Read Heart's Desire Online

Authors: T. J. Kline

Heart's Desire (23 page)

BOOK: Heart's Desire
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“I will.” The man eyed Jessie and met Nathan's gaze again. “And you remember what I said.”

Jessie was curious about the interchange but didn't want to pry, any more than she wanted Nathan to ask her what Susanne had said. Nathan moved closer and slid his arm around her waist, pulling her to his side as they waved at the departing bus. His fingers slid down to twine with hers.

“Alone at last.” She could read the wicked gleam in his eyes, as the green flecks practically glowed with heat.

She laughed, and put one hand against his chest. “Hardly. Bailey is cleaning the cabins, and the guys are in the barn. Not to mention, Aleta is coming back later tonight.”

His head dropped forward, his chin against his chest, as he sighed loudly. “And here I thought I had you all to myself.”

She laughed at his mock disappointment. “Come on, let's go get something started for these guys to eat. They're going to be raiding the kitchen if we don't feed them soon.” She shook her head at him. “Once we get them out, you can have me all to yourself.”

Nathan spun her into his arms, walking backward with her in his embrace. He tipped her chin up before pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “You have yourself a deal.”

his office door surprised Justin. He hadn't scheduled any appointments after lunch, so he could sneak in a few minutes to gather his weekly receipts for Brendon when he headed into town later in the week.

Brendon's head peered around the edge of the door. “You mind if I come in? I wanted to talk to you about Jessie.”

Speak of the devil
, Justin thought.

“Aw, man,” Justin said with a groan. “We've already had this discussion. She just wasn't interested.”

Brendon slumped into one of the chairs in front of Justin's desk and waved him off. “I know that, although I still wish she'd give me another shot.” He lifted his booted feet to the edge of Justin's desk and crossed them at the ankles. “I was wondering how much you know about this Kerrington guy. How much do you really trust him?”

Justin paused his perusal of a receipt and set it aside. “He was my roommate in college. He's one of my best friends. I trust him. Why?” Justin could feel a headache coming on and rubbed his thumb against his temple.

“I don't know. Dad didn't like him at all.” Brendon shrugged a shoulder. “I just . . . I couldn't shake this feeling there was more to him, so I looked up a few things when we left your place the other day.” He reached into his briefcase and pulled a folder out, dropping it over the pile of receipts in front of Justin. “His family has a pretty colorful record—several indictments for fraud and conspiracy. His father's got tax evasion charges against him now. Is this really the guy you want giving you business advice?”

Justin looked over the documents and printed-out newspaper stories. Nathan told him years ago that he'd never been close to his father, but one of the articles showed him at an event with his arm around his father's shoulders. They'd been out of college for years, only staying in touch by phone. It was a long time and people changed dramatically in less, but he couldn't believe that Nathan would cheat him.

“I called him, not the other way around.” Justin frowned as he pushed the folder back toward Brendon. “Just because his father's a crook, doesn't mean he's one. He's a financial analyst.”


“So, I'm sure there are much more lucrative businesses he works with, and could steal from if he wanted to, rather than a failing dude ranch. He's already worth a small fortune.”

“Justin, we both know Heart Fire Ranch is worth a boat load of cash, even struggling. Land can be pretty tempting. If he could get his hands on it . . . maybe seduce either of your sisters? I'm sure that money would go a long way toward paying his father's attorney fees. Why use his own money when he can use yours, or your sisters'? Not to mention that some of his ideas, they aren't what's best for your family.”

“Like what?”

“Well, like stopping payments to Heart Fire Industries, for one. I didn't want to hurt her, but your father wanted to set those payments up so that Jessie didn't drain all three of you dry with these horses of hers. You've seen how much of a toll they've taken on the finances in just a few months.”

Justin wanted to disprove Brendon's theory, but he couldn't get his conversation with Nathan over breakfast this morning out of his mind. He couldn't still the nagging doubts circling his mind.

Brendon's feet hit the floor as he leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “You know him better than I do. But you know what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree.” He stood up to leave. “Just keep an eye on Jessie. I'd hate to see her get hurt if this guy is using her. Who knows what he's telling her when you're working here at the clinic?”

Brendon glanced at the receipts Justin had been sorting. “Did you want me to take those with me?”

“No, I'm not finished with them.” Justin walked Brendon to the front of the office, holding open the door. “Hey, Brendon, thanks for keeping an eye out for us. It means a lot.”

“Anytime, bro. You know I've always got your back.”

Justin watched as Brendon slid into the driver's seat of his Mercedes and pulled back out onto the main highway. He didn't like the suspicion twisting in his gut, demanding answers for questions he hadn't thought to ask. How could he have just assumed Nathan was the same as he had been in college? They were both different now, older, wiser, more worldly.

The news clipping of Nathan with his father haunted Justin. They looked pretty cozy for men who didn't get along. He grabbed his keys and flipped the closed sign on the door. He wanted to get home and talk with Jessie. A little reassurance from her would go a long way to settling the unease beginning to gnaw at him.

was a chaotic fiasco filled with laughter and good-natured ribbing. Mitch and Clint acted more like twin brothers than friends. Jessie reminded herself to call Jennifer to ask about hiring them. Bailey, as was her custom, was a complete smart-ass but Jessie was beginning to wonder if there wasn't something more than friendship brewing between her and the quiet Clint. She found it difficult to imagine her cousin dating a cowboy, especially after all the years of her complaining about them.

Jessie rinsed off the last plate and slid it into the dishwasher before wiping her hands with the towel on the sink. She turned toward the table where Nathan was seated, watching her. She'd felt his eyes following her all through lunch.

Jessie felt like a fumbling idiot when she'd dropped several bottles of water out of the refrigerator and then followed them with the mayonnaise container. Nathan's knowing chuckle didn't do anything to lessen the nervous shiver of yearning that shook her, but when she met his gaze, she could read the same longing in the heated desire she saw in his eyes. She leaned back against the island, her hands at her lower back.

“Well, I'm going to head over to the clinic,” Bailey announced. “Unless you want me to stick around.” She arched a brow at her cousin, a playful smile curving her lips.

“I think we can manage. Thanks, Bailey.”

“I'll just bet you will,” she teased. Bailey headed for the back door. “Have fun!”

She'd no more closed the door when Jessie crooked a finger at Nathan.

“You think that's all it takes, woman?” he asked.

“Absolutely.” It felt good to tease him, to laugh and enjoy the new ground they were breaking on their relationship.

Nathan moved toward her, his arms wrapping around her waist, lifting her from the floor onto the island and stepping between her thighs. “This has been the longest two days ever. I can't wait to get you upstairs.”

Heat seemed to course between them, igniting an impatient demand in her. She wanted him, minus his clothing, right now. She cupped his jaw between her hands and dragged him toward her, biting his lower lip gently. “What are you waiting for?”

Nathan growled and captured her mouth, his tongue dancing with hers, sending her senses twisting in a tornado of desire. She clutched at his back, begging him to take her without words.

“What in the
?” Justin yelled from the doorway.

Jessie jerked backward in surprise, but Nathan held his hand against her cheek for another moment before turning and standing in front of her, protecting her from the full brunt of her brother's wrath.

“I told you to stay away from my sister.” Justin clenched his fists at his side, and Jessie could see the dark fury in his eyes. Why would Justin care who she dated? It was none of his business.

“It's not what you think, Justin.”

“Sure it's not. I know all about your father's trouble with the law. Is she just a pawn to help you get him out of trouble, a way to get your hands on the ranch? Some kind of publicity stunt?” His eyes flicked to Jessie's. “Or maybe she's just another notch on your bedpost?”

Nathan held his hands up as Justin approached. “I know you're upset, Justin, but I'm not after the ranch. I don't need your money.”

Jessie slid from the island and stood by Nathan. “Justin, stop.”

“Really?” he went on, ignoring her. “I had a visitor at the clinic today. He gave me a quick rundown of our financial situation, how stopping payments could ruin the rest of us, and how Heart Fire Industries was set up because my father wanted to make sure that Heart Fire Ranch and my sister's kind heart didn't drain us all into oblivion. Then I get here and find you groping her. He warned me you were going to try to use her.”

Jessie's mouth dropped open in shock at the accusation in her brother's words. “Brendon?”

Nathan clenched his jaw hard enough for the muscle in his temple to tick. “And you trust him? Over me?”

“He's not the one trying to screw my sister. He also isn't trying to fund a defense for his father against fraud charges.” Jessie looked up at Nathan in shock. “Oh, you didn't know about that, Jess? Then you probably don't know about the fact that this isn't the first time. His family has quite the record.” Justin shoved against Nathan's chest, knocking him back a step. “I thought you said you didn't talk to them. The picture I saw in the paper, the one of you and your father during his campaign last year, looked pretty chummy.”

“Is that true?” Jessie took a step away from him.

“Justin, you've always been my best friend. You have no idea what risk I'm taking to help you, what could happen if it comes out that I'm here. Why would I try to con you?”

Justin looked at Jessie. “If it's so dangerous for us, then why did you come?” Nathan's eyes dropped on Jessie. “Her?”

“Justin, stop. Please,” Jessie's voice had lost its defiant tone, leaving her sounding defeated and confused. Nathan tried to meet her gaze but she refused to look at him.

“You know, I sure as hell didn't think you'd stoop low enough to use my sister.” He looked over at Jessie and shook his head. “I have no clue who you are anymore.”

Jessie couldn't listen to any more. Her stomach was roiling, and she was going to be sick. She'd fallen for it again. Not only had she jeopardized the ranch and her siblings, but she'd made a fool of herself over this man again. She'd believed his lies again. She had to get out of here, away from the two of them. She moved toward the door.

“No, Jess,” Nathan began, turning toward her. “At least give me a chance to explain.”

She didn't want to hear anything else—no more lies, no more excuses. She didn't need one more reason to feel like more of a failure than she already did. With one hand on her stomach and the other held up, she ran from the room. But not before she saw her brother's arm cock back and heard his fist connect with flesh.

on the kitchen floor with his jaw throbbing but stinging with cold. He tried to push himself up on an elbow.

“Hang tight, Wall Street.”


She removed an ice pack from his jaw and squatted down, looking at him. “You're gonna have a helluva goose egg, and it's gonna leave a bruise.” She roughly placed it back, letting her hands dangle between her thighs. “I thought you were smart. Why in the hell would you let Justin think you were using Jess?”

Nathan, still slightly groggy, tried to remember exactly what had happened. He remembered wanting everyone to leave so he could take Jess upstairs, her kissing him—
oh, crap

How had Brendon even found out about his dad? So far, his father's lawyer had managed to keep the charges under wraps from the media. At least, that's what his father said. With politics, money talked, and lawyers weren't the most trustworthy if leaking news might get them a leg up on the opposition or some cash in their pocket.

Damn lawyers.

“Bailey, did you read my e-mail? The one from my dad?”

She tipped her head to the side. “Of course I did,” she answered unapologetically. “I wasn't going to take a chance that Jess might get hurt. Just because Justin trusted you didn't mean I—”

“Who did you tell?” he interrupted.

He saw the regret flash in her dark eyes. “It was when you first got it. I asked Uncle Trevor to check up on you. I had no idea, Nathan. I'm sorry.”

“It's not your fault Justin's jumping to conclusions. If he would've given me a chance, I could have shown him I refused to help my father.” He looked up at her from the corner of his eye, trying to see around the ice pack. “I'm not trying to con Jessie.”

She stood up and helped him to a chair. “I know that. You think I'd be helping you now if I thought you were?” She grinned at him. “I'd have kicked you while you were on the floor and helpless.”

BOOK: Heart's Desire
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