Read HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2) Online

Authors: Sarah G.

Tags: #Saranghaeyo

HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2)
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Noel reached out, and laid a gentle hand atop Leila's. Her dark eyes held sympathy and understanding. "Sometimes our hearts have minds of their own. After all, what were the chances of a famous k-pop star coming into a small random casino diner and falling for a curvy overeducated waitress? And believe me girlfriend, I thought that man was just as crazy as you probably think G.K. is." Leila's eyes threatened to overflow and she sniffed to keep the threatened tears at bay.

"G.K. may not have a lot of experience with women, but I’m sure he knows his own feelings, and I don’t think he would just tell you he loved you unless he meant it.”               Leila grudgingly had to agree with that assessment.

“And while you may not be sure of how you feel, think of this; can you imagine never seeing G.K. again? Take it from someone who almost made that mistake, don’t miss your chance to be happy.”


That night as she lay in bed, Leila’s mind replayed the entire conversation between herself and Noel.

Could she really stand never seeing G.K. again? But if she threw caution to the winds and let her heart lead her head and their relationship ended, would she be able to recover from that?

As soon as her mind posed the question, her heart simply answered,











Chapter Ten


The next night, the show went off without a hitch and the excitement of dancing in front of hundreds of enthusiastic T4L fans swept over Leila in a wave of pure energy. The guys proved why they were one of the most popular groups in Korea and that they were more than ready to conquer the world.

All the boyishness, immaturity and silliness exhibited on their downtime was gone. In its place was a perfectly synchronized and harmonious machine. Despite the endless practice, G.K. and the guys of T4L performed like they'd been born to it. Leila and her fellow dancers proved to all doubters why they'd been chosen as they amped up the spectacle. She and G.K. rocked it, dancing as if they'd been partners forever, not just weeks.

She was exuberant.


"Can we talk? Privately?"

After the show had ended all of the dancers, T4L, and hair and makeup teams had gathered in the largest dressing room, the room buzzed with latent energy from the show as everyone talked amongst themselves trying too cool down from the excitement of being onstage. G.K. noticed that Leila had changed back into her street clothes, wisps of her hair slightly damp from the showers. Her face gave nothing away, but that didn't stop his heart from forming a huge lump in the pit of his stomach.

"Sure. Jin Yung
got Noel her own room so Kai will probably be staying with her there. How about we head to my hotel, we will have more privacy in my room."

She nodded slowly. "Maybe we should take a cab."

Which they did; a ride made in loud silence as their driver, typical of most New York cabbies, regaled the pair with outrageous stories of past fares that had the atmosphere not been as tense, would have had both laughing.

She’s holding your hand,
G.K. comforted himself, attempting to tamp down the self-doubt that kept creeping into his mind.
She wouldn’t do that if she was preparing to crush your heart into a billion little pieces…would she?

 When they arrived, they walked through the lobby and onto the elevator at a comfortable pace. When they arrived onto his floor they exited the elevator, and walked slowly down the elegantly carpeted hallway until they reached the room he'd been previously sharing with his cousin.

With slightly tremulous fingers, he retrieved the keycard from his pocket. With a click that sounded like a thunderclap in the silent hallway, the door opened and with a sweep of his hand, invited Leila inside.


Leila took in looking the spacious hotel suite, outfitted in neutral tones of tan, white, and blue. While not ostentatious, there was a feeling of understated luxury about the room from the large TV mounted on the wall, to the elegant desk and workstation upon which rested two laptops.

Leila made herself comfortable on the suede-covered sofa. She motioned for G.K. to join her. She swore he'd be able to hear the thudding of her heart.

"I'm going to talk to you, and I don't want you to say anything until I'm finished." It wasn't a question as much as it was a statement of intent. He simply nodded his head.

Leila sucked in a deep breath, blew it out slowly. "What you said to me yesterday. You know about being in love with me..." G.K. blinked, nodded again.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. We've known each other for such a short time, and I'm usually more of a slow and steady relationship, kind of girl. Even moving to New York was something I'd made a long-term plan for."

G.K. felt his heart crack slightly,
she doesn't love you. That's what she wanted to tell you.
G.K. didn't keep his promise, and opened his mouth,"Leila if you're going to tell me..."

She raised her hand to stop his words. "I told you not to interrupt. I said
a slow and steady kind of girl. But then this sweet, sexy guy with a funny little ponytail and killer dance moves up-jumped into my life and turned it all kinds of crazy. Everything I swore I'd never do regarding my dancing career like getting involved with other dancers or worse, a choreographer or director, I seem to be hell-bent on doing. I've been trying to come up with reasons why falling in love with you is such a bad idea, but that damn ponytail just gets in the way."

G.K. blinked unresponsively, unprepared for this turn of events.
She loves you...too...
his reupholstered heart sang.

A broad smile lit up his face. He reached out to pull her to him, but Leila's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"A part of me is still nervous about all this, so I need for you to be gentle with me for awhile. But I couldn't stand not telling you, especially after talking to Noel."

"Can I speak now?" G.K.'s tone was light, teasing. “Did you ever stop?" Leila retorted as she playfully tapped him on the tip of his nose.  He captured her hand, and laid it against his face. "I know you're still unsure about this, and so am I. Not about how much I love you, but about how we're going to work this out. Noel and Kai did it, and I know we can too...if you trust me."

His finger tips trailed down the side of her throat. Leila sighed, melting into the touch.


She loves me. She loves

The guy who once despaired of ever meeting, much less falling in love with anyone. The guy who'd been utterly tongue-tied yet couldn't stop staring at the beautiful woman before him who both made him laugh and frustrated him like no one else had. The guy who ended up looking like Mr. Bean and ran out of gas on his first date.

He wanted to jump for joy, and now he understood why his cousin had been willing to risk it all for Noel.

Their lips met briefly, before G.K. deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping into Leila's mouth. Her arms curled around his neck, their bodies moving closer, and their kiss becoming deeper.

Blood roared in G.K.'s ears and the crotch of his pants tightened at the seam. Leila's soft moans of pleasure were the sweetest music. His heart pounded in time with the throbbing that coursed throughout his body. He'd never felt like this, a long so strong, he physically ached from it.

G.K. let his hand travel in a slow path along the curves of her body, stopping only when he reached the swell of her breasts. He hesitated, but when Leila inched closer to him in response to G.K.'s silent question, he gently rested his warm hand on her full breast kneading softly. Leila felt the gentle caress everywhere, the feel of his hand on her sending shock waves shooting all the way to her toes.

G.K. released her shirt covered breast, his hand sliding around to her back. "Leila I want you so much," he husked against her lips. "Well you can have me, I'm yours." G.K. smiled, pulling her up to stand with him, hands falling to the hem of her shirt. "Are you sure you're ready for this? I know you said you wanted to take things a little slower…" He reminded her quietly.

Leila’s mind groaned in frustration,
Maybe you’re not the slow and steady type after all...

She took in his concerned expression and felt herself fall a little more for him. Leila rested her hand on his thigh, feeling the firm muscle jump slightly beneath her touch. She looked into his worried brown eyes before reassuring him. “G.K. I’m ready, I promise.”

He gave her a small nod
"I've never done this before," G.K. said haltingly as his fingers lightly trailed down the soft skin of her arm. "I want you so much. I want you to show me, tell me, how to make you feel good."

Leila silently took that hand on her arm, and returned it to her breast. She held it just as she held his wondrous gaze.

He rested his hand there, savoring the soft mound through her t-shirt once more. Each tendril of contact, emboldened him to do more, want more. See more.

He helped her pull her t-shirt over her head, threw it behind him not caring where it landed. Leila reached for the straps of her bra, slid one, then the other from her shoulders. G.K. could do nothing more than watch as she seductively, slowly, unhooked the back clasp.

Desire filled his eyes and he bit his lower lip. His hands begin to shake as wild nervousness and need flooded his body. Her nipples seemed to harden due to his lust filled gaze as he drank in his fill of her.

"Your turn," Leila teased him huskily. Breaking his self-induced trance, G.K. quickly, clumsily, made quick work of removing his shirt.

He saw her lick her lips at the sight of his chest. Leila's fingertips trailed down the contoured planes of his chest, stopping to circle the mole on his left pectoral and its twin on his side. A sharp intake of breath and then a short moan escaped his lips as a shudder went through him under her skilled touch.

"Don't forget to breathe, G.K." Leila tapped a playful finger against his lips.

G.K.'s arm snaked around her waist, pulled her to stand flush against him. His breath escaped him at the feel of Leila's hot skin against his own. His arousal fitted against her center. She just felt so right in his arms as he bent down to taste of her lips again. He didn't want to breathe, not if it meant taking his lips from hers. A part of him was content to just kiss her, to savor the sweetness of her mouth. A bigger, and harder, part of him wanted more.

As if she could read his mind and his body, Leila took his hand and slowly walked them towards the bedroom, a sultry smile on her lips. Once there, they stood regarding each other with shy hunger.

"I want you so much," G.K. whispered passionately. "You're so beautiful."


"You're so beautiful," he repeated before his lips came crashing against hers. His tongue asked tentative permission which she eagerly gave and entwined with hers, while gently questing hands roamed her body in a shy sensual discovery.

Leila buried her hands in his thick, wavy hair, surrendering herself to his touch. His sweet caution made her bold, made her want him even more. Using moans, sighs and whispers she told G.K. just where and how badly she craved him.

Somehow, unbeknownst to Leila they made their way onto the bed, their skin to skin contact never wavering.

G.K. pinned her arms above her head, and bathed her neck with kisses as his lips trailed slowly downward.

He released her mouth, pinning her arms above her head, branding her face and neck with kisses as he ventured downward. "I love you Leila" he rasped by clavicle.

Leila urged him to her breasts, her nipples aching for his mouth on them. His tongue laved first one, then the other before sucking deeply. She arched into the heat as he drove her higher.


He released her with a loud pop, his molten gaze meeting hers.

Are you sure you haven't done this before?" She asked. His only reply was a satisfied smile.

His hand moved to the zipper of her jeans. Watched. Waited. She placed her hand atop his and together slid it down. She could feel him practically trembling from trying to maintain some self-control.

“Gi Kwang…” she moaned in frustration.

Holy hell, his name had never sounded so damn sexy from anyone else's lips. Hearing it, G.K. thought he would burst at any moment. The force of his want for Leila elated him. No, he'd never made love before but instinct would surely guide him. And he wasn't afraid to ask her what she wanted.

The first thing was to remove her jeans, which he tossed somewhere on the floor. Once she was fully bare to him, she took his breath away.

Leila felt her heart rate increase and her stomach muscles tighten in anticipation as G.K.'s hand fingertips slid over her lace covered mound. He ran his hands along her hips before slipping into the waistband of her underwear and removing them as well.

BOOK: HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2)
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