Heated Beat 01 - My Mate Jack (MM) (3 page)

BOOK: Heated Beat 01 - My Mate Jack (MM)
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Jack shrugged. “We’re best mates, right? I trust you, you trust me. And we’ve snogged before. That didn’t feel weird.”

“But you’re straight,” Will blurted. “And kissing is different. Why would you want to have
with me?”

“Why not? You’re hot, Will. All the girls say so, and I know you won’t laugh at me if I fuck it up. I mean, come on. How many eighteen-year-old virgins do you know? I can’t go to Ibiza and not know what I’m doing.”

“I’m not a bird, Jack. It won’t be the same.”
Won’t be
. Will noted his own choice of words and realized he was actually considering Jack’s request.

“I know that.” Jack leaned forward, like he sensed Will wavering. “It’s harder, innit? To get it in? So being with a bird after will be easier, won’t it?”

A painful combination of a laugh and a cough escaped Will. “I guess.”

“So… will you do it? Let me try with you?”

“Um, okay.” Will’s heart was in his throat.
I’m going to have sex with Jack
. Despite the weirdness, knowing Jack could have anyone he wanted made Will kind of touched he’d chosen him to be his first. “When do you want to do it?”


Okay, make that touched and totally fucking terrified. Will scrambled out of bed. “I need a shower. Think about it while I’m gone, yeah? I won’t be offended if you change your mind.”

He left Jack to do just that and fled to the bathroom. They’d both showered when they’d crawled home from the rave that morning, but Will was sweating already, and he couldn’t bear the thought of the smell of man turning Jack off. Besides, if Jack was serious, there were things Will had to do to make himself ready. Things a woman didn’t have to worry about.

Will got in the shower and scrubbed himself within an inch of his life. Then he set about working his fingers into himself, probing and stretching, so he didn’t make a tit of himself when it came to taking Jack’s cock.

Will’s dick got hard as he stood under the spray. He tried to ignore it, then he blasted it with cold water, but his erection stayed, and he realized denying how much he wanted this was a waste of time.

He strapped his cock down with a towel and padded back to his bedroom. He half expected to find Jack asleep, or laughing his arse off at his big joke, but he found neither. Jack was awake and sitting up under the covers, hugging his knees to his chest.

“Did you change your mind?” Jack asked.

“Me?” Will opened a drawer and searched out some clean boxers. “No. I’m game if you are. How about you?”

“I want to. I’d feel better if you looked at me, though.”

Will shut the drawer and gave Jack his full attention. Chanced a grin. “Happy?”

Jack smiled too. “I reckon so. Come here.”

Will crawled onto the bed, underwear still clutched in his hand. Jack pried them free and tossed them aside. He glanced at the towel and frowned. “I’m naked under your duvet, so you should probably lose that too.”

“Naked?” Will laughed. “What would you have done if I’d come back in and changed my mind?”

“Hoped you wouldn’t notice?”

Fat chance of that. Will shucked his towel, turned the light off, and slid under the covers before he could start getting self-conscious.

They lay silent and still a moment, facing each other, staring. Then Will cleared his throat. “So, how do you want to do this? On top of me?”

“Don’t blokes have to do it doggy style?”

Will studied Jack’s face to see if he was serious, but in the dark he couldn’t tell. “No, we can do it loads of ways, but if you want to pretend I’m a bird, we should probably stick to missionary.”

They wriggled into position, Will on his back with Jack between his parted legs. If Jack felt weird about their half-hard cocks pressed together, he didn’t let it show. He covered Will with his body and dropped his palms either side of his head. “I can kiss you, right? Like we did last time? I liked that.”

In answer, Will hooked his hand around Jack’s neck and tugged him down. Their lips met, hesitantly at first, but then, as the heat between them spread, their kisses became something more than they’d ever been. Lips, tongues, and teeth. It had been three years since that first kiss, and sometimes it felt like yesterday. Will thought the memory of their last encounter was seared on his soul, but he couldn’t remember anything quite like this, and it wasn’t long before he found himself arching up into Jack, grinding them together, grateful that Jack’s tongue in his mouth prevented him from begging to be fucked.

Jack pulled away with a breathless grunt. “Have you got stuff?”

“Stuff?” Will fought for breath, his mind blank. “Yeah, shit. There’s condoms and lube in the desk drawer.”

Jack leaned across and fumbled around. He tossed a box of condoms on the bed and passed Will the lube like it was an unexploded bomb. “Where do you put that?”

“On me and on your dick.” Will squeezed some onto his fingers. “Put a rubber on. I’ll show you.”

Will had decided in the shower that he wanted Jack to see as little of his arse as possible, but now, in the crazy heat of the moment, he didn’t care so much. Jack sat back on his heels and fiddled with the condom. Will raised his legs, pressed his thighs to his chest, and lubed himself up.

It took him a moment to realize Jack was staring at his disappearing fingers, his eyes wide. “Does that hurt?”

“Nope. I like it. You ready?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. I think so.” Jack edged closer, suddenly uncertain. “Show me what to do?”

Will shifted and aligned them, then he coaxed Jack forward. “This bit isn’t like a girl. You’ve got to go slow, okay? In and out until you feel me relax inside.”

Jack looked alarmed. Will rubbed his hip, but any more words of wisdom were cut off by the mind-blowing sensation of Jack’s cock carefully nudging inside him.

Will shuddered; he couldn’t help it. Jack was bigger than Dave—thicker, longer, and though it didn’t hurt… yet, the slowly ratcheting pressure felt incredible. Intense.

Jack eased halfway in and his eyes bugged out. “Wow. That’s so fucking tight. Feel like it’s cutting the blood supply.”

“That’ll pass. Push in a bit more.”

Jack obeyed and let Will guide him until he was all the way in. For a moment, neither of them spoke or moved. Will held his breath, waiting for the stinging burn of Jack inside him to fade or for Jack to freak out and leg it. Whichever came first.

But Jack didn’t freak out. Instead, he raised his chest from Will’s and rubbed Will’s stomach. “You okay?”

Will blew out a few breaths. “I’m good. You can move now, if you want.”

“Like this?” Jack rolled his hips in a slow, tentative circle. He gasped and his cheeks flushed.

Will gritted his teeth and felt sweat bead his brow. “Again.”

Jack did it again and again, growing bolder with each pass. Then he dropped his head to Will’s chest with a deep groan. “I’m gonna come so quick.”

Will chuckled. “So? Not like you’re trying to impress me, is it?”

Jack scowled. He pinched Will’s nipple for good measure and seemed startled when Will moaned. “You like that?”

“Fuck, yeah.” Will arched his back and resisted the urge to jack off. “Nipples are good. Pinching, sucking, biting. Come here. I’ll show you.”

Jack leaned down. Will palmed his chest and brushed his thumbs over Jack’s nipples. Jack groaned. “Okay, you win. That rocks.”

“Yeah? What about this?” Will grinned and clamped down on Jack’s dick.

Jack yelped. “Don’t do that. I’ll blow.”

“So blow.” Will flexed his hips up. “Seriously. Do what you want. I want to watch.”

Jack took a little persuasion, but eventually, he gave up trying to be cool and instead joined Will watching his cock slide in and out of Will’s body. He seemed fascinated, and a dark blush crept over his chest. Then he grimaced and his whole body tightened, but his fight was futile. “Fuck. I’m gonna….”

He tensed and his mouth fell open in long silent moan. Will felt him pulse inside him and smiled. Jack was beautiful all the time, but flushed, slick with sweat, and blowing his load, he was the hottest thing Will had ever seen.

Jack’s arms gave way. He collapsed on Will’s chest, panting. Will held him. He wondered if he should say something, muss Jack’s hair, or soothe him, but the moment passed as Jack softened and slipped out of him.

Will nudged him. “Get rid of the johnny, mate.”

Jack roused himself and retrieved the condom. He tied a knot in it and fired it with perfect aim into Will’s bedroom bin. He grinned a little, then frowned and brushed his hand over Will’s still hard cock. “What about you?”

The touch was featherlight, but Will felt it everywhere. “Leave it. You might want to try again in a little while.”

“Again?” Jack looked surprised, but he didn’t move from the cradle of Will’s parted legs. He seemed fascinated by Will’s body.

So fascinated, Will squirmed under the scrutiny. “You’ve got your own ball bag, you know. Stop staring at mine.”

“Hmm?” Jack glanced up. “Oh, sorry. I was just… um….”

“Yeah? Spit it out, mate. No point getting embarrassed now.”

“Suppose not.” Jack looked down, and to Will’s toe-curling surprise, traced his entrance with his fingertip. “What’s it called when you lick that?”

“Rimming… oh, fuck!” Will arched his back as Jack’s tongue touched him, hesitant at first, but then with more purpose, circling and driving. “You don’t have to… oh, oh, God, Jack.”

Will braced himself on the bedframe. He’d tried this with Dave, but always, always the other way round. He’d never been on the receiving end, and God, it was good. So fucking good, Will had to wonder if Jack had done it before… or whether his theories about guys and girls being the same were actually true.

Not that it mattered. With Jack’s tongue probing inside him, nothing mattered except the coil of pleasure twisting in his gut. Will let his body respond to Jack. He raised himself from the mattress and chased down the driving sweep of Jack’s tongue, absorbing every thrusting lick until he felt he would burst.

Jack pulled back, grinning. He sat up and wiped his mouth. “That’s fun. Never figured you for a screamer.”

“Shut up….” Will caught sight of Jack’s dick, and his retort died on his lips. Jack was hard again, hard and dripping. “Get another condom.”

Jack grabbed the box and shook one out. Will grabbed it and rolled it onto Jack’s cock. “Get on your back.”

“My back?” Jack rolled over. He looked unsure, but Will had a plan. A plan he knew from experience would put a smile on Jack’s face.

He straddled Jack and lowered himself slowly down on Jack’s dick. Jack’s face was a picture, and it didn’t feel half-bad from the top either. He ground himself down on Jack, absorbing Jack’s wide-eyed surprise. “Feel good?”

“Yeah.” Jack reddened and that beautiful flush darkened his chest like it had never faded. “God, do that wiggly thing again.”

Will obliged. He leaned back, angling his hips to meet Jack’s tentative thrusts. It took a few tries, but then they met in the middle and found that magical place that made them both groan.

They didn’t talk any more after that. The rhythm between them quickened and became urgent. The bed squeaked and juddered, then it banged into the wall again and again as heat boiled over into a frantic mess of grunts and slapping skin.

Jack didn’t come quietly that time. He yelled and thrashed his head from side to side, dug his fingers into Will’s thighs hard enough to leave bruises. Will watched it all through heavy eyes, pumping his hand over his cock. He’d told himself he wouldn’t come on Jack, but by the time he remembered it was too late. He came with a groan and painted Jack’s chest.

Will wiped the mess off Jack with a discarded T-shirt and tossed the condom, then collapsed in a heap on Jack, spaced and exhausted. Jack’s fingers carding through his hair surprised him, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. He’d never fucked Dave so hard… so intense, and he needed a minute.

A minute turned into five and then ten, and then Will realized he was falling asleep. He raised his head, searching for Jack. All he got was a smile and a gentle hand pushing him down.

“Go to sleep, mate. You rocked my world.”

Chapter Three




10:30 p.m.
is this how we’re going to talk now? I tried your phone a few times, but it didn’t connect. Guess your international plan didn’t work or something. How are things going in sunny Ibiza? Did you have a good summer? What have you been up to???


December 29
04:45 a.m.
So you do know how to e-mail?
Sorry it’s taken so long to reply. Didn’t know how to get into this in-box. Forgot my password was your bloody birthday. Remember when we set that up?
Anyway, things have been craaaaaazy here. Summer was mental. I blinked and it was over. I had a plan to stick around and get a bar job until I got another DJ gig, but the head honcho from Café Mambo came to see me play on my last day. He offered me an off-peak slot until spring, so I took it. Looks like I’ll be here until April at least, maybe longer if I can impress some more club owners.
How’s Leeds? Tell me everything. Feels proper weird knowing you’re up there and not at home. Have you been out on the pull? Bet you have…


January 3
06:00 a.m.
Will? You there?

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