Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)
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“And what will you provide as a dower house in the event of your death?” Father Donovan asked.

Katherine immediately clutched at Riorden’s hand. “Dear God, Riorden,” she whispered to him as he leaned down to hear her words, “I can’t imagine being here without you.”

He caressed her cheek. “Have no fear, Katherine. You will most likely tire of me as an old man afore I meet my end.”

She laughed slightly and saw the twinkle in his eyes. “Not likely, my lord.”

The priest cleared his throat again and gave them an impatient stare.” A dower house, Lord de Deveraux?”

Riorden thought before he finally answered. “Put in the contract a suitable property will be provided in which the Lady Katherine may choose from any of my holdings. The only exception to this is the estate of Warkworth, which will be given to the first born son we may sire.”

“Any holding?” the priest said in shock. “’Tis highly unusual to bequeath such an offering, my lord. Surely, you could name a property of lesser worth that will be sufficient for her needs.”

holding of her choosing,” Riorden reaffirmed and nodded his approval for the scribe to continue. Silence filled the chapel, with the exception of the scribe, whose quill was scratching furiously across the paper as he took down Riorden’s commands.

“And what of the Lady Katherine?” the priest continued. “Who speaks on her behalf and of the dowry she brings to add to Lord de Deveraux’s coffers?”

Katherine stood there in mute agony and complete embarrassment, knowing she had nothing to offer. Riorden held up his hand, and yet before he could speak a word, Dristan came forward and tossed a leather pouch of considerable weight onto the scribe’s table. It landed with a solid thunk, and the numerous coins jiggled as they settled on the wood. A tear came to her eyes at such generosity until Aiden stepped forward and made the same gesture, followed closely by Fletcher. Speechless, she turned to gaze upon these men she barely even knew and realized, once again, that chivalry was clearly not dead.

Father Donovan nodded his approval as the scribe finished writing. At the priest’s direction, Riorden and Katherine came before him and knelt down as they received the blessing of their union.

Katherine held out her hand at Riorden’s gentle urging and a beautiful golden band studded with blue and green gems was placed on her finger. Father Donovan then took a silken cloth, tying it around both of their joined hands, and Katherine wondered at the tradition that surely must be Scottish, knowing they were so close to its border. Riorden only smiled at her as the priest spoke of how their souls would be bound together throughout all time as surely as this cloth bound their earthly bodies.

His words brought joy to her soul, and a peacefulness settled within her heart as she stared up into the blueness of her husband’s eyes. He leaned down and gently kissed her trembling lips to forever seal their fate while the priest declared them married.

A cheer rose up like none Katherine had ever heard before, at least in a church. She was quickly led to the chapel’s alter where their marriage contract was laid before them. She watched Riorden quickly sign his name, and she followed his lead on the place he pointed out for her. She was just happy she hadn’t ruined the document with her tears of happiness, which coursed down her cheeks.

Riorden was pulled from her side and, as if on cue, her sisters of her heart surrounded her with hugs and their own tears of congratulations.

“Well, sis, how does it feel?” Brianna asked happily.

Katherine turned to her, not sure why she asked such a silly question. She just got married for heaven’s sake. She was completely thrilled at the moment. “How does what feel, Brie?” she asked with curiosity.

Brie just laughed aloud then Juliana and Emily joined her, asking in unison, “How does it feel being a Countess?”

“What?” Katherine said baffled.

Juliana took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I told you she hadn’t even considered she would acquire a title.”

“He’s an Earl, for goodness sake, Katie, or did you forget that little fact while the two of you were making out with each other all the time?” Emily smiled knowingly. “You’d think she’d never done any of her homework while she was writing her manuscripts about English nobility.”

“I’m a Countess,” Katherine whispered in awe, much to the delight of her friends.

She stood silently for a moment until a faint smile lit her face, and her gaze traveled to her husband. She had been so wrapped up in her feelings for Riorden that possessing a title never crossed her mind, not that it mattered. A Countess! She was almost afraid to imagine what would surprise her next. Given the miracles that had already surrounded them, she supposed anything was possible.

Chapter 31

iorden was impatient
. Sitting at the raised dais in Berwyck’s Great Hall, he sipped his wine whilst his gaze traveled to the entryway of the tower stairs, watching for his bride to return to his side.
How long could it take a woman to change from her finery,
he mulled over in his head for what must have been the hundredth time.

The wedding feast continued on as the revelers lingered to make merry. Voices were raised up in laugher and camaraderie. Tankards and chalices were continuously filled to overflowing of whatever beverage suited one’s fancy. The dancers swayed in tune to the minstrel’s music whilst the women’s dresses swirled around them, filling the hall with a stunning display of color.

Katherine finally appeared at the bottom of the stairs, comfortably dressed in hose, tunic, and boots. She made her way to her lady friends, who gathered around her. They laughed, they cried, they hugged one another until Riorden thought they would never see each other again for years to come. Mayhap, this was, at the very least, true for two of the now solemn ladies who watched Katherine as she left their group. Time was quickly running out for Juliana and Emily, for they would head to Bamburgh within two days hence.

Riorden glimpsed Katherine wipe the few remaining tears from her eyes, afore she turned a bright smile upon him. When she reached his side, he enveloped her in his embrace until she lifted her head.

“So, will you tell me where we’re headed, my lord?” she asked breathlessly, with a sense of excitement of the unknown.

He chuckled at her mischievous look. “’Tis a surprise, Kat. You must wait and see.”

“You’re not even going to give me a hint?” she asked him with a pout.

He kissed her lips until she smiled for him again. “Nay, although I hope you shall not be disappointed,” he declared. “I would have preferred several days with you alone, but one shall have to suffice.”

Riorden began ushering her from the hall but was stopped several times as well-wishers came to bid them adieu. At last, arriving outside in the inner bailey, he gave a nod of approval to the four men of Dristan’s guard who would accompany them.

“Why are they coming with us?” Katherine asked quietly.

Riorden looked momentarily startled at such a question of what was a normal occurrence to his everyday life. “’Tis born out of necessity, Katherine. Better to have men guarding my back than to be caught unawares.”

Afore he could hear her words of concern, Rolf led his horse forward and leapt into the saddle. “Too bad we must needs wait afore we can strip them down,” Rolf laughed.

“Aye! We have not been witness to a proper standing up in some time, Riorden,” Bertram called out from his horse, “especially since Dristan refused to allow us the privilege when he wed.”

Ulrick laughed at the look his friends received and added his own jest. “Aye, ’tis just what the night will call for to ensure Riorden does a proper job of bedding his bride.”

Drake began to chuckle, although he, at least, remained respectfully quiet.

Riorden watched as Katherine whirled on the men who made such crude remarks in front of her. He could almost feel the heat of her anger sparked by the blatant impertinence of their words.

“Sir Ulrick?” Katherine purred sweetly as she came to stand before the knight who had not as yet mounted his steed.

“Aye, my lady?’ he inquired, somewhat nervously, for ’twas obvious he had not meant to offend her.

“Are you married, Sir Knight?” she asked, fingering the hilt of the dagger Riorden had gifted her with.

“Nay, my lady.”

“I see,” she began quietly. “Engaged?”

“Nay,” he answered politely.

“And if you were about to be with your one true love on your wedding night, how do you think your bride would feel to be stripped down naked and ogled while you, as her husband, had your way with her in front of a bunch of witnesses?” she said bluntly. “Do you think this might not bother her? You wouldn’t mind others saw her beauty that only should be a gift for you to see?”

“My lady, I meant no disrespect. ’Twas in jest, I assure you.” Ulrick muttered.

Riorden watched, amused, as Katherine took her dirk and waved it menacingly in front of Ulrick’s face, and laughed inwardly, for he had promised her he would teach her the proper use of the small weapon so she might defend herself. Her stance and mannerisms almost made him believe she would not need much instruction.

“I will hear no more of stripping me. Do I make myself clear?” Katherine inquired, tight lipped.

Ulrick nodded and put his foot into the stirrup of his saddle. Katherine was apparently satisfied as she returned to Riorden’s side. “Must have been a man who invented such a stupid custom,” she grumbled under her breath.

Riorden’s mirth erupted at her words. He held his hand down for her to take and easily lifted her up into the saddle in front of him. “Ready, Kat?” he asked, taking the reins of Beast’s bridal.

“As long as this monster has a steady gait, I suppose, I am,” she said warily.

“I will ensure you are kept safe and will see to teaching you to ride, once we are settled at Warkworth.”

“I can hardly wait,” she uttered, although her tone held no joy at the prospect.

They rode north along the strand, much to his wife’s delight, if her laughter, which mingled with the sound of the wind as it rushed by, was any indication of her mood. They entered the forest and slowed their pace. Riorden wished he could more readily see Katherine’s expression. She had become quiet as they took in the beauty surrounding them once they at last halted their steeds.

Riorden had been here afore, and he looked over the glade where two knights awaited them. He swung his leg over Beast and lifted Katherine from the saddle.

“All is prepared?” he asked.

“Aye, my lord,” one of the men replied.

“My thanks for seeing to the arrangements,” Riorden said and watched as they took their leave. He turned to those whom he had trained and fought with for more years than he could remember. “Take turns to scout the perimeter. I do not have to warn you to keep your distance from the tent so Katherine and I may have our privacy.”

Riorden did not wait for their reply and took Katherine by the hand. He led her through the tall blades of grass gently swaying in the afternoon’s light breeze. They did not go far, and he heard his wife’s intake of breath at the sight meeting her eyes.

A waterfall cascaded down from the mountainside, falling into a large pool. Flowers of every imaginable color bloomed in vivid shades, rivaling a rainbow. A large tent had been erected off to the side for their comfort this night. Katherine skipped in happiness to the edge of the water and leaned down to put in her fingers. With a wave of her hand, she smiled when a ripple formed at the water’s edge.

“It’s warm,” she declared the obvious and ran back to his side, throwing her arms around his neck, “and it’s perfect, Riorden. I love it!”

“Do you now?” Riorden said with a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest. “Perchance there is something else you love besides the scenery?”

“Hmm. I’ll have to think about that before giving you an answer, I think,” she laughed.

Riorden leaned forward and kissed her deeply. His tongue swirled with hers and he brought her close against his body. He broke off their kiss abruptly and gazed into her heavily lidded eyes.

“Do you suppose ’twill be long afore I have your reply?” he asked, and began nibbling at her lower lip.

She gave a breathless sigh. “I love you, Riorden, and will do so with all of my heart, forever and always.”

He kissed her lips again. “Then, I am indeed most blessed to have such a devoted wife. I love you as well, my dearest Katherine.”

Riorden noticed how her eyes began to twinkle as she backed away from him.

“Will they keep their word and stay away?” she inquired as she took off one boot, followed quickly by the other.

“Aye, if they wish to live to see yet another day, they shall,” he said firmly. She gave him a beguiling smile and began removing her clothing, piece by piece, and letting them float to the grassy ground beneath her now bare feet. His mouth began to water in anticipation whilst his gaze devoured her perfect, naked body. She came back to him, as if stalking him like a lioness.

Katherine merely stood before him, not touching him, until Riorden thought he could bear it no longer. He watched as she bit her lip, and her stare went lower as a mischievous grin spread across her face. He stiffened and grew in size just from her heated gaze. She laughed, as if she came to the realization of the true power she had over him. Afore he knew her intent, she reached out her hand and caressed his manhood through his hose, causing a groan to escape his lips.

“I can feel you’re ready for me, my lord, and yet you are sorely lagging behind, since, you can plainly see, I am already naked,” she teased, her comment tossed over her shoulder. “Don’t you want to go skinny dipping with me, Riorden?”

She ran to the edge of the pool and dove into its warm waters. Riorden watched her pert, little bottom disappear below the surface then tore at his own garments with an urgency and need to be inside his wife. She broke through the surface with a come hither look. Her heavy breasts glistened wet whilst she bobbed up and down in the water. He could not wait to take those taunt little buds into his mouth and suckle them to his heart’s content.

Riorden never took his eyes from his lady and she opened her arms to him once he reached her side. Holding her naked, wet body next to his own, he walked with her towards the waterfall. Cooler water splashed down upon their heads as they neared the falls. He laughed when she began to sputter, for ’twas apparent she did not care for the spray in her face.

“You truly are a cat,” he teased.

“Yes, I am,” she spluttered, wiping the wetness from her eyes. “Please move, Riorden. I feel as if I’m going to drown.”

His laughter rumbled in his chest as he slowly moved them behind the waterfall where a blanket on the small sandy beach awaited them. He did not even think she noticed it, since she was busily driving him crazy with those small, scintillating kisses she was trailing down his neck.

Once she had her feet beneath her on the sand, despite the fact she was still knee deep in water, she did not stop with the further torture she apparently had in store for him. Lower and lower, her tantalizing mouth and tongue went, making its way across his naked flesh. Shivers of desire coursed through his body. He had no idea of her intent until she took him in her mouth. He groaned, trembling in disbelief that she would dare to perform such a service. He leaned his head back in pure pleasure until he could stand no more.

Quickly, he lifted her until their bodies melded as one. She wasted no time in telling him of her aching need.

“Love me, Riorden,” Katherine murmured softly, with eyes glazed over in passion.

“I do, Katherine,” he replied with a sly grin.

“Now husband,” she demanded.

“You mean, like this?” he asked and lifted her until he slowly entered the very essence of her womanhood. He heard her gasp at their contact whilst she wrapped her legs securely around his waist.

“Oh God…yes…just like that,” she cried out hoarsely. “Make love to me, Riorden.”

“I am yours to command.”

“Then please don’t make me wait any longer. I can hardly stand it. I’m dying, waiting for you to move deeply inside me.”

“As you wish, my beautiful wife.” He held her tightly to him and easily carried her to the blanket where he gently lowered her to the ground.

She may have been in a rush, yet Riorden took his time pleasuring his woman, ensuring she was fully satisfied to the best of his ability. They enjoyed the afternoon getting to know one another more intimately and were content with the knowledge they were now husband and wife. They had a lifetime of afternoons such as this ahead of them, and ’twould be a magnificent lifetime to look forward to. If today was any indication of what their marriage and future would be like, Riorden had no doubt in his mind that life with Katherine would, indeed, be grand.

BOOK: Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)
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