Heiress: Birthstone Series Book Two (31 page)

BOOK: Heiress: Birthstone Series Book Two
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“Where are we?” I asked.

“It’s an entrance to the outside of the mountain,” she
explained. “This access point was eventually considered too dangerous so they
closed it up years ago. Et Loedin’s leaders weren’t able to keep track of who
was coming and going as easily and for as long as I’ve been alive, they’ve been
very cautious about anyone who enters the city.” She motioned for me to follow
her and turned to walk deeper into the darkness. In front of us was a flight of
stairs that spiraled upward for as high as I could see. “Most of Cole’s and my
friends know about it,” she continued. “And there are a few other access points
around the city that have been closed up as well. No one tells Et Loedin’s
leaders that we still use this one and we all take turns sharing the extra

The air had a frigid bite to it and many of the steps were
coated in a thin layer of frost. I ascended the spiral with slow caution.

“Cole is waiting for us at the top,” Hesper said. “I let him
in earlier so he could make sure the outer door wasn’t blocked with snow. We
all take turns maintaining this place.”

I peered upward, hoping to see where it ended but all I saw
was darkness. “Where does it lead?”

Hesper’s voice was breezy as she answered, “You’ll see.”

We continued upward, quiet now. My lungs seemed to freeze
with every gasp and our breath came in strained, tired puffs as we spiraled
higher and higher.

When we finally reached the top, we paused to wipe at the
beads of frozen sweat on our faces and necks.

“Don’t worry,” Hesper said, “You’ll warm up quickly once you
start flying.” She turned and knocked her fist against the slanted earth above
our heads. A moment later, the scrape of wood on stone echoed around us and a
piece of the ceiling slid open. Cole stood above us, his eyes lit with
excitement. Behind him, the moon hovered high in the dark sky, peppered with
gleaming stars. From the way Cole’s hair whipped around his head, I could see
it was windy but he didn’t seem bothered by it. Instead, he held out his hands
and helped me and Hesper through the opening.

“We’re near the top of the mountain,” Cole explained, his
voice rising to speak over the wind. “It’s cold at first but once you manifest
your wings, it won’t be so bad.”

I attempted to nod my head in understanding but it became
lost in the trembles that wracked my body.

I turned to look at Hesper and noticed for the first time
that she’d already connected to her Sky Gem. Her wings were a dark purple
beneath the moonlight and they seemed to be made of a thin, nearly transparent
material. The ends came to several points, almost like a flower with multiple, connected
petals sprouting from her back. They were dangerous and beautiful at the same

I glanced back at Cole. In the moments I’d looked away from
him, he’d sprouted wings of his own in shades of dark gray. Their texture was
leathery and veiny but streaks of cobalt bled throughout the surface. His wings
looked nearly identical to his father’s.

“They’ll alter according to what you desire and what your
emotions are like,” Cole explained.

I tried to smile but only shivered harder. 

“Alright,” Hesper said, “let’s get started so Aylen doesn’t
die from the cold.”

Cole laughed and suddenly, I found myself swept into his
arms. His wings began to beat together and with Hesper close behind, he flew us
partway down the mountain until we came to a sharp ledge. When he landed, he
planted me back on my feet.

“Do you remember what I taught you about flying?” he asked.

 “Yes.” I glanced at him, blinking against the sting of ice
and wind in my eyes. “But it’s not relevant,”

“Why not?” he asked.

I managed to smile through frozen lips. “Because, I’m doing
way this time.”

“But the gems respond to the right motivation. You’ve got to
remember to. . .”

His words became lost in gust of wind but I let them go
without a struggle. Instead, I stepped closer toward the ledge and closed my
eyes. Somewhere, behind me, Cole continued to rattle off instructions and
commands but I wasn’t listening. Instead, I remembered what it felt like to be
wrapped in the heavy, gray cloak I’d been given after I’d first arrived in Et
Loedin. I pictured its silken lining and fur trim and imagined the fabric
swaying around my arms. When I’d finally connected to my Heat Gem, I sighed
with gratitude. Now I could focus on flying.

Cole still chattered behind me while I stared out at the
shimmering silver of the mountain peaks in the distance. So much lay beyond
them. There was an entire world I had yet to explore and people I still needed
to meet. I thought of my father, in a valley somewhere, fighting and planning
without me. I needed to help him. I needed to prove his confidence in me was
not misplaced.

And Sai. Sai, who didn’t lecture or make demands, who saw
the value in me others always missed. Sai was out there, not just past the
mountains, but beyond oceans. I would find him again someday.

I would help this land and these people. I would save this
kingdom. And when it was done, I would see my loved ones gathered close to me
again. It was the only future acceptable to me and I knew I needed to make it
happen. I believed I would.

This thought made me strong. I was more able than I’d ever
thought possible and I’d prove it to myself.

Cole’s voice, no more than a buzz in my head, cut off
abruptly when I stepped off the ledge.

At first, I only felt wind. It clawed at my face, screamed
past my ears, shattered against my body as I fell. But I wasn’t afraid.

Seconds later, the skin on my back began to burn. Fire
blossomed across my spine. I embraced the pain as it spread to my shoulders and
throughout arms. Behind me, I heard the whoosh of wings as they exploded from
my back and unfurled. Suddenly, I was no longer falling.

The instinct to fly was stronger than I was prepared for.
The muscles in my back already knew how to move naturally, the Sky Gem
commanding my body with every move before my brain could question. I twisted in
the air and shot upward as the flesh and bone of my wings filled with wind.
Every nerve tingled and I tried to make sense of this new extension of myself.
My wings were as wholly a part of me as my arms. Each movement I made with them
influenced the rest of my body.

Higher into the clouds I soared as snow hit my face and
melted an instant later against the heat of my skin. When I remembered Cole and
Hesper could no longer see me, I dove down toward a patch of forest in the
small valley between two mountains, where mist rose high into the air from the
center of the snow blanketed trees.

Before long, I sensed the nearness of my friends. In spite
of the wind, I heard Cole call my name. The enraged tone of his voice exasperated
me and I responded by speeding up.

I was easily faster than him. I glided like I’d been flying
my entire life, dropping and rising with the wind gusts until I began to
descend toward the trees. As I drew near, my eyes landed on a steamy, small,
lake nestled in the midst of the white forest. With a laugh, I shot high into
the air, narrowly dodging Cole’s fingers as he grasped for me. I twirled and
spun upward until I was breathless and dizzy and directly over the lake. When I
finally paused, I saw Cole heading my way. I folded my wings against my back
and twisted my body into a dive. Before Cole could react, I was already falling
away from him.

The world seemed silent during my fall. Snowflakes looked
frozen in space as I sailed past them, closer and closer to the water below. I
tuned out the shrieking wind in my ears and the obscenities Cole yelled in my
direction. I only saw the water below.

Memories of my battle for control over the gems flashed in
broken pieces through my mind. If this worked, I realized, they would no longer
have a hold on me. I would be their master. They would perform according to my

The water’s surface drew closer and I tightened my jaw for
impact. I felt Cole close behind but I wasn’t concerned. He was already too

Closing my eyes, I remembered the night I’d found my Sea
Gem, the longing I’d felt as I’d gazed out at the ocean. An instant later, I
felt my wings dissolve the same moment I hit the surface. As my body dove
deeper and deeper into the warm water, I sucked in air from the sea skin that
had covered my body. Bubbles shot in every direction as I screamed in triumph.

I dove deeper into the water, and though it was as dark as a
moonless night, my eyes made out the shapes of odd fish and plants. I twirled
past skittish creatures and allowed myself a few more minutes to revel in the
sensation of being in my sea skin before I settled onto the sandy lake bottom.
With one last deep breath, I pushed myself upward, toward the surface of the
lake. The moment I felt cold air hit my face, my sea skin shed from my body and
my wings burst from my shoulder blades. I soared above the trees, drying my
clothing with the Heat Gem while I left a trail of steam in my wake.

Finally, I tucked my wings once more and dropped toward the
water bank where Hesper and Cole stood. Seconds later, my wings opened just
enough to soften my landing as my feet touched the ground.

Breathless, I glanced back and forth between them.

Hesper shook her head at me, speechless.

“What was that?” Cole yelled.

,” I said with a smile, “was incredible.”

“You should see your wings, Aylen,” Hesper said. “They’re
beautiful! I’ve never seen anything  like them.”

“Really?” I grasped onto one of the tips and pulled it over
my shoulder for a look, but couldn’t get a good view.

“Are you insane?” Cole hollered again. “You stepped off the
cliff! You dove into a lake! You could have been killed. Twice! Did you
disregard everything I taught you? You purposely put yourself in jeopardy just
to show off! Don’t you think of anyone but yourself?”

Hesper and I blinked at him. He glowered at me, eyes wide
and chest heaving, waiting for a response. After several silent moments, I
turned back to Hesper.

“So, what is this place? It’s amazing.” I motioned toward
the giant snow covered trees along the edge of the lake.

“Isn’t it great?” Hesper said. “It’s one of the hot springs.
The volcanoes create a lot of them. This one used to be my favorite but awhile
back, we were told we couldn’t come anymore after some of the king’s sentries
were spotted looking for flyers.”

Cole stepped in front of me. “You shouldn’t be here either.
Your behavior tonight shows a complete disregard for your duty to our nation.”

Hesper groaned. “Oh, leave it alone, Cole. Just because she
didn’t do things your way is no reason to harass her.”

He grunted. “There’s a proper way to tap into the gem. Aylen
completely ignored the process and it could have cost her life. This kind of
recklessness proves she isn’t taking her responsibilities seriously.” He folded
his arms across his chest. “I’ll need to report this to my father. Or Aluce.”

I laughed. I knew Cole hoped I’d exhibit some signs of fear
over his threat but I couldn’t. “Go ahead. I’ll tell them who willingly brought
me out here to fly.” When his commanding façade dissolved, I smiled. “It
wouldn’t have worked anyway. They can’t control me anymore.” I sighed and took
a step closer to him. “You have to understand, I didn’t step off the ledge out
of recklessness. I did it because I knew best how to use the gem. I did it
because I had faith in my ability to make it work naturally.” I paused for a
moment to study his eyes. Instead of anger, I saw a hint of sadness. I softened
my tone. “And didn’t I prove tonight that I’m in control?” When he didn’t
answer, I stepped backwards again. “Have a little faith in me, Cole. I’m
finally becoming the person everyone wants.”

I turned back to Hesper. “So, what do these wings of mine
look like?”

Hesper motioned toward the lake. “If you can find a spot
that isn’t so steamy, you can see for yourself.”

I took a step closer to the water and searched for my
reflection. Through thin wisps of steam I was able to make out my black,
windblown, hair and the shimmer of wings in the moonlight. I turned slightly to
examine them more closely. Hesper had been right about them. They were entirely

Even in the dark, they had a silvery sheen. The skin was
firm like leather, but looked more translucent somehow. The center of each wing
was where the skin was most thick but toward the outer edges, it turned
iridescent. Several other tones flickered as I shifted my body and when I
opened my wings completely, shimmers of color shone in the moonlight.

My lips curled into an awed smile.

“We should be getting back,” Cole muttered.

Hesper snorted. “We’ve still got time. The sun doesn’t rise
for a while yet.”

With one last glance at my reflection, I nodded. “Cole’s
probably right. I don’t want anyone figuring out that we left tonight before I
have a chance to leave on my own.”

Hesper’s eyes grew wide. “Aylen, what are you thinking?”

“I’m going to find my father and I’m going to help him
soon.” I shook my head in frustration. “I’m tired of hiding out in Et Loedin.”

Cole snorted. “You can’t do that, Aylen! It would be a death
sentence.” He motioned toward his sister. “Even Hesper agrees with me!”

“No I don’t!” she landed a hard punch to his arm. “I was
just surprised when she said the words, ‘Cole’s probably right’. I never
thought I’d hear anyone say that.” She laughed and added, “She can do whatever
she wants.”

Cole groaned and raked his fingers through his hair.
“There’s a right way and wrong way to do things and-”

I took off so I wouldn’t have to hear the rest of his
lecture. Moments later, Hesper had caught up. We settled into an easy speed,
allowing ourselves to coast and glide with the wind currents. As we neared Et
Loedin’s mountain, I scanned the clouds far below us. They stretched over the
forests far into the distance, scattered and broken in just a few places,
barely enough to allow a glimpse of the shadowed world below.

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