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Authors: Kelly McCrady

Hearts in Bloom (7 page)

BOOK: Hearts in Bloom
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Also Available From Kelly McCrady~~

Just in time for Christmas, Cicely
Navros has been laid off. She endures a colossally awful day involving a temp agency and the horrors of chintz, a day ending in a soggy walk to the mini-mart for eggs -- where she literally runs into Adonis! Whet your appetite for Greek cuisine and satisfy your craving to leave the Christmas lights up all year in this sweet tale of hope and desire.

Austin Li,
Kenpo Karate instructor and first-degree black belt, is everybody's favorite. Gregarious and talented, he’s as popular with adult students as with the kids he teaches. After a hot day at the karate school’s annual picnic, shy nurse April Martin is anxious to get him alone. If she risks rejection and wrestles Austin to the mat, will she be defeated by disappointment or stand victorious in love?

LEAH INDASELY, daughter of the First House, expects to wed an old friend of equal rank. Instead, the king makes her a decoy to find an insurgent out to stage a coup, and arranges Leah’s cover—marriage to an aloof army captain. Leah plans to return home when her assignment is finished, the marriage annulled.
  Driven by desire to earn status, not have it handed to him, JEREN VASSAL reluctantly joins his high-born bride at the altar, knowing marriage is necessary to his new commission. Yet Leah, full of grace and intelligence, sparks thoughts of home and family, a life beyond that of a soldier.
Now an old enemy threatens to rise again. Questions of loyalty force Leah and Jeren to unite, to find a solution to the disappearance of the realm’s dragons, and pacify a vengeful neighboring culture. First they must find the source of unrest inside their kingdom, and despite offering their honor on false pretense, they begin an unexpected slide toward love.

Coming Soon

Canyon Hearts (Echo Falls, Texas Cop Series) with Patti Ann Colt


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Published By KLG Press

Hearts in Bloom

Kindle Edition

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Hearts in Bloom

COPYRIGHT © 2013 by Kelly

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or KLG Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Cover Art by Patti Fredericksen Colt

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KLG Press

704 Canyon Creek Trail

Fort Worth, TX 76112

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Publishing History

KLG Press

First Edition, February 2013

BOOK: Hearts in Bloom
7.58Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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