Heaven in Hedonism (The Sinful Series Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Heaven in Hedonism (The Sinful Series Book 3)
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There was more passion than I could have ever imagined. Soon, despite my effort to remain on top, I was giving in, granting a trust I never expected to feel. Sex felt completely different with him in the power position. Mac was holding me close, one hand cupping my buttocks, the other wrapped around my neck. He was kissing me fiercely, all but bruising me with his lips. Our bodies were impossibly close. His hips kept thrusting to meet mine. I struggled to open my thighs wider, but quickly realized that wouldn’t matter. Already I was spread as far as possible, it was our bodies that were in the way, preventing us from being as close as we wanted to be. This was so intense.

Inside, I could feel it happening. The heat and friction he created from pumping in and out of me had stoked a fire I never expected. Sure, I suppose I wanted to have an orgasm with him, but I knew enough about heterosexual sex to know that girls didn’t always achieve one. Only with him it was not simply likely, the climax was happening. And I needed the top.

Flipping him over once more, I grinded against him. “Oh, Mac,” I whimpered, the agony of being so close, feeling the building pressure, aching for the release.

“Together then, my sweet Heaven,” he managed.

Just as I began to contract around him, I could feel him spraying inside me. It was the most incredible and fulfilling experience of my adult life. It felt so right, so natural.

Then he very nearly ruined it. When I looked down at him after riding out the waves of pleasure, there was this expectant look on his face. He wanted props, or reassurance.

Uncertain of what to say, I simply spoke my mind. I always had where he was concerned. It wasn’t the time to start changing now. “I’m going to wear you out this week,” I warned. “I’m going to need repeat performances. My repeat performances are going to need repeat performances. Rest up.”

Smiling, he rolled us to our sides and wrapped me in his arms. “So, let me get this straight. We just finished making love and you are already threatening me?”

“I wouldn’t call it a threat,” I casually explained. “It’s more of a warning actually.”

Mac’s eyes were closed, but he was still beaming. “Do I at least get forty winks for good behavior?” He teased.

“Take a whole half hour.” I suggested, settling into his chest. Then I opened one eye to watch for his reaction. “You earned it.”

His eyes shot open, and he started tickling me. We were rolling around on the bed laughing. There was no way he was thinking of anyone at the moment other than me. It was the perfect way to end a night.


Chapter Twelve




Must be I fell asleep thinking about sex. I say this because I essentially woke up having it. It was the strangest sensation as I struggled to open my eyes.

“Well, I’m awake now,” Mac murmured, wrapping himself around me even more tightly.

For a moment, I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Then I realized my hand was sliding up and down his erection and I was rubbing my butt against him relentlessly. Even as I realized what I was doing, I felt powerless to stop. I didn’t want to. If anything, I wanted to take it even further. Lifting one leg, I allowed Mac perfect access. He still seemed to be moving slowly, so I helped guide him into my wet waiting hole. “Not too quick on the uptake,” I mumbled.

As soon as he was sliding inside me, I threw my leg over his hip, then grabbed behind his knee to haul him as close as possible. Then I began to touch myself. My reactions and actions were all on autopilot. Though I’d had many years to perfect masturbating with a vibrator, sharing my body with him was the best it had ever felt.

Mac had rolled to angle himself for the deepest access possible. Still, he managed to reach over and massage my breast. This time, I didn’t need to look at him. I knew who I was with. I knew precisely what we were doing.

It didn’t take long before I could feel his pace change, the thrusting intensify. “Are you close?” he asked in a hushed tone.

My hand moved more frantically over my clitoris now. I knew just how to speed up the orgasm. “Mmhm,” I managed.

“Good,” he muttered. “Don’t want to hold back anymore.” As soon as he finished speaking, I felt him make one final deep pump into me before he exploded. Feeling it served to move my climax along nicely.

He remained in me, thrusting gently, allowing me to ride out the waves as my muscles contracted and rolled around him. These moments with him were so much more than I ever expected to experience, to enjoy. It was all I could do to simply let out a whimper.

Mac rolled closer to me, still within me, and laid a hand on my lower abdomen. “You are so incredible,” he whispered in my ear before nuzzling my neck. “You can wake me up like that any time you’d like.”

Wrapping an arm around his neck, I held him close to me, his face along the side of my face. “I’ll keep that in mind,” I murmured in what I hoped was my sexiest voice. Slowly my arm dropped, but his hand remained on my stomach even as he had gently withdrawn his cock from inside me.

Looking me in the eyes, he spoke to me in a tone I’d never heard. It was almost loving. “You know, something about that just felt so right.” Then he closed his eyes once more. Gradually, his breathing slowed and I knew he was asleep.

Oh, but not me. I lay there for a long time studying him, the way his hand looked on my stomach, how nice his fingers were. I really liked the way his breath felt against my skin, the way it felt having his body pressed against mine. It was unnerving in the best of ways.
I told myself.
Enjoy this. It will be over too soon.
Then I held onto the happy thoughts and drifted off to sleep.

This time when I woke, Mac was kissing his way down my body. This might just be my happiest Monday ever. Lying there with my eyes closed, I savored the attention he was lavishing upon me. His hands roamed up and down my sides until he paused at my hips. Gently he nudged my thighs apart with his knees before kissing my stomach in earnest, then he buried himself between my legs. Though I tried to remain still, the moment he started licking between my lips, I gasped in pleasure.

“Thought that might do the trick,” he murmured before he started working his magic with his tongue again.

“You are so good,” I moaned as I reached down with my hands and started running them through his hair. Soon my hips were writhing in pleasure and my legs were spread impossibly wide. Mac was licking and sucking with such fervor, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Suddenly, I realized I didn’t want to come this way. Nope. He had to be in me. Grabbing his ears, I pulled him up.

“Hey,” he grumbled. “I was busy.”

“Get busy inside me,” I ordered. As soon as his pelvis was level with mine, I wrapped myself around him. “In me. Now.”

Smiling, he leaned down to kiss me, completely ignoring my words. Pulling back, he looked me in the eye. “Ask nicely.”

Shaking my head, I groaned. “I don’t beg.”

“Well, I don’t get ordered around.” He seemed adamant. “A compromise then?” His body was propped on his arms a safe distance away from me, braced on either side of my body.

“What do you have in mind?”

“Tell me your name and you can have whatever you want.” He seemed so proud and self-assured.

My arm shot out and hit him in the bend, forcing him off balance. He collapsed onto my body. Then I lifted a leg and grabbed his shoulders, using momentum to roll him over. Once I sat on him and pinned his arms, I spoke smugly, “Looks like I get what I want anyway. No deal.”

“You seem pretty proud of yourself, Jolie,” he murmured into my ear as I leaned low over him.

“Why do we have to compete?” I wondered aloud. “We have to be a team at work. Why can’t we both win?” I moved my hips, angling so that he slid into my wet waiting opening. “Why can’t we just enjoy this time together? It’s so short…”

Slowly, I rode him, raising and lowering my hips to his, finding a rhythm to fulfill our need. Sitting back more, Mac’s hands held my hips, helping me, as my legs began to wear out. Inside me, I was aware of every change. I could feel when I grew wetter. I knew the moment he grew impossibly large. Even though we’d only done this a few times in the past twenty-four hours, I recognized his tells, the way his breathing changed, how his grip intensified. Without looking I knew he was ready and simply holding back to satisfy me. His excitement helped send me over the edge.

From the look on his face, he had been studying my tells as well. His smile spread while I rode out the orgasm. It made me weak, which was why he was able to so quickly flip me over. Once I was on my back, he wrapped his arms around me, one hand on the middle of my back, the other on my lower back, drawing my pelvis closer to his. Mac’s face was buried in my neck as he drove himself even deeper inside me. Finally he spoke. One word. One solitary word as he erupted inside me.

I was not sure he meant to say it aloud. I was even less certain he knew how true it was. More importantly, what was I going to do when this week was over?

We spent the day lounging by the pool. It had been a lovely afternoon. “I want a pool,” I commented.

“Doesn’t your apartment complex have a pool?” Mac asked.

“Yup. I just want a house with a private pool where I can do this,” I explained.

“And by this you mean?”

Laughing, I gestured to my body. “You know. Swim around naked.”

“It’s a good look for you,” he noted. “I’m going to buy you a pool.”

“In a way, you are.” I teased. I waited until his eyes were on me. “You sign my checks.”

Throwing his head back, he chuckled. “There’s that.”

We were having such a nice time, I really hated knowing I was about to ruin it by turning all girl on him. “We haven’t really talked about this, and now that we’re sleeping together, I thought it might be time,” I began calmly.

“Oh, using protection?” he asked.

Shaking my head, I raised my hands and waved them madly. “Not that.”

“Ready to define our relationship?” he queried.

“Not exactly. I thought we needed to talk about the fact that we can’t have one.” Then I smiled.

He had just lifted his cocktail and started sipping from his straw. No doubt he wanted his mouth to be moist when he had his say, which was why he should have swallowed it instead of spewing it all over me. “What?”

“You’re my boss. We can’t have a relationship. What we can have is a fantastically wonderful fling.” I shrugged, eyebrows raised in anticipation of what he might say next.

“Is that all?” He waved his hand. “There’s no policy against dating. And I’m the boss. I date who I want, when I want. And it should be obvious by now that I want you.” Leaning toward me, he kissed me on the lips ever so gently. “There. Nothing to worry about.”

Huh. None of this had gone quite how I planned. “Right. Nothing to worry about.” Leaning back in my lounger, I contemplated what I should say next. My best hope for our trip was for me to get over my fear of intimacy with men.  Hell, maybe I’d even luck out and find the man to father my child.  Nowhere in all this dreaming and hoping had I pictured a relationship.  I wasn’t sure I was ready for one. In the long run, I wanted a family, a baby, a spouse. Not now. Not yet. Not…here. Suddenly this vacation wasn’t a getaway, but a get into. As in, what had I gotten myself into?

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing in between eating. I was really good at eating. Because he had me so unnerved, I had even started drinking. While he was sucking down these fruity drinks from a hollowed out coconut, I was tossing back shots of Tuaca. By the fourth one, I was starting to loosen up. By the sixth one, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to move.

“Let’s go for a walk.” He suggested, throwing a companionable arm around my shoulder. “You, me, the beach at sunset. What do you say?”

“The nude beach?” I asked cautiously. The idea of throwing anything over my flaming body didn’t appeal. Alcohol always made my body temperature spike.

“Of course. No reason to cover up that gorgeous form.” Mac winked at me.

“Cool,” I murmured, trying to hide the slur. “Come on.” I held out my hands for him to help me up. Taking the non-verbal cue, he hefted me off of my lounger. It was soon painfully obvious that I was intoxicated.

“This way.” He wrapped his arm protectively around my waist to ensure I didn’t fall into the pool as we passed dangerously close to the edge.

Looking into the deep end, I commented, “That’s a long way down.”

“Yes, it is.” Mac smiled at me jovially. He seemed to really be enjoying my incapacitation.

We walked in silence. Quite frankly, at the moment, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, forget about carrying on an intelligent conversation. He was so close and I was so hot. It was just too much. By the time we neared the water, I was pushing away from him, ready to run into the waves.

Thankfully the beach was deserted. Must be most people were having dinner or drinks or both. I wanted both. I just needed to cool down first. My rush into the water wasn’t pretty. Though in my mind I was darting toward it like a gazelle, I was pretty sure I looked more like a sea cow, all beached and awkward, right up until my big belly flop into the oncoming waves. The water felt so refreshing, until it went up my nose. Gah. Soon I was sputtering and struggling until strong hands grasped my waist and hauled me up.

“You’re on fire,” Mac noted as he held me close. “And you seem sleepy. Wanna lie here a moment? We can shower before dinner.”

“Yes,” I mumbled. I was too embarrassed to open my eyes and look at him. My feet touched the wet sand despite his support. Soon it was obvious he was lowering me gently to the ground. I cooperated, drunken and boneless. Throwing an arm over my eyes, I lay there with my legs bent, and let the waves lap at my toes.

His hand was caressing the side of my face. Peeking for a moment, I realized he was squatting beside me. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked quietly. “It’s nearly impossible for me to control myself around you.”

My arm flew off my face. “Are you kidding me? I’m a hot fucking mess!” Immediately, I could feel the color rising in my cheeks.

Shaking his head, he spoke seriously, “Not even a little. You just had maybe a bit too much to drink.” He ran a hand down my flat stomach. “Let me tell you how I see you,” he began. “You are all tan and gorgeous, with sun streaked hair. Right now, your skin is positively glistening from the water droplets.” Mac’s hand traveled up my thigh toward my knee. He extended my leg, caressing my calf before he caught my eye once more. “These legs. Perfect. I want them wrapped around me and only me.” Suddenly, something in the sand seemed to catch his attention. He reached over and lifted up a seashell.

Fascinated, I waited to see what he was going to do with it. It didn’t take long for me to find out. Taking the shell, he positioned it directly over my pussy. It was the Caribbean version of the fig leaf. A smile perked up the corners of my mouth. Then there were more shells, a trail of them swirling up my side until he turned his attention to my breasts.

“Your tatas,” he groaned.

“Did you just say ‘tatas’?” I snorted.

Mac bent low and silenced me by sucking on each nipple. Thankfully, no one was around to object. I surely wasn’t going to.

When he raised his head once more, he smiled. “Look what I found,” Mac observed, raising two matching shells. “Pasties.” He teased, as he placed them over my erect nipples.

Of course, I wasn’t the only one who was erect. “I think we should go shower now,” I urged, anxious for the chance to be alone with him privately, able to satisfy our need.

“Whatever you say, my sweet Heaven, but we’re hanging onto the shells.” He collected them from my body and announced, “They are keepers, just like you.”

BOOK: Heaven in Hedonism (The Sinful Series Book 3)
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