Heavy Hearts (3 page)

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Authors: Kylie Kaemke

BOOK: Heavy Hearts
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Now, I had never been very handy with a computer, but I can say that I had uploaded upwards of a thousand photos before; so to this day I have no idea what went wrong.

The transfer between the SD card and my laptop was almost complete, and then everything went blank. I did the one thing that I could think of, which was press the power button… repeatedly, but that did nothing. I could hear the buzzing of the computer, but nothing was registering besides an empty black screen that seemed to be laughing at me.

“Come on you piece of shit
!” I grunted a little too loud. Immediately I was embarrassed and lowered my head to hide my shame. I was just about to give up and toss the computer right into the road, but that was when
tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around to see the most handsome man I had ever met. His deep set eyes were the color of the most decadent milk chocolate underneath his dark eyebrows. His olive skin was too light to be called tan, but too dark to be considered pale. With slightly parted full luscious lips placed nicely over his rounded chin he spoke to me.

“Excuse me miss, but did you need some help?” He inquired with a divine British accent that made me weak in the knees, good thing I was already sitting.

I must’ve looked like a fool staring at him, but how do you respond to some
one so superior standing before you, like a perfect sculpture? His body was impeccable and I caught myself looking him up and down. Scoping out the tight blue jeans and black t-shirt he was sporting, simple yet sexy. I tried to focus on the task at hand, which was answering his question before I spent more time looking like a halfwit teenage girl.

“Um, yes… yeah.
My computer. I’m not sure what happened, but all I was trying to do was upload some vacation photos.” I wanted to mention I was on vacation right from the start so he wouldn’t have to wonder if I was just some dumb tourist.

“May I?” He asked. I leaned away from the computer and turned it toward him gesturing with my hands that it was all his. It was an honor to have such gorgeous fingers
, attached to what appeared to be the softest hands on earth, brush up against the keys of my laptop; because I knew I would touch those very same keys later on.

He took a pair of thick black horned rimmed glasses, which were perfectly nestled in his longish messy brown hair, and safely placed them over his eyes on his slightly narrow face, so he was no longer squinting. The glasses
’ stems rested nicely on his adorably large ears – not like Dumbo big, but these ample ears that I had to resist nibbling on.

His fingers swiftly clacked against the keys; his thumb gliding over the mouse pad like it was all second nature to him. I was amazed by the fact that he was actually sitting there, right within my reach, that I didn’t even see what he did to the computer, but after just a moment it had re-booted and he began to upload my pictures for me.

“Here we are, good as new then,” I never wanted him to stop speaking. His accent was mesmerizing. Not too harsh like some English men, but just enough to make you swoon.

“Thanks, I mean it. I was honestly about to chuck the thing in the middle of the road if you hadn’t come to my rescue.” I had to keep him talking to me, he could be my summer romance - he could be my forbidden foreign love.

“Well now, we wouldn’t want that would we? Might cause a wreck out there. Then the people of London would really have something to whine about ya yanks.” His smile complimented his beautiful face as it revealed his perfectly straight ivory teeth. “I can see it now on the front page of tomorrow’s news ‘Barking Mad Women Causes Car Crash in Covent Garden’” he was trying to make me laugh, and it was so working. We shared a quick laugh but then it was back to one of those painfully awkward silences in just a moment’s notice. One that left me twirling the end of my hair around my forefinger and nervously biting me lip. 

“Can I buy you a drink to say thanks?” It was pretty imperative at that moment that I needed to keep him around me. I needed to keep him talking to me, and what I really needed was to take him back into the bathroom and do things that I shouldn’t even have been thinking about. I was so taken in by his looks, his speech, and his ability to help out a girl in need. I couldn’t let him go just yet; I had to at least find out if he had a girlfriend.

“I would indeed love nothing more than to get a drink with you right now. Whatcha drinkin? I’ll get us some refills.” He quickly grabbed ahold of my cup and headed over to the counter. I smiled and told him “Earl Grey” and he returned a warm smirk. I turned back to my laptop while he got us fresh cups of tea and I promptly shut it down so I didn’t mess anything up again, then stowed it out of the way. 

“I’m Simon by the way, Simon
Basford.” Even his name had sent shivers down my spine, Simon Basford, the only way it could’ve been any hotter is if it was actually James Bond. But Simon would do just fine.

“Lucy, Lucy Whitten.” I said as I extended my right arm out for a handshake, embarrassed when I realized he was still holding both our cups. He set them down as I began to lower my hand, but he grabbed my fingers as they descended. Bringing his lips down and my hand upwards he planted a soft kiss and nodded his head. His strong hands were just as soft as I’d hoped they would be.

“Pleasure to meet you, Lucy Whitten.”



We talked for what seemed like hours, but when I glanced down at my phone it had only actually been about forty minutes. He spoke of his home in
Southwark and he asked me about my home in New York, and my current vacation. I felt like after the short amount of time that we had spent together I had learned every detail I needed to know to prove he was going to be my summer love, and quite possibly the love of my life. But I just needed to know if he felt the same.

“Did you need to be somewhere? You’ve looked at your mobile a few times now like you’re running late or something.” I could sense a hint of sadness in his voice and it made me grin wildly as I shook my head no and nervously bit my bottom lip.

“No, no. I’m just waiting for… or no… actually, to be perfectly honest, I have no idea why I keep checking my phone. Usually I have so much going on that it’s constantly buzzing. I forget I’m on vacation sometimes.” I told him, releasing my lip from its ivory restraint.

“Well, maybe we should toss that bit in the street then
ya? Whadd’ya say?” His smile was so unbelievably spectacular and infectious. I grinned just as wide and stuffed my phone back in my bag choosing to ignore it for the rest of the time he had me under his spell.

“Sorry, I’m done with it.

His face dropped, looking down at his lap, and I thought to myself ‘this is it, he’s leaving me now, forever’ but he let out a small sigh, and locked eyes with mine once more. He swallowed hard, and I could see his Adams apple bob up to right underneath his chin, and back down again. His gaze made me feel on edge and I couldn’t help but squirm in my chair wondering what could possibly be going through his mind.

“Listen,” he began. “I am really beginning to like you, and I know you’re here with your mates, but would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner this evening?” His words put me into a shell shock. I couldn’t do much of anything but stare, smile, and bob my head wildly in agreement – much like a broken bobble head. There may have been some drool, but don’t quote me on that.

“Brilliant” he exclaimed. “Can I pick you up around eight?”

“Eight sounds lovely” I smiled awkwardly. My face must have looked like one of those terrifying clown sculptures that gray-haired ladies liked to collect, but he didn’t seem to mind as his eyes sparkled while he charmingly smiled back at me.

“What hotel are you staying in?”

“The Savoy” I said, but he had a puzzled look as he stroked his beautifully sculpted chin. “The big one over on Strand.”

.. yea I know the one you mean. Fancy schmancy hotel you’re in. Are you some yank celebrity that we’ve yet to hear of across the pond?” I could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice, but part of me wondered if he now thought I was too good for him or something; but it was actually the other way around. He was the perfect balance between jock and nerd. Smart and classy, but a smokin’ hot body, and the cutest face. Me on the other hand, I was nothing special. Just a born-rich girl from the States.
What would I have to offer him?
I thought. But I wasn’t going to think like that. I had a bad habit of putting myself down and I would always end up screwing things up somehow. He wanted to take me out, he had his own reasons and for the time being, I didn’t need to know them. My plan was to relax and let things happen as they were going to happen and not be a typical insecure girl.

“No celebrity here.
Just a normal boring person.”

“I doubt that very much.” He smiled once more, forcing my cheeks to turn pink.

“Well, Lucy Whitten, I will pick you up from The Savoy at eight o’clock sharp and I’ll show you London’s true beauty.”

“Sounds lovely, I can’t wait” … is what I wanted to say, but instead I replied with a quiet “Okay” and I watched him walk out of the café. He turned his head right before walking out and looked at me, I was still gawking, and he blew a kiss my way.

Chapter 4


I sat on the stool for what felt like days. Taking in the events that just happened and listening to the fading noise of the crowd. Soon I felt alone, like I was the only one in the room and not a damn thing mattered anymore. I needed to remember everything about that afternoon. His smell, like fresh air and something sweet… ginger maybe? The feel of his touch as he kissed my hand, equivalent to running my fingers over silk, but with a sweet shock of electricity surging through my body. The sound of his voice as he uttered my name; no one can make a simple name sound like heaven but somehow he did. And who could forget those eyes? Those composed mahogany dreamy eyes that stared into my soul and seared straight through me; I could see - Okay… I’m beginning to get cheesy now so I’m going to quit while I’m ahead.

Anyway, I waited in the café for a few moments, not wanting to rush out of there like a bubble-headed teenage girl who just got asked to the prom by her high school crush. So I waited until I knew he was far enough before I got up and left.



I got back to the hotel as quick as I possibly could, eager to tell Suzette about my encounter. But apparently I should’ve checked my phone at least once because I had some very worried friends waiting to bombard me with questions when I got back.

“Where have you been young lady? We were about ready to call the US embassy to find you” Suzette scolded me and Adam stood by her side with his arms crossed.

“Suze, I met someone.”

The two of them fell silent. Adam’s brow furrowed and he began to say something, but it was masked by Suzette’s screeching as she jumped up and down in excitement.

“Lucy! Oh my GOD! Tell me everything! Ooh ohh what’s his name? Is he English, Lucy! Tell me!” Sometimes… she could be exhausting.

“Well hold on now. You just went out for a few hours and suddenly you come back in love?” Adam’s worry killed our happy mood.

“Alright Adam, just cool your jets. Let’s hear what the girl has to say.” Suze came to my rescue and got him to shut up long enough for me to tell them the story. I told them every detail I could remember and I could see her eyes light up with joy as I spoke. Even Adam was warming to the situation the same way he had warmed to the whole idea in the first place.

“You should’ve snapped a pic so I could see him. I am so scoping him out when he comes to pick you up.” Suzette was just as keyed up as I was about the date; which we only had two hours to get ready for. 

“Well, I don’t know if you should be hanging out with a guy you just met, at least not alone.” Adam expressed his concerns. He just had to let out his over protectiveness. “I mean, you just met him, you’re in a foreign country, it’s going to be night… you don’t want to end up being sold to some fat old man as his sex slave do you?” I thought he was being a little dramatic, but I had some of the same thoughts myself after the enchantment that was Simon faded a little.

“That’s why I want you two to come with us. It’ll be a double date, and it’ll be safer.
Assuming that you’ll be able to fight him off if he turns into some sex trader or something.” I offered as I peered Adam’s way. He looked to Suzette for her opinion, but she was just beaming with joy. I think we both knew it was a yes on her end.

“Alright then, what time is he coming here?” Suzette wondered.

“Eight, we have two hours” I replied.

“Well shit girl! Get your ass in the shower!” She jumped off the bed and pushed me into the bathroom.

As I stood under the hot welcoming water I wished that I would’ve gotten Simon’s phone number before we parted so I could call him and ask if it was okay for me to add two to our party. But if he wasn’t cool with it, and put up a fuss, then I would’ve known that I shouldn’t be going out with this guy after all.

When I left the bathroom Suzette had seven different outfits sprawled out on the bed. I could feel a montage coming on; like in all our favorite old 80’s movies. “Alright, I have picked out the best of the clothes you brought, paired them with an array of shoes and purses. So start trying them on and we’ll see which one is best,” Suzette commanded. She has always loved to use me as her Barbie doll.

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