Heaven Saga 1: The Lost Hero (21 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 1: The Lost Hero
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‘I was hoping this wouldn’t be an issue since you’re
Terran,” she said, closing her eyes and thinking for a moment. “The best thing
to do is to resume training. I want you to train every day until you can
control your berserk.”

“I need your permission to turn of the safety measures
for the HDC. Unless the simulations are dangerous, I can’t go berserk,” he

She nodded. “You can take care of yourself.” She took
his hand. “I’ll set the system to obey your commands in a few minutes.”

“Thanks,” he said.


* * *


Seles, Baed, Mira, and Jesela went into the city of
Dega Jul. The four enjoyed an afternoon of shopping and dining, with a few
stops along the way in the open air markets. As evening fell they headed back
to the Avoni. They entered and empty area and headed down an alley. It came out
of nowhere. A barrage of pulse fire came at them. Jesela was hit first and went
down. Mira grabbed her as they scrambled for cover in a nearby building.

“It’s a stun pulse,” Mira said after checking her
friend. The three conscious women drew their pulse pistols and began surveying
the area. Seles and Mira looked out the windows and saw a squadron of heavily
armored Kalaidian troops. Looking at the insignia on their vests, Seles saw the
crest for her family. Fear pitted in her stomach while panic seized her

“It looks like we’re surrounded,” Mira said. “Do you
know anything about them?” she asked, looking to Seles. “I know you have a
better grasp on military insignias.”

“They’re from royal guard,” Seles said. She looked
back at Baed, who was nursing an injury.

“I’m alright. It’s just a graze,” Baed said as she
joined them.

The three checked their weapons and were about to move
when a pair of stun grenades came in from two different windows. Mira and Baed
managed to dive into another room, but Seles couldn’t get out in time. As her
world turned dark, all Seles could see were the feet of Kalaidian soldiers.


* * *


Brian sat alone in the HDC with the Earth-like forest
as the background. It was night, and he gazed at the stars. He sat up as he
heard the door opened. Kivi walked in and headed his direction.

He stood up. “How are you?”

“I’m feeling fine,” she said as she joined him next to
the illusory campfire. “I wanted to thank you for saving me.”

“There’s no need to thank me,” he said. “After all, I
was the one who put you in danger.”

She tapped him on the chest. “Really, I’m okay. And
remember, I was the one calling the shots,” she said with a smile. “Daes said
it would be awhile until my new exoskeleton was finished.”

He nodded. “She told me she had some modifications to
work on mine as well.”

The main door opened and Baed stumbled in. She held
her side and ran to Brian. He met her half way and braced her from falling.
Baed looked up at him. “They’ve taken Seles…please save her,” Baed said,
falling unconscious in his arms.

Kivi ran over and took Baed. “Go. I’ll take care of

He nodded and ran from the HDC through the halls. The
ship was in an uproar. As he passed sickbay, he saw Jesela lying on a bed with
Mira at her side. He ran in.

“What happened?” he asked, looking to Mira.

She had tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry Brian. It was
all I could do to save Baed and Jesela.”

“Who took Seles?” he asked, grasping Mira’s hand.

She stopped crying and wiped the tears away. “She said
they wore the insignia of the royal guard.”

“Thank you,” he said.

He left sickbay and ran to the cargo bay. Not knowing
it, his eyes began glowing blue. The crew members he passed stared and avoided
him. He walked into the cargo bay. Daes was working on a computer, oblivious to
the world. Looking at the Mjolnir, he went to get on the giant when Valis
stepped in front of him.

“She’s gone,” Valis said.

A calming sense of sorrow filled the air. His eyes
glowed, and all reason had fled him. As he moved past Valis she her drew her
pulse pistol and aimed it at him.

“Lieutenant Commander Peterson! I command you to stand
down!” She held her weapon to his head.

The glow faded from his eyes. He looked at Valis.
“Where is she?”

She lowered her weapon. “She was taken by the Heimus,
a vessel under the direct command of the Queen herself. Our scouts saw Seles
taken onboard a drop ship. By now, they’re probably half way to Kalaidia

He pounded the floor with a resounding punch.

She knelt next to him. “I think the best thing we can
do for now is to let things settle down. I could see the rage in your eyes, but
now is not the time to blindly chase after her.”

Composing himself, Brian looked to Valis. “You’re
right.” He glanced at the Mjolnir once more and turned back to her. He dropped
blade and pressed the button to undo his armor.

“I want you to hold onto these for now,” he said after
stepping out of his armor. “I need a few days to sort things out. I’m sorry if
this is an inconvenience to you.” He turned to leave.

“What does Seles mean to you?” she asked.

He turned back with sadness in his eyes. “I’m not sure
Valis, not yet.”

Chapter 32 – An Unwelcome Homecoming


It feels like I’ve been asleep forever.
Seles thought as she opened her eyes. She was lying
on a flat raised cot; inside of a cell resembling the one Brian was in when she
first met him. She stood up and started checking for shields. Looking into the
main room, she noticed there were no guards. She went to the front of the cell
and poked the force field. Reaching for her pulse pistol she found her weapon
had been taken away. Frustrated, she went back to the cot and sat down. She turned
to lie down and stared at the ceiling. She reached up with her right arm, as if
to grab something. Closing her eyes she sighed in frustration. The door opened.
Seles rolled off the cot and saw a Kalaidian officer with long flowing black
hair, deep crimson eyes, and lightly tanned skin. She wore the uniform of a
captain, complete with the triple leafed circlet. On her left breast was the
insignia of the royal house. It took her a moment to recognize the woman.

“How do you feel Lady Seles?” the captain asked. “My
troops used tranquilizers, but I can’t imagine getting shot by one is too

“It’s been a long time Lady Obril,” Seles said. “I
feel a bit groggy, but otherwise I’m fine. And please, drop the Lady part.”

“Alright Seles, then you can call me Lena.” She walked
in circle, thinking. “Tell me Seles, how’s Valis?”

“She’s doing great.” She noticed concern in Lena’s
eyes. “I don’t suppose you’ll let me off of this ship?”

“I’m sorry Seles, but I’m under direct orders from the

Seles sighed. “I just want to do what I want. Why
can’t mother understand that?”

“It’s because you’re the Princess. It’s the duty of
each Kalaidian to fulfill the role of the previous generation, even if that
role is difficult,” Lena said turning to look Seles in the eye. “But then
again, I never was one for dogma. I’ve always preferred reality. Your mother
was content for a long time to let you roam free. But now there’s a great need
for you back on the home world.”

“What do you mean?” Seles asked.

“Since the Great Upheaval there’s been unrest amongst
the people of our world. The Queen wishes to restore order, but many of the
nobles are against her.”

“I hate this game,” Seles said. “One of the reasons I
left was because of the court intrigue.”

Lena laughed. “I agree. My escape is the Heimus. But,
Queen Celestia needs your presence Seles. With the populous in general unrest
and the nobles bickering, a civil war could break out at any time.”

“What of your family Lena?”

“The Obrils stand firmly with the House of Daevon.
Anything the Queen orders we will follow. You should rest for now Seles. We’ll
reach the homeworld in a few hours.” Lena bowed in respect before leaving Seles
alone, with nothing but her thoughts.

Seles curled up on the cot. She hid her face from the
world and started crying.
I left home because of this hell. Why was I born
into a society that doesn’t let its people decide their fate?


* * *


Valis walked the halls of the Avoni as if she was
surveying the vessel. Each crew member stopped and saluted her, but there was a
change in the air. The crew wasn’t talking about it, but it was obvious they
were concerned. She came to Brian’ door and hit the com button.

“Brian, its Valis. We haven’t heard from you in a
while,” she said. There was uncertainty in her voice. “I thought I’d stop by
and see how you’re doing.”

Silence passed before the door opened. She walked in
and saw Brian sitting on a chair alone in the dark, sipping a glass of water.
As the door closed behind her, she saw his eyes glowing. He blinked and the glow

“Lights,” he said. The room lit up. “I’m sorry Valis.
I didn’t mean to worry you. I just…needed some time alone.” He looked at her
with an unconvincing smile.

She went to him. “It’s been three days. You really
need to eat something.”

He laughed and shook his head. “I haven’t been
hungry.” He stood up and went to his computer. He turned on the monitor before
facing her. “It’s funny, I don’t even know if this is reality anymore.”

“Is this what you’ve been thinking about?” she asked.

He nodded. “A little bit. Let me ask you something.
You and the others left Kalaidia during the Great Upheaval five years ago. Why
did you leave?”

She thought before saying anything. “We left because
we believed in determining our own destiny. It’s the belief of the Kein family
we should abolish the old system, largely because the population is shrinking
fast. But, the main reason was my family thinks that the people can rule
themselves, not the nobles.”

“Was it worth it?”

She nodded. “Yes, it was. Making money is more
difficult than when I was an officer of the Kalaidian fleet, but having the
ability to make my own decisions gives me satisfaction.”

“What you speak of is freedom,” he said as he called
up a written document on the monitor. “Those who’ve tasted freedom can’t return
to tyranny. My people learned this a long time ago.” He waved at the monitor.
“Valis, I’d like you to read this.”

“Sure,” she said. She read the document intently. He
turned away and gazed at a painting of mountains on the wall. After a while, she
rubbed her eyes and stood next to him.

“Is that your writing?”

He smiled and laughed. “No, I could never write
something with that much feeling and beauty.”

She closed her eyes, filled with inspired energy.
“Those words spoke to me. Even though it’s obviously written for Terrans, the
document speaks of why I and many others left the homeworld.”

“It’s called the Declaration of Independence,” he
explained. “My homeland fought for those ideals and won their freedom.” He
gazed into her eyes. “From the writings of Gaelic Kein, I get the impression he
felt the same.” He closed his eyes. “I took my freedom for granted and never
thought about it. I was raised in a place where I had the right to determine my
own destiny.”

“Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

He opened his eyes and took her into his arms,
“Because I want my freedom.”

She was surprised by his embrace, but didn’t resist.

“Valis, I’m going to get Seles back. I promise to
return and fulfill my contract. But, I have to save her. Long before I took an
oath to you, I promised my life to her. I must go.”

She noticed he was crying.
I trust him.
pushed him away and composed herself. “I give you permission to do this. But I
order you to come back.”

He smiled. “I won’t break my contract with you Valis.”

“Do you have a plan?” she asked.

“Yes, I do.” He leaned down and whispered into her
ear. “All is found within the Books of Kali.”


* * *


It seemed like an eternity to Seles as she waited in
the cell. After several hours, Lena returned with three guards.

“It’s time to bring you back to the palace.” As the
force field went down, two of the guards held Seles in place as the third put
on hand restraints. As she was escorted out of the cell, Lena stopped her. “I’m
sorry I had to do this Seles.”

Looking rather worried, Seles was escorted to the
shuttle bay. There, she was taken onboard a standard landing shuttle, very
similar to those on the Avoni. With her hands bound, Seles could do nothing as
she was taken to a shuttle and dragged onboard. As they left the Heimus she saw
the planet she called home for sixteen years. Kalaidia Prime looked very
similar to Earth, matching the swirls of white and blue oceans. The difference
was the continental configuration. Kalaidia had two massive continents
dominating the surface. They broke atmosphere and landed a few minutes later.
Seles was escorted outside. She knew by seeing massive white pillars and water
fountains that this was the palace. The three guards escorting her stopped and
waited. A moment of silence passed before five palace guards dressed in silver
armor and carrying
lances came. The leader wore a circlet with
twin leaves with short silver hair and purple eyes.

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