Heat Rising: A KinKaid Wolf Pack Story (15 page)

BOOK: Heat Rising: A KinKaid Wolf Pack Story
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“Kaleb!” It was too much. The emptiness was too much to bear any longer. She had to be filled. “Please…” Rosa dug her nails into his shoulders. “I’m dying.”

He nudged her thighs apart. “Shh…I’m here.” The wide head of his shaft brushed her folds, and Rosa grabbed the rails of the headboard, needing something to ground her. “Wrap your legs around me.”

Rosa did as instructed, pulling him in closer, and his tip pressed inside her.

“Oh, God.” Her eyelids closed. She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Only feel. Her inner muscles drew him in. Deeper and deeper, Kaleb sank inside. Her walls spasmed, burned. Her abdomen quivered. Her hands darted from the rails to his arms, then to the linens. Unable to calm, Rosa fisted the sheets. “Help me,” she managed to get out. White spots danced in front of her eyes.

Kaleb sat back on his haunches, pulling his shaft free. Rosa cried out.
No. No.
He can’t stop.
She thrashed her head back and forth.

“Trust me, angel,” he whispered, placing her legs over his thighs. Grasping her hips, he preceded to pull her closer. His cock bumped her opening, then he pressed forward, the new angle allowing him to seat farther inside than before. A joining so complete Rosa didn’t know where she began and he ended.

“Yes,” she groaned. “Kaleb.”

He rocked into her, stretching her, bumping her womb with each thrust. So good. His shaft stroked her sensitized nerve endings, sparking them. She’d never felt more alive. But she wanted more.

“So damn beautiful,” Landry growled, and the bed dipped with his added weight. On his knees beside them, Landry wrapped his palm around Kaleb’s neck and pulled him in for a rough kiss filled with passion and tongue. His other hand worked the thick shaft between his legs, the crown flushed and shiny with precum. Landry broke away from Kaleb, and his hooded gaze fell to Rosa. “Are you ready for me, sweetness?”

“God, yes.” The idea of taking another male into her body should’ve been intimidating. She wasn’t a virgin, but she’d never entered into a ménage before. Yet, with Landry and Kaleb, the concept seemed so right on every level. They were hers. And she was theirs—in every way.

Kaleb slid his hands under her arms and brought her upright. He lay back, stretching out his legs beneath her. Straddling Kaleb with his rigid cock nestled inside, Rosa’s head lolled, drunk on the erotic fog enveloping them—bonding them. She fell forward, her palms landing on his pecs for support. Landry wrapped his arms around her waist as he moved over her, the heat of his chest warming her back.

“I want inside you, Rosa,” Landry stated at her ear. “Will you let me in?” In a slow, sensual massage, he spread her arousal around and over her opening, and then his erection pressed against her tight ring.

Rosa squeezed her eyelids shut. Her forearms trembled, but it wasn’t fear triggering her shakes. No. Anticipation had her dangling off a cliff by her fingernails, and she’d never been more ready to let go.

“Yes.” The single syllable tumbled from her lips, so innocent, so simple, yet it would change all their lives forever.

Broad hands cupped her face, and she opened her eyes. “I love you,” Kaleb stated, but the emotion shining through his blue depths would have said it all even without the words.

“Love you too,” she replied as the first twinges of her tight ring opening signaled Landry’s claiming. Rosa inhaled deeply.

“Breathe, baby.” Landry stroked the length of her spine. “Bear down,” he instructed, and she tried to obey. But she was so damn full already. He pressed forward a little more, demanding his part of her. Burning her. Rosa moaned.
Too good.
“Christ, you’re incredible,” he crooned. Another inch filled her.

“Landry,” she cried out.
“Oh, God.”
A hard shudder wracked her body, and her pussy clamped down on the rigid invasion. Her world spiraled in on itself, drilling down until nothing existed but the overwhelming presence between her legs. And her orgasm imploded. Erupted like a volcano with a molten center mass of sensation. It sped up through her center, its intense heat and power nearly melting her neurons. Rosa screamed, bucked. But dear God, she needed more. More of Landry. Deeper. Harder. And at the same time, Rosa demanded everything Kaleb had to give.
He had to fuck her now.

“Please, don’t stop,” Rosa mumbled. “More. Dear God. Give it to me.”

“Shit!” Kaleb called out, his hands going to her hips, attempting to hold her in place as he pistoned into her core. “Fuck! I’m going to come.”

Higher and higher she climbed as another source of warmth filled her sex. A sting to the roots of her hair had her crying out once more. But it wasn’t pain, rather the added sensory overload that had a scream breeching her throat again. Landry had fisted her locks and yanked her back into his chest. The new position sank his cock even deeper, his hips bumping her bottom. She gasped. His fingers left her hair, and Landry’s arm circled her chest, his fingers molding over her breasts, giving them a firm squeeze. She quivered, spiraling down to earth on the last ripples of her orgasm.

“My turn,” Landry rasped at her ear. “Hold on, sweetness.”

Like a beast unleashed, he took her. Over and over, he thrust into her, short-circuiting her mind with white-hot pleasure. Landry lowered his hand, his fingertips finding her clit. He stroked over her swollen nub once, then twice, and she exploded. Again.

Kaleb hissed. “Damn,” he grunted. “She’s fucking milking me.”

Another round of quakes rocked her body, but Landry’s strong arm held her upright. A hoarse groan from behind her telegraphed Landry had reached his peak as well, his heat flooding her. Harsh breaths teased her neck as she floated back to reality.

Landry loosened his hold on her waist, and Rosa slumped forward onto Kaleb’s chest. Sweat beaded their flesh and the scent of their lovemaking filled the air with a heady musk. Landry slid free, and Rosa moaned from the loss. She’d loved their joining, the intense fullness their possession had brought. The mattress rocked, and Landry maneuvered until he lay on his side beside her and Kaleb. His fingertips ran the length of her spine and over the cheeks of her ass, tickling her. She laughed, squirmed, and Kaleb’s softening erection slipped from her core.

Rosa lifted her head, meeting the shifter’s gaze beneath her, a sudden wave of emptiness overtaking her. Kaleb encircled her with his arms, the weight heavy, comforting. Had he felt it too?

“We’re not going anywhere,” he said, a smile turning up the corner of his mouth.

“If we’re not bonded after that…” Landry pressed against them, planting a kiss on her cheek and a dominant palm over her rear end. “Something’s definitely wrong with the universe.”





Chapter Sixteen



Landry glanced over at the other male pouring coffee for the three of them. Kaleb stood there fresh from his shower with his hair damp and loose around his shoulders, wearing nothing more than the black denim he’d arrived in at the cabin.
The past forty-eight hours had been the most surreal of Landry’s life. He, Rosa, and Kaleb had made love in every room of the cabin. They’d christened the river’s bank and cooled down in the chilled waters afterward. It had all been perfect—beyond imagination. But nothing could have prepared Landry for the moment when Rosa had looked up at him and declared she’d loved him. Top that off with Kaleb’s acceptance of a life with the both of them… Landry would never understand what he’d done to deserve such beautiful mates.

Mated. Not that they’d tested the fact for all three yet. In the shifter world, once a male was mated to a female—or male, as in Evin and Mason’s case—the male would no longer be able to achieve an erection with anyone other than his mate. Up to this point, Kaleb and Landry had been focused on Rosa. As it should be since she was in heat.

Landry’s gaze roamed over his friend’s back; the muscles rippled as he held the carafe suspended over the mugs, moving from one to the other. Despite all the sex they’d shared with Rosa over the last couple of days, Landry’s cock twitched at the sight.

Yeah, he was pretty damn sure the bond had stretched the perimeters of their triangle.

“Eggs about ready?”

Kaleb’s question yanked Landry back to the task at hand. He pushed the spatula through the fluffy scramble a few more times for good measure. “Yeah. I think they’re done.”

“Good. I think the toast is too.” The kitchen gadget in front of Kaleb popped, and the bread shot up from the twin slots. “Now, that’s timing.”

Thanks to Evin’s early planning for hunting season, the cabin had recently been stocked and the generator fueled, making their stay much more bearable.

Landry lifted the frying pan from the stove and raked the steamy eggs onto a plate.

“Wow.” Rosa’s voice came from the doorway. “Something smells delicious.” She strolled through the door, wearing a dark blue robe she’d found in the closet. “I’m starving.”

“That makes two of us,” Kaleb stated and chuckled.

“Toast and eggs sound good to you?” Landry asked.

“Like the best meal I’ve ever been offered in my life.” She smiled, and the effect reached her eyes, warming his heart.

“Coffee?” Kaleb raised a cup in her direction.

“Yes, please.” She pulled a chair out from the small table in the kitchen and sat.

“I didn’t see any cream in the fridge or any sugar in the pantry.” Kaleb passed a mug over to Rosa. “So all I have to offer is straight up, hot and black.”

Rosa grasped the ceramic with both palms. “That’s perfect.”

After grabbing a jar of strawberry jam from the icebox, Landry plucked the plate of eggs from the counter and set the items in the middle of the breakfast table. Kaleb joined them with extra utensils and the toast.

With a fork in hand, Landry stabbed a bite of the meal he’d prepared and lifted it to Rosa’s lips. She stared at the offering, then looked his way with a grin.

“I can feed myself, you know,” she said.

“I know.” Landry lifted a brow. “Eat.”

Rosa’s lips parted, and he slid the bite of eggs onto her tongue. Her eyelids dropped to half-mast, and she moaned, slowly chewing.

, yeah
. There was something so fucking hot about feeding one’s lover after a long night—or two—of rigorous sex. Landry glanced over at the other male at the table who was about to stuff a mouthful of toast with jelly between his teeth. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Kaleb stalled mid-chomp and looked up from under his lashes. “I’m trying to eat. What the hell do you think I’m doing? I’m hungry,” he growled.

“Give it to me,” Landry ordered and held out his palm. Kaleb stared back at him as if mulling over his options and repercussions, then slowly lowered the piece of toast into Landry’s waiting hand. “Very good.”

With the toast between his thumb and forefinger, Landry sampled one end. The warm, melted butter blended with the cool flavor of the berries, and the
combination burst over his taste buds.

Kaleb arched a brow as Landry savored the morsel. “You like?” The question was all innocent and polite, yet the expression Kaleb wore was anything but.

Landry nodded. “Very much.” Stretching across the wood, Landry propped the toast in front of the other male. “Bite,” he demanded. With his heated gaze fixed on Landry, Kaleb wrapped his lips around the edge of the bread and sank his teeth with a
. The mercury measuring the sexual tension in the room jumped another degree. Landry smirked and tore off another morsel for his partner to nip it from his fingers.

While Kaleb chewed, Landry scooped up another bite of eggs and offered it to Rosa. She accepted, quietly watching the interaction between him and Kaleb, her eyes bright with intrigue.

Enough with the simple act of eating, it was time for a serious devouring.

“Come here, sweetness.” Landry scooted back in his chair and held open his arms for Rosa to take a seat on his lap. She smiled and
tilted her head as if she weren’t quite sure of his motives, but she eased across his denim-clad thighs, nestling her buttocks over his awakening cock. He snaked an arm around her waist. Damn, she felt good there. She glanced down at him, strands of her blonde hair shimmering around her face, and she stole his ability to think.

“Anything else you want, enforcer?” she drawled.

“Absolutely,” he said.

Rosa leaned in, her breath teasing his chin before she lifted her head and nipped his lower lip. Landry couldn’t hold back the rumble inside his chest. “Tell me,” she whispered.

“Open your robe,” Landry ordered. “Give us a tempting look at what’s really for breakfast.”

A siren’s smile turned up the delicate curves of her mouth, and Rosa placed her fingers over the belt holding the silky garment closed. In what felt like slow motion, she tugged on the knot until it finally fell free. The material parted, exposing the light patch of curls forming a vee between her legs. Landry’s diaphragm kicked into full speed, and what had to be half of his blood volume slammed into his cock. A low growl resonated from the other side of the table. Landry flicked away the remaining edges of the thin material clinging to the tips of her breasts. The rosy peaks stood firm and erect in the center of each smooth swell.


Kaleb’s chair screeched over the wood floor, and he stood. The male snagged the jar of strawberry jam and rounded the table. He dipped his index finger into the sweet gelatin with a grin.

“You read my fucking mind,” Landry murmured.

“I’m not nearly done eating, yet,” Kaleb stated, his voice carrying a wicked edge that lifted the hairs on Rosa’s arms under his Landry’s palm.

“You like the sound of that, do you?” Landry threaded his fingers into her hair.

“Yes,” she breathed.

“Then hold on, baby,” Landry said and dipped his head for a quick taste of a pink nipple. Rosa hissed and arched. “You’re about to be feasted on.”

Kaleb placed a dollop of the jam on the surface of her areola. Rosa whimpered. “Cold?” Kaleb spread the red preserves in a lazy circle around the tight bud.

“Feels good,” Rosa said, her voice shaky.

His friend smiled. “I bet it tastes even better.” Kaleb added another dose of jam to her other breast, grinning at Landry. “Don’t want you to feel left out.”

“Very thoughtful of you.”

The bottom of the jar tapped the table, and Kaleb dove in for a mouthful.

“Oh, God,” Rosa groaned, tossing her head back, and Landry couldn’t hold out any longer. Taking the entire nipple and its thick circumference of jam into his mouth, Landry sucked. Hard pants rushed from Rosa’s throat. With one male over Rosa, the other cradling her against his chest, she was confined, at their mercy until one of them decided to come up for air.

She moaned. “Please… My head is spinning. I need…” She tried to squirm, but Landry lapped at the sensitive tip, not giving her a second to recover. Then he nibbled at the taut flesh.

“Landry…” She shook her head. “Kaleb… Touch me. God, someone please.”

Landry trailed his hand down her quivering abdomen and cupped her heated mound.

“Yes,” she cried out, her voice raw.

Her stiff peak slipped from Kaleb’s lips with a
, and Landry followed suit. Stepping back, Kaleb lifted Rosa’s leg and sat it on the edge of the table beside them, opening her.

“Kaleb…” She panted, then he lowered to his knees, tugged her hips closer, placing his face at her pussy. “Damn,” she whispered.

Landry needed to kiss her—take her mouth while Kaleb took her sex. “Kiss me,” he demanded. Rosa turned her head toward him, and Landry claimed her lips as Kaleb moved in.

Landry spread her folds below, wanting to feel her desire while his friend pleasured her. Rosa whimpered on Landry’s tongue, writhed in his hold. Breaking away, he trailed his lips over her chin, moved lower to her neck, scoring her with his canines. Her back stiffened, and Rosa wrapped her legs around the male devouring her pussy.

“Kaleb…! Oh, God…I need to come,” she babbled. “Please, let me come”

In his peripheral vision, Landry watched as his partner readjusted, his fingers disappearing inside their female.
Fucking hot as hell
. Kaleb pumped inside her core, and Landry’s cock throbbed at the sight.

Rosa’s breath hitched, stalled in her lungs, and her head fell back. A wave of tremors shook her legs and arms.

“Kaleb.” His name fell from her lips on a groan. “Landry…” Her nails dug into his chest. “So good,” she crooned.

From below, Kaleb glanced up at Landry, his gaze drugged—drunk on her arousal. Yet, Landry sensed a primal hunger still lingered in those blue eyes. And damn, if he didn’t want to sate the shifter’s appetite, but first he wanted a sample of their mate’s flavor that was surely embedded on the other male’s tongue.

Rosa’s trembles eased, and Landry placed a delicate kiss to her mouth then directed his attention to the male on his knees. He gathered a fistful of Kaleb’s hair and pulled him up. The male’s lips glistened with Rosa’s orgasm, enticing Landry even more as he yanked him in.

“Give me a taste,” Landry demanded, and Kaleb didn’t hesitate. He sealed their mouths, ramming his tongue alongside Landry’s. The sweet flavor of her arousal bloomed over his taste buds, a honeyed blend of passion, lust, and heat. An addictive potion unaided, but combined with Kaleb’s own unique elixir of spice and mint, the aphrodisiac effect was mind-bending.

Landry jerked away, breaking the connection. But no way in hell was he done. Lifting Rosa, he sat her on the table. “That was amazing, baby. Thank you.” He brushed another kiss over her lips, down her throat, and to the tops of her breasts.

“Yes. It certainly was,” she said, running her fingers through the short strands of his hair.

Turning to Kaleb, Landry dropped to his knees, hooking one of Kaleb’s belt loops with a forefinger and yanking the male’s crotch into his face. “You’re way over dressed, shifter,” he rumbled. He glanced up, meeting his friend’s heated gaze. One that he could swear said Kaleb had been waiting for this moment his whole life—just as Landry had been waiting…wanting.

“Then I should fix that problem,” Kaleb rasped. The male went to work on the button, easing it through the hole, then he peeled the denim away from his cock. The rigid shaft sprang free, the heated flesh tapping Landry on the cheek. Landry inhaled deep
ly along the silk and steel rod.

. The cedar and mint scent that was Kaleb’s alone was even more concentrated there with an added hint of musk—a heady cocktail that arrowed straight to Landry’s balls, drawing them tight.

Gripping the shaft, Landry slid his fist up and down Kaleb’s cock. The male jerked, closed his eyes, and hissed. Flattening his tongue out at the base of Kaleb’s shaft, Landry gave a lazy lick along the backside, ending at the slit.

“Shit,” Kaleb gritted out.

A bead of precum waited for Landry there, and he greedily lapped it up. The salty flavor zinged inside his mouth with a promise of more to come.

“Damn…” Kaleb grunted. “Landry.”

As Landry circled the blunt tip with his tongue, Ros
a moved from the table and stood next to Kaleb. She covered the auburn-haired shifter’s mouth with hers, drinking him in. And Landry swallowed his lover’s shaft. A loud groan erupted from above, rewarding him. Up and down, Landry rocked over the other male’s staff with his lips, twisting his palm around the erection on the up strokes. Rosa’s delicate hand brushed Landry’s nape. Kaleb grasped the top of Landry’s head, encouraging him, pushing him deeper over his erection.

After a few heartbeats, Landry came up for a gasp.

“Christ, man,” Kaleb uttered. “You gonna make me come if you keep that up.”

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