Heligoland (36 page)

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Authors: George Drower

Tags: #Heligoland: The True Story of German Bight and the Island that Britain Forgot

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C. 7582–7
Report on the German Colonies in Africa and the South Pacific
, Foreign Office, miscellaneous series, no. 346 (1894)

CAB 1/10/43
Action at Heligoland: Information obtained from a German Officer
, 30 November 1914

CAB 1/20/5
Questions on Heligoland
, September 1916

CAB 18/8A
Proceedings of the Colonial Conference
, 1887

CAB 41/21/39
House of Commons business, negotiations with Germany and African Territories
, 17 May 1890

CAB 41/21/41
Africa Frontiers (negotiations with Germany),
4 June 1890

CAB 41/21/42
African Negotiations
, 8 June 1890

CAB 41/21/44
Negotiations with Germany over Heligoland, Zanzibar and Pemba
, 10 June 1890

CAB 41/21/45
Divergence of opinion between Salisbury and Cabinet, re. legislative programme
, 5 July 1890

CAB 41/41/4
Letter to Queen Victoria
, 22 June 1890

CN1 /12
Demolition of fortifications, 1947

CO 71/78
Heligoland: Index of Correspondence, 1842–1866
December 1952

CO 118/1
Heligoland 1807–1808: Despatches, Offices and Individuals

CO 346/2
Heligoland: Register of Correspondence, 1858–1866

CO 346/6
Heligoland: Register of Correspondence, 1889–1910

CO 371/65296
German General Economic
, 1947

CO 537/17

DEFE 15/1889
A Survey of Theoretical Work on Atomic Bomb Effects Carried out in the HER Project up to July 1951
, December 1951

ES 1/1
Craters: Cratering from Atomic Weapons, 1946–1959

ES 1/3
‘Charybdis’ underwater explosions: base surge (1947–1955)

ES 1/221
AWRE, Aldermaston, Blast Effect Papers, 1947–54

Buildings for HER project: Shoeburyness, 1947–1950

Buildings for HER project: Shoeburyness, 1951–53

ES 1/330
Development of Foulness, 1945–51

FO 64/1341
Natives of Heligoland electing to remain British subjects, 1891–3

FO 84/2032
Minute to Queen Victoria by Lord Salisbury on the constitutional issue re Heligoland

FO 93/36/24
Germany. Agreement: Africa and Heligoland
, 1 July 1890

FO 93/36/31
Germany. Preliminary Agreement: Africa and Heligoland
, 17 June 1890

FO 371/2201
Proposal for annexation of Sylt and Heligoland
, 17 February 1944

FO 371/183181
Speech by British Ambassador at Heligoland reception
, 9/8/1965

FO 371/23059
Heligoland: Refortification
, 1939

FO 881/6146
Correspondence respecting the Negotiations between Great Britain and Germany relating to Africa, April to December 1890
, December 1891

FO 933/22
Thornton Papers, Correspondence from FO, January–September 1807

FO 933/24
Thornton Papers, Letterbook April–October 1807

FO 936/1202
Claims in Respect of Buildings

FO 1006/238
Evacuation of Germans from Heligoland
; F.A. Messenger, 6/1/1951

FO 1032/2492
, 1954

Foreign Office
German Colonisation
, Historical Section Handbook No. 35, February 1919

Foreign Office
The Kiel Canal and Heligoland
, Historical Section Handbook No. 41, 1920

Foreign Office
, Historical Section Handbook, No. 113, 1920

GFM 33/2217
Linking the North Sea and the Baltic, 1888–October 1905, Dept. 1A

HO 196/29
Incident on Heligoland Airfield, September 1944
June 1890

MPG 1/970 Heligoland

Naval Intelligence
Germany: Coast Defences and Coast Defence Ordnance:
Division Report No. 579, September 1902

PREM 8/474

PREM 8/1375
Chief of Staff Committee, 2/2/50

PREM 8/1546
Tube Alloys

PRO 30/6/52
Papers concerning Royal Commission on the Defence of British Possessions and Commerce Abroad

PRO 30/26/197
Demolition of fortifications on Heligoland (Operations ‘Big Bang’ and ‘Little Bang’)

PRO 30/29/22A/9
Confidential Correspondence Describing a Conversation on Heligoland with Count Munster
, 28 December 1884

Stationery Office
, Vol. 2, HMSO, 1944

WO 32/5382
Heligoland: Disposal of, 1919

WO 205/653
Reduction of Frisian Islands and Heligoland, 1945

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