Heating Up the Holidays 3-Story Bundle (Play with Me, Snowfall, and After Midnight) (45 page)

BOOK: Heating Up the Holidays 3-Story Bundle (Play with Me, Snowfall, and After Midnight)
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Somehow, without intending to, she’d sat down on one of the twenty-gallon totes to rest. Miles’s house looked beautiful. He’d repainted it recently—he’d been keeping up with the home-improvement projects on the few weekends this winter and spring they hadn’t managed to be together—and it was a pale gray with navy shutters. Along the front walk, pink and peach roses had begun to bloom, the oaks and ash and hickory in full leaf overhead. Beat the hell out of her Boston apartment. And … well, there was Miles, of course. Miles, maker of the world’s neatest sandwiches, giver of the world’s best oral sex, purveyor, these days, of world’s most potent grins. Also, listener extraordinaire. He talked a lot more than he used to, but when he listened, he listened with undivided, almost disturbingly focused attention. You felt as if you were the only human being on earth.

Miles poked his head out of the truck. “You still have milk crates.” He emerged fully with a white milk crate in each hand, shaking his head.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“How old are you?”


“Don’t you think it’s time for you to own real furniture?”

“I’ve moved almost every two years since I graduated from college. Never seemed worth it.”

“Well, you’re not moving again.”

He set the moving crates down and came to put his arms around her. She felt his lips move along the edge of her hairline, where he especially liked to kiss her. Tingles raced up and down her spine, out her arms and legs, to the ends of her fingers and toes. “Mmm. No. I’m not moving again.”
From this spot
, she thought.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” he said.

“Me, too.”

“Every night.”

For months they’d had to suffer impatiently through the week, then deal with goodbyes on Sunday night. Now that was over. “Every night,” she agreed happily.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, and finally her mouth, a sweet, slick flirtation with abandoning the whole idea of unpacking the truck. His hand slid down her back and scooped under her ass, drawing her close.

He groaned. “God. That was a bad idea.”

“But now you can set boxes down on your boner and use less arm strength.”

“You’re really bad, you know that?” But he was grinning so hugely she couldn’t do anything but grin back at him. “Let’s get this thing done so we can grab dinner and go to bed early.”

“Amen to that.”

And Miles to go before I sleep
. The first thing she’d thought when she heard his name, a year and a half ago.

They had flown thousands of miles to be together. Traveled real and imagined geography, bridged gaps, covered and possessed immeasurable territory. They’d collapsed the universe to the size of the space between their bodies, the shrinking distance between their lives. They’d made promises out of tentative resolutions.

I have promises to keep

She’d sleep here tonight, and the night after that, and the night after that, and all the nights the future held, his lean strength curled around her, his breath at her ear, his heart beating hard at her back.


Love and hugs to Lisa Renée Jones and Mary Ann Rivers, my coauthors, for making this book possible and for being so delightfully supportive through the writing, production, and promotion process—I could not ask for better partners. I’m grateful to readers Ruthie Knox, Ellen Price, the aforementioned Mary Ann Rivers, and Mr. Serena Bell for support and suggestions, and to my expert on matters of the law, Chrissy Hanisco, who has shown so much faith in me over the years. My editor, Sue Grimshaw, as always knew where to poke and prod to bring out the missing truths in the story, and the Loveswept team has whipped the book into shape and brought it before the public with precision and flair. And so many thanks to Emily Sylvan Kim, my agent: for pushing me to take a chance and say yes, and for believing in New Year’s Eve and me.

© S

writes stories about how sex messes with your head, why smart people do stupid things sometimes, and how love can make it all better. She wrote her first steamy romance before she was old enough to understand what all the words meant and has been perfecting the art of hiding pages and screens from curious eyes ever since—a skill that’s particularly useful now that she’s the mother of two.

For a while, Serena took a break from penning love stories to explore the world as a journalist, where she spent time shadowing and writing about a cast of fascinating real-life characters.

When she’s not writing or getting her butt kicked at Scrabble by her kids, she’s practicing modern-dance improv in the kitchen, swimming laps, taking a long walk, or reading on one of her large collection of electronic devices.

Serena blogs about reading and writing romance at
. She also tweets like a madwoman as
and posts to Facebook at

Your Holidays are about to get a little hotter…

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