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Authors: Sandy Anton

BOOK: Held Captive By Love
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Chapter 7


He stepped back into the apartment, making way for Jenna to move inside.  Slowly, she took a step.  Then another.  She couldn't believe what she was doing.  Had she said yes?

  Good old Jenna Smith from Wharton, Iowa.  The homecoming queen senior year.  The girl who'd never missed a Sunday at church.  Where was she now?

  Oh, yeah- that's right.  Walking into the apartment of a stranger who was about to...  To what?  Tie her up?  Beat her with a whip?

  Wasn't that was dominatrix’s did?

  Was he even called a dominatrix, since he was male? 

  Jenna's head spun, and she focused on breathing in and out.  She was scared.  He'd just threatened to sue her, after all.  And now who knew what kind of kinkiness she was getting herself into.

  She was excited too, though.  She knew that from the throbbing that had already started between her legs.  It had been so long since a man had touched her in any way other than laying a hand on her arm.

  Her eyes darted around the living room.  It was chic and simple, with a dark blue couch, a patterned rug, a couple of abstract paintings and what looked like to be hundreds of books sitting on the shelves that lined the walls.  It was also impeccably tidy.  If she walked into the place without knowing anything about its occupants, she certainly wouldn't have guessed that a man of this guy's age lived here. 

  Not that she knew how old he was for sure, but he didn't look a day past thirty. 

  “I'm Fernando,” His voice came, wafting over her like a cloud of warm mist.  He walked across the living room and disappeared into the kitchen.  “Have a seat,” He called.  “Would you like a drink?”

  Jenna cleared her throat, which felt like it had been coated with sawdust.  “Yes, please.  I'll take whatever.”

  Tentatively, she lowered herself onto the couch.  It was so nice in the apartment that she was having trouble believing that her own dinky little studio was just a floor below.  Sure, she'd loved the place when she'd first moved in, but now after getting a look at Fernando's apartment she was getting a little jealous.

  He entered the living room, a glass of white wine in each hand.  The sleeves of his blue button-up were rolled up and for the first time, she noticed how thick his wrists were.  She swallowed.  Hard.  How could just a man's wrists be making her so turned on?

  He sat down on the other end of the couch, the weight of it shifting towards him.  Delicately, he placed the two glasses on coasters that were on the clear top coffee table. 

  Jenna cleared her throat again.  “Thank you,” She whispered.

  “I never got your name.”

  “Oh.  It's Jenna Smith.”

  “When did you move in?”

  Why all the small talk? Why not just get this thing done? She wanted to ask but bit her tongue.  If he was stalling, that was perfectly all right with her. 

  “Just this month.  I'm subleasing just for part of the year.”

  He leaned against the corner of the couch and stared at her, his hands folded in his lap.  Jenna's heart sped up.  Jesus, the man...  He thrilled her and terrified her at the same time.  He seemed so perfectly normal, but how could he be, what with the things that went on in his apartment late at night?

  “What do you do?”

  “I'm a beauty blogger.”

  His eyebrows shot up, and she expected some snide comment about how disheveled she'd looked when they'd first run into each other.

  “That's amazing,” He said instead.

  Jenna blinked hard.  Usually people thought it was 'interesting' at the most.  A few had laughed outright, their attitudes suggesting that they didn't think she was adding anything of necessary value to the world by doing what she did. 

  She reached forward and took a sip of wine.  It was light and cool on her throat.  “What's so amazing about it?”

  He smiled at her question.  “It's unique.  It's creative.  You, yourself...”

  He lowered his eyes to the floor.  Woah.  Was he embarrassed?  “You are naturally beautiful, so don't need any advice, I'm sure.  But you give out advice anyway, and that's amazing.”

  Jenna laughed out loud, nearly spilling her wine.  “You're kidding, right?”

  His eyes flicked back up.  “About what?”

  “About me being naturally beautiful.”

  “You don't know it?”

  Jenna bit her lip.  Feeling beautiful had never come easily to her.  Sure, sometimes she felt pretty- but only after taking an hour to do her hair and make-up.  When Fernando had come across her in a tank top and wet, matted hair she'd wanted to die.

  “It's not so easy for a girl to feel confident in that way.  It's a lot simpler for men.”

  His nod surprised her.  “That's true.”

  “If you mean what you said, though,” She said slowly, “Thank you.”

  He looked right into her eyes, and heat collected in Jenna's heart in a flash before spreading through her every limb.  Was being set on fire supposed to feel this delicious?

  She set her wine back down.  She didn't need any more alcohol.  All of the nervousness of the last ten minutes was quickly being transmuted into something else.  It was something she didn't understand, but she knew it was something she wanted to be fully present for.  


  Fernando pushed the door open, his pulse pounding in his ears.  He'd never felt nervous before with a client- not even his first one.  Then again, this wasn't a client.  This was something different.  Jenna was something different.

  And was it all right for him to be doing what he was about to do?  She wanted it- he could tell.  He could read the signs of arousal in a woman's body like a shopping mall's map.  But would she regret it?

  And would he be able to control himself?

  He bit back a groan as she walked past him and entered the black and cream-colored bedroom.  Her eyes roved across the space, first taking in the queen sized bed...  then the whips resting in their holders on the walls...  then the swing strung from the ceiling in the corner. 

  Suddenly, Fernando regretted the whole thing.  This was all probably scaring her.  She seemed like such an innocent midwestern girl.  Why did he have to be so stupid?  If he were interested in a girl, then he should just do the normal thing- ask her out for coffee or to a movie. 

  For him, though, asking a girl out was a hundred times more difficult than tying her to a bed with ropes and shoving a gag in her mouth.  Putting himself out there physically was no problem whatsoever.  But emotionally?

  Fernando wasn't sure he'd ever done that a day in his life.  He wanted to.  God, he wanted to.  He'd like to take Jenna to a nice dinner and stare at her over a candlelit table while she told him anything and everything about her life. 

  But then she'd know...  Know what?  That he had a heart?

  Fernando shook his head.  He had a lot of stuff to deal with; he knew, but even thinking about the weight of it all was too much.

  Slowly, Jenna turned around, a smile on her face.  For a moment, she just looked at him, and Fernando held his breath.  “Show me what you do,” She whispered.


  Jenna's heart was threatening to take off in flight.  A year without sex, and now this.  If only What's-His-Name-Ex-Bf could see her now.  He'd accused her a few times of being a prude because she wouldn't have anal sex with him.  Honestly, though, it was because she hadn't trusted him.

  But for some reason she trusted Fernando.

  “Take your clothes off,” He commanded, his voice deep and silken.  “Slowly.”

  Jenna raised a hand- shaking from a combination of nervousness and eagerness- and pushed the straps of her sundress off her shoulders.  Fluidly, the dress fell to the ground.  She stood still in her pink, lace bra and panties as Fernando stared at her.  The man looked practically hungry.  He wanted her too- she could tell, and that knowledge thrilled Jenna to no measurable degree. 

  Seeking to tease him and take his command even further than he had probably meant it to go, she reached behind herself and undid the bra one clasp at a time.  Painstakingly slowly, she pulled the bra off and dropped it to the floor.  Across the room, Fernando licked his bottom lip.  Was the sight of her undressing turning him on?  Jenna knew that some men found her attractive, but she'd always found it difficult to appreciate her curves.  In her mind, she'd always needed to lose ten pounds and tone her legs.  And her stomach...  Well, it wasn't flabby, but she didn't have a six-pack either.

  But Fernando was looking at her like he was about to devour her.

  Jenna suppressed a smile as she hooked her thumbs underneath her panties' waistband and tugged.  They were so soaking wet that she was almost embarrassed- not that that stopped her from letting them slide down her legs. 

  Finally, she was completely naked in front of Fernando, every square inch of her bare skin standing to attention.  There was a slight nip in the air, which bit her nipples and made them stand out even harder.   As Fernando took a step towards her, her stomach clenched in anticipation.

  He stopped right next to her.  They were so close that she could feel the heat coming off of his body; could feel his breath against her neck.  God, she wanted him to touch her so badly.  The need of that one moment was so unbearable that Jenna felt she would have done almost anything in the world just to have his fingertips graze gently across her hips.

  “Go lay down,” He whispered, so low she almost didn't hear it.  There was a slight shakiness to his words.  Was this all getting to him as much as it was getting to her?

  As difficult as it was, she stepped away from him and went to lay on the bed.  The comforter was soft and silken, and the mattress firm.  She lay there and stared up at the ceiling, waiting, her pulse pounding. 

  He didn't say anything.  Was this part of the game?  To make her wait so long that she went absolutely mad from her own desire?

  Finally, he spoke, his voice husky.  “I want to take you to my room.”


  It was wrong.  Fernando knew it.  Seeing her there, laying on that bed that so many other women had laid on.  She was nothing like those other women, and he wasn't going to treat her like them.

  And so he was going to break one of his cardinal rules.  He was going to take a woman to his room.

  He opened the door, and then went first, leading the way across the living room.  He hoped he wouldn't regret this. 

  But why should he?  He didn't even fully understand what was going on.  He was just going with each moment as it came to him, and at that moment, he knew that it was important that he treat Jenna in a very special way. 

  His room was a far cry from the other bedroom in the apartment.  Just like in the living room, the shelves were covered in books, but there was also a personal touch in the room that there wasn't in any other part of the apartment.  A sketch of New York that a friend in college had done rested in a frame on a shelf.  Hanging from the ceiling was a model plane Fernando had made when he was ten and staying with the Wilders.  They'd been a nice family- better than most that he'd come across during his years in the foster system- and he often wondered what had become of them. 

  Jenna went and sat on his bed, still naked, and the sight made his heart do a little skip.  He hoped she wouldn't ask why he'd taken her out of the other room.  He wasn't sure he would be able to provide her with an answer.

  Hopefully, she would leave the questions at the door, and just be happy with what he was about to do to her. 

  He moved to the wardrobe on the far wall and opened the top shelf.  Inside of it lay a few supplies that he'd originally bought for his side business but that, for whatever reason, had never made it to the other bedroom.  A pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs.  A small, plain vibrator.  Two tiny nipple clamps.  A thick black scarf that could be used as a gag.  They were all unused- completely virginal. 

  Grabbing the handcuffs, he turned around.  Jenna was already laying on her side; her head propped up on her hand.  Her pupils were dilating, and she was sweating slightly.  God, he wanted to lick her up and down.

  Not yet, though.  He was going to wait.  He was going to test himself.  Hopefully, though- when the time came- she would let him fulfill all of the fantasies that were racing through his mind. 

  “Lay back and put your hands above your head,” He said, and watched as she instantly complied. 

  Swiftly, he moved to her and opened the handcuffs.  Going slow was now out of the question.  He wanted to make Jenna moan, and he wanted to make her do it now. 

  The headboard of his bed was barred- which was suddenly useful, even though he'd given no thought to it when buying the bed frame.  The cuffs closed easily around both the bed and Jenna's slender wrists.  Heat pulsed through Fernando's entire being as he stood back and took in the sight of her laying there, beautiful and delicate...  And completely under his control.

Chapter 8


Jenna had already decided that she was going to succumb entirely to this experience.  Initially, she'd been beyond embarrassed, but by the time she was laying on Fernando's bed with her hands cuffed above her head she was anything but.  Her body ached so badly to be touched that she wanted to cry out loud.  There she was, naked and ready, and one of the most gorgeous men in the world stood inches away from her, fully clothed and testing Jenna to her full mental limits.

  “You want me to do things to you,” He said slowly.  It was a statement, not a question.

  “Yes,” She whispered. 

  “Say it again.”

  “Yes,” She said, a little louder, and then, because she couldn't stop herself: “Please.”

  He smirked.  “I like it when you say please.”

  He walked back over to the drawer that he'd gotten the handcuffs from and slipped something else into his pocket before pulling out what looked like two little clamps

  “Do you know what these are?” He asked.

  Jenna shook her head. 

  “They're nipple clamps.  I want to put them on you.”

  Jenna swallowed hard.  Clamping nipples?  That didn't exactly sound like fun in her book.  Then again, if it was something other people were in to...

  He moved towards her again and leaned his face down low.  Gently, he blew on her nipples, first one and then the other.  Jenna sighed in pleasure as her nipples grew even harder.  If a simple blow from him had such an effect, what the hell was going to happen when he actually touched her? 

  Fernando lifted one of the clamps and grazed it across her breast, barely touching her skin.  Jenna shivered.  A moment later, the clamp was open and squeezing onto her nipple.  Jenna gasped.  The sensation was intense, but not completely painful.  In fact, it felt good.  When the other clamp went on Jenna moaned loudly, surprising herself.

  Fernando smiled.  “I knew you would like it.”

  From his back pocket, he pulled out a small white vibrator.  Jenna tried not to look disappointed.  Was he actually not going to touch her with his bare hands?

  When he hit the button, and a buzzing filled the room, though, she stopped caring.  She just wanted the aching that was mercilessly pounding her body to stop, and if a vibrator was going to be the one to do the job, oh well. 

  Fernando lowered the vibrator between Jenna's legs, and she cried out in pleasure as it touched her clit.  So this was what all the moaning she'd heard before had been about.  The anticipation that Fernando had been building up made the touch of the vibrator ten times better than when Jenna turned her own one on. 

  Jenna clenched her eyes shut and raised her hips.  Fernando pressed the vibrator harder against her.  She was going to cum.  Any moment now.

  And then he switched it off. 

  Jenna gasped.  “No,” She whimpered.

  Fernando laughed.  “You really think I'm going to let you cum so soon?  We're only getting started.”

  Removing one of the clamps, he bent his head and licked a tender nipple.  Pleasure shot down through Jenna's body, and her pussy grew even wetter.  Fernando opened his mouth wide and took the tender nipple in his teeth.  Gently, he tugged on it, then sucked. 

  Before Jenna even knew what was happening, she was moaning all over again.  It had never- ever- felt so incredible to have her breasts touched.  In fact, it felt so incredible that the familiar sensation from a moment ago was rising again between her legs.  Fernando kept sucking her nipple as he gently tugged the clamp that was attached to the other one, and Jenna- unable to contain herself- shrieked out in pleasure.

  “Oh my God!” She cried, the orgasm exploding through her body.  She arched her back, rising towards the ceiling as waves of pleasure rode through her.  When they subsided, Fernando kept sucking, never lessening his efforts.

  Jenna moaned.  She was so sensitive.  So sore.  She wanted to tell him to stop- to give her a break.  But she also wanted him to keep going.

  “Did I just have an orgasm?” She gasped.

  Lifting his mouth from her chest, he grinned.  “I know a woman's body well.”

  “I didn't know that could even happen.”

  “I can show you more if you like,” He said, his eyes glinting in the light. 

  Jenna gasped.  “Please.”

  “Say it again.  Louder.”

  “Please, Fernando!” Jenna yelled.  “Please!”

  Fernando grinned.  “I'll see what I can do.”


  The front door closed behind Jenna and Fernando stood staring at it, uncertain about what to do.  They'd spent two hours in his room, exploring her body.  Although he'd touched her breasts with his hands, and her pussy first with a vibrator and then a feather, he'd purposefully not put his bare hands between her legs. 

  Worried about his own capabilities when it came to restraint, he'd intentionally set up boundaries.  If he had allowed himself to touch the silkiness of Jenna's lower lips, or- God help him- taste them, he would have gone completely mad with desire.  There would have been nothing stopping him from pulling his dick out and fucking her right then and there. 

  And actual sex hadn't been part of the deal.  He'd told Jenna that he never had sex with his clients, and he had been giving her a 'sample' of his typical services.

  For him, though, it had felt anything but typical.  Now he wanted her even more than he had before. 

  Fernando bit his balled-up fist and fell against the wall. 

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