Heart's Lair (31 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Morgan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: Heart's Lair
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"Necator's been here," he growled, his anger bursting forth. "The spoor is weak, many sols old, but he was here with a contingent of Bellatorians. The group . . . the group of Agricans that the Guide sent over the cliff . . . They must have been Devra's village."


Karic seemed like a man possessed after his discovery. They passed through the deathly silent village and into the forest without a backward glance, forging ever onward toward Primasedesand revenge. Liane felt Karic's rage futilely beating against the iron discipline of his will. She sensed his fear that, despite the killing pace, they might yet arrive too late.

Morigan could be dead or, even worse, reprogramed into Necator's mindless slave. The Lord Commander might know the location of the secret lair and be sending troops to destroy it. And this might well be the last nocte of their lives.

The realization filled Liane with despair. The odds against them were so great, and so much was at risk if they failed. Yet what other choice had they but to journey on, to find someway through all the pitfalls and perils? Indeed, since that first sol of their meeting Liane realized her path, as surely as Karic's, led to this very moment, but she wouldn't trade it for a secundae, not to have Karic at her side. She clutched that thought to her in the darkness of the nocte, her hand clasped in his as he led her where her less acute vision could not go.

Horas passed in relentless jogging. In the bleakness of a cloudy solrise, Liane's legs at last could carry her no further. ''KKaric," she gasped, nearly sobbing from exhaustion. "Pplease, I can't go on!"

Barely breaking stride he swung her up into his arms, then moved on. Liane held on to him tightly, struggling for breath. She fought back the tears as the fear, weariness and utter futility of their quest suddenly rose to overwhelm her. In the graying light the great forest loomed before her, a hideous, tangled morass of vegetation. Liane shivered. A fearful premonition filled her with a sense of death, its chilling tendrils snaking about her heart as inexorably as the fingers of the low-lying mist that wound its way through the trees.

It seemed a horrible dream, this gloomy, terror-shrouded woodsa horrible dream like the haunting specter of Karic, lying dead in Primasedes. For a time Liane clung to the warm, muscular strength that was her love, her only reality in a desperately unreal world. The steady beat of his powerful heart and the even rhythm of his breath gradually soothed her. The only moment was now, she realized. She must extract all its bittersweetness to sustain her for what was to come. She was loved. In the end, that was all that mattered.

They reached Liane's hut by solset. The groups of Cat Men who'd taken alternate routes were already there. Twilight darkened the forest. As the rest of the men assembled for a meeting, Karic took Liane aside.

"Will you prepare us a meal while I talk with the men?" Karic asked. "Afterwards we'll take a few hora's rest, then enter Primasedes near mid nocte. Our chances are greater of taking them by surprise when the fortress is asleep."

"That is probably wisest," Liane agreed. "And if you first send me ahead, to test the alarms"


Her head jerked up in surprise. "What are you saying? You know it's safer if I"

"You're not going with us into Primasedes, Liane. I won't have you endangered."

The flatness of his reply said it all. She girded herself for the battle to come. "You risk everything in your foolish attempt to protect me, and if you fail in this quest, I am dead all the same."

Karic stiffened. "Nonetheless, it's my decision. When you accepted our laws you agreed to obey our ruler. Until my father's rescue, I am Lord of my people. You will obey me in this, Liane."

"But you can't go on trying to protect me."

"I won't be able to do what must be done," Karic harshly cut in, "if I'm constantly worrying about your safety. Once we enter Primasedes, my mind must be totally involved with each situation that confronts me, and I won't be able to do that if I'm thinking about you or trying to protect you. I'm sorry if that seems high-handed and overbearing, but it's the truth of it. I can't overcome the part of me that's a Cat Man with my instinctive urge to protect my mate. Even if I wanted to, it's beyond my control."

"And I say those instinctive urges will be the death of you yet," she angrily muttered. "You never meant to let me enter Primasedes, did you?"

"No, I didn't."

Liane knew it was futile to argue further. Karic would never grant her permission. She'd just have to take matters into her own hands, and as her frustration ebbed, an idea insinuated itself into her mind. If her cache of herbs were still there, hidden beneath the secret panel in her hut . . .

She sighed in apparent defeat. "Have it your way then, you stubborn male," she grumbled. "What
you have me do to aid in this quest?"

The merest hint of a smile teased the corner of Karic's mouth. "Tell me everything you can of Primasedes beginning with the alarm system. Where are the main controls located?"

For the next half hora Liane explained all the intricacies of the fortress, holding back nothing of even the smallest import. Though she'd resolved to slip into Primasedes before Karic and his men did and hopefully disable the alarm system, Liane knew she, too, could well be captured. If she failed to make it back, she wanted Karic armed with all the knowledge she possessed. It might well be the last advantage she could give him in a confrontation where all the odds were stacked against them.

She had decided to prepare a potion with her herbs, the same potion she'd given Karic to heal him of his wounds. Liane recalled that it had taken longer than usual to work upon him the last time she'd used it, but she dared not make it any stronger than before. It was enough that the potion would eventually make them sleep for three or four horas at least, but not so soundly that they'd not waken if there were intruders. It would be long enough for her to enter Primasedes and hopefully return. Karic would be angry, but there'd be nothing he could do after the fact, nothing except hurry to take advantage of what she'd accomplished.

While Karic held a meeting with the others, Liane busied herself preparing a meal. With all the Cat Men engrossed in discussion, she was easily able to find her herbs and mix a strong potion into their food.

After the meal was consumed, the men gathered to talk and relax around the dim light of several perpetual flame boxesall the men but Karic. He took Liane's hand and led her into the hut, closing the door against the forest darkness. In the flickering firelight of the little hearth, she looked up at him, puzzled.

He gazed down at her, his mouth curving into a soft, beautiful smile. "It seems so long ago, cycles even, since we last were in this hut," he began, "and there were strong emotions between us even then. I mistrusted your motives in rescuing me, and then, when you forced your healing, I was so very, very angry."

His hand moved to tenderly stroke the delicate curve of her face. "But all the while, I wanted you, ached and hungered for you."

Memories flooded Liane of the sweet beginnings of their love, of Karic, proud and brave and oh, so compelling. Faint color flushed her high cheek-bones, and her lips trembled into a smile.

"And I, too, was angry with you and feared you. But all the while, I burned for you though I knew I shouldn't, that the sacrifice was too great."

"Do you regret it?" Karic scrutinized her, his voice betrayingly husky. "Now, after all that has happened? Now, when we stand here, quite possibly on the last nocte of our lives?"

Glistening blue pools stared up at him. "No, never, my love," Liane achingly whispered. "I regret nothing, except perhaps that I fought you so long and hurt you. I am glad I became your mate."

"As am I, sweet femina." He paused, frowning. "I would not have our love be your destruction, though. This battle with Necator was inevitable for me, but you were dragged into it unawares."

"And I say you are mistaken," Liane ardently countered. "I knew from the start what the consequences were, from that moment I rescued you in the forest."

"It isn't your battle." Karic gripped her arms so tightly Liane winced from the pain. "Do you understand me?"

"Karic. Please. Don't deny me"

"If I don't return," he ground out the words, ignoring her pleas, "you're not to come after me. I'm leaving Arlen, Kalina's brother, behind to guard you. If we fail in Primasedes he has orders to take you to Lyrae. You wanted to go there once to begin a new life. With some luck, Necator may never find you."

"There'll be no spot on this planet safe from Necator if you fail," Liane bitterly muttered. "I'd rather die with you."

"Well, I don't want you to die, whether I survive or not." Karic tenderly cupped her chin in his large, calloused palm. "I need to go to battle knowing you're safe, Liane, that something good will still remain, no matter what happens. I must have that hope, when all hope seems gone."

His hand fell from her face to trail down her neck and between her breasts to her softly rounded belly.

"Even now there is life within you, a child,
child, and therein lies my hope, the hope of our people. The children are our future. They will continue the war until we finally drive Bellator from our planet. Do you understand now why your safety is so important to me?"

"You can't know I'm with child," Liane protested. "It's too soon."

Karic bent and brushed his lips across Liane's. His breath, when he finally spoke, wafted over her in a warm, sensuous cloud. She felt herself grow hot, then cold, realizing he had knowledge he had heretofore not shared.

"You were always so sensitive, so in tune with my heart and body," Karic murmured, his voice deepening to a hoarse, aching whisper. "You were so in tune that, like the Cat Women of our lair, your womb was ripe that nocte of the Mating Festival. Believe me, sweet femina, you carry our child."

Liane's eyes widened. Surprise, then a curious, soaring sense of joy flooded her. To bear Karic's child . . . ! The realization roiled through her, bubbling up to overflow in her eyes and voice.

With a soft cry, she flung herself into his arms. "Oh, Karic, I am so glad. There's nothing I want more than to bear your child."

His powerful arms encircled her, pulling her tightly to him. Relief threaded his voice. "I was afraid you'd be angry," he hurried to explain, "and accuse me of once again manipulating you to suit my needs. But I swear, Liane, it was nothing anyone could control. It just happens when a male and female are meant to be" "Hush, my love." Liane pressed a gentle finger to his lips. "You have given me a wonderful gift, the consummation of our love. How could I possibly be angry with you?"

A sweetly seductive smile curved her mouth. Her fingers entwined in his gold-streaked mane. "And do your customs preclude further mating, once you've filled me with your child?"

Karic grinned. "Most assuredly not. Is that an invitation?"

The deep, throaty tenor of his voice rasped pleasantly down Liane's spine, filling her with heady anticipation. Then the corner of her vision careened off the large stone bowl on the table, the bowl she'd used to mix the herbal potion. Reality harshly wrenched her back.

She leaned against the hard clasp of his arms. "You must be exhausted. You've not slept in nearly two sols and must soon enter Primasedes. You need to rest."

"I'm still man enough to love you first," Karic growled, pulling her back to him. "And I will rest all the better for it."

His head lowered, his mouth meeting hers. He played ever so softly with her, gently easing his tongue between her parted lips. With a low moan Liane arched against him, her hands moving wildly over his thick chest muscles. She felt his manhood swell.

With swift, knowing fingers, she unlaced his loincloth and slipped it from him. Her gaze slid down his bronzed, naked body. A hot, searing need rioted through her. Liane stepped back, gently pushing Karic's arms from her.

He stood there, rigid, a thin sheen of moisture glistening on his brow and muscled torso, stood there and watched with burning, hungry eyes as she removed her tunic and breeches. For a long moment Liane paused before him, magnificently, proudly naked, her ebony hair a riotous tumble about her shoulders, her skin gleaming golden in the agitated firelight.

Then, with a low cry, she came to him, clasping his back and grabbing his taut buttocks. Karic's mouth slanted over hers, hot, insistent, frantic. Then he tensed and jerked away.

"Liane," he groaned, throwing back his head in frustration.

She stared up at him. "What is it? What's wrong, Karic?"

"II wanted this to be gentle, tender, slow, but I'm already almost out of control."

"But I don't want it gentle," she whispered, pressing her body back to rub seductively against him. "I want it hard and savage and wild. I want you to take me so deep and rough that I'll never, ever forget this nocte nor the love we have for each other.

"For you see, my love," Liane continued in a tear-choked voice, "when it comes to you I'm not quite so civilized anymore. II'm as much an animal as you."

A tender look crossed Karic's face. "Sweet femina, you don't have to say that. It doesn't matter anymore."

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