Heavy: A Contemporary Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Heavy: A Contemporary Romance
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We both stilled, each of us holding our breath as her body adjusted to having me so deep inside her.



How we’d arrived at this state – me on his lap, him thick, hot, and hard inside me – was a haze. A beautiful, delicious, wonderful, incredible haze. I’d never acted like this before.

I’d never taken control during sex but
, then again, I’d never been overly interested in the men I slept with. There was always more in it for them. I was California Huntington, for fuck’s sake. My father was a millionaire actor. His money and fame, and my connection to him, was more than enough incentive to motivate someone to become ‘attracted’ to me. My past sexual partners, encouraged by Lake, had always taken the lead and had definitely been more into it than I ever had. Hell, I was so out of it on those occasions, I could barely remember who did what to whom.

I was more concerned with making sure they didn’t see too much of me naked
. Nothing puts a damper on sex like a flabby ass or thigh cellulite.

At least that’s what Lake often told me.

The way Thatch was looking at me now… I’d never been looked at like that before. The lust in his eyes when he’d slowly slid them down my body was not something that could be faked. At least, I didn’t think so.

began to slowly rotate my hips, our mouths so close, I inhaled his gasp.

My pussy tastes like Pepsi-Cola,” I whispered against his lips.

In the hour and a half we’d been in this room the playlist had
come full circle and was back on the Lana Del Rey album that was playing when he first saw me.

Your eyes are wide like cherry pies,” Thatch whispered back in a low voice, quoting the next line in the song.

I was never going to be able to listen to this album
again without thinking of him.

Using my knees
, I increased my hip undulations and switched to an up and down motion. Thatch groaned and gripped my ass cheeks, his fingers digging into my flesh and causing me to catch my breath.

“Do you see me?” I
asked breathlessly, picking up the pace, his hold on me helping to control my speed. “Can you see inside me?” I whispered again, my lips brushing against his.

“Who are you?
” he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper to match mine.

“Does it matter
? Would it change anything?”

He began to pump his hips up, increasing the friction between us, before he sucked my lower lip into his mouth
. He bit down gently and let it go with a silent pop before answering. “No, it doesn’t,” he groaned as I began to ride him hard, my hips swirling in perfect time to his upward thrusts – reveling in the delicious friction being generated where our two bodies were so closely joined.

e began to slow down our pace, neither one of us wanting this to end too soon. Our movements now changed to small and quiet. Each touch, each brush of his skin on mine, every small push from him inside me, reverberated over my entire body. I was hypersensitive everywhere, with little charges of pleasure continuously drifting through me, as I felt his sweat mix with mine forming something other. Something hot, and wet, and sexy, and causing his chest to slip and slide against mine in the most divine way.

, we’d gone from fucking to something more tender, more sensual. I’d been with a lot of guys, but it had never been like this before. This felt…intimate.

Thatch reached up and pulled the hairband from my head
. My hair cascaded over my shoulders and down my back.

“You’re so beautiful when you come, California,” he said, in a low gravelly voice
. “I want to see you come again. I’m so fucking close, but I need to see you first.”

“I don’t think I can,” I whispered back, my mouth hovering just over his
. “I only have orgasms alone.” It’s the truth. I don’t know why I felt the need to tell him this; I was really good at faking it.

I didn’t want to fake it with him.

“Oh really?” he asked, the corner of his mouth lifting up in a cocky smile.

He took my hands and positioned them behind me – one on each of his knees
. This separated our upper bodies from their former close connection, and I could feel the cool breeze of the hotel room’s air conditioning across my sweat-soaked skin that caused my nipples to harden, almost painfully. Once in this forty-five degree angle, Thatch began to pick up his pace, his hands holding me up by my hips as he slammed upwards and into me, faster and faster. I threw my head back with a moan of pleasure, my hair brushing across the tops of my hands and his knees.

He began to thrust faster
– double then triple time – until things became a thick haze of sexual bliss, as all my senses overloaded at once.

“Look at me, California,” he commanded in a breathless voice
. “Look at me when you come.”

Not backing down from the relentless pounding of his body into mine, he took one hand off my hip and rubbed his thumb over my engorged and extremely slippery clit.

I screamed his name as the impossible happened.

My climax h
it me hard, my body shuddering violently as I clenched around him. With a triumphant shout, he came inside me, clutching me to his chest, his face buried in my neck.

, we wrapped our arms around each other, struggling to catch our breath as we held one another through the aftershocks still rippling through our convulsing bodies.

,” Thatch said as soon as he was able to speak. “That was unbelievable.”

I took his head in my hands and pulled him in for a deep
, lingering kiss.

“Fuck,” he repeated once we came up for air again
. “What are you doing to me, woman? I think I’m already hard again.”

“Oh, you definitely are
.” I smirked at him, wiggling my hips slightly, still enjoying the way it felt to have him inside me.

“Something tells me we’re going to need another condom,” Thatch said, arching an eyebrow at me.

Before I could reply, he had flipped us both over so my back was on the couch, with him on top. He gently removed himself from inside me and opened the drawer in the coffee table. He tied off the used condom and replaced it with a new one.

“Something is going on here between us that I can’t explain,” he said in a low voice as he positioned himself between my legs again
. “Something I’ve never experienced before.”

I gasped as he pushed into me again

“Please tell me I’m not the only one feeling this,” he panted out as his hips began to pump into me and his mouth came down around one of my hardened nipples.

“No. No, it’s not just you,” I breathed out in a dreamy voice as I arched my back to give him better access to my breasts. My legs locked at the feet behind his thighs, my fingernails embedded in his ass-cheeks to pull him in closer. “Just don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

“Jesus woman, I don’t think I could if I tried.”

He changed his pace again, his hips moving in a leisurely, circular motion, his pubic bone grinding slowly against my clit.

“So you never came with a partner before, eh?” I felt his mouth smile around the nipple currently being worked on by his hot tongue.

“You’re pretty pleased about that one, aren’t you stud?” I smiled.

“Oh, you know it,” he chuckled as he lifted his head and brought it level with mine.

The mirth left his eyes as we stared at each other, the intensity of his thrusts began to pick up until he was slamming into me once again.

Somehow, I was coming and screaming his name again as my body convulsed around him. Two hard thrusts later and he joined me in release, his upper body wrapped so tightly around mine… I never wanted him to let go.

A loud banging started up on the door to the room.

“Cali! You in there?” Lake’s grating voice sounded from out in the hallway. “Come open the door.”

“Shit, it’s my stepsister,” I
groaned, not ready to separate myself from him yet.

“I think I may hate her already,” Thatch said with
that cocky smile, as he lifted his upper torso up and off me using his elbows. “Just one more thing before you get up,” he added in a husky voice. He bent his head down to slant his mouth over mine and slipped his tongue between my lips, kissing me deep and slow.

“Open the damn door, Cali!”
Lake’s voice immediately brought us back to our senses.

I looked at him apologetically as we got up from the sofa and
hastily started putting on our clothes. I held up my baggy T-shirt, now torn down the middle, and showed it to him.

“Sorry about
that,” he said sheepishly, as he righted his clothes and headed to the bathroom to dispose of the condoms.

I gave a small laugh
. “You’re so lucky I happen to have a sweater with me.”

! Open the fucking door already!” Lake shouted again.

“I’m coming!”
I replied.

I smiled to myself
. Five minutes earlier and Lake could have witnessed it firsthand.

I heard the faucet running in the bathroom as I finally went over and opened the bedroom door for my drunk and/or high stepsister.

“About fucking time,” she mumbled as she stumbled into the room. “I need you to meet someone.” A stocky guy in a suit stumbled into the room behind her. He was about my height, blond, and had way too much hair product going on.

“Cali, this is Stuart,” Lake continued
. “See,” she addressed Stuart now, “I told you I knew her. Stuey is an executive assistant at Timeline Records.” She pushed him towards me. “I’m sure Cali would love to… spend some time with you, Stu.”

I looked nervously in the direction of the open bathroom door, knowing full well that Thatch was hearing all of this.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cali,” Stuart garbled, his eyes glassy as he waggled his eyebrows suggestively at me.

“I’m sorry,” I turned to Lake, “I’m not in the mood for company tonight.”

“Oh, come on now, girl,” Lake laughed. “You know you’re always down to par-tay! Stu has some really great coke and I
you don’t want to say no to

It was at this moment that Thatch chose to make his
exit from the bathroom.

“Oh,” Lake slurred with a sly look on her face, “
me. I didn’t realize you were already entertaining someone. Please introduce me to this fine-looking specimen of manhood, California.”

“Hi,” Thatch smiled politely at her
. “I’m Thatch Reston. I just finished doing a tattoo for Max.”

“Oh really,” Lake smirked, clutching onto his arm for balance and no doubt copping a feel of his biceps at the same time.

A lick of jealous heat fluttered in the pit of my stomach. Despite the fact she was a messy drunk, I still couldn’t compete with the perfection that was Lake.

Stick thin, her emaciated, heroin-chic body was more than just inherited genes from her former fashion model mother
. She
inherited her mother’s looks though. Even with smudged black around her eyes and smeared lipstick, Lake was still striking. If you ever saw her when she hadn’t been binge-partying, she was drop-dead gorgeous. Unfortunately, my praise for my stepsister stopped there.

There was one thing I was dead certain of
: if she even suspected I had any interest whatsoever in Thatch, all bets would be off and the claws would come out. I’d seen it happen too many times before.

“Thatch was just leaving, Lake
. Let go of him so he can pack up his gear.”

I avoided looking at Thatch
as he headed back over to the coffee table. I needed to get rid of him before Lake let loose any other damaging information about me. It killed me that Thatch was going to be leaving so soon after what had just happened between us, but if Lake even suspected I liked him, she would bring out the big guns.

Lake threw herself across the couch
. Her body language said inebriated and out of it; her sly eyes watched Thatch’s every move closely.

“Sorry, Stuart,” I said pushing him back out the door, “Max doesn’t allow strangers in his private suite
. I’m sure you understand.” I closed the door in his face.

“It smells like sex in here.”
Lake’s tone was accusatory and she raised her head over the back of the couch to peer over at me.

She then turned to Thatch
. “You want to be careful with my little sis here, Tad. Depending on her state of mind, a one-night-stand could become a rape accusation in the morning.”

I gasped in shock as her words hit home.

“Why look so outraged, sister dear? Last year you accused a one-night-stand of kidnap, didn’t you?”

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