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Authors: Kasey Martin

Heart's Desires (12 page)

BOOK: Heart's Desires
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Across town, Agent Chase Johnson sat in the bar at the upscale hotel. She had the outward appearance of being relaxed; her ebony mane that she usually wore in a severe neat ponytail was now hanging down in soft loose waves that reached almost to her shoulders.  Her tidy, dark suit was replaced with a pair of snug fitting jeans and a loose red t-shirt that complemented her dark chocolate complexion.  She wasn’t relaxed though.  She was anything but relaxed because in her head she kept going over the day’s events.

              It had been a long day of debriefing with Mike and the guys at J.C. Inc., and after her meeting she did some investigating into Lorenzo Moretti’s background. Chase found out that Moretti hadn’t had any contact with Angeletti in over a decade. She also realized that his uncle was none other than Sal Angeletti, and Sal was also Tommy Angeletti’s father. 

              Salvador Angeletti was a known mobster, but just like his son, had never been arrested for anything other than misdemeanors. When it came to getting arrested for anything that would stick, these men were slippery sons of bitches. Some underling was always there to take the fall for the major crimes that were committed, and they never snitched.  They either clammed up, or they mysteriously died.

Chase left the bar and went to her room to go over her files and pictures of the Angeletti family. She had surveillance pictures of all three men. They didn’t look much alike except for the startling ocean blue eyes that they all shared. She concentrated on their faces, and noticed that two of the men had hardened eyes; the shadow of danger and hollowness swam in their aquamarine depths.  But one photo, Lorenzo Moretti’s, not only had that danger, but also held a hint of sadness. 

              A strange sense of longing came over Chase as she stared at the handsome features of this stranger.  She knew he had to be a criminal of some kind, maybe even a murderer. However, she just couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow that they were kindred spirits.  It was a silly notion for a federal agent to have, especially about someone who was at the very least, affiliated with the mob. Chase decided she was thinking too much about this man and decided to leave her hotel room and return to the bar.

              As Chase sat sipping her drink, lost in thought, she suddenly heard a deep silky baritone voice.

              “Excuse me, is this seat taken?”  The man asked her with a twinkle in his eyes.

              Chase looked up into his familiar handsome face. His jaw line was strong and covered by a hint of a five o’clock shadow. His light brown hair was cut short but it complemented his high cheek bones, and the familiar ocean blue eyes that she had just spent the last hour trying to forget.

              Chase’s mouth dropped.  It was as though he was conjured up straight out of her thoughts, but Lorenzo Moretti was even more delicious in real life.
Shit, I’m staring.

              Chase sat up, closed her mouth slowly, and cleared her throat.  “No, help yourself.”  She was surprised that her voice came out so even because her throat was suddenly extremely dry.  She slowly sipped her pineapple vodka, and tried to gather her bearings.

              Lorenzo sat down beside her, his piercing blue eyes perusing her body as if he was admiring a fine work of art.

              She looked familiar to Lorenzo, but he was sure if he’d ever crossed paths with this ebony goddess, he would have definitely remembered her. He was about to ask her if he knew her from somewhere when he stopped himself from saying what sounded like a cheesy pick up line, but he couldn’t shake the feeling.

              Lorenzo continued his perusal, not even trying to hide his obvious attraction.  He admired her soft feminine features, her soft pouty lips and round shaped brown eyes that held what looked like... shock.

              Lorenzo quirked a brow. Maybe he did know her, or at least, had seen her before.

              “Are you from around here because you look awfully familiar?”  Lorenzo was looking deep into her soft brown eyes.

              She hesitated and then smiled. “No, I’m new in town, hence the hotel.”  Chase smirked.

              Lorenzo chuckled.  “Sorry, that sounded like the line I was trying to avoid saying, but I promise I’m usually much smoother and more charming than that.”  Lorenzo winked at her as he turned to flag down the bartender to order a drink.

              The beautiful woman seemed to relax some, so Lorenzo continued.  “So are you just visiting?  Wait… I apologize, I’m being rude. Here I am lighting you up with questions and I haven’t even asked you your name.”  He held out his large hand.  “I’m Lorenzo.”

              She extended her small, delicate hand in return, and he clasped it in his.  As soon as their hands touched, it ignited an unexplainable zap between them. Chase’s eyes flew to Lorenzo’s, asking without words if he’d felt it too. The expression in his bright blue orbs told her he did.  She quickly snatched her hand away.

              “Uh…”  She chuckled nervously.

              Lorenzo felt robbed of the electric feeling when she pulled her hand away from his. Her expressive brown eyes told him she felt something when they touched.  He didn’t even know what to think of this woman. She just looked so anxious, he would’ve said just about anything to take the panic from her big brown eyes.

              Chase smiled at him nervously before she spoke. “So…”

              “So I never got your na—”  Lorenzo and Chase both started speaking at the same time, but his words died off when a man Chase had never before seen in any of the surveillance photos, approached them at the bar.  He was tall with long brown hair that was slicked back from his face.  He was wearing an expensive suit that must’ve been tailor made, because it fit his lean muscular body to perfection. His eyes were a golden brown, almost like honey, and his smile lit up his entire face as he approached them.

              Chase sat up. 
Now who is this?  How am I supposed to concentrate with these two in such close proximity?  I need to be alert, just in case some shit is about to go down.

Chase slid her drink away and took note of her surroundings. She slowly licked her lips and leaned in, trying to focus on the two handsome men in front of her.

              Lorenzo didn’t miss the slow movement of her pink tongue over her smooth pouty bottom lip. He wanted to take that bottom lip and bite it, to hear the sound she would make.  He wondered if it would be a husky tone like her voice.

              “Hey, Lorenzo, nice to see you,” the man said, shaking Lorenzo’s hand and interrupting his dirty musings.

              Lorenzo stood, shaking the man’s hand in return.  “Justin, nice to see you.”

              As the two men exchanged pleasantries, Chase decided it would probably be a good idea to try to listen to as much of the conversation as she could. She needed to find out if this new guy had anything to do with her case. As they talked, she listened intently as she quietly got the bartender’s attention and settled her bill.  She didn’t want anything to interrupt her eavesdropping. 

              As she finished signing the bill, she noticed the conversation had suddenly gone quiet.  She turned to see two sets of heated gazes on her. Chase wasn’t used to men looking at her in this manner. She was always working, and at the Bureau you had to blend in and be one of the boys. She had been working as an agent since she was twenty-two years old, and now at thirty-six, it was the only job she had ever had.

              Chase looked between the two of them.  Justin was the first to speak. 

“Hello there, beautiful.  Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”  He smiled a wicked smile at her, and her ebony hue turned a slight red as she blushed. If she wanted to get close to Moretti, this was her chance, and she might as well play the sexy woman at the bar.

              Chase giggled, playing the part.  “Hi, handsome, I’m Chase.  And you are?”  She reached out to shake Justin’s hand, subtlety batting her lashes.

              Justin smiled wide and started moving in closer before Lorenzo interrupted.  He looked at their joined hands with a scowl on his beautiful face.  “He’s married, Chase. We have a meeting to attend, Russo, so let’s go.”  Lorenzo was still scowling at Justin and Chase.

              Justin smirked and Chase arched her eyebrow at Lorenzo’s sudden hostility.  “Well, all right guys.  It was nice meeting you both… I guess.”  Chase replied as she slid off the stool and turned to walk away from the two.

              “Chase, wait.”  Lorenzo called after her before she could reach the exit of the swanky hotel bar.  “I didn’t mean to be rude.  First impressions must have you thinking I’m a real asshole.”

              Chase smirked.  “Yeah, well I’m just a stranger in a bar.  No need to impress me, right?”

              “No, no that’s not right.  I just… I apologize for my rudeness.  I’m not usually like this.  I have a lot on my mind.”  Lorenzo ran his hands ruffling his hair, and shaking his head in frustration.  He had no idea why he was so compelled to explain anything to this woman.  He didn’t even know her last name.

              “It’s really okay, Lorenzo.  We’re strangers after all, and it’s not a big deal really.”  Chase closed the distance between them, and placed her small hand on his lapel.  She raised her brown eyes slowly and seductively to peer into his blue ones.  “There’s no need for apologies,” Chase said breathlessly.  She didn’t have to pretend to be breathless, although she was merely trying to get close to Moretti for the sake of her case.  He was a man that was hard to ignore.

              Lorenzo looked deep into her beautiful, soulful brown eyes, and slowly caressed her hand that was holding his lapel.  “Of course I need to apologize.  My mother raised me right.  As a matter of fact, let me take you out to make it up to you.  Here’s my contact info.  Call me when you get a chance.”  He reached into his jacket with the hand not caressing her soft skin.  He smiled lazily at her as he handed her the card and kissed her knuckles.  His eyes never left hers.

              Chase smiled brightly.  She couldn’t believe that her horrible attempt at seduction had actually worked.  Now she would need to get her backstory together so that she could go undercover as Lorenzo Moretti’s girl.


              Both Lorenzo and Justin watched as Chase left the bar.  The sway of her hips mesmerized both men.

              “Hmmm, I would love to have a taste of that chocolate.”  Justin whistled, watching Chase’s ass.

              Lorenzo looked at the man as if he could kill him with his bare hands.  He didn’t understand the need to be so aggressive when it came to this woman.  He had just met her and he still didn’t know her last name, but he just couldn’t help himself.  “I shouldn’t have to remind you that you’re a married man, Russo.”

              Justin’s brows raised at his last name.  “Why the hostility, man?  Besides, I just have to keep the missus in diamonds and Gucci and she could give a shit what I do.”

              Lorenzo didn’t care what Justin Russo did either, as long as it wasn’t with Chase.  She wasn’t his usual type of blonde hair, fake boobs anyway.

              Confirming his thoughts Justin added, “She’s not my normal flavor, but I could always switch it up.  Keeps things interesting.”  Justin chuckled to himself, not knowing the growing anger he was causing in Lorenzo.

              Lorenzo took a deep breath.  He didn’t have time for this shit.  He’d come here for a reason.  The two men were shown to a private section of the bar before they started their much needed conversation.

              “So has Tommy been to see you yet?”  Lorenzo questioned, getting straight to the point.

              “Yes, why?”  Justin asked hesitantly.  Suddenly, all of his bravado was gone.

              “What did he want?  Why is he here in Dallas of all places?”  Lorenzo leaned in, looking at Justin closely, trying to gauge his reaction.

              “You know I don’t discuss ‘family’ business in public.  If I would’ve known this is what you wanted to talk about, we could’ve gone someplace secure.”  Justin avoided the questions, but he never broke eye contact with Lorenzo.

              Lorenzo knew that Justin was hiding something, but decided Justin was right.  He didn’t know if this place was secure or not, so this conversation would have to take place at another time.  He should’ve told Russo that they needed to meet in a secure location before he’d agree to meet him here, but he didn’t want to give the weasel any clue as to what he wanted to talk about.

              But Lorenzo got what he came for anyway: Russo had met with Tommy.  So he had to be working with Tommy if he came to see him.  Lorenzo knew that Justin was a snake and, like Tommy, he wanted money fast and at whatever cost.

              He decided that Justin was, without a doubt, someone to watch.  He never trusted him in the first place, but he was one of the few “family” members in Texas that he occasionally had contact with.  And Russo would absolutely know why Tommy was in town.  Lorenzo just had to get the information before Tommy did something stupid.





              Over the next few weeks, Charlie spent her time packing up and getting things ready to move into her new condo.  When her official move in date finally arrived, she was ready to go and giddy as can be at her new place.  The closing on her new home took longer than she initially thought, but she was glad she waited. 

              “I love this place, Jake!  Thank you so much for helping me move in!”  Charlie exclaimed happily as she showered his face with kisses.

              “I’m just glad you love it, honey.”  Jake chuckled, pulling her in for a real kiss.

              She moaned into his mouth and he growled, slipping his large hands from her waist to grab her round ass.

              “Whoa, big boy, we have stuff to do, and you know if we finish this,” Charlie motioned toward Jake’s growing erection, “then we will never get my condo set up.  And I don’t want to be late meeting Korri and Tony for drinks.”

              Jake groaned and tried to pull her back into his embrace, but she wiggled away laughing.  “You know you don’t have to unpack everything in one day, right?”  Jake questioned still, trying to grab at Charlie’s ass.

              She smacked his hands away.  “Says the guy with hardly any furniture in his place.”

              “I have what I need.” Jake smirked.

              “Yeah, well I guess I have a lot more… needs,” Charlie replied with amusement dancing in the depths of her hazel orbs.

              “Hmmm.  I don’t want you ‘needy,’ Heart.  How about I satisfy some of your needs?”  Jake stalked toward her with lust twinkling in his emerald green eyes and the smirk still gracing his attractive features.

, Bear.”  Charlie put her hands up to fend off Jake’s advances.  “We were invited out to celebrate, and I don’t want to be one of those couples who are so wrapped up in each other that we alienate everyone else.”  Charlie continued backing away, trying to put space between them because she didn’t know if she could resist him if he touched her.

              “All right.”  Jake conceded.  “But tonight… you’re all mine!”  Jake had mischief written all over his handsome face.

              Charlie simply giggled.  “Promise?”

              “Don’t play with me, Heart. You know I don’t say shit I don’t mean.  No running, you’re going to take… Every. Single. Inch.”  Jake looked her dead in the eye to convey his seriousness, and then he smiled his big, dimpled, panty melting smile.

              Charlie shivered. 
Well damn! 
She thought, but she didn’t dare speak for fear her voice would betray how needy she truly was.

              Jake slowly looked her up and down licking his pink, succulent lips as he appreciated every one of her luscious curves.  “All right, let’s get finished so we can get ready.”


              Later that night, Jake and Charlie were set to meet up with Korri, Tony, and Brandon at Premier.  At first, Jake wasn’t too excited about going to Premier for a couple of reasons: one, because he really didn’t do clubs, and two, if Lorenzo tried to pull the same bullshit on Charlie as he did before, there would be more than words exchanged. Jake would give him a good ol’ Southern boy with a hint of Special Ops ass whoopin’. 

However, that wouldn’t be smart, and Jake was a smart man, so he decided that going to Premier under the premise it was a celebration, would give him a plausible excuse to observe the goings on inside the club, and its slick ass owner.  He also decided that he would invite Mike and Marcus so that he would have extra eyes watching Lorenzo.

              Charlie came out of her room in a two piece tan dress.  The top was cropped with short sleeves and a boat neck, and the skirt was knee length, and fit her like a second skin.  The outfit accentuated every luscious curve she had.  Her shoes were black and tan platforms with a stiletto heel that gave her an extra four inches on her height.  She wore her braids loose and hanging down her back.  Her makeup was flawless with a smoky eye, and a bold red matte lipstick.

              Jake stood when she entered the living room.  He was looking equally delicious with his dark wash jeans and a simple black button down shirt that stretched just right over his broad chest.  It was topped with a black leather Moto jacket, and his standard combat boots.  His hair was slicked back from his face and his beard was trimmed and shaped. It made his sparkling green eyes stand out that much more, and his scent was doing a number on Charlie’s libido.  The cologne he wore was woodsy with a bit of spice; he smelled like a man.

              They were gazing at each other with desired filled eyes before Jake broke the trance.  “You look scrumptious, baby.”

              Charlie smiled shyly, and her eyes lit up.  “And you look mouthwatering.”  Charlie licked her red tinted lips hungrily.

              Jake interrupted her perusal of his sinful body when he questioned, “You ready to go, honey?”  And then he gave her a knowing smile.

              “Yeah, I’m absolutely ready.”  Charlie blushed at being caught ogling him.

              Jake leaned in and kissed her before taking her by the hand to lead her out of her condo to their waiting Uber.


              Korri and Tony were seated in the VIP section at the Premier lounge, waiting for their cousins to arrive.  This was their official coming out party, and Korri couldn’t have been more pleased.  Although the two of them had been dating for months, this was the first time they had all gotten together as a group.  Korri just wanted her cousin to be happy, and she was super excited that it was with Jake.

              They were ordering drinks when Brandon strolled in with Jake and Charlie in tow.

              “Look who I found… together.”  Brandon smiled, his eyes wide as though he had caught them doing something naughty.  He had yet to be filled in on the news of the new couple.

              “Uh yeah… sweet pea… that’s old news.”  Korri waved her perfectly manicured hand dismissively at her bestie.

              “Bish whet!?”  Brandon nearly screamed at Korri.  “Since when?  Are ya’ll keeping secrets from your boy?  How the hell am I supposed to be the best friend if I didn’t know that the giant over here is gettin’ it on with little miss hot pants?”  Brandon questioned Korri, his eyes wide with amusement.

              Korri laughed and Charlie rolled her eyes.  “I wear Daisy Dukes one damn time, and I’m ‘hot pants’ for the rest of my natural born life.”

              “Yeah, well those particular ‘Daisy’s’ had your dukes hanging out the bottom, and if I recall your Gran threatened to heat up your backside if you didn’t change.”  Brandon laughed as Charlie narrowed her eyes.

              “Why you gotta bring up old shit, B?”  Charlie mumbled.

They all laughed and settled into conversation, catching up on the happenings in each other’s lives when Marcus and Mike joined them at their table.  Korri and Brandon didn’t think anything of the newcomers, but Tony’s brown eyes narrowed and he looked directly at his cousin.  He knew for a fact that although these guys were friends, this was not their scene.  Neither one of them would be caught dead in a place like Premier… unless they were working.

              The ladies and Brandon excused themselves to go dance and to catch up with one another while the guys sat sipping their drinks.

              “So, you and Jake, huh?”  Brandon asked as they swayed to the beat of the music.

              “Yep.  Just look at him.”  They all turned to look at the section they’d just left, and each of them waved.   “His ass is sexy as hell!”  Charlie fanned herself and smiled wide.

              “Hell yeah, he is!  I mean, our whole section is getting the eye from these thirsty ass females in here,” Brandon commented as they all looked around.  That was when the girls both noticed that their men and friends were definitely getting a lot of attention from the females in the club.  Some tried to be discreet while others outright stared.  Korri and Charlie looked at each other giving big twin dimpled smiles, and high fived.

              Once Korri, Charlie, and Brandon were off to the dance floor, Tony took the opportunity to grill his cousin about what the hell was really going on.

“So why are we really here?  Who are you watching, Jake?”  Tony asked, looking his cousin directly in his eyes.

              Jake quirked a bushy eyebrow at his cousin and sipped his beer slowly.  “Why do you think I’m watching anyone?”

              “First of all, these two clowns,” Tony pointed at Mike and Marcus, “would never be caught in a place like this for any reason except for work.  Then it’s the fact that you didn’t drive here, and the only thing I’ve seen you sip on is that same stale ass beer you’ve been nursing all night.”

              Both Marcus and Mike chuckled as they sipped their beers as well.  Jake smirked but didn’t comment.  His cousin was a very smart man, and he would never underestimate his cousin’s observational abilities. 

“So what the hell are you working on, and do I need to get Korri out of here?”  Tony asked between clenched teeth, looking around almost nervously.

Jake turned serious at Tony’s question.  He looked back at his cousin.  “The fuck man?  Do you honestly think I would let Korri, let alone Charlie, be here if there was any type of immediate danger around?”

              Tony let out a breath.  Although it had been nearly a year since Korri’s ordeal, he still didn’t like the thought of her being in any type of danger.  “Sorry buddy, you know I’m still a little raw with the shit that happened.”  He shook his head, seemingly to clear the horrible thoughts out of his mind.

              Jake looked at Tony, and his harsh tone softened slightly at his cousin’s obvious discomfort.  He had been there and had seen how broken up his cousin had been when Korri was kidnapped and left in a coma in the hospital.  “No need to explain, buddy.  You know that with you, me, and the guys here, there is no safer place they could be,” Jake stated, nodding his head toward the dance floor at the three friends laughing and dancing without a care in the world.

              Jake thought maybe he would throw Tony a bone so that he could relax a little.  So he decided he would tell him some of what was going on with Moretti.  He just simply left out the part where he suspected Lorenzo Moretti could possibly be working with the mob because he didn’t have the evidence to support that information yet.  He merely told him there might be some unsavory characters and unusual happenings going on around Premier, and that he needed to check it out for himself since Charlie worked there.  Tony nodded, accepting his cousin’s reason, but still looking at Jake with a hint of worry.


              Earlier in the same day, Chase had texted Mike, letting him know that she’d been in direct contact with Lorenzo Moretti.  She briefed him on what happened in the hotel bar weeks prior, and that she intended to meet up with him at his club, Premier, later that night. 

              Jake and his guys were the only backup she had at the moment; her superiors were still playing hardball with her about funding her operation until she had solid proof that Angeletti was up to no good, so she stayed in constant contact with the boys at J.C. Incorporated.  They were all too happy to help her with her undercover work.  Mike let her know that he would inform the team, and they would be in Premier to back her up.

              Mike was shocked when Jake called to invite him out to Premier for essentially the same reasons that Chase needed them to be there; to watch Lorenzo Moretti.

              Jake wanted an inside track on Moretti that didn’t have anything to do with Charlie, and Chase, who just happened to be a trained lethal federal agent, was just what the doctor ordered.










Tommy Angeletti was at his new home in Dallas.  He had been in the south for a while now, and it was time for him to start turning a bigger profit in the great state of Texas.  He had already had some small time dealings with some of the local establishments, but he needed to be more established and expand his growing empire.

              Tommy shook his head.  Lorenzo was a smart man but as smart as his cousin was, he still hadn’t figured out that he had a plant in his little business.  Lorenzo was a fool to think he could just walk away from the family without any consequences.  Nobody walked away from the Angeletti family.

              Tommy knew it was time to ramp up his dealings at Premier so he needed to make sure that his visit to Lorenzo hadn’t set off any alarms.

              “We need to meet up tonight after closing,” Tommy said into the phone.

              “I don’t think that’s wise. I think Lorenzo maybe up to something.  He’s been keeping a close watch on things, and he’s been around a lot, even though he should be at the second location getting ready for the opening,” the caller responded.

              “Yeah, well he’s a businessman.  He has to keep his eyes on his business,” Tommy replied, growing irritated.  He needed an influx of cash, and the best way to get it was to bring it in and launder it.  Although he had other places he could use, none of them made the necessary amount of cash that Premier did in such a short time span and it would definitely be noticed.  No, right now, on such short notice, he had to use Premier.

BOOK: Heart's Desires
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