Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)
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Chapter 20

he heavy mist
that had surrounded them began to lift as Katherine cried out his name. Riorden stood there with his arms crossed against his chest. An angry expression was planted firmly on his face, and he looked as if he was so disappointed in her that it shook her to her very core. She began to tremble in fear that she couldn’t make things right between them.

“You lied to me,” he said briskly.

“I can explain,” she pleaded as she tried to reach out to him. He drew back, as if he couldn’t stand to have her place her hands anywhere near his body. “Please, Riorden…”

“I do not wish to hear your explanation, Katherine. You betrayed my trust and lied to me,” he firmly voiced, yet again.

“I withheld information. There is a difference,” she said shortly. “If you would listen to me, I can account for everything.”

“I have had one lying, deceitful woman in my life,” he began gruffly. “I will not have another, no matter how I feel for you.”

“She was a fool to hurt you, but you can’t punish me for something that happened in your past and before we met,” she argued.

“Aye...I can.”

It was a simple statement that spoke volumes. He turned from her, and she felt him slipping away. “Riorden,” she cried out and saw him hesitate in furthering the distance between them. He at last turned to stare at her, and she rushed across the space separating them.

“I love you,” she whispered, ever so softly, and reached up to tenderly cup his face with her hand. He held her hand, for just a moment, until he at last let go. The burning look he gave her made her feel as if she had been scorched. Since she was obviously given no choice, she dropped her arm. It hung limply at her side while tears streamed down her face. She had hoped that by telling him her heart’s deepest desire, he would forgive her. His expression, however, didn’t change with her confession, much to her dismay.

“Sometimes, that is not enough, Katherine,” he exclaimed, voicing his displeasure.

She stood there, never taking her eyes from his. Her breath became caught in her throat with misery from the turmoil she was feeling inside. The mist returned and all but consumed his body until he disappeared in front of her eyes, much as he did when she had seen him as a ghost.

“Riorden…come back to me, my love,” she called out, but silence was the only answer to her heartfelt plea.

She stood there alone, shivering in the cold air, with the realization at what her omission had reaped. It had cost her everything. She had lost him.

atherine jolted
awake and sat up, gasping for air. Her heart was hammering so hard, she felt as if it were about to be ripped from her chest. Disoriented, she looked at her surroundings. The mound of soft moss she had been lying on made for a comfortable bed. She had no clue how she had gotten there or for how long she had slept undisturbed.

She gathered Riorden’s cloak around her. He must have given it to her, to keep her warm. She inhaled. The scent, which was all Riorden, reminded her of a rich, full-bodied, red wine and engulfed her as if he had wrapped his arms around her himself. For the most part, she was alone, with the exception of Patrick, who appeared as if he was anxious to be anywhere else than where he stood, guarding her.

She cleared her throat to gain his attention. Excitement leapt into his eyes at the prospect, she assumed, of leading her to the rest of their group, wherever that may be. She then heard the distinct sound of swords clashing. Her show of alarm and panic alerted Patrick, who came to her side to help her rise.

“Have no fear, Lady Katherine,” he said. He gathered his sword and began to escort her through the trees.

“We’re not at war?” she asked hesitantly.

He gave a boyish laugh and smiled broadly. “Nay, my lady. ’Tis but a bit of swordplay to keep us fit. I am glad you are awake so I may at last join the training.”

She gave him a tiny smile, still feeling the effects of her nightmare. “Then lead on, Sir Patrick, so we don’t delay. Far be it for me to keep you from your training.”

Her comment seemed to have the desired effect on the young man as he ushered her to only a slight distance from where she awoke. They broke through a stand of trees, causing Katherine to stop dead in her tracks at the wondrous sight before her. She rubbed her eyes, speculating whether she still dreamed…but no. There before her was a sight she never thought she would ever behold, unless it was on a movie screen. It left her feeling numb.

He was absolutely magnificent. There were just no other words to describe him. Her knees had become weak, like melted butter. They began to buckle, and she plopped down to the ground right there where she had stood. She watched the display in front of her that was all Riorden…shirtless…his muscles bulging from his workout…glistening sweat gleaming on his smooth firm chest…swinging a blade with a grin of pure pleasure that seemed to radiate from every inch of his incredible body.

Surreptitiously, she reached her hand up to her mouth, just to ensure she wasn’t embarrassing herself by having drool actually come from her lips. She was safe, at least for the moment. Still, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. Good Lord above, what a sight he was! It was not as if she had never before seen nice eye candy, as they would say in the future, of good looking men with a six pack for a stomach. But as she continued drinking in the sight of her knight, she swore Riorden must have been working on eight. There wasn’t one ounce of fat to be found on his sinewy body. She swallowed hard, just thinking of touching his skin.

Self-consciously, her hands went to her own body that was certainly on the side of curvy and not as lean as his. It made her feel insecure, and she began to wonder how she would ever be able to keep a man such as him. Katherine wasn’t going to fool herself by calling herself beautiful. She was, in her own way, she supposed, but she certainly wasn’t anywhere near model material. At least, she wasn’t some high maintenance kind of a woman, but preferred the simpler things in life to make her happy.

She moistened her lips and returned her gaze to the spectacle in front of her. In reality, she had eyes only for one. Although she had to admit, the other men who stood before her training in the small glen were just as glorious as her Riorden. If she hadn’t known better, she would have said four Greek Gods had come down to earth to tempt four young women to sin. From the look of her friends a short distance away, they were just as awestruck.

“My lady?” Patrick said, breaking the spell. “Are you unwell?”

Unwell? She was more than unwell! Unsettled, breathless, trembling with a need she hadn’t felt in many years and wishing she could run her fingers down Riorden’s resplendent body at her leisure. Or better yet, to take a dip in the pond, just the two of them, that now caught her attention. She could only imagine what Riorden would think of her if he could hear her thoughts. Lust rushed through her trembling body as she licked her lips. She was certain her face showed where her thoughts had wandered.


“Huh?” she muttered and finally tore her glaze from her knight. “Sorry. What were you saying, Patrick?”

He chuckled, as if guessing what had befallen her. “Never mind,” he said, offering his hand as he helped her rise. He took his liege’s cloak from her, as if he thought it was too much of a burden for her to carry. “Lord Riorden has a fire burning, as you can see, for you and your ladies, once you are finished with your swim. They have been but waiting for you to awake from your slumber.”

She nodded, not daring herself to express any form of a response. She just knew it would come out as a jumbled mess. Instead, she made her way towards her friends, who sat in silence, watching the display that left them equally speechless.

Katherine sat down next to them and, finally, dared to look at Juliana. She reached for her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Wow,” she exclaimed, since that was all she could manage.

“That’s not the half of it as you can imagine,” Juliana said. “We haven’t even tried to form words. To do so would almost be unworthy of them.”

“Can we go swimming now?” Brianna asked impatiently.

“I wouldn’t mind a dip, either, although what I wouldn’t give for a nice chlorine filled pool right about now. I guess I’ll have to settle, since that’s obviously not an option,” Emily declared in a huff. “I feel as if I have all of nature clinging and attaching itself to my skin. I hate the great outdoors.”

They all shared a laugh, but before they could rise, Katherine leaned in to speak to the ladies in a hushed tone. “I’ve had a horrible nightmare. So, I plan on telling Riorden about our aid from Tiernan’s men. I have the feeling he may already have an idea of what’s going on, from the dead men that were left behind.”

“They can’t take him back to the king,” Emily announced shakily. “You know how they torture prisoners in this day and age, don’t you? I won’t have Tiernan subject to such a fate!”

“And I won’t have Danior lose his head,” Juliana said, just as nervously.

“Can’t we think of something else to change their minds?” Brie suggested.

“We’ll figure out some sort of alternative, but I won’t keep such information from Riorden. I have this terrible feeling it wouldn’t go well,” Katherine proclaimed.

Katherine rose, and the others followed her lead. They went to the edge of the pond, which was cast in shadows from the trees above their heads. Drying cloths had been set aside for them with some kind of rough looking soap. It was a thoughtful gesture on one of the men’s part, but Katherine could only imagine what the lye soap would do to their skin.

They all seemed to have the same idea at the same time and began digging in their respective purses. Between the four of them, they had travel size containers of shampoo and conditioner, lotion, and a nice rose scented bar of soap. It wouldn’t go far, but it would be enough to see to their needs for now.

They looked at each other and again seemed to be on the same page.

“Do you think we should?” Brie asked, as if they were conspiring to come up with some deep secret operation to overthrow the government.

“It’s relatively dark over here, and they are pretty busy,” Emily added.

“Well, I’m not swimming with all my clothes on, that’s for sure,” Katherine said, pulling her shirt over her head. She watched as the other women started to do the same. Shoes were flipped off, socks unrolled, and jeans became unzipped then thrown into a dirty pile of clothes they had been living in for days.

Juliana giggled. “Katie’s gone all commando. I don’t know how you can go without undies, sis.”

Katherine gave her a lopsided smirk and reached behind her to unclasp her bra. She twirled it around by the strap and flung it into the pile with the rest of her errant clothing. “At least I don’t have a string up my ass, Jewels,” she laughed, seeing her friend wearing a thong.

“They’re comfortable,” Juliana retorted.

Katherine laughed again. “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

She went to the edge of the pond, put her foot in to test the temperature, pinched her nose, and dove into the warm waters. She came up laughing. “Come on in! The water’s fine!”

It was all the encouragement the other women needed. “When in Rome...” Emily declared pulling her camisole off and throwing it into the pile of dirty garments. With her bra and underwear still on, she jumped into the water. She was followed by the remaining two ladies who had decided to keep their bare necessities on, as well.

It seemed as if it had been so very long since they could just let go and do something playful. Soon they began to splash each other with water, and Brianna called out
to the response from the others of

The women were laughing so hard and having so much fun, they didn’t realize there was no longer any sound of clashing swords ringing in the air. Instead, their merriment came to an abrupt halt, and all four women got extremely sheepish grins on their faces while they stood together waist deep in the water, stunned by what they saw on the shore.

It wasn’t every day one looked up to see four grown men and a teenager with their mouths hanging open, apparently shocked to the very core of their very medieval minds. The women glanced at one another. They should have been blushing, especially since one of them was buck naked. The other three women might as well be, considering their soaking wet pretty lace bras clung to them in a way that left nothing to the imagination. But they were, in fact, modern women, thrown into the past yet used to showing skin in their own day and age. So, instead of being embarrassed, they did the most natural thing they could think of between them, given the circumstance. They began to laugh outrageously at the hilarity of it all.

Chapter 21

iorden closed
mouth with a snap. For the life of him, he could not see what was so funny, causing the four naked women afore them to laugh so merrily. Well…not all of them were completely nude. Nay! It had to be his lovely Katherine, showing everyone her beautiful self with all that God had graced her. His beautiful Katherine, who was completely unembarrassed whilst he gaped at her, standing there with eyes focused only on him.

She began to blush a most becoming shade of red, even as he watched her tongue peek out of her mouth. A mouth surely just begging to be kissed. She licked her lips, and it was almost more than he could bear. Finally, she had the decency to duck down into the water to cover her breasts. Those perfectly full shaped breasts he swore his hands were just itching to feel. He felt a part of him stir and come to life.

“Patrick!” he called gruffly.

“Aye, my lord?” Patrick answered, grinning from ear to ear and obviously pleased by what was on display in front of his young eyes.

“Turn!” Riorden ordered harshly.

“B-but…my lord,” the young man sputtered.

Riorden gave him a glance that brooked no disobedience, causing Patrick to reluctantly turn from the vision he had been enjoying. He began muttering underneath his breath about life being unfair until Riorden held out his hand for his cloak. It was turned over to him without further comment from the lad.

“I think we have found us some mermaids, men. Shall we join them in their play?” Aiden teased and watched as the remaining women slowly sank down into the water at his remark.

even think it,” Riorden ordered.

Danior appeared to be trying to find words to describe what little clothing Juliana was wearing. ’Twas obvious he was not pleased she displayed herself as she did.

“Really, Riorden, where did you say these four enchanting creatures came from?” Gavin questioned, although he was clearly in agreement with Aiden’s suggestion.

Riorden sighed heavily. “’Tis apparent an explanation is in order. But first, I believe you three should offer your cloaks to the ladies, once I have rescued mine, who appears in more need of assistance than the others. I should add, you shall be gentlemen and aid them with your backs turned. Patrick, you go and tend the fire.”

Riorden kept his eyes on his lady, unbuckled his belt, letting his sword fall to the edge of the pond and began to wade, hose, boots and all, into the warm water. He saw how Katherine began to move further into the shadows whilst he heard the other women making their way out of the water. A brief glance told him they were gathering their garments and going out of sight to change.

He continued his advance until he came but inches of her. His cape came to rest over her bare shoulders, not that it did a lot of good, for the garment all but floated behind her. He fastened the clasp about her neck with trembling fingers. He felt clumsy and wondered how one woman could affect him so. She was so very close that he felt heat radiate between them without so much as a single touch.

“You will not reveal yourself in front of my men again, Katherine. Do you understand me?” Riorden said through clenched teeth, trying to calm his irrational mood. She gazed back at him steadily, as if she had done no wrong.

“We call it skinny dipping in my time,” she shrugged, trying to calm him with her words. “It’s not a big deal.” She reached up and began to caress his hair, as if to distract him. He felt her fingers gliding between its lengths. “It’s so soft,” she said, almost to herself.

“Call it what you will, but you will not be
dipping skinny
again, unless ’tis just the two of us. I will not share your beauty with any other.”

She laughed whole heartedly at his words. “Well, when you put it in such a romantic fashion as that, how could a girl go against such a lovely request?”

The smile she gave him disarmed him to his very core. Afore common sense could prevail, he grabbed her about her waist and brought them chest to chest. She gasped as they made contact, skin to skin. She lovingly wound her arms around his neck. He swore she gave him the most seductive purr he had ever heard in his entire life. ’Twas most pleasing to his ears.

“Do you feel it, Riorden?” she asked huskily.

He gave a brief laugh, since he certainly felt all kinds of sensations, especially a part of him rising to the occasion. “What?” he asked. He easily held her with one arm whilst his free hand moved a stray lock of wet hair from her face.

“Your heartbeat next to mine,” Katherine whispered, ever so softly.

He was momentarily startled at her words until the reality of them hit him full force. They were actually his own words spoken from his heart when they were both nothing more than shadows of what might have been. It humbled him whilst he did indeed feel her steady heartbeat next to his own. They were no longer ghosts, but flesh and blood. She had crossed time for him, and he vowed he would keep her forever by his side.

“Aye, my dearest Katherine, I feel it, too,” he replied profoundly, and watched in fascination whilst the pulse at her throat ticked rapidly. He was pleased to know he had such an effect on her, since the same held true of him. He felt her clasp her arms around his neck more fully as she molded her body to his own. It was almost his undoing.

“Isn’t it wonderful when dreams come true,” she added whilst she began to trace the planes of his face.

Riorden trembled beneath her gentle touch. “Aye, my lady, ’tis indeed most wondrous.”

“Will you do me a favor?” Katherine asked timidly.

“Aye, my lady, anything you wish. I am yours to command.”


“Aye.” He did not trust himself with an attempt at a longer response whilst she looked at him with those scorching aquamarine eyes.

“Then kiss me,” she begged. Her words lingered in the air between them. “Please…”

His resolve to remain a gentleman vanished abruptly with her plea. His head swooped down and his mouth took possession of hers in a ravenous kiss. ’Twas as if he was starving, and only she could satisfy his hunger. His tongue plunged into her mouth and danced in tune with hers. He moaned at the contact. She moaned in response. His hands roamed down her backside and brought her closer, if that was at all humanly possible. He felt every glorious inch of her and knew in his heart he had found his soul mate. She was the other half of him, making him complete. She was what he had always been missing in his life. She was perfect for him, and she was his.

He deepened their kiss and felt as if time no longer had meaning to them.
. He vowed
would not steal her back and take her from his life. He broke their kiss. She took his lower lip and gave it a small nibble.
Where did she learn to be such a seductress?

He reluctantly began to lower her back down the length of him, never taking his eyes from hers. He could tell by the look she gave him, she was disappointed. Wondering what she would do next, he had to remember to inhale when she surprised him by reaching out her hands to place them on his chest. He gave a sharp intake of breath as air rushed into his lungs whilst her fingers began to slowly explore his muscles, moving ever downward on his stomach.

“My God. You must be the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen,” she murmured in awe, biting her lower lip.

’Twas taking everything within him not to smother that delicious mouth of hers in another searing kiss. “A man cannot be called beautiful, my lady,” Riorden managed to choke out.

Katherine stopped her fingertips and laid her palms fully upon him. He sucked in his breath yet again, when she leveled her exquisite bluish-green eyes on him. “Oh, but you are…” Her words trailed off and hovered between them. She gave a tiny smile that could only be termed intimate before she continued touching him.

He could stand no more of her exquisite torture and made a grab for her hands, holding them playfully behind her back. A grin formed at the corners of his mouth, and he heard the sigh that escaped her.

Katherine’s eyes reflected a teasing gleam as she licked her lips once more. Wiggling her arms, he released them, and she placed her hands upon his shoulders.

“Will you think me too bold if I speak my mind?” she asked hesitantly.

He chuckled. “Kat…you stand next to me, naked as the day you came into this world, and you are afraid to speak your mind else I think you too bold? What is it you wish to say to me?”

She did not wait long afore giving him her answer that sounded more like a soft caress. “I want you. Now…today…for all of our tomorrows…”

’Twas a simple heartfelt statement, and he did not doubt her words. “As I want you, Katherine. For all of ever.”

“Then make love to me, Riorden, I beg of you,” she purred with so much hope in her voice as she held her breath waiting for his answer.

“Katherine─” He knew she felt his hesitation. Disappointment and hurt flashed briefly in her features afore she hid her face from him. ’Twas as if he had broken her spirit.

She shook her head, as if she did not want to hear what he had to say. “I see. I certainly understand if you don’t want to make love to me. I’m sure you’re used to women who are far more beautiful than me, flinging themselves at you.”

Riorden watched her arms drop from his shoulders in defeat until she gathered his cloak around her body, suddenly embarrassed at her lack of clothing. She started to back away from him, but he gathered her close again so her ear was now pushed to his chest.

“You are beautiful to me, and that is all that matters. Your loveliness even outshines the heavenly stars lit in the moonlit sky,” he replied, caressing her hair.

She gave a startled gasp at his words and raised her head to stare at him, her eyes opened wide. “No one has ever said anything like that to me before.”

“Then I am glad, I am the first.” He leaned down and captured her lips in a fleeting kiss. “
gave you to me. I have no intention of letting you return from whence you came.”

She began to run her fingers along his cheek again. “I don’t ever want to leave you.”

He gently pushed her head back down onto his chest. “Do not think even for one moment, I do not wish to make you mine in every way,
ma cherie
. Listen to my heart and hear how it beats for you. Do not doubt your beauty in my eyes, for there is nothing I would change in you. You are all to me, just the way God made you to be. I will treasure every day we have together and will gladly give all I have that you may share my life.”

“Then why not make love to me?”

He heard her teary whimper and tilted up her chin with his fingers until she looked on him again. He quickly placed a gentle kiss upon her lips. “When I make love to you, it shall be done properly, in a suitable setting when we are alone, and not with others in hearing distance. A man does so like to ensure his wife is well taken care of. I promise to devote myself entirely to the task that surely will require more than a few stolen moments in a pond.”

“Wife?” Her voice trembled with uncertainty that she heard him make such a proclamation.


“Then you do find me attractive?”

A hearty laugh escaped him. “How could you doubt it, especially when all I saw whilst attempting to train was your very fetching backside diving into the water? I was so distracted, Danior almost lopped off my arm. You are lucky I still have a limb to hold you thusly, instead of a useless stump.”

She smiled radiantly at his words. “Then you do want me?”

He grew serious again. “If I wanted you any more than I want you at this very moment, I would unman myself.”

“That won’t due.”

“Nay, it will not,” he said huskily and hoped his words appeased her hurt of a few moments afore. “Anymore afternoons like this one, and I will forever have to find a cold stream to plunge myself into, to put out the fire you kindle within me.”

They walked from the water and began collecting her clothes, and yet she still hesitated to break the connection between them. ’Twas obvious she still doubted his affection for her, or that he could want her so completely, given her expression of disbelief crossing her face. She placed her small hand on his arm and rubbed her thumb against his skin. Goosebumps from her touch ran up his flesh. ’Twas a reminder that she was sent to him from heaven above.

“You’re not just making fun of me, are you Riorden?” Katherine inquired apprehensively.

’Twas apparent, there was only one way to convince her. He took hold of her and inched her closer to his body until they could feel those strange currents radiating between them when they were together. Never breaking eye contact with her, he lowered his head and captured her lips. He bent her over his arm to more thoroughly dismantle whatever reservations she still might have that he did not care for her. He kissed her long, and he kissed her hard, until he finally let her come up for air. He took one look at her slightly swollen lips and knew he had done a suitable job. She steadied herself by reaching out to him for support.

He raised a brow at her. “Convinced?”

“Aye,” she said, and the smile she gave him reached into her beautiful eyes this time with a confidence he was happy to see.

He nodded with her answer. “’Tis a good and proper response you give, for a woman who will now find herself residing in the twelfth century. Now go put on your garments and come meet me by the fire. There is much our group must needs discuss afore this night is at an end.”

Intrigued when she crooked her finger at him, he leaned down to hear her words. Instead, he felt her hand reach behind his head and she gave him one last gentle kiss. He watched as her eyelids fluttered open and shyness finally overcame her. A giggle, much like those of her lady friend Juliana, escaped her lips. Riorden joined in her laughter as he sent her off a discrete distance to dress.

Riorden picked up his sword he had hastily thrown to the ground and buckled the belt that hung low on his hips. He brushed his mouth with his hand, still feeling Katherine’s lips on his own. A devilish grin broke out on his face as he made his way to the fire to await his spectacular lady. He shook his head, thinking of what fate had graced him with, when it sent him a temptress for his future wife. He prayed Katherine was ready for all that being his lady would entail. For little did she know it, but she had awoken the lion in him. Given enough time together, he would see to it that she never doubted his affection for her...ever again.

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