Hearts Are Wild (23 page)

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Authors: Patrice Michelle,Cheyenne McCray,Nelissa Donovan

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

BOOK: Hearts Are Wild
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As her eyes adjusted, Lily was able to take in the breathtaking beauty. Ponderosa and short leaf pine rose in columns, tufts of green spreading beneath them like an organic carpet. The stallion picked his way between the trees, then down a slight embankment studded with granite boulders. As they descended, Lily heard the distinct chime of running water. In moments they passed through a thick wall of pine and underbrush into a secluded clearing. Lily barely had a chance to take in the fact that they’d arrived at a brook before Shain slid them both off the black beast’s back and into the waving grass.


Lily’s breath left in a whoosh as she found herself upended over Shain’s stocky thigh, his knee nearly pushing her breasts completely out of her blouse.

He wouldn’t…

With her face only inches from the ground, the scent of rich loam filled her nose and Lily opened her mouth to demand Shain let her up. Instead a squeal popped out as a broad hand connected with her backside.

“What in the hell do you think you’re do—”


“Are you crazy?” screeched Lily, her ass smarting through the worn jeans, her heart up in her throat.


“Stop it,” Lily said breathlessly, wondering if she really wanted him to or not. The realization almost undid her and she cried out as his hand came down once more, this time landing on her right cheek with little force.

“Are you going to behave?” came Shain’s guttural growl above her ear, his hand tightening ever-so-slightly on her ass cheek.

“I didn’t do anything!”


“Agggh!” yelled Lily as his hand smacked her for the fourth time. And despite the discomfort, a curl of desire lanced straight to her clit. Lily bit her lower lip and began to wriggle on his knee. “Let me go, you prick!”

“Such language.”

As she tensed for another blow, Lily realized his hand hadn’t left her butt. In fact, the fingers of his hand were lightly trailing the seam of her jeans down the middle of her ass.

She held her breath.

“Girls with your looks should have more class, don’t you think?” he whispered.

Lily shuddered involuntarily as his questing fingers came to rest on the inside of her thigh directly beneath her throbbing slit. She couldn’t think. Couldn’t answer. Her mind was crowded with images of his long, thick fingers running flesh to flesh over her slick pussy, then sliding inside, finding that pulsating center and—


There was no scream this time. The gentler spank sent trills of pleasure vibrating through her and it was all she could do not to cry out in bliss. Not to beg him to yank down her jeans and do it on her bare flesh.

Lily moaned.
I’m hopeless
, she thought.
I’ve become seriously depraved in only a matter of hours…

Chapter Five


Control. He had it. She didn’t and Shain was positive he could restrain himself—until she moaned. That throaty groan arrowed straight to his already swollen cock and any thought he had of simply scaring the little bitch out of her wits then letting her find her way back to the ranch on foot fled like raccoons from a spotlight.

By God, she liked it.

As his eyes fastened on his hand covering the gentle curve of her beautiful butt, Shain knew he had to have her. Tart or not, for this moment, she would be
gorgeous piece of ass.

And he wanted nothing more than to see her ass, bare and reddened by his hand. His breath a growl in his throat, Shain lifted her with one hand and set her on her feet, facing away from him. With one arm encircling her waist, he reached around with the other and ripped open the buttons of her fly. As he pushed the jeans past her hips, he heard her gasp and Shain’s cock pressed so tight against his Levi’s he had to undo his own fly to relieve some of the pressure.

As Shain sat back down on the smooth stump, he upended Lily over his knee once more. Her pants pooled around her ankles, leaving her luscious cheeks fully exposed. Shain’s breath caught as he took in the pale perfection of her skin and the firm roundness of her slightly pinkened ass.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he heard himself say, then frowned. Shain had no intention of letting this little vixen know the effect she had on him but his brain seemed to be on vacation. He laid his hand softly onto the reddened flesh and felt her shudder at his touch. Shain slid a finger across her crack and down the roundness of her cheek stopping only a fraction away from the heat of her slit. He bent low across her back, the stimulating scent of lilies and summer blooms filling his nostrils. “So, are you going to behave now,
?” Shain allowed his finger to trace lightly around the outside of her steamy lips. “Or do I need to clip your stem?”

In response, Lily’s legs spread and her back arched, causing Shain’s hand to brush against her pussy. Heat and dampness coated his fingers and Shain hissed, his body gripped with a whip-tight tension that could be relieved only one way.

Shain lifted Lily and placed her on all fours on the grass in front of him. In moments he knelt behind her, pulling her jeans and panties all the way off. With quick hands he shed his own jeans and stifled a groan as his cock sprang free. He wanted to spread her cheeks and drive himself all the way to her core but that would be too quick. Too abrupt. A woman like this—a body like this—demanded attention. Shain wanted to taste her. Touch her. Know her, in every aspect. Possess her.

With blood pounding in his temples, Shain dropped to his knees and jerked her backward until his mouth connected with the small of her back. He laved his tongue across the flat area centered above her hips, relishing her salty taste. She was so small, his hands nearly touched on her flat abdomen where he gripped her. Controlled her.

His hold tightened. “Do you want me to taste your other places, Lily?” Shain murmured against her skin. He felt her quiver. Shain ran his tongue in a zigzag motion down one cheek, breathing warm on her exposed and glistening slit. “I didn’t hear you, Lily… Do you want to me taste you?”

“Why?” she started, her voice husky and soft and, if Shain didn’t know better, laced with insecurity. “Why are you doing this?”

Shain froze
. Why?
Wasn’t it obvious? With all of her “I dare you to fuck me” performance, he was as randy as a stallion during a rut. He was only doing what
wanted. She should be happy about it. Overjoyed and ready to please him in any way he desired.

As his gaze eased over the luscious ass in front of him and then the pink, beautifully swollen lips aching for his tongue, Shain smiled. There was no doubt that she wanted him. It was just another game she was playing. A little head trip to keep him guessing.

Well, good luck messing with
head. She wanted to play games? Shain had a few she could sink her teeth into.

“I haven’t done anything, yet, darlin’,” Shain purred against her bare flesh. With deliberate slowness, he moved his hands lower around until they slipped inside her inner thighs. With the tips of his fingers, he spread the outside of her damp lips, exposing her crimson nub to his burning gaze.

“Beautiful,” he breathed, his face even with her intimate areas, his groin throbbing with need. Unable to restrain himself, Shain dipped his mouth in for a taste. As his lips and tongue connected, he felt her buck, driving him deeper as he sampled her sweet essence. Seizing her tight, Shain controlled the depth of his thrusts by pulling her back into his ministrations, loving the feel of her bare, wet pussy slamming into his face and the sudden gasps of pleasure exploding from her tender mouth.

Sweet…so sweet…
And even with just his tongue, Shain could sense how tight she was. How perfect she would feel around his cock. How friggin’ amazing it would be to thrust into her over and over again while she begged him for more. Shain reached under her blouse and cupped a breast that had swung loose of its lacy bra. The nipple was crystal hard and, as Shain squeezed, Lily cried out and quivered against his still-twisting tongue. Shain grinned as he felt her orgasm take her and, with a guttural rumble, lapped up her creamy juices while lightly rubbing her pebbled nipple against his palm.

“Does this answer why, darlin’?” Shain said as he pulled away, his hands fastening on her hips long enough to spin her to face him.


Her deep green eyes were dark, her face flushed with passion, her pink lips parted and her breath coming fast.

She was the most beautiful thing Shain had ever seen. Anywhere. Horseflesh. Woman flesh. Land. Mountains. Nothing compared to what sat before him in that secluded glade. And he wanted her like he’d never wanted anyone or anything before.

“Fuck me,” Shain whispered, knowing intuitively that life had just flung him airborne in a rodeo ring of very pissed off, horned bulls.

* * * * *

Lily couldn’t catch her breath. Couldn’t reconcile that she was sitting bare-assed in a fantastical Montana glade facing a rough, uncultured, drop-dead gorgeous cowboy who’d just given her the most amazing orgasm of her life.

Her eyes lowered. “Oh, wow,” tumbled from her lips before she could slam them shut.
monster cowboy with the biggest cock she’d ever seen—not that she’d seen many—right in front of her. Standing at attention and so thick Lily thought maybe she was seeing things. A strange side effect from all the blood rushing from her head to other…parts.

Then his whispered words hit her. “Wh-what did you say?” she asked, her body trembling, even though it wasn’t cold. Even though beads of sweat glistened on her breasts and back.

His gaze rose and Lily was captured by its smoldering intensity. He opened his mouth but no words came out. Until—”Shit.”

She couldn’t take her eyes off his face. Incredibly, he looked…
. Pissed off. Like he had before he kidnapped her, took her to a deserted wood, whacked her butt, then… Lily’s face colored.
What is wrong with this man? Does he want me or not? What kind of game is he playing?

Lily began to cast around for her pants, embarrassment burning through her where, moments before, only passion had simmered. Scrambling to her feet, she made a beeline for the pile of clothes a few feet away. Tears burned and she scowled, forcing them away.
This mental prick isn’t getting tears out of me again.

As she grasped the faded jeans, Lily heard Nic’s voice in the back of her mind.
What are you doing, Lil? This is what you’re here for. Wasn’t it fantastic? Didn’t it feel great? Turn around. Turn around and look at him.
Lily’s lip trembled but she took a deep breath and turned, the clothes clutched in her hand.

He was standing now. Six-feet-five-inches of beautiful male glory. His thick hair curled slightly where it rested on his neck and, even though his sculpted body was crisscrossed with scars, it screamed with an electric potency that stole her breath. Her eyes flicked downward—then widened.
Oh, God
. And he was still hard. His cock stood away from his pelvis as if it had a life all its own.

Moisture flooded Lily’s already wet slit and she shuddered. Nic was right. What was she doing? She had this god of a man, rough and uncultured as he may be, in front of her. Naked. Horny. And even with an attitude, he was the finest looking man Lily had ever had the pleasure of standing naked in front of.

And regardless of what he
, his body sure as hell wanted her.

Lily dropped the clothes to the ground. There was no one here to judge her. And, by God, she wanted him. All of him.

And if he turns you down?
Lily’s green gaze narrowed and she smiled softly.
He won’t. I’ll make sure of it.

With butterflies buzzing in her stomach, she stripped off her shirt, then her bra and cupped her breasts. Forcing her eyes to meet his, she began to trace circles around her nipples, teasing the pink buds to taut attention. The grass was cool beneath her feet, the air saturated with the scent of rich soil, water and green growing things. And then there was
unique aroma. Even from a distance, it enveloped Lily’s senses, making every nerve tingle and jump.

“So,” Lily said quietly. “You just spank ‘em, lick ‘em and leave ‘em, is that it?”

His expression darkened and then, incredibly, he laughed. The deep rumble rippled through her and Lily almost let her fears get the better of her. It was amazing what kept coming out of her mouth. Things pre-Wolf Springs Lily Whitman would never
of saying.

He took an intimidating step forward. “I have to say, sweetheart, you’ve got a way about you.”

With grim determination, Lily put one foot in front of the other, bringing her inches away from Shain’s sculpted chest. The deep bronze of his skin looked warm and inviting under the bright morning sun and Lily knew she had to touch him. Feel the hard, broad length of him. As her eyes trailed his body, curiosity burned fresh. There was a freshly healed gash over his ribs. Older ones on his upper chest. More low on his hip. The telltale mark of stitches on his abdomen and on his shoulder.

“Pretty damn ugly, aren’t they?”

Shain’s harsh voice snapped her out of her dreamy perusal. She looked up into a once more hardened and closed expression. “No. Not ugly,” Lily responded and she meant it. It was strange but the scars did nothing to detract from the man’s charisma; in fact, they only added to his overall sense of magnetism. It was how he’d
all of the scars that left Lily with a healthy respect for his high tolerance for pain. “How—” Lily started. She raised a tentative hand and touched the slightly raised ridge of tissue on his ribs. His stomach muscles contracted at her touch and Lily went to pull away but Shain’s warm hand covered hers, pinning it against his body.

“No. Don’t pull away.”

His voice was a rough whisper and confusion tickled Lily’s already spinning head. “Does it still hurt?” She flattened her hand against his body, feeling the scar tissue and taut muscles underneath.

He made a sound close to a rumble and a thrill shot through Lily’s abdomen, leaving her breathless.

Be brave, Lil, go for it!

Lily took a deep breath, nodded, then slowly ran her hand over his abs. “I wouldn’t want to hurt you,” she managed to get out, her heart thumping triple time. His hips shifting slightly to give her hand more freedom. Lily paused as her fingers brushed the tight curls near the base of his erection, her eyes riveted on the rigid, thick shaft.
, but he was huge. Lily’s clit vibrated simply with the thought of what it would be like to have him inside her. Riding her…like she had ridden the mechanical bull at the bar.

Steeling her courage, she wrapped her hand fully around his length, the heat of his silken flesh warming her palm like a firebrand. She heard him suck in a breath, his entire body tightening. A chill chased its way up Lily’s spine.

He’s mine. For this moment. I’m the one in control.

The thought was incredibly titillating. Consumed with the sensation, Lily began to caress him, lightly at first, relishing the strong, yet soft feel. From base to stem, she pumped his staff with demanding strokes. The delicious, intimate act heightened Lily’s already aroused state and her juices flowed freely, wetting the inside of her thighs. Shain moaned…a deep, animal sound as his hands fastened on Lily’s shoulders.

“Darlin’, I’m going to come if you keep that up,” he said through gritted teeth.

Lily swallowed, her entire body tingling with longing. “That’s the idea, isn’t it?” As much as Lily wanted him to fuck her, she’d realized they didn’t have any condoms out in the boonies, so it wasn’t something they could do. He’d given her pleasure, she would return the favor.

Tit for tat, right?

Before she knew what was happening, her hand had been wrenched free of his pulsating shaft and Lily found herself pressed against the hard length of him, from shoulder to hip.

“Wrap your legs around me,” came Shain’s dark, demanding voice.

Lily did, her body shuddering as her pelvis met his rock-hard abs, her wetness pressing against his hot flesh. She gasped in surprise as Shain started to walk in long strides across the clearing. Lily twined her arms around the back of his neck. “What are you doing?”

He didn’t answer, instead he gave a sharp whistle. Lily heard the unmistakable sound of trotting hooves and turned her head enough to see Shain’s black beast approach from beyond the bend of the creek. What was he going to do? Stick her on the back of the horse buck naked?

The stallion came up alongside them and Lily could feel the heat simmering off the beast. With one hand holding her ass, Shain reached out with the other and wrenched open the saddlebag. Out came what looked like a towel, a small bag and something else he simply tossed onto the ground. Near the bottom of the bag, Shain smiled as he held up—

His wallet. With a wolfish grin, he flipped it open and with his teeth pulled out a small foil package.

Lily’s jaw dropped. “You…you brought a condom?” she sputtered.

“Never know when the need might arise,” Shain drawled, that canine grin still on his face.

It wasn’t until Shain spun with her and began walking back to the lush patch of grass did Lily realize what finding the condom meant.

He’s going to screw me.

Lily’s eyes half-closed as she thought about Shain’s rigid cock directly beneath her ass.
I’m doing it, Nic and Bri…I’m actually doing it.
Lily gazed up at Shain’s strong jaw and smiled.
And you two were right, it’s damn fun.

Thoughts of her cousins were swept aside as Shain gripped Lily’s butt and lifted her until they were face to face. Captivated by his smoldering gaze, Lily could only stare. So much passion. Fire. And a sense of strength that Lily had never encountered before.

“I’m going to fuck you, darlin’,” Shain said matter-of-factly. “Any problem with that?”

His brazen words should have left her angry. Ashamed. To Lily’s astonishment, they had the opposite effect. She ran her hands up either side of his corded neck and into the soft waves of his thick hair. “The only problem I have is that you’re not already inside me, cowboy.”

Lily found herself lifted above Shain’s head, her breasts even with his face, and a hot tongue clamped around a nipple. She gasped, the sensation arrowing directly to her already swollen lips.

Wrapping her hands in his hair, Lily threw back her head. Blue sky filled her vision as the sound of Shain sucking and lapping at her breasts filled her ears. His mouth was hard, demanding, his hands squeezing her ass as he held her suspended. Lily’s entire body quivered with need. Her nerves throbbed with desire.


Shain lifted his head and an eyebrow. “Please? Please what, Lily?”

Lily shifted against him, her breasts aching for his tongue.
I can’t say it
she thought.
I can’t be as blunt as he—

A warm, thick finger found her clit. He flicked the tip across her nub, then inserted it up to the first knuckle. Lily groaned and tried to lower herself onto the finger but Shain held her up. Refusing to let her impale herself. “Come on, sugar. Please, what?” He twisted his finger ever-so-slightly, putting gentle pressure on her throbbing center.

“Oh my,” Lily moaned, biting her lower lip. “Please fuck me. Please…please.”

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