HedgeWitch (19 page)

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Authors: Silver RavenWolf

Tags: #witchcraft, #wicca, #witch, #spell, #ritual, #sabbat, #esbat, #solitary wicca, #worship, #Magic, #Rituals, #Initiation, #body, #mind, #spirit, #spiritual, #spirituality, #spring0410, #earthday40

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  • Refrain from stitching during heightened family hours. These might be breakfast, lunch (perhaps), dinner, right after school lets out, bath time (for younger kids), etc. I know you might be saying “Well! That doesn't have to be said!” However, we humans have a habit of subconsciously trying to carve out our own territory during less-than-hospitable times. For example, dinner takes a half-hour; you need only put it on the stove and then take it off when it is done, and so you sit down to catch a few stitches—and suddenly the family won't leave you alone. The problem here is that everyone in the house is hungry, and when people are hungry, they demand attention.
  • Teach your craft to your children or partner. Of course, not all are interested, but by at least showing family members how something is done, they often learn an appreciation for it. You never know, some may simply love it! Likewise, learn the hobby of your spouse or partner. In this way, you will appreciate what they like to do, too.
  • Focus your projects on the family, especially in the beginning. Over the years, I've done a lot of crafting—jewelry, clay art, painting, etc. I learned the hard way to focus my first projects on them. For example, when I learned jewelry making, I asked my daughters to select beads, findings, and clasps that appealed to them, and made a bracelet or necklace for them before I began other projects. I found that if they benefited early from my crafting, they were less likely to disturb me when I did projects for others. Although my kids are now grown, my oldest continues to do counted cross-stitch, and my youngest son can braid hemp like an expert.
  • Family members may also enjoy the shopping experience if they know the project is specifically for them. One woman's husband was furious that she'd taken up such a “pansy” activity like knitting, citing the expense of the yarn, the “waste” of her time, etc. Wisely, she took him shopping, saying, “My skill isn't very good. But eventually I would like to make something for you. What would you like?” He considered this for a moment and said, “You know, my grandmother made beautiful afghans. I'd like one of those.” She smiled and said, “Fine. Let's look at the different weights of yarn and colors. What appeals to you?” He spent an hour eagerly looking through all the books at the store for the pattern he wanted, and then another hour on yarns and colors. He made no complaints on the smaller projects she chose to do first, understanding that for what he wanted, she had to build her skill. Eventually, she completed the afghan, and he proudly displayed it to friends and family members, saying, “Yep! She made this just for me!”

Your Signature Is Your Seal of Positive Chi

Don't forget to sign your work. Although it may not be a big deal to you, it may be something forever cherished by the recipient of your work. Your signature, or designer logo, carries your personal chi
the intent of the piece. During the final blessing, be sure to lay your hand over your signature and fill it with white light.

The Finished Project

Before you hand over your hours of work stitched with thoughts of love and success to the intended recipient, present the project to the rising sun on the day of giving. Thank the universe for your time and skill, and reaffirm the intent of the piece along with your visualization. This is an important closure for you and takes only a few moments of your time, allowing you to connect with Spirit in a celebratory way. If the project is for yourself, ask for continued blessings, and enjoy the beauty of your creation!

Raise Your Energy By Learning a New Type of Stitchery

A great way to welcome new, fresh, dynamic energy into your life is by learning something new. Turn an old magick in stitchery into a powerful vehicle of change! Whether it be photography or stitchery, fixing a car or learning to speak a new language, knowledge always brings new opportunities.

Last fall and winter, I taught myself to knit. As the winds howled and the snow swirled, I knitted and knitted and knitted! Such a wonderful, magickal way to spend those cold winter days and nights. I made several blankets, three mohair shawls, purses, a baby sweater, scarves, hats, a shopping bag, neat cell phone carriers, a stuffed rabbit, a pillow, and a huge, snuggly warm kimono coat. In the spring, I took a trip to Mannings outside of East Berlin, Pennsylvania. What a marvelous place! Yarn, yarn everywhere! Looms, spinning wheels, and books galore; I was in textile heaven! Among my treasured purchases snuggled a “learn to crochet” kit. I'd conquered beginning knitting, and now I wanted more, though I wasn't sure if I wanted to learn to crochet—it seemed like such an old-lady type of thing. Did I really want to go there? Yet there were patterns I'd seen that looked so neat, new, and retro-hip … hmm … dare I? Did I want to invest the time it took to learn to knit into learning to crochet? I'd already tried once over the winter—I spent two days and got nowhere with the crochet thing. Did I want to try again? Maybe this type of practice just wasn't for me …

Yet that crochet pattern … it called to me. Truly, it did! And I have a thing about patterns and energy …

So this time I started on a new moon, and I just tried making a block using a single crochet stitch. I didn't have any particular project in mind, just the idea of learning the stitch. I used a bigger hook than called for so I could see the mechanics of the stitches … and lo and behold, I did it! On my first real project, I had trouble keeping the edges even, so I used a big, fat safety pin to mark where I should be making the last stitch and the turning chain; after that, it was onward and upward! In no time at all, I'd made two pillows, a purse, two belts, and started on a big ripple afghan for my granddaughter. In just two days, I'd finished my first project and moved on to the others.

Okay, I had the mechanics down … now for the magick. For me, I've found in most cases crochet goes faster than knitting, which means I can make more things for more people in the same amount of time if I crochet rather than knit. Granted, knitting works specifically well for some things, but when it comes to creating a fast magick item, such as a healing gris-gris for a friend, crochet seems to work up quicker. Here's how I now begin all my crochet projects:

1. Focus on the intent. I write down on a notecard specifically what I desire, along with the person's name. For example, if I wanted to make a gris-gris for Sharon, I'd write her name, along with the energy I wish to draw into the work, such as healing of her right elbow after surgery. Or, if I were making a blanket for a child, protection and good health all year through, and so on. I keep this card with the project until completion, then burn it with sacred herbs after the project has been washed and prepared for the blessing ritual.

2. Choose the pattern and the yarn to match the intent and the person. Let's say Sharon's favorite colors are pink and green, and she loves heavily textured things. I'd go with her favorite colors, a unique, textured yarn, and perhaps a more intricate pattern. Waved afghan patterns are perfect for drawing in the positive flow of the universe and so are especially nice for sleep-oriented magick for children as well as adults.

3. Cleanse the yarn and the hook you will use, and dedicate them specifically to the project at hand. Use the procedure that is most comfortable to you.

4. Begin the project with the timing that suits the intent. Use the moon phase and the moon in the signs as your guide.

5. Consider the foundation chain number. Use the magick in numbers if at all possible. For example, a three-count ripple pattern is perfect for almost all projects. Eleven count makes a nice larger ripple and is very magickal as well. What will your foundation chain number factor down to on the scale of one through nine? Is this the energy you wish to instill in the project? If necessary, can you possibly change the foundation chain number without ruining the pattern?

6. Each time you sit down to crochet, light a white candle to acknowledge the light of Spirit, and place a glass of empowered water close to the project. This water should be filled with your blessings and intent. Give the water to a plant when you are done with the project for that day or evening.

7. Use the simple HedgeWitch formula on page 40 before you begin the project. Be sure you have your statement of intent ready before you do this.

8. Finish the HedgeWitch formula with the chant below. Say the project chant nine times, and then begin to work.

Crochet Project Chant

Magick circle

Pull it through

Loop the thought of (healing, prosperity, good fortune, protection, etc.)

To bring to you

Handle hook

To catch the thing

Manifest in sacred ring of (healing, prosperity, good fortune,
protection, etc.)!

9. When laying down the foundation of the project, try this chant, to be repeated nine times:

Foundation Chain Chant

Sacred fiber

Spun to make

Unfolding path

That I (she, he) will take.

Lines of (hope, joy, healing, prosperity, happiness, etc.)

Loop to bring

A chain of (hope, joy, healing, prosperity, happiness, etc.)

From thought to thing!

10. Remember that the turning chain with every row represents the slowing of energy that occurs when a thought manifests into a thing! The turning chain helps to “set the work” each and every row you make and therefore becomes the most powerful stitch of the row. Say special prayers on this loop to add additional energy to the piece, and then end with “It always works! Always a blessing!”

Finish the project as I recommended on page 169 or choose your own magickal way to complete the item. You can use the above chants for knitting as well as other stitchery projects by changing the wording to fit your activity. By mixing this type of stitchery and magick together, I found peace of mind and a contemplative, relaxing way of using some of my spare time. Best of all, my efforts brought joy to the recipients, which is by far the most exquisite benefit of all!



in Daily Life

The art and science of HedgeWitchery moves throughout your daily life if you only allow it to do so. Every day can be magick-filled if you so desire. You have the ultimate choice! This section of the HedgeWitch material provides tips, techniques, formulas, and recipes that can be used to enhance and fulfill your life in enchanting ways … every day!

HedgeWitch Days of the Week

Every day of the week provides opportunities for magick! The following list gives you general energy correspondences and ideas on what tasks might be best performed. Having a sense of task-defined order can free your mind from worrying about all those little items that seem to inundate us if we don't pay attention.


Rest and play:
Sunday is ruled by the sun, bringing vibrant, successful and positive energy to any application or task. Above all, the sun symbolizes harmony in action, making Sunday a great day for family activities, enjoying the world around you, and having fun. Celebrating the light of the sun, Sunday provides great timing for working with gold jewelry. Light a white or yellow candle this day for future success in your life. Take time to enjoy your favorite hobby; it's a perfect day to finish projects meant for loved ones! Add a sundial to your magickal garden and ask for weekly blessings every Sunday.

Sun-related garden plants:
Plant, tend, harvest, or use these plants on their favorite day: angelica, bay, carnation, celandine, chamomile, eyebright, ginseng, juniper, lovage, marigold, palm, peony, rosemary, rue, saffron, St. John's wort, sunflower, tea, witch hazel.

Work on issues regarding…
prominent people, superiors, employers, executives, personal illumination, personal power, persons worthy of trust, men ages 30–45, good health, life force, success.

Sunday's colors:
yellow, gold/purple, gold, scarlet, purple, bright red, orange


Water and flow:
Monday is ruled by the moon, bringing the powerful element of water into play. In magick, we know that water conveys the energy we put into it, helping our work to flow into the goals we wish to achieve. Monday is a great day for working with water—washing the car, doing the laundry, taking a long, luxurious bath or shower. It's also a great day to make magickal perfumes, oils, floor washes, and air fresheners! Designing silver jewelry also vibrates well with Monday's energy. Given the moon's representation of our emotions, this is a good day for a longer-than-usual meditation, creating new affirmations that fit what we truly want in life, and considering the flow of our emotional well-being. It's a good day for painting, developing new dance steps, or composing music. Monday is also considered the primary day for workings for women (mothers, daughters, grandmothers, female friends, female partners, etc.). Light a white or blue candle on this day for emotional well-being. Add an outdoor water element to your magickal garden!

Moon-related garden plants:
Plant, tend, harvest, or use these plants on their favorite day: aloe, lemon balm, cabbage, cucumber, eucalyptus, gardenia, gourd, grape, honesty, jasmine, lettuce, lily, mallow, moonflower, poppy, potato, purslane, turnip, willow.

Work on issues regarding…
mothers, women in general, the public and the public eye, change, your feelings, liquids, runaways, lost items, the sea, short trips, your perception on various issues.

Monday's colors:
colors spotted or striped with white, cream, opalescent, pale yellow, pale green, pale lavender, pale blue, pearl, silver, white


Fire and energy:
Tuesday is ruled by Mars, the planet of success, action, and derring-do! Fire and metal are the featured energies on this day. Save Tuesday for dealing with difficult people and issues, cultivating the warrior energy within yourself and channeling that emotion in the right direction through positive action. It's a good day to buy small tools or have old ones repaired and cleaned. Also a day for contacting mentors (who are ruled by the element of metal) and people of strength who may be able to help you. Baking, working with wax, firing pottery, or forging alliances all fall under Mars energy. Celebrating the element of fire, this is a great day to make HedgeWitch grubby, or overdipped, herbal candles. Tuesday is also considered the primary day for workings for men (fathers, sons, grandfathers, male friends, and male partners). Light a white or red candle on this day for personal success through action! Add a fire element to your outdoor magickal garden, such as a new grill, burn pit, offering cauldron, etc. Make use of it every Tuesday!

Mars-related garden plants:
Plant, tend, harvest, or use these herbs on their favorite day: basil, cactus, carrots, chili peppers, coriander, garlic, holly, horseradish, mustard, nettle, onion, pennyroyal, pepper, peppermint, pine, radish, shallot, snapdragon, thistle, woodruff, wormwood.

Work on issues regarding…
energy, sex, leadership, weapons, fire, assertiveness, doctors (especially surgeons), sewing, personal transformation, sports, winning, baking, cooking.

Tuesday's colors:
colors that shine—crimson, fiery red, lemon yellow, red ochre, rust, saffron, scarlet


Chatter box!
Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, that quicksilver planet of thought and communication. Take care of all written stuff today—letters, e-mails, cards to friends and family, notification on a move or other important events in your life. Send birthday cards, holiday cards, and flowers to those you love! It's a good day to compose the next entry in your blog, the next entry in your journal, study, take a written test, or communicate clearly through words. Research and gathering information also relate to Mercury energy, as well as designing scrapbook pages, bookmarks, altered books, and photo albums. Keep forgetting to send out your bills? Make Wednesday the day for such things. Today, send that book you promised to someone and never got around to doing. Wednesday is also a great day for giving things away, as you are sharing your love and personal energy with every gift you give. Light a white or silver candle on this day for mental growth and success in communicating with others. Add wind chimes, bells, flags, and ribbons to your outdoor magickal garden. Petitions to Spirit outdoors on Wednesday are perfect ways to use Mercury energy.

Mercury-related garden plants:
Plant, tend, harvest, or use these herbs on their favorite day: beans, bergamot, caraway, celery, clover, dill, fennel, fern, goat's rue, horehound, lavender, lemongrass, lemon verbena, marjoram, mint, parsley, savory.

Work on issues regarding…
communication, books, letters, e-mails, messages, questions, blogs, writing in general, transport, contracts, bargaining, neighbors, research, young people, students, office employees, salespersons, tricksters.

Wednesday's colors:
dusky silver, light blue, azure, dove, light grey, clear, or new color blends


To market, to market!
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic, a planet of long-term good fortune and expansion, and also attributed to personal spirituality. Running errands that involve the transaction of large sums of money, charity, and your spiritual pursuits might be a great way of turning this day into a fulfilling use of your time. Jupiter's job is to attract positive growth and good fortune, so this is a great day to start a new hobby, expand your garden by adding a spiritually related statue, or put in that new foot path. A great day to shop for large-ticket items, expanding your favorite collection, and another great day for gift-giving. Jupiter represents both fire and water (modern and classical astrological correspondences), making this a primary day for healing work. It's a wonderful day to make healing sachets, herbal washes, and aura-cleaning products. Light a purple or white candle today, and welcome healing energies into your life.

Jupiter-related garden plants:
Plant, tend, harvest, or use these herbs on their favorite day:anise, borage, chestnut, cinquefoil, clove, dandelion, endive, honeysuckle, hyssop, maple, pumpkin, sage, sarsaparilla, sassafras. It's a great day to add new plants and expand your outdoor or indoor garden.

Work on issues regarding…
good luck, expansion, good fortune, higher education, abundance, long trips, divination, gambling, professionals, the wealthy, lawyers, judges, horses, foreigners, middle-aged men.

Thursday's colors:
red and green combined, sea green, deep blue or purple, violet, ash, lime, forest green, green and gold combination


Just for pretty:
From entertainment to personal beauty and fixing up the place, in all you do, Venus energy can be used dynamically for achieving the higher vibrations of love. Fridays are great days for personal beauty enhancements, making the home and garden an art-inspired sanctuary, building your altar, healing through love, and, of course, fast cash workings. Entertainment and get-togethers with friends and family also fall under the power of seductive Venus. Arts, crafts, and just plain being creative share in Venus pursuits. Make body powders, soaps, perfumes for love, passion sachets, love amulets, gemstone jewelry, and decorative clay pieces. Venus often represents the element of earth and growth, hence the occult association of the color green. Light a white, green, or pink candle today, and attract beauty into your life! Bring your garden inside! Work with potted plants today.

Venus-related garden plants:
Plant, tend, harvest, or use these herbs on their favorite day: African violet, apple, barley, birch, blue flag (iris), cardamom, catnip, coltsfoot, columbine, corn, crocus, daffodil, daisy, geranium, hyacinth, lilac, magnolia, mugwort, myrtle, orchid, plantain, rose, sorrel, spearmint, strawberry, thyme, tomato, tulip, valerian, vervain, wheat.

Work on issues regarding…
alliances, love, gifts, money, harmony, relationships, marriage, what you value, your resources, moveable goods, lost objects (especially those lost at a social affair), parties, young women, your best friend, wife, pleasures, arts of all types, luxury items.

Friday's colors:
any color that shines; white; purple; blue; green and brown combination; sky blue; copper; brass


Heavy duty day:
Saturday is ruled by Saturn, the planet of limits as well as rewards through hard work. Saturday's tasks may include cleaning out the garage, the basement, the attic, or those overflowing closets. It's often a day for choosing appliances such as stoves, air conditioning units, refrigerators, etc., where partners can shop together and take their time choosing what is right for them. It's a good day for picking up clutter, vacuuming, washing windows, rearranging furniture, and banishing all negative items and emotions by the act of releasing and attracting good energies through positive tasks and aromas. Make furniture polish and carpet fresheners today. Light a white or brown candle today for drawing miracles! Erect a trellis, build a retaining wall, design a rock garden, or make major renovations to your outdoor garden on this day.

Saturn-related garden plants:
Plant, tend, harvest, or use these herbs on their favorite day:amaranth, beets, boneset, comfrey, ivy, lobelia, morning glory, mullein, pansy, patchouli, solomon's seal, yew.

Work on issues regarding…
removing obstacles or limitations, lifting restrictions, hardscaping the garden, old people, debts, poverty, real estate, construction, karma, plumbers, fathers, overcoming delays.

Saturday's colors:
black, dark green, dark brown (for miracles), wood colors, dark blue

Those herbs listed are the ones that are most commonly found in yards and gardens in the northeast. Feel free to substitute your own native plants.

HedgeWitch Moon Magick

How to Tell If the Moon Is Waxing or Waning

Magickal people use the moon as a vehicle for focus and order, flowing with the energy of the moon to accomplish particular tasks. Earlier in this book, you learned that:

Full moons
equal the harvest of any given thing and are the perfect balance of opposites.

New moons
are a time to begin new projects and take a fresh approach to any situation.

Waxing moons
represent building and growing, giving more energy to a particular focus.

Waning moons
herald closure, putting the last touches on a project, and the elimination of ideas, projects, and desires we no longer need.

The full moon and new moons are easy to tell when looking up at the sky. But what about the waxing and waning moons? You can use an almanac like the
Farmer's Almanac
or one of Llewellyn's many excellent magickal almanacs, check out the daily newspaper under the weather section, surf online, or you can simply step outside and look up at the sky, using the following guideline: When does the moon rise? The time the moon rises will indicate if it is waxing or waning. If the moon rises in the daytime, then it is waxing. If the moon rises in the nighttime, it is waning.

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