Hell (2 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: Hell
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“Look at this smiling son of a bitch,” Tony grumbled mid-sip as I entered before tossing the rest of the contents inside his glass snifter back. To anyone who didn’t know him he seemed annoyed, but this entire room knew better. The men who worked for him were his family, and in me, he was losing a son.

What greeted me once inside the restaurant’s private dining area made me feel blessed. Every single one of the motherfuckers I’d grown up—worked with—was there. Men who had become a huge part of my growing up and who helped teach me all I knew.

They had been our only family in a sense.

“Shut it and order me a drink, old man.” I clapped him on the shoulder before fully walking into the room. “I plan to get fucked up tonight.”

Tony rolled his eyes at me before signaling the waitress over. Now, this bitch was more my style. Old enough to drink, and a body made to service my needs.

With a cheeky grin on her face she walked over, back arched slightly and pushing her tits out and against the tight material of her top. “Hi, I’m Celeste, and I’ll be your server this evening. I know the room isn’t ready to sit down for their meal, but is there anything I get

And the illusion died right there. Her voice was like the wail of a dying animal.

“A bottle of Jack will do for now.” Her eyes widened for a second before she wrote down my order on the tiny note pad she carried. Maybe this could work if she kept quiet. “Bring ice too.”

“Yes, sir,” Celeste simpered, and I cringed. Why would the good Lord above do this to a pretty little thing like her? Make her voice unbearable?

She turned after a minute and sashayed her literal small ass out the door. That was another disappointment. I liked my women thicker, with tight and toned bodies, but her ass had to have some jiggle to it. When she walked away I wanted to devour the view; my focus had to be solely hers.

Nice and plump. Motherfucking bitable, something this server was nowhere near.

“Guess she won’t be warming your bed tonight, son?” Bill, one of the older concrete guys, asked once she exited the room, and everyone erupted in laughter. Assholes. They knew the drill. Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em.

There was no room in my life for permanence. I was married to my job, and while it may not be the most glorious job in the world, it was my first love.

In my opinion, women were only good for two things: the pussy between their thighs, or heartache.

“Fuck you.” I laughed while shaking off the momentary nostalgic feelings that coursed through me. Day after tomorrow I would be gone, living across the U.S. and away from the place I’d called home all my life. “Not everyone has a woman as beautiful and saintly as yours, Bill. How she puts up with your—”

“I’ll have you know my Bill is a gentleman,” his wife interrupted, and the entire room went still for a minute, not a peep, before the laughter began again. “It’s true!”

“Bullshit!” someone called from the back, and she turned red in an attempt to hold in her own amusement.

“Sorry, Billy,” she said while turning to face him. “I tried.”

“Bunch of assholes,” he grumbled and pulled her back over to their seat at the table. Bill was always a whiner, could never get as good as he gave.

A loud whistle came from the back a few minutes later, pulling our attention toward the cause of the disruption. Fake annoyance marred the face of its cause, and I raised a brow in question toward him.

“Settle down.” Tony paused then mid-sentence to take a sip from his tumbler and wink at the room. “Take a seat and act like your mothers actually taught you assholes some manners. I don’t want to get kicked out of this place—again—before our Josh is wasted and slurring his love for us all.”

“I will not miss any of you.” As expected, they found this humorous, and my flipping the entire room the bird didn’t help.

“Again…bullshit!” someone called out, and this made the situation worse. We were going to be kicked out before the appetizers were even served.

Two pained groans sounded off to my left, and I turned to look at the guilty culprits. Funny enough, the third man involved looked smug. Why was I not surprised? These were the same three asshats that had gotten us kicked out of a bar a few blocks over not that long ago.

The same two were embarrassed, while the third amigo egged them on and acted a fool.

That was why I was a firm believer that you never partied with the young and dumb. Sure, their plaster work was flawless, especially for someone of their age, but outside of work…idiots.

“Why must you always bring that up?” John, the smug fucker, asked. He had some nerve, and the glare I sent his way told him so. It’d been he who had been horny, drunk, and stupid. His friends wanted to leave, but he needed to show off with the wrong girl.

Where was my bottle of Jack?

“Shut the fuck up and sit.” At my words, they all found their places around one of the two long tables and sat down. The noise level in the room had become nothing more than a dull hum.

“Look at them acting well behaved for once,” Tony said, head tilted in our companions’ general direction after taking the seat next to me. “This is bullshit.”

“Agreed, but they
taught to listen to their foreman,” I added, and he rolled his eyes. At that moment, my bottle and glass of ice was placed before me on the table. About motherfucking time.

“I am so sorry, sir. The bar is backed up and—”

“That’s fine.” Had to stop her right there; it hurt to hear her talk. The tone of her voice was beginning to give me a migraine. Her sweet smile dropped, and she sulked all the way out of the room. However, the upside was that she made the trek out quietly.

“You have any work lined up when you get into town?” Bill asked from across from me.

“Haven’t thought that far ahead, to be honest. I need to secure an apartment first, and then I’ll look into a job. The city of Orlando is booming with new construction…” I shrugged “…shouldn’t be that hard to secure something.”

“Look for Walker Construction and Designs when you get into town and become settled,” Tony butted in. His face held a sad, yet peaceful look. It was a weird combination. “I’m good friends with the family. The late Walker Sr. and I went to high school together. Leave everything to me. I’ll put in a good word for you, Josh.”

The man was a saint in my book and one of the best contractors, in my opinion. Even as I was leaving him a foreman down, the man was looking out for my best interest.

I’d be forever in his debt.


The move from Reno to Orlando was a huge change for me, from dry heat to humidity. From sweating to enjoying the light misting rains this city graced us with each afternoon.

After finding a nice apartment near the city’s trendy Metro West area, I began my search for work. My field was broad, and I knew enough. Finding the right company to fit my needs shouldn’t be too difficult.

Being the son of a man that lived and breathed construction came in handy; I learned the trade and everything it entailed before I was out of high school. College hadn’t been for me. Never ignited in me the kind of spark that working with my hands gave—seeing my projects come to fruition was gratifying. Made me proud.

And while my father wasn’t thrilled with my final decision, he respected me enough as a man to know what was best for me. Understood the satisfaction one felt at the end of a hard day’s work.

We’d worked with the best in Reno, and I’d accept nothing less now. I wanted the same—a company that would provide me with the opportunity of growth within and would pay me what I was worth.

Florida, in general, was the poster child for great beaches, beautiful people, and constant structural changes. The trends that started out in this state quickly became what the world expected of every oceanfront destination around the globe.

Construction of high-rise condominiums within the city and beach front properties could be seen throughout the state. There was a lot of potential for work, and with that growth came the possibility of one day opening up my own construction company.

Securing a meeting with the current owner of Walker Construction was easier than I had originally thought it would be. Tony must’ve put in one hell of a word for me. Kevin Walker, the owner, had been expecting my call and was even excited to meet me. He wanted us to come to a mutual agreement, my pay and start date being his top priority. There was a need I would fulfill, and he wanted me to come on board immediately.

I was ready to start working with my hands again. Distance wasn’t an issue for me; I could easily work in the heart of the city or an hour away by the beaches.

Dressed in a pair of black slacks and a light blue button-down long sleeve, I drove over to their most recent job site.

The sight that greeted me as I entered their portable office was beautiful. Fuck, was I in trouble. There she was, a dangerous vision bent over a desk with a tight little black skirt that came to just below her mid-thighs.

Her ass….mother of fuck. It was round and high—big and thick—almost too much for my rough hands to handle.

A motherfucking piece of perfection had been bestowed upon me, and I was taking this as nothing more than a good sign. I was meant to be here. Hard and barely breathing as I took in the way she swayed from side to side, humming along to some song I’d never heard before on the radio.

She had to be a demon.

“Excuse me,” I called out, making her jump a tiny bit.
Jumpy little thing
. And I do mean little. Straightened and at her full height with heels on, she didn’t reach past my shoulders. “I have an appointment to see your boss.”

At this she seemed perplexed and watched me with a confused expression.

“The owner…he’s waiting for me.” Still nothing. Maybe she wasn’t the brightest; it didn’t stop me from appraising her from head to toe, though. She was fucking hot, and I was hard for her.

Nodding, she turned back to face the desk and rifled through a stack of permits. “So how can I help you?” her sultry voice inquired, and my cock pressed painfully against the zipper of my slacks.

Again, I was fucked, and this time, I was enjoying it.


Chapter 3

“I have a meeting with the company’s owner, and you’re delaying me. Any other day and under normal circumstances, I’d love to stand here all day and look at that sweet face, but not right now.”

“Really?” Disdain dripped from her tone. Her amber eyes snapped up and appraised me, and I found myself loving the feel of her watching me. The way those orbs lingered in certain areas—my face, down my chest, then settled on the hard bulge in my pants. “I have no recollection,” she said before licking her lips, “of a meeting being scheduled with a Mr. …” she trailed off before looking over at her phone, which vibrated atop her desk.

She swiped her finger across the screen and tapped out a quick reply while nodding. I found myself wanting her attention back on me.

“I’m Joshua Timbers, and I’ve been having direct communication with your boss.”

“My boss?” This beauty barked out an incredulous laugh. Even her laugh was sexy. Nothing fake about the sound. It wasn’t forced.

“Yes, your boss. The man who signs your paychecks. Please, let him know I’m here.” She tilted her head to the side, her face neutral and contemplative. “As much as I find you enticing to look at, and trust, we will pick this back up after I secure my job…you’re making me late. I hate being late.”

“Watch it.” Her large doe eyes glared at me.

“Do your job,” I challenged.

Her eyes narrowed, and my cock grew stiff. Hands on hips, and I growled lowly. The tiny demon from my fantasies took a step toward me, finger poking my chest as she unleashed her fury, and I was hers.

What the fuck? Hers? Never.

“I’d watch that condescending tone,
You don’t know me.”
Her voice was like silk—even pissed, it was a melodic sound. Even more so while she stood in front of me ready for battle, her stance showed no fear. Only anger. Spitting her delicious venom at me.

I could feel the barely contained rage radiating off her skin, pulsating through the air around us. Her hands clenched, and a small rumble of excitement passed through my lips.

This woman was simply beautiful, perfection in human form.

“I’m speaking to you,” I said tauntingly, my tone cocky, “gorgeous.” My stance and demeanor were grating on her nerves, pushing her, but how could I help myself? She was a vision as she stood before me in all her short glory.

This woman was standing up to a man well over a foot taller than her, not intimidated in the least. That right there was motherfucking sexy.

Her head cocked to the side as she looked me up and down. Appraising me. Her succulent lips opened, closed, and opened again, but no words came out.

“Now why don’t you be a good little secretary, turn around, and go get the owner. I promise we can finish this later.” That seemed to snap her back to the present. Furious honey-colored eyes that captivated me from the start turned to slits, and a flush of pink swept over her neck.

My mouth watered at the sight.

“Listen here, ass—”

“Babe, I would love to sit here and play ‘get to know you,’ but I’m here to talk shop. Don’t embarrass yourself.”

“Were you dropped on your head as a child?” The fiery temptress before me spoke through clenched teeth. Her ire ignited within me the need to dominate this female. To show her what a real man was, big cock and all.

“Not at all. But we can talk more about that later tonight while you’re riding my…” The fire blazed— a pure fucking inferno of lust behind her eyes, and her hand rose as if to strike me. Was I a masochist for enjoying this session of foreplay?

Maybe I was. Maybe it was the fact that as hard as those nipples pebbled underneath her blouse, as much as her breathing hitched the closer we got, she refused me.

For a split second I felt the heat from her hand as it drew closer before it disappeared. Suddenly a booming laugh overtook the small room. A tall man stood in the doorway of the small portable office we were standing in. His casual stance unnerved me; he seemed too comfortable within these walls.

Did he work here?

“Behave,” he chastised her with a look of amusement on his face. The lioness before me calmed somewhat. I had to bite back the small rumble of annoyance that threatened to pass through my lips.

“This smartass, cocky asshole insulted me, Kev.” Her lips formed a pout at the end and my cock twitched, fucking trembled with the desire to rub my tip across her bottom lip.

“Cut him some slack…we need him.” Dressed in a distressed pair of jeans, white T-shirt, and well-worn tool belt around his waist, the “man” was too comfortable around her for my taste. Was he her boyfriend?

And why the fuck did that one thought burn like a bitch? Jealousy was a bitter pill to swallow, and I refused to bow down to her. Sure, this woman had a sweet ass and face, but that was all she would ever be.

A good fuck when I finally had her pinned beneath me.

“Fuck that,” she spoke while glaring me down. I’d had enough of her smart mouth.

“Listen, lady, I’m not here to listen to you two,” I spat while pointing at each of them, “talk shit about me.” The other man—the one she called Kev—laughed, while I sneered at the two. “Do what you are paid to do and get me the owner.”

He saw her intent. I saw her intent. Kev cringed, while I welcomed the abuse.

“Janelle, don’t hit the new employee before he even clocks in. For God’s sake, can’t this wait until he’s officially on the clock?” Kev, the all-powerful handler of the woman before me, asked. What I didn’t quite understand was why anything these two had to say should matter?

“Okay, seriously…where’s the owner?” Janelle—my fucking temptation—stared at me while Kev walked farther into the office and held his hand out. “That would be me. The name’s Kevin Walker, and this…” he pointed at Janelle “…is—”

“Your secretary. We’ve met and have fallen madly in lust.”

“Okay, that’s it. Listen here, Yoshi…” This Kevin found hilarious while I silently fumed. I didn’t do the nickname thing, but I couldn’t tell the little darling off. Too many of my arousing plans would be in jeopardy if I did.

“That’s not my name, ma’am.”

“It is now.”

“Are you two done playing verbal footsies?” Kevin butted in, and Janelle glared while my cock twitched. This fighting and pulling of wills was turning me on as nothing had ever done so before. “Once he’s on the payroll, I will let you torture him with all the grunt work you can arrange. Have your fill until your heart’s content.” More laughter ensued, and this time it came from the angel before me.

“So he’s the one Tony referred to us and swore was worth his weight in gold?” Janelle watched me, those pools of enchanting honey sizing me up.
So fucking hot and tempting.
The devilish smile grew on her lips as her eyes wandered over every clothed plane of my body. “You’re hired.”
What the fuck? Since when does the secretary hire the help?
“Ready to become my bitch, Joshua?”

Janelle’s sinful-as-fuck voice had me entranced. The temptress, still standing within my reach, leaned forward and rewarded me with a small peek down her shirt and a nip to my lip. Suddenly, I couldn’t wait to get my hands dirty.

“Does being your bitch include being spanked and tied by you, my little she-devil?”

She laughed. A deep sound from within, warming my every pore and making my hands itch to reach out and touch her.

I bet her taste is sweet and sinful, both heaven and hell all rolled into one.

The need to fuck her was overwhelming. How could this little thing have me tied in a knot over her? Her body. Her mouth. That motherfucking face that brought a brand new meaning to the word innocent.

Licking her lips, she whispered my name and my hands shot out to bring her closer to me. Heat. Indescribable
filled my veins and burned me as she pressed her softer and so much smaller body against my hard and muscular flesh. My own lips traced the shell of her ear and breathed her in. Janelle squirmed and let out a low, heart-stopping moan.

“I’ll be here at seven a.m. tomorrow and will be desperately awaiting your every command. Bring it, baby.” My voice was low, almost a whisper, so only she could hear my challenge. “Now, the real question is, can you handle me? Handle everything I will do to your sinful body?”

This time her moan wasn’t low, and Kevin cleared his throat. “Seems to me like you might be the one fucked, sis. Joshua seems to be just what you need.”

My eyebrows shot up at his comment of

Fuck me—she’s the boss?

“Yes,” she answered smugly.

“Did I say that out loud?”

Kevin continued to watch us as if we were the most interesting soap opera known to man.

“You did,” was her simple reply. Janelle untangled her fingers from my shirt and straightened out her hair. My ears began to heat up, knowing she affected more than my cock; my verbal filter around her was nonexistent.

In my defense, he was whom I’d dealt with over the phone. Had no idea that he was her brother and they ran this company together. Most of the women I knew in this business stayed behind the scenes and not on job sites, unless a meeting was involved. Janelle belonged in the Victoria Secret’s pack of angels runway show, not on a sweaty, testosterone-filled construction site.

I refused to look away—her hold on me just couldn’t be denied.

Once presentable, she cat-walked on out of the small portable office, leaving me alone with the huge bulking man who could barely contain his glee.

“Shouldn’t you be kicking my ass for manhandling or speaking to your sister that way?” If the situation had been reversed, I would’ve decked him and strung him up by his balls.

“Nope.” A huge grin overtook his face.

“Why is that?”
Curiosity was a bitch.

“Easy,” he boasted. “If Janelle didn’t want it, you would’ve been laid out on that floor, missing a few limbs by now. She can take care of herself, Yoshi.”

“I’ll take that from her, but not you. The name’s Joshua or JT, got it?”

He held his hands up in surrender. “Sure, now let’s see how long that works out for you, JT.” There wasn’t any malice behind his words. All I found was amusement. “Like I said, my sister’s vindictive, and you are under her watchful eye. Be careful.”

“But she’s so tiny and cute and sexy?”
Did I just fucking whine?

“First off, I don’t want to hear that shit.” Now he looked pissed, and I would venture to say disgusted. “I might be lenient because I saw the way she reacted toward you and it was positive, but remember, she’s my sister. Second, and this is the one I like the most—if you were ever to get out of line or mistreat her, she will knock your cocky ass out.”

“Are we talking about the same fiery tiny thing that walked out of here just a few minutes ago?”

“Janelle’s tiny and looks defenseless, but she holds a black belt in kickboxing.”

I could feel my cock head leak, and I prayed it wasn’t visible.

“You mean fucked.”

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