out already?”

He shook his head. “No, we both just need our own spaces so she doesn’t have to run anymore.”

I snorted and gave him a nod. “Want me to come?” Morgan shook his head “No, you stay. I’ll grab our third, Daniel, and he can come on duty now.” I gave him a nod and Morgan waved as he walked out the door.

Falling back on the bed, I closed my eyes. Could I really walk away now? Every fibre of my being screamed yes, but there was a little voice in the back of my head that asked “What if?” Those two words were gonna haunt me if I did. I looked up at the door as I heard a knock and sighed. If that was Morgan again, I would give him my damn room. Walking over to the door, I pulled it open and came face to face with Lucas.

“You look like you could use a drink.” He told me with a Cheshire cat grin.

“Way to tell me I look like shit, Luke.” I stepped back and held the door open so that he could come in. Instead he stood in front of me and shook his head.

“Nope. We are going to the bar downstairs. You need to relax and get out of this room.”

“Aren’t I here on a job? Not a holiday?” I asked.

He replied, “Yes, but you are too uptight and I need you rested and relaxed. So, you can either come, or I am going to force you downstairs? What’s your choice?”

I narrowed my eyes and he straightened his back and crossed his arms over his chest, standing his ground. Shaking my head, I let the door go and walked into my room. Grabbing my wallet, phone and room key, I put them in my jeans pocket and moved back to the door that Lucas was now holding open. When he looked at me with a smug grin, I shoved him and laughed.

“You’re dealing with the boss, asshole.” I told him. Lucas replied with a snort and pushed the button for the elevator.

“Oh please. Morgan only thinks he is the boss. I am the one calling the shots.”

“I have the impression that is the story of his life.”

“Oh, you haven’t seen the real Morgan yet.”

As we stepped in, I gave him a confused look. “Morgan is good at making people seeing what he wants them too. You’ll see.”

I rubbed my hands over my face. “I know I am working for him and all, but if he hurts Maddison, so help me God, Daniel won’t be able to hold me back to stop me kicking his ass.” I dropped my hands and looked over at Lucas.

“He hurts her; I will hold him down while you do it.”

I wasn’t convinced, but I gave him a nod. Stepping out of the elevator, I headed toward the hotel bar and pulled the door open. Walking in and heading for the bar, I took a seat on one of the bar stools and waited for a bartender to come over and serve us.

A couple of minutes later, the bartender came over and asked what we were having. Ordering a double shot of Jack while Lucas ordered a whiskey, I rolled my neck and looked around the bar.

“Fuck.” Lucas swore and I turned to look at him. Looking in the direction he was, I saw red. Sitting in the corner of the bar was Morgan, and some chick that sure as fuck wasn’t Maddie. I turned and glared at Lucas.

“You holding him, or should I just go and beat the fuck out of him now?”


I held up my hand and downed the Jack the bartender put in front of me and got off my barstool. I turned and looked again and really wished I hadn’t. Just as I did, Morgan’s hand was sliding up her skirt and left very little to the imagination. I went to step toward him when both Lucas and Daniel stopped me. Morgan turned to look our way and saw me. If looks could kill he would be six feet under. Shrugging both Lucas and Daniel off, I paid for my drink and left before I did something that would see me fired. Worst part was, I wouldn’t regret it either.

Heading for the elevator, I heard Morgan call my name and ignored him. When he put his hand on my shoulder, I pushed it off and turned to look at him. “You can’t tell Maddie.”

“Don’t tell me what I can or can’t tell her, Morgan. I am not going to sit around and watch you play around on her, so if that is your plan then tell me now. You can be damn sure I will tell her what an asshole I think you are and that she deserves much better than you.”

The doors opened to the elevator. I stepped in and hit our floor before he could say or do anything and before I could hit him. Closing my eyes, I knew I had to tell Maddie, but I knew this was gonna hurt her and I wasn’t sure I could do that.

When the doors opened and I headed for her room, I reached her door and held my hand up to knock. Chickening out, I turned and headed for my room. Unlocking the door and stepping inside, I face planted on the bed. As soon as I closed my eyes, there was a knock at my door. Every part of me wanted to ignore it, but instead I pushed myself up off the bed and moved to open it. I came face to face with Maddie. Her eyes were red as if she had just been crying and when she saw me, she started again.

“Hey snowflake, what’s wrong?” She just about launched herself at me and I pulled her inside my room and wrapped her in my arms. My fingers moved through her hair as I tried to get her to relax. She would talk when she calmed down.


After Morgan shut the door and left, I decided to call Jasmine. She would be on the first plane to track me down if I didn’t. Moving back inside and taking my phone off charge, I slid my finger over the screen and tapped on the phone app. I found her number as the most recent of my recent calls, I couldn’t help but smile at how fitting that was. Sure, I spoke to my Uncle, and we were close, but Jas was my person. The Christina Yang to my Meredith Gray, so to speak. Tapping my finger on her name, I walked back outside and waited for her to pick up.

“Sup, Mole.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hey, bitchface.”

“I was wondering when you would stop boofing long enough to call me.”

I snorted and moved to sit out on the balcony. “We would have to have started to stop, Jazzy.”

“Disappointed. Where are you anyway?”

“Gold Coast.”


“I’ll trade you?”

“Wait… What? What’s happened? Mr. Perfect not so much anymore?”

I let out a breath. “It’s not that. We’re here while we waited for another of Morgan’s security team to show up.”


“And… It was Tim.” I heard her spit her drink out and had to bite back a laugh. “Sorry, Jas. I should have given you a ‘don’t have a drink in your mouth when I tell you this’ warning.”

“No shit, Sherlock! What the fuck?!”

I shrugged my shoulders despite the fact she couldn’t see me. “Lucas wanted another person out here to help keep Morgan safe, but all the other guys had partners and kids to go home to, so Morgan agreed to hire a security company to do it. According to Lucas, the best in the world happens to be my ex.”

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