Heaven Bound (A Blakemore Family Book: Madame Lou Series Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Heaven Bound (A Blakemore Family Book: Madame Lou Series Book 2)
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Jack finally pulled his hand away and let it travel back up to her breast, letting go of her wrist with his other hand and moving it to press Adeline’s backside so she could feel his need against her belly.

“Are you ready, Addie?” he asked, breathless with his own need.

Barely able to respond from her place of utter satiation, she nodded then shook her head. “Ready for what? What more could there be?”

“My dear, we have barely begun.” Jack started kissing her again, gently plucking at her mouth with his lips, creating a new need in her for him to possess her mouth fully. Pulling back, Jack looked down at her, brushing her hair from her face. “It may hurt for a minute,” he cautioned. “But only the one time.”

Adeline nodded and bit her lip. Emily had told her the same and said to try to relax and it wouldn’t be so bad. Of course that was no easy feat, but she trusted Jackson completely. “I want this, Jack, and I want it to be you.”

He took a deep breath, and kissed her again, deeply this time, teasing a response out of her as he gently pushed her thighs apart and started to enter her while at the same time reaching between their bodies and caressing the spot at her apex. That delicious sensation started to build again and Adeline hardly even noticed as Jack pressed deeper and deeper inside of her until she felt a barrier stop him and then give way as he pulled her up against him.

He stopped then, feeling her tense and watching as her eyes popped open in surprise. Brushing her hair back from her face and stroking her cheek with his thumb, Jackson waited for Adeline to respond. Although from the look on his face he was just barely able to maintain his stillness. Finally, Addie tested this new sensation and she moved her hips around in a circle, marveling at the amazing new things that began to happen to her body.

“Oh, Jack!” she cried, moving again to increase the sensations.

As if she had given him some sort of signal, Jackson began to move now. First just in small movements, then he started pulling his shaft out and pressing back into her wet heat, building the fire between them to an urgent crescendo. Adeline was thrashing under him now, panting and moving with him in an ancient dance of give and take. Addie knew now what her body was building up toward and that there awaited another explosion of physical satisfaction at the end of their dance, but this was so much more than before. This time, they were sharing the ride, and knowing that Jack was experiencing some of the same incredible feelings was as intoxicating as the brandy had been. Addie didn’t want it to ever end, but she soon forgot all logical thought as Jack began moving faster and faster, in and out, pressing himself into her further and deeper until she cried out and felt herself shatter into a thousand glittering pieces and the sensation rippled through her over and over, gradually fading into a warm blanket of supreme satisfaction. Then she felt Jackson stiffen above her and shudder with his own completion, sending another sweet wave of contentment through her. Jack’s heavy body lay on top of hers and when he tried to roll away, Adeline wrapped her legs more tightly around his buttocks, not willing to let him leave her yet.

They were both breathless and covered in a fine sheen of sweat. Finally, Jack lifted onto one elbow and gazed down at Addie. “Happy?” he asked.

She nodded, too moved by the experience to even speak. How did one react after such a life- changing event? Adeline knew she would never be the same and wondered if Jack had felt anything even remotely similar. But, of course, this wasn’t new for him. He and Clara had been lovers for many years before Addie had ever entered his life. Telling herself now was not the time to think about such things, Addie finally pushed at Jack, getting him to move so he only half covered her body, still pinning her down with one leg and an arm that pulled her in close to snuggle at his side. Sighing, she resolved to just enjoy the moment and not think about tomorrow or next week or even next year. When the rest of her life caught up with her, Adeline wanted to remember this night in every perfect amazing detail. Soon her eyelids grew heavy and she fell into a light, dreamless sleep.


* * *


Jack could tell when Adeline had finally drifted off to sleep and was going to untangle himself from her and leave, but something stopped him. He didn’t want to leave just yet. There were still many hours left until morning and he knew there was still pleasure he could give and receive if Adeline was willing. He started slowly, brushing his lips over her shoulder, and then gently nibbling at her nipples. They hardened as he used his mouth on one and his fingers on the other, stroking them both to pert attention. He travelled down her prone body in this manner, using fingers and tongue to stimulate adorable little reactions out Addie. She sounded like a kitten mewing as he stroked and petted the vulnerable flesh of her belly, thighs and down to that sensitive place behind her knees, over her calves, ending with sucking her toes. She still hadn’t woken up, so Jack reversed his path back up her body, stopping this time at the golden triangle between her thighs. Pushing them apart, Jack nudged gently until he could reach her moist center with his tongue.

It had an immediate effect as Adeline came awake and sat up, instinctually trying to close her legs, but Jackson would not be deterred from his mission to give Miss James as much pleasure as he could in the short time they had together. With a moan of what he assumed was pleasure, Addie fell back on the pillows and writhed beneath his attentions. Jack held her thighs wide while pressing his mouth to her wet heat. Using his tongue to tease cries of passion from her, he continued his assault relentlessly until he felt Adeline shudder with her release. He lay back on the bed next to her and took her hand, moving it to his thick erection, showing her how to touch him in a way that set his own blood rushing quicker. Once she had caught her breath, Jack pulled her to sit astride him then lifted Addie’s hips above him, lowering her slowly to cover his full length. She arched her back, throwing her head back while digging her nails into his shoulders.

“Jack, oh yes!” she cried out, moving her hips in slow circles.

“Look at me, Addie.” Jack said, watching as she opened those shimmering blue eyes and gazed at him through half-raised lids. She was so beautiful with her masses of golden curls cascading all around her body, framing her perfect breasts. He reached up, and held them in his hands, stroking her pink nipples to hardness. She began to swirl her hips then as pure instinct took over. Adeline rode Jackson, moving faster and faster until he was no longer in control of his own response. With a growl he pulled her down and kissed her while rolling her over so he could set a slower pace that would prolong his endurance. Stroking in and out of her sweet soft flesh, Jack strained to make his lovemaking last just a little bit longer. He knew he couldn’t keep Addie in this bed forever, but if he could just make this night go on for as long as possible, that would have to be enough. She squirmed beneath his straining body, calling his name over and over. He drove them both to the brink of their releases, only to pull her back again and again until she was begging him and biting his shoulder, digging her nails into his back and arching up into his thrusts in an attempt to have him take her to those incredible heights once again. Finally, he couldn’t delay it another moment and Jack was thrusting and pumping, holding nothing back. As soon as he felt Adeline’s orgasm, flexing and releasing his staff in delicious spasms, he gave himself over completely to his own release, spilling his seed deep within her womb. A final shudder wracked Jack’s body as he melted into the sheets, rolling onto his back and pulling Addie with him, unwilling to let her go. She lay limp with her satisfaction, draped over his body, breathing heavily.

The sky outside the windows was beginning to lighten and Jackson knew his time with Adeline was almost over. He wasn’t sure what that meant for either of them, but he knew one thing for certain; he would not forget this night any time soon. For him, the most amazing revelation had been that not once had thoughts of Clara intruded and for the first time in over a year he felt at peace with himself and his future. Addie had given him the gift of moving past his grief and giving him hope for a new beginning.

Jack could tell from Addie’s soft even breathing that she’d fallen asleep, and it was time for him to go back to his own room. Untangling himself from her embrace, Jack rose from the bed and dressed quickly. He was leaning over to kiss Addie goodbye when the stillness of the predawn was shattered by a bloodcurdling scream.






Cassiopeia woke abruptly from a dream about a graveyard. Spirits from Jackson Bradley’s past had started to compete for Madame Lou’s attention. Realizing that they would be heard, regardless if she woke up or fell back to sleep, Cassie sat up in bed and closed her eyes, leaning back into the pillows. She used one of the meditation methods she’d learned from her great aunt on her father’s side, Sylvia Blakemore Channing. Even though Madame Sylvia had passed to the other realm herself, she was still just as helpful as she had been in life and tonight she had decided to pay her great-niece a surprise visit. Cassie listened patiently as Madame Sylvia flashed her own tarot cards psychically in Cassie’s mind’s eye. The tower, disaster of course. When did these things ever go smoothly? Swords, never a good sign. And finally the Wheel of Life, which really told Cassie nothing. Why can’t you just tell me what is on your mind, Auntie? And then she saw it, the blurry image of Jackson Bradley and his family engulfed in flames.



Running through the mansion, Jackson tried to pinpoint where the screaming was coming from. By elimination, he finally narrowed it down to the master bedroom and burst into his brother’s private sanctuary. Sitting in the middle of the bed, wrapped only in a sheet was Lady Huntingdon, now sobbing uncontrollably while Winston held her in his arms, trying to calm her.

“What happened?” Jack asked trying to avert his eyes as Marcus joined them, clad only his dressing robe and looking very much like he’d been woken from a dead sleep.

“Everyone alright?”

“We’re fine, really.” Winston tried to assure his brothers while working to calm his mistress down at the same time. “Henrietta just had a scare.” He pointed to the document that now lay on the floor next to the bed.

Jackson leaned over and picked it up, skimming its contents. “Christ, Winston, where are the boys?”

“What does it say?” Marcus grabbed the letter and read it himself. “This is bloody outrageous. Who makes threats against children? What kind of monster are we dealing with?”

“Obviously someone not quite right in their head who wants revenge for imagined slights as well as their share of Father’s fortune. Where are the boys, Winston? Are they safe?” Jack paced the room.

“I just checked on them moments ago. James and Henry, my two most loyal footmen, are watching them and I provided them with rifles, just in case.” Winston may have been putting on a calm performance for the countess, but Jack could see that underneath the brave façade, he was worried sick.

“So you knew about the threat?” Marcus asked his older brother. “That someone was claiming to have access to your children and could murder them at any time? Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

“No, I just found the letter when I woke up. It was slipped under the door.” Winston was pacing now, his hands thrust up into his hair, making a mess of it. “I ran off to check on the boys and set up some protection for them. When I returned, Henrietta had picked up the letter and when I wasn’t here, she thought this lunatic had gotten to me as well. I scared her pretty badly when I walked back in.”

“I read the threats and Winston was gone. I thought he and the boys had been murdered by this madman,” Lady Huntingdon sobbed.

“So, it’s someone in the house,” Jackson said, looking at his brothers. “Any guesses? Did we find anything in the photographs?”

“I’ve been going over them, again and again.” Marcus said. “I did wonder about one of them, but when I asked Mrs. Hadaway about it, she had an explanation that sounded about right, but now I don’t know, and she was acting rather odd.”

“Where is it?” Jack asked. “What did you see? How was she acting odd?”

“Follow me.” Marcus said, turning to leave.

“Will you be alright, darling?” Winston asked his companion.

“I’ll dress and go to the boys,” she said. “Go and find this madman, or woman, so we can feel safe again.”

The brothers left Winston’s quarters, the two older ones in bed robes and Jack wearing his evening clothes from the night before.

They entered their father’s private study, stopping on the threshold in stunned silence. The room had been torn apart; papers strewn everywhere, books removed from shelves and desks drawers pulled out and emptied haphazardly.

“Looks like someone got here first,” Winston said. “What did you do with what you found, Marcus?”

Looking around at the mess, Marcus shook his head. “I put it back where I found it, since it didn’t seem relevant at the time.” He looked over the shelves of knocked-over volumes, then at the floor, searching. “No, I didn’t,” he said, suddenly realizing something he’d forgotten. “Bea walked in while I was putting things away. I remember because she was so excited. The baby kicked and she held my hand to her belly so I could feel him. It was unbelievable.”

Winston smiled indulgently at his younger brother. Jack was not so patient. “And?”

“Oh, yes, of course. Let me think.” Marcus walked over the bookshelf, then over to the doorway and back into the room again, trying to reenact his movements from the other day. He looked up with a smile on his face. “It’s not here. I took it back to our rooms.”

Jackson slapped his brother on the back with relief. “Let’s go find it and see what the hell this is all about.”

The men approached Marcus and his wife’s rooms. “Beatrice?” Marcus called out as he opened the door. “I have Jackie and Winnie with me. Are you dressed?”

“Yes, darling. Bring the boys in if you must.” Beatrice was sitting at her dressing table, having her maid put the finishing touches on her toilette. “You may leave us, Betsy,” she told the girl.

“It was right here.” Marcus said, tapping the table nearest to the door. “I’m certain we came back to our room and I set it down first thing as I walked in the door. Bea, did you see what happened to the portfolio I set here with all those old photos?”

“I put it away, of course,” Beatrice said as if anyone should know that.

“Put it away, where?” Winston asked urgently. “This is very important, my dear sister.”

Beatrice chewed on her lip trying to remember. “Oh my, my brain is just so muddled lately, with the baby and all. Did I give it to Betsy to return to your father’s study?”

Jackson gritted his teeth, hoping that wasn’t case. If so, then it was truly gone and they may never be able to figure out who was behind these threats.

“No, I was going to do just that, but then I got distracted by the pictures.” Beatrice put a finger to her lips as she recalled her actions from the day before. “I decided to browse through them to see if I could find any pictures of Marcus, and I took them into the bedroom. I was sitting on the bed, looking at them and I fell asleep. Once I woke, it was time to dress, so I closed the portfolio and put it...” She looked around and suddenly smiled. “Here!” Reaching between the mattress and the massive black cherry-wood headboard, Beatrice pulled out the book and held it out with a satisfied grin.

Marcus pulled his wife close and kissed her on the lips. “Good girl. Now will you go to the schoolroom and stay with Henrietta and the children?”

After Beatrice left, Jackson grabbed the folio and pulled off the ribbons that held it closed and kept the loose photographs inside. They moved back into the sitting room and gathered around him looking for the one that had caught Marcus’s attention before.

“There, that one.” Marcus grabbed it and pulled it out of the pile. They all stood close and examined the seemingly innocuous picture.

It was a few years old, maybe five at the most. Nothing seemed out of place with it; the usual annual picture of the household staff that had become a normal event since around 1895, when the previous earl had started to modernize everything on the estate. He’d introduced indoor plumbing, gas lighting and then electric lights, the telephone and of course his motorcars, earlier than most men of his generation. So having a regular photographer come out for these sorts of annual pictures was nothing unusual on the Bradley estate. So what was it about this photograph that had so upset someone— maybe Mrs. Hadaway— that would cause such venom and hatred?

“Look,” Jackson said, pointing to the second row of servants. “There is Mrs. Hadaway. And who is that she is looking at? That young woman, I don’t think I recognize her. She is quite lovely, though.”

Winston grabbed the photo and examined it closer, bringing it over to the window where there was better light. “I remember her. Louisa Marlowe. I remember her because Mrs. Hadaway referred her to us. Said it was her sister’s niece and then she was just gone one day. It was years ago, when Lucy was pregnant with little Alex. It was a difficult pregnancy and so I was distracted by the doctors and midwives coming and going and barely even noticed it. But I do recall that Father mentioned her to me one evening when he was pretty far into his cups.” Winston looked out the window, thoughtful for a moment. Then a look of horror came over his face. “Oh, my God! That’s it, that’s what this is all about.”

“Well, man, don’t keep it to yourself,” Jackson said, impatient with his older sibling.

“I was a bit tipsy myself, so at the time I didn’t put together what he was saying, but now, my God, now I can see what he was so distraught about.” Winston went to where Marcus kept his private liquor and started to pour himself some of the whiskey.

“Winnie, you haven’t even had coffee yet. What are you doing?” Marcus asked, walking over and trying to stop his brother.

“Sorry, I just can’t wrap my head around it,” Winston said, letting Marcus put the decanter back. “Father was upset because Louisa was leaving. He said it was his fault and that if he’d only known who she was, he never would have bothered her. When I asked who she was, he rambled about her being the daughter of someone loyal and hardworking. Someone who didn’t think anyone knew. But he said Louisa had told him one night when they were alone talking. It didn’t occur to me to wonder why Father and one of the maids were alone talking. Like I said, I was also in my own cups a bit and worried about Lucy and the baby at the time, so I paid little attention to what Father was actually saying. It was simply a distraction for me to sit and listen to him talk. About a week later, Alex was born and I forgot all about it. But now that I think about that time, I do recall that Mrs. Hadaway seemed more emotional than usual and I do believe it was around the same time that Louisa left the household. I chalked it up to the chaos of another baby in the house. But of course, I was completely self-absorbed and had no notion of anything else happening but my own concerns.”

“Christ,” Jack swore. “Do you think Father was having an affair with this maid— maybe even the daughter of Mrs. Hadaway— and he got her pregnant? Alex is six, so that would make her child around five. I wonder where she is. It seems unlikely that a single, unmarried mother has had the time to plan murder and revenge. And I would imagine someone would have noticed her hanging around if she’d been here, messing about in the stables with your horses.”

They were all quiet, considering what they had learned. No one wanted to state the obvious, but it was staring them all in the face. The housekeeper they had all known most, if not all of their lives and thought of as a member of the family, was most likely responsible for trying to kill them. And for what? In the hopes that somehow her grandson would be recognized as the next earl? And why now? Why not wait until the boy was older?

Winston finally gave the answer. “She must have only recently found out the truth and decided to poison Father to punish him. Father must have been supporting Louisa and her child. After he was dead, the money probably stopped coming and Mrs. Hadaway must have completely snapped, believing this was the only way to save her daughter and grandchild from a life in the streets.”

“That explains a few of the odd smaller entries in the account books,” Jackson said. “I almost overlooked them, considering the bigger picture of the bulk of the money being siphoned off to secret accounts. But it could be possible that Father knew there was trouble brewing and he moved his fortune specifically to protect it; thus the reason for all the mystery and intrigue after his death.”

“What do we do now?” Marcus asked, sitting down. “We can’t let her run around loose, looking for ways to kill the whole family.”

“By the looks of the study and the fact that she didn’t find what she was looking for, it wouldn’t surprise me if she was already gone.” Jack said, rubbing the stubble on his chin while looking around the room that belonged to his brother and Beatrice. He thought about Adeline and how he’d left her earlier. “I’ll go see if I can find her or if any of the other servants have seen her. I’ll pretend I need a few maids to clean up the study and want her to take care of it. You two get dressed and get ready to take care of saying goodbye to your guests. I’m sure they are going to wonder why they were woken this morning by Lady Huntingdon’s screams.”

“Indeed,” Winston said, turning and making haste back to his own rooms.

Jackson walked downstairs and found the butler, Mr. Jeffries, and Mrs. Smithson, the cook huddled near the green baize door that separated the servants’ domain from the rest of the house. They were deep in conversation when he approached and almost didn’t notice him.

“Mr. Jackson,” the butler said as soon as he noticed the youngest Bradley brother. “What can I do for you, sir?”

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