Heat (55 page)

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Authors: R. Lee Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Heat
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She wrapped her legs around his waist, crying out hoarsely as that part of her that craved him crawled toward brittle and covetous climax. She felt a rushing heat inside her as her body flooded with late desire, and he roared like a dragon, his body shuddering in the surge of some inner storm. His cum came fast, a raging jet of it that filled her womb and poured out of her in streams, and then it was done.

He braced his weight on the tiles, panting, and then tried to pull away.

“Oh God no!” she screamed, humping at him in the sickly grip of her body’s need.

He shook her off, baring his teeth, and stepped out of the shower. When she tried to reach for him, he slapped her, sending her tumbling to the bottom of the tub. He turned, stood over the toilet and pissed endlessly, his head thrown back, still breathing hard. She might as well be on the moon for all she mattered to him right now.

Sue-Eye curled around herself, rubbing in a frenzy at her throbbing pussy, cursing in fits and starts. It would never be enough. Her body knew when the blood-stained hand was on her; she was numb to her own touch.

When Kane thumbed the flush-lever and turned around, she was almost under control again, still bitter and furious, but smart enough to try and hide it. His eyes dropped to her hand, writhing in frustration between her thighs. He showed no expression.

“You didn’t let me finish,” she said, before she could stop herself. It was a foolish accusation, and a pointless one.

“I wasn’t doing it for you,” he replied. His gaze drifted to the narrow window. “You’ll get another chance,” he said, and left.

Sue-Eye sat up under the spray, rubbing at herself until her wrist ached and she gave up in disgust. ‘If I were that purple-haired bitch, he’d have made me cum,’ she thought viciously. ‘Twice.’

She wanted Raven dead in that moment. She wanted Kane to do it. She wanted to make it happen.

And she knew she could.







He let Raven have the bed. Poor little Raven and her poor little period probably couldn’t survive a night on the carpet. But Kane was lying with Sue-Eye. His arm was around her waist. His hard, naked body was pressed against her back. He let Raven have the bed, but he fell asleep with Sue-Eye.

She lay in the dark with his breath stirring the hairs on her neck, drawing a brittle kind of comfort from that. She hurt a hundred times worse than after her initiation into the Pack. She was bruised inside and out by Kane’s rough sex, but she was easy in her mind. He’d taken her five times now, waiting as long as he seemed able to in between each banging, until he had been visibly throbbing with the need of it. And Sue-Eye, pressed beneath him, had cum twice in response to his forceful movements. She’d tasted blood both times.

When he wasn’t fucking her, then for the most part, he was ignoring her. He worked his little meth lab or whatever the hell it was, looking for all the world like Hollywood’s idea of a mad scientist—all clinking glass and drops of weird liquid—except for the claws and fangs, of course. He was completely absorbed by what he was doing. He noticed her only if she moved or spoke, and even then, it was clear that she was just a distraction.

He’d hit her only twice, and it was her own fault both times. The first time, it was because she didn’t hear his snapping fingers when he got around to wanting her. She should have been paying attention, but Raven had the TV on and Sue-Eye was sitting next to her, trying to watch
The Simpsons
through a storm of static. She noticed all right when he shoved his chair back and came for her, but by then it was too late. He had her by the throat in an instant and punched her in the gut once and the kidneys twice, pow pow, left and right, leaving her in a spreading pool of piss and pain, scarcely able to breathe, much less scream. And then she’d had to fuck him, both hands clapped tight over her mouth, shrieking with each thrust (and she’d cum that time, cum in spite of the pain or because of it), tears coating her face. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d cried in front of someone, although she remembered it was Dawg who’d done it to her so it couldn’t have been all that long ago.

The other time he’d hit her had been even more her fault. Hot and tired, her kidneys still throbbing like cancer, she’d been trying to choke down a bottle of water and Raven had asked, politely enough, if Sue-Eye would bring her one. “Get it yourself, bitch,” popped right out, and she’d had just enough time for horror as she realized what she’d said, not enough even to begin apologizing, when Kane was at her. The back of his hand connected with her mouth, splitting her lips and filling her throat with blood. She fell, but he caught her by the hair before she could hit the floor, yanking her up and slapping her twice more with dizzying speed.

She’d started to wail her sorrys then, all right, and he’d put a claw to her windpipe and snarled, “All I have to do is push a little, human, and you will never make another sound again. Watch your fucking words.”

But other than that, he was okay. He didn’t hit her for the fun of it. He didn’t hit her just because he was hot and pissed off, which he very clearly was. When he fucked her, he didn’t need to knock her around to get it up, although he was rough and didn’t hesitate to shove her off him when he was done. He was no Prince Charming, but he was no Dawg either.

And when he slept, he wanted her beside him. Her, not Raven. That had to count for something.

Above her, alone in the bed, Raven suddenly whimpered. Sue-Eye felt Kane tense up at once and she knew he was awake. When the bitch got up a minute later, he propped himself up on his elbow to watch her go. The bathroom door shut, but Kane stayed motionless, watchful in the dark.

“Want me to check on her?” Sue-Eye asked.

Kane growled, just like any big dog looking for a reason to bite. He didn’t even glance her way. Sue-Eye made herself be quiet.

Raven reappeared, one hand at her belly, and headed for bed. She stopped when she saw Kane staring at her. She smiled, but the effect was a trifle sickly. “I’m okay,” she said. “It’s normal.”

Kane lay back down, his claws flexing irregularly on Sue-Eye’s belly. He remained tense as Raven climbed back between the sheets and settled herself.

After a long stretch of heavy silence spent listening to him listen to Raven, Sue-Eye said, “What is it you like about her?”

He didn’t answer at first, but she knew he wasn’t sleeping. She didn’t intend to ask again and earn herself a smack, so she rolled onto her side and tried to be content.

Kane’s claws curled inward just a little. “Why?” he asked.

“I want to know what to do,” she said. “If I knew what you liked, I could be the same way.”

He grunted and thought that over for a while. He said, “I like her hair.”

She’d been expecting something more physical, like, ‘I like the way she sucks cock,’ or behavioral, like, ‘She knows when to shut up and when to fuck me.’ She’d never have imagined it was something as mundane as her hair.

“She dyes it, you know,” she said.

She thought she might have heard a hitch in Raven’s steady, sleeping breaths, but Kane’s slow rise onto his elbow masked the sound too much to be sure. He stared down at her, his eyes just a glitter in the dark mask of his face.

“What did you say?” he asked flatly.

“She dyes—” Maybe it was the word he didn’t know. “She colors it. It doesn’t grow in purple and white like that. She colors it.”

“That,” he said, his voice very calm and quiet, “is what I thought you meant. And now I’m curious. Why did you say it?”

“I just…” This wasn’t going well, she could sense it. Her whole body was tingling with alarms it sensed but she could not see. “I just thought you should know.”


“Because it’s going to grow in different someday. You don’t seem to like surprises.”

She saw his head tilt.

“Are you actually going to lie there looking me in the face and tell me you did it for my sake?” he asked, enunciating very clearly.

This was going very badly. “No,” she said, thinking fast. “For hers.”

A long silence met that reply.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because you hit me today,” she told him.

“I’m going to hit you again if you keep lying to me.”

“You said you liked her hair. She colors her hair. I thought if you found out the hard way, you’d hurt her.”

He stared at her, faceless in the dark room, and finally shook his head and lay back down. “I know she colors her hair,” he said, drawing her a little closer against him. “I knew it the instant I saw her pussy hair wasn’t purple. You color your hair, too. Funny, you forgot to mention that.”

“You didn’t say you liked my hair or I would have.”

“You just keep lying to me and see what happens.”

It was probably a good idea to stop there. She’d averted disaster, but she had the lingering feeling that it had been a narrow thing. Still, she could not resist the urge to try and make up for lost ground. “Do you want me to color mine like hers?” she asked.

“I don’t care if you cut it all off and paint your whole head,” he replied. His hand slipped down over her stomach to squeeze her between her thighs. “This is what I care about, and even about that I don’t care too fucking much.”

“I want to make you happy.”

“Then shut up and let me sleep.”

Sue-Eye lay quiet, her heart pounding and heat in her face. His hand relaxed, but stayed where it was. His fingers were callused, rough against her newly-shaven skin. She could feel one claw pricking at her thigh.

Kane growled out a breath and moved his mouth a little closer to her ear. “Did you ever fuck your dead commander?” he asked, his breath tickling her hair. He sounded as if he were smiling.

Dawg, he meant. “Yes.”

“Did you cum for him?”

“No.” For Johnny Lobo, yes. In the beginning. When she thought he loved her. But not for Dawg, not for any of the Pack.

“You did for me. Twice. I could smell it.”

He was definitely smiling, and it wasn’t the pride of accomplishment that inspired him. Sue-Eye could feel the teeth of the trap, but she still didn’t know which leg to gnaw free. “Yes,” she said simply.

The hand between her thighs wedged in deeper, parting her. And she, God help her, felt that electric jump as the claw that had pulled Dawg’s skull open now slipped up inside her.

“I find that…suspicious.” Kane stroked slowly, perhaps just to feel the smoothness of her shaved sex. Every so often, his thick finger would penetrate her again, as though testing her rising temperature. She could feel his groin at her ass, still relaxed and unaroused, but his voice was teasing. “Flattering, but suspicious.”

She hummed, rocking her hips slightly with his movements. She was starting to tingle, just a little. The pain in her sides was excruciating; it would not allow her to feel true pleasure, but what there was was just enough to make her wish he’d keep doing what he was doing.

He moved over her, pressing his mouth right against her ear, and breathed, “I don’t like you, human.” His hand rubbed slowly, deliciously, at her below. The muscles of his arm flexed and uncoiled as he moved, exactly in time with the rise and fall of his breath. “And I don’t trust you. I don’t want you here and I know my Raven doesn’t want you here, either. But this, now, this is interesting.”

He took his hand from her pussy and waved it before her face, letting her smell the faint odor of herself, her arousal.

“This almost makes me think you mean it. But then, I had you five times today and you only came twice. I must not excite you after all.”

“Try me,” she said.

“Oh, I could make you scream all right.” His hand went unerringly to her side and pushed, startling a hoarse cry out of her and waking that dull pain to new heights. “I could do that just by getting on top of you. If I wanted to. I don’t have to ask if you want me to.” He nudged her in the other side, nuzzling at her throat as he did so, and brought her to an even keel of agony. “When I did this to you and then fucked you, you came,
. You came
.” He chuckled and then snuggled down for sleep, his hand coming to rest against at her waist, his game done for the night.

Sue-Eye concentrated on taking even breaths, letting tears of pain well and fall without restriction. She hated him. It didn’t stop her from wanting him. If anything, it made that sick lust even brighter. And she hated him for that, too.

“I’ll tell you what I want,” he said drowsily. “I want this fucking heat to end. Can you do that for me,


“Too bad. I’ll have to keep fucking you, then. And you’d better hope I excite you more tomorrow than I did today.” He rubbed her belly briefly and then dug at her with his claws. “Because I’m likely to get my feelings hurt if I don’t.”























Chapter Twenty


agen sat on the edge of his bed and watched shadows dance on his wall. It was finally morning, and although it was stuffy and unpleasant, he thought it might be just cool enough that he would escape Heat, or at least, avoid it until much later in the day.

The device Daria had procured for him waited by his hip. It had been an embarrassment to use, but he would be a liar to say it had not been helpful. It had done the work of many hours in only one, and it had not chafed or wearied his arm. All the same, he could not look at it. He intended to take it back with him to Jota. It was a damned useful item, and doubly amazing for the fact that humans had come up with the design without Heat to inspire them. So he would keep it, but he could not help the sting to his pride that he had used it at all.

His thoughts had a way of moving back to the shop where Daria had taken him. A sexplay supply shop, easily and immediately recognizable despite the disparity of their two races. Porn, as it was called here. Such a small word, so dismissive. And yet, such a vast world it encompassed. He could not get over seeing that great wall of synthetic phalli. The sizes. The colors. The shapes. There had been
, for the gods’ sakes, and this on a world where any human could easily find a mate merely by asking.

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