Heavy Metal Heartbeat (4 page)

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Authors: Ambear Shellea

BOOK: Heavy Metal Heartbeat
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He felt his father’s touch on his chest. He ran his hands over the tattoo as he explained it.

This outer staggered circle here, the outside, it represents the universe. It encompasses us all. These fangs here at the top in the center, these represent the vampires. Directly down from that, the animal eyes, they represent the werewolf. To the left, the stars, that is for the witches, and straight across to the right, this blurred human-looking symbol, this represents the spirits of the undead.

Here in the center of it all is a family crest; the braided clover of our ancestors. This is
family’s secret, out in the open, a curse to
and a curiosity to everyone else. This tattoo proves two things: you are from noble hunter bloodlines, and, among us, are a fallen soldier. It is proof that you have been touched by the supernatural and come out the other side…but at what cost? At what cost, my son?”

father fell back onto the couch and hung his head. Tears fell down his face as he wept. His heart shattered like glass.

“Father, I am right here. I am alive. I’m not a fallen solider. You felt my heart beat in my chest and blood surge through my veins. I don’t understand. Why are you crying as if I have died?”

His father’s dark brown eyes stared back at him.

“Because you have
, Son. This, you here, this is not my son. This is the work of supernatural witches. The tattoo is proof you are dead. It’s just a matter of time before we find out what dead you shall run with.”

What dead I shall run with? Father, you’re not making any sense. I feel fine, better than fine. I have no blood lust. I don’t feel the need to shift into anything. I feel solid enough that I can’t walk through walls and, I promise you, I haven’t a lick of knowledge about witchcraft. This, me here…” He put his hand on his chest. “I am still your son.” He turned with pleading eyes to the doctor. “Tell him. I didn’t die. I am me. Tell him! He will believe you.”

The air sizzle
d with anticipation. No one spoke, no one moved and the only sound in the room was the doctor swallowing hard. He looked around at his friends, waiting for someone to intercede, but no one budged.  Finally, the doctor cleared his throat and spoke.

Mr. Zane, I can tell you this. I did not witness your son’s death. He was alive when they brought him in and he was alive when they left with him.”

Thank you, Doc, but the tattoo is proof that at some point when your eyes were off my son, he died and someone or something brought him back. Oliver, I hate to do this...” He stumbled over his broken words. “But you are my son...and this is my...duty. Because I love you so, I will give you forty-eight hours to say your goodbyes.”

stood and glared down at his father.

“No! I won’t let you hurt them because of what they are. They may be the supernatural, but I assure
you they’re not what you taught me to hunt. They hunt alongside me to get rid of the ones who care not for humanity. They have all joined me and helped me on hunts to kill the monsters that have preyed upon the innocent. I have never strayed from my duties.”

For the first time in his life, his father looked at him as if he were something to pity.  His chest felt as if knives made of fire and ice plunged into him to the hilt.  He stumbled backward, his hand over his heart. His breath wouldn’t pass his lips and tears of anger rimmed his eyes. What used to be his heart lay
in pieces somewhere on the floor.  He watched his father move from the couch and head for the door.

Wait!” Anna ran forward. “Please, Mr. Zane. Don’t go. Stay and let us prove to you that what Ozzie says is true.  Things always change and evolve. The supernatural is no different. Yes, you know what we all are, but we are just as your son says we are. We are good people. We all work together and help your son uphold all the things you have taught him. We all love Ozzie, and the blonde over there couldn’t live without him. Ozzie is a great man, and that’s why we all love him.”

Ozzie had eyes only for his father, who looked around the room weighing his options and debating his decisions. He knew his father was a stubborn man, but he also knew he was a man of intelligence and honor.  Squaring his shoulders
, he stood tall as he watched his father come to a conclusion.

His name is Oliver Markus Zane, and he is of hunter nobility and my son. I will stay...only for a little while, but hear me when I say this.” He hardened his features and his tone. “He is
and killing him will break my heart, my spirit and my soul, but I will do it if necessary. As for the rest of you, I will kill you, all of you, without a moment’s hesitation.”

His father walked out the door.

Chapter 5


Ozzie stood staring at the closed door.

I have to fix this.

The matter settled in his head. He followed after his father.  He passed the porch, went out onto the lawn and caught his father by the car.

I have always loved this car;
General Lee Orange. I get my fondness of cars from him, and his 1969 Dodge Charger is his favorite car.

, wait,” he said, touching his shoulder.

His father turned and looked at him.

“I have agreed to stay. I am a man of my word.”

I know that.” He pulled his father close and hugged him. Tears rimmed his eyes and the pieces of his heart pulled back together when his father returned the warm-hearted hug. “I love you, Father.”

He let go
and wiped his face.

“And I you, Son. No amount of supernatural business is gonna get in the way of that.”

Same here, Father.” He stepped back to make room for his father to get to the car. “Will I see yo

Neither of them moved. The fine hairs on
Ozzie’s back raised and got his attention. He kept his head low and his eyes scanned the surroundings.  A moment later he smelled them.

Well, damn! Guess I'm dealing with this now.

“You can come out now. I know you are there, Abrams.”

He watched as
several hunters materialized from the woods beyond. The whole team, his entire crew of ten, descended in his direction. They were spread out like the wings of an eagle fanning the landscape, just as he had taught them.

“What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you I would call you later

, his second in command, spoke first.

“Yes, but you also taught us to stay on top of any situation that might be dangerous
, and this, my friend...” He moved his hand in a circular motion indicating the area around the house. “Is always potentially dangerous. I mean, Anna is a vampire.”

His father, shocked by the news, fell against his car in disbelief. Ozzie watched the horror cross his face.

“Father, are you OK?”

They know?” His father asked.

Hell yes, we know. We also know Anna is one of the good guys, as are the rest of them. They have hunted with us before. Their little extra abilities sometimes come in handy.”

See, Father? I told you. They...” he pointed back toward the house. “Are not what you think. Well, they are, but they are not what we hunt.”

I will take your word for it for now and give them the benefit of the doubt.”

“Thank you
, Father. That is all I ask.”

A bright light rained down on them, lighting the lawn as Anna opened the door and headed toward them
. Jaxson was on her heels.

Mr. Zane, Jaxson and I were just about to light a fire in the fire pit in the backyard and we were wondering if you would like to join us. I have plenty to drink and munch on.  It is a nice night to sit under the stars and have some friendly conversation.”

, Anna. What about us?” Abrams shot back.

“I don't know
. The last time I let you guys stay, you all cried like whiney bitches.”

We did no such thing!” A voice from back in crowd protested.

He moved out of the way as Anna pushed passed him, looking around.

“Cuervo, is that you?”

His father raised an eye and looked at him. “Cuervo? Son
, isn't that a bit...”

I got this one, Ozzie.” Cuervo stepped forward, shook hands with Mr. Zane and proceeded to explain.

Have you ever heard the phrase 'I got my ass kicked by a golden pint-sized Mexican and his pet worm?’”

“No, can't say that I have
,” his father replied.

Well, what it means is someone who got drunk on  Jose Cuervo tequila and ended up with a huge 'God, I feel like I'm dying' hangover. Jose Cuervo is gold in color and most people buy it in pint-size bottles and sometimes, if you buy a fifth, there is a worm at the bottom. Now, you will get trashed just by drinking the tequila, but if you eat the worm...lo patea el culo.”

It means 'it kicks your ass'. You looked a bit confused, Father.”

Anyway...” Anna continued. “So Cuervo got his name because he and his wife were here one night and he drank an entire fifth of that brand of tequila and ate the worm, even though we all told him not to, only to have his wife call us the next day and tell us he was curled up in the fetal position, crying and yelling, ‘Someone shoot me now,’ hence the name Cuervo. It is to remind him of his drunken stupidity.”

We call his wife Eighteen Hundred,” Paige said as she made her way into the center of the group. Ozzie pulled her close to his side and kissed her cheek. His eyes slid back to his father when he asked a question.

Is that what she drinks?”

Anna took over the explanation once more.

“Oh Lord, no. She doesn't drink. We call her Eighteen Hundred because her voice is velvety smooth but a bit harsh, and she can and will kick your ass if you get out of line. She is as feisty as they come.”

His father chimed in with a story of his own.

“Ya know, I used to hunt with this guy we called Stew, Stew Pidasole. You see, ole Stew wasn't a smart guy or even a nice guy...”

The crowd roared with laughter. Ozzie sat back and listened to his father tell stories and soon, without realizing it, as time went on, everyone was seated and gathered in a circle in the yard.  Caught up
in the fish-tales he’d grown up hearing, no one paid attention when Jaxson handed them a chair, including his father, who was now engrossed in yet another tale. A huge smile was upon his face.

Paige sat snuggled in
Ozzie’s lap, nuzzling his neck, awakening his inner animal. He shifted in his chair. Delicately he trailed his fingertip down her arm, needing to touch her. He turned his eyes to her when she whispered to him.

I really hope this works with your father. I have always liked him.” The light from the moon seemed to add depth to her blue eyes and a shimmer to her hair.

God she is beautiful.

“I am sure it will all work out. He is a stubborn man, but he is also a smart one. He's the wisest man I know.”

“Son, did you just call me a wise ass?”

He was glad for the lack of light, he surely wouldn't live down the red on his cheeks from being caught not listening to his father’s story. The entire crowd quieted, awaiting his answer.  Sliding a nervous hand through his hair, he took a deep breath.

, Sir. I said you were the
man I know.”

“That's a good lad
. Although, I was about to ask if you had been talking with your mother, that's what she calls me.”

There was a
nother round of laughter from the circle.  After a moment, he patted Paige's arm and motioned her up, as he stood when his father did.

Lad, I have had a good time talking with your friends.”

“Does that mean you will be back tomorrow
, then?”

He returned his father’s hug and the
embrace felt like home; warm, familiar and safe. He hadn't realized how much he missed his family. His father patted him on the back before answering.

Yes, Son. I will be back tomorrow.” They chatted as they headed for his father's car.

Thank you, Father, for staying and talking with everyone. It meant a lot to them. It meant a lot to me.”

“It was nice, Son. I have had a good time, and that Paige is more beautiful than you described.”

I am so glad that you like her. If you don't kill us all, she will be your daughter-in-law.”

What? When did that happen?”

Today. I made it official and asked her earlier today. She said yes.”

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