Heavy Metal Heart: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (19 page)

BOOK: Heavy Metal Heart: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance
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The steep angle put more direct pressure on her clit and he could feel her orgasm building immediately. The sudden intense sensation took her by surprise, as evident with how much her eyes widening and how strongly she gripped him. 

"Ohhh my fucking God, Torsten!" 

He slammed the whole length of his shaft furiously into her, fighting to hold back his own orgasm while her burning hot pussy clenched around him like a vice. Her fingers dug into back as he angled her more, thrusting harder, deeper inside her. She screamed into his shoulder as she came, and he finally let go too. Her orgasm milked the come from his cock until he was completely drained. 

Panting for breath and slick with sweat, they both collapsed in a tangle of mouths, arms, and legs, completely forgetting about the entire world outside of each other.

Chapter 32 

"Shit! Fuck!"

In her sleepy haze, Helena heard Torsten's voice swearing obscenities as the bed jostled violently beneath her. 

"What is it?" she murmured, rubbing at her eyes. 

She felt a warm, bearded kiss on her neck in response. "We were supposed to leave an hour ago, love. I didn't realize how tired I was and fell asleep after our sweet reunion." 

Her eyes finally fully opened to see Torsten packing clothes and personal items furiously into a suitcase. Most of them were hers, as he never really unpacked on this tour stop. 

She sat up and stretched. Torsten stopped and watched her with a curious expression. 

"What's that look for?"

He stroked his beard, seeming almost nervous under his constantly calm shell. Her heartbeat began to quicken as she speculated what he was about to say. 

"I need to talk to you, love." He came over and sat on the bed next to her, and her heart sank. She didn't want to hear it, that he was finally done with her. First her drunken outburst, and then getting herself kidnapped. She couldn't blame him for not wanting the drama anymore.

He leaned in closely, putting his forehead against hers and wrapping a hand around her neck. She couldn't bring herself to look in his eyes. 

"I love you, Helena," he started. "I was trying to show you how I felt this whole time, but... I haven't been steady with a woman in a long time. I'm sorry for not telling you in plain terms."

She glanced up in surprise, not expecting that. "I'm sorry I accused you of not loving me. I wasn't sure how to talk to you either, and bottled it all up."

“You were right to be angry. I kept you at arm’s length but not because I don’t love you. I was being selfish.” He pulled away, his brow knitted and lips pressed into a tight line. “I was sure you’d want nothing to do with me if you knew my past.”

“I don’t care what’s in your past!” Helena exclaimed, clasping her hands around his. “I’ve seen the kind of man you are. You’re the man I want.”

Torsten smiled sadly. “Would you say that if I told you I used to be worse than your ex-husband?”

” Ice gripped Helena’s veins as her eyes widened. 

“I wasn’t just an addict, I became one at ten years old.”

“Ten?!” Helena couldn’t believe her ears.

 Torsten nodded and continued. “I also sold drugs to live. That’s how Lars and I met, actually.” He sighed deeply. “His parents followed him to a pickup and saw his dealer was just a scrawny, homeless thirteen-year-old. When I told them I didn’t have guardians or family, they took me in and formally adopted me. I’m sure Lars hoped his new brother would provide an endless, free supply.” One corner of his mouth lifted into a small smirk. “I always found it funny in a cruel way that I reformed and he just spiraled down deeper.”

Helena felt her heart drop to her stomach. She guessed Torsten had a rough childhood but nothing like this.

“How long were you homeless for?”

His sad smile returned. “The entire first thirteen years of my life, love.”

“Your whole… life?” 

“I have no idea who my biological parents were. I was raised in a small community until I could fend for myself. The only beds I ever slept on were in shelters or jail cells.” 

Her heart broke thinking of a young Torsten, alone and with nothing.

“How did you… survive?” 

“Another year or two in that life and I probably wouldn’t have. I’m certain I would be dead now if not for Lars’ family,” he said solemnly. “I got a second chance at life when they found me.”

“I’m so glad they did,” she whispered and kissed him insatiably before he could respond. 

It all made sense now. His passion and dedication to success meant never returning to a life of poverty. Connecting with his young, less fortunate fans with such sincerity gave them a chance to rise above their circumstances like he did. 

“I take it you’re not leaving me,” he smirked against her lips.

“Never,” she breathed. “I love you even more. I wish you never had to go through that but it made you into the man I love. You’re a stronger person than I ever believed.”

“So are you, love,” he whispered as his fingers rubbed the sore welts on her wrists. His touch made her flinch. She forgot about her injuries from the cuffs and how tender they still were. 

Torsten frowned at her reaction. "My love, you've been through so much and we've got three more weeks left on this tour. It kills me to not have you in my bed, but if you want to go home now--,” 

She cut him off with another eager kiss which became several more. Ignoring the throbbing pain in her wrists she ran her fingers through his shaggy hair, scratching across his scalp like a possessive lioness. 

"I love you, Torsten and I'm not going anywhere," she stated when her lips broke away.

His clear blue eyes lit up as the relief lifted off his shoulders like a burden. "You're sure?" 

"Completely sure. Besides, I still have a job to do." 

"Ah, yes." Torsten wrapped Helena in a bear hug and stood up from the bed, dropping her lightly on her feet. "I suppose as a good boss I should check in on how things are going."

"Excellent. The tour blog gets about five thousand hits per day. All of the local newspapers of the cities we've stopped in have run very favorable articles about the shows. We're getting hundreds of comments daily about doing an American tour. That may be something we should look into after we're home." 

"Sounds like you've been just as busy as me." He leaned down to kiss her neck. “I think my little lady deserves a raise," he growled into her ear. 

"Oh? This kind of raise?" With a wicked grin, she ran a hand along his semi-stiff erection in his pants. 

Torsten bit his lower lip as he reluctantly pulled away. "Fuck, you're so bad. And so fucking good."

“I suppose we have a train to catch,” Helena pouted. She double-checked the room for all their belongings before starting for the door. 

“Helena, love, thank you.” Torsten’s hand wrapped around her waist to stop her gently. 

She turned to face him, looking up at the most handsome man she’d ever seen. The one who pleased her selflessly, brought her on the adventure of a lifetime, and showed how far he would go to protect her. 

“For what?”

“I’ve never told anyone what I just told you.” His adoring gaze sent her heart stampeding wildly as he caressed her face and neck. “Thank you for accepting me and loving me. All of me.”

Tears of joy brimmed in her eyes as she smiled widely. “I would never want anything less.”


Chapter 33 

When news broke out of Helena’s kidnapping, she was stunned at how Mjolnir’s fans were fiercely protective of her. She wasted no time telling her story of what happened in Dracula's castle, putting her kidnappers on blast complete with pictures of her chafed wrists and Torsten's own account. 

It turned out that Crina and Gregor had kidnapped for ransom before, and steadily became bolder. When local organizations held banquets and work functions at the castle, the dirty pair would find out who was the most important person and kidnap someone close to them. Usually, it was an elderly spouse, but sometimes even a child. Thanks to Romania's corrupt government, they were able to pay off the police and media with portions of the ransom money.

Mjolnir was the first major celebrity guest at the castle they attempted to con. It was only a matter of time before they messed with the wrong person.

Helena couldn’t believe her eyes as she scrolled through social media feeds. Fans all over the world praised her tenacity and quick thinking. 

Don't ever fuck with Helena or Torsten! #metalpowercouple #relationshipgoals

Helena u may not realize it but u are a role model! Women need to fight for themselves like u did! 

Way to pick a great woman, Torsten! Helena is METAL AF! \M/

A sudden tingle spread across her skin as she felt hot breath and warm lips on the nape her neck.

"The fans love you." Torsten murmured against her earlobe. 

"I wonder what they'd say if it happened differently. If I actually was a damsel in distress throughout the whole ordeal." Helena swallowed a lump in her throat as a new realization dawned on her. Being in a relationship with Tosten meant being under the collective, watchful eye of his fanbase. And they would raise her up or tear her down however they saw fit. 

"We both know that's not who you are. That fire inside you is the first thing that made me want you. But if they did talk shit, and they probably will at some point, they can fuck off." 

Torsten's fingers dug into the knots in her back and shoulders as she sat up and stretched. She'd been sitting with her laptop for what felt like hours, losing herself in the internet hivemind of Torsten's fanbase. 

"You've got to stop reading what they say at some point, love. If you care too much about what they think of you--," 

"I know, love, I know--," Helena interjected and stopped abruptly when his pet name dropped from her mouth and laughed, shaking her head. "Fuck, you're rubbing off on me too much." 

"I have given you some lovely pearl necklaces, haven't I." Torsten maintained a straight face while tracing his fingers along her collarbone. 

"You are fucking rotten." Helena elbowed his ribs playfully, still laughing. 

"And you love me." 

"I take it back." 

Torsten's hands slid from her shoulders to her neck, just under her jaw. He tilted her head back to make her look at him standing behind her. His mouth crashed down on hers before she could respond.

It felt like his lips poured a potion down her throat that turned her body to jello. Every single kiss from him afflicted her like that. His tongue invaded her mouth and pressed against hers, just like his rock hard erection pressing against her back. 

And then he cruelly broke off the kiss. "You're a terrible liar, my love." 

"You're just terrible," she answered with a slight pout that gave way into a naughty grin. "You stop kissing me right when I get into it." 

"I like to keep my woman on her toes." 

Helena sighed contentedly as she watched Torsten walk up the train car to the liquor cabinet. She loved how he bit his lip and knitted his brow in concentration as he studied the bottles, trying to decide what to pour. Once he made his choice, his muscles coiled and flexed under his shirt as he twisted the cap off and carefully poured into two glasses. 

"Is this one of Dmitri's vodkas?" she asked as she accepted a glass from him, her eyes still soaking him in. 

"Yeah, this is his spicy pepper vodka. I think this one's my favorite. What a genius way to get through a cold Russian winter." Torsten breathed in the clear liquor gently before taking a swig. 

Helena took a small sip from her own glass and smiled at the memory as the potent liquid warmed her throat. 

While in Moscow, they met Dmitri, a fan who owned a local vodka distillery. He invited the band to visit the distillery in a social media post near the beginning of the tour. Just as they came into Russia Helena called the distillery to confirm their arrival, which nearly gave poor Dmitri a heart attack. 

“I never expected an answer to my message!” he cried. 

“We love to surprise our fans,” Helene replied, smiling on the phone. 

Torsten was so impressed by the quality of his vodka and the facility, he invited Dmitri to the soundcheck and an extended meet-and-greet for free. It was the band's turn to be surprised when Dmitri showed up with an entire pallet of vodka. At least fifty cases of booze were divided up between band members, venue staff, and other fans at the meet-and-greet. 

Helena sat cozy and warm in Torsten's lap while talking, drinking, and laughing with Dmitri into the wee hours. Dmitri was an eccentric, but sweet man, and clearly a hard worker while still a lover of booze and fun. He and Torsten got along like they were best friends. They swapped stories of early struggles and funny occurrences early in their careers, which allowed her to learn about Torsten on an even deeper level. For that reason, Moscow was her favorite stop on the tour. Romania felt like a distant dream at that point.

The pepper-infused vodka slid down her throat like a lover's mouth and pooled in her belly like liquid fire. They were on their way home and she wasn't sure how to feel about it. 

After Russia, their final two stops were in Sweden and Finland. They were just similar yet different enough to Norway that they made her feel homesick for the first time since the tour. Exploring all the new countries during the day while exploring Torsten at night didn't leave her much time for homesickness while on the road. While kidnapped all she could think of was getting back to Torsten alive. 

So what does home really mean to me?
 she wondered as more vodka went down the hatch.
It's not my old job or my apartment. I don't miss those things. I don't really miss anything about my life before this whole adventure started.

"Any plans for when we're back home?" Torsten asked as if he read her mind, his vodka glass already empty. 

"That's what I was just thinking about," she admitted. "My life, my job, my outlook, everything has changed since I met you. And I don't want to go back to how it was before." 

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