Heart on the Run (6 page)

Read Heart on the Run Online

Authors: Havan Fellows

Tags: #holiday romance, #anal sex, #manlove, #parkerburg, #gay romance, #mm romance, #gay sex

BOOK: Heart on the Run
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Sprocket could tell when Chaz finally resigned himself to announce his arrival. The man’s face pinched up for a brief moment before he finally nodded, took a deep breath, hurried right up to the door, and knocked consecutively three sharp times.

Technically, that was one and a half. Good call.”

Sprocket burst out in a quick, loud guffaw at Lydia’s dry sense of humor.

Chaz’s head flew up, and he zeroed in on the two of them standing just barely out of view. Still smiling, Sprocket waved to him as they resumed their walk to the store’s entrance. He quickly unlocked the door and opened it so the two could switch places.

Is Officer Dodgers out there?” Sprocket asked, brushing past Chaz to look up and down the street. The air was nippy as he searched the block for the familiar policeman.

Really, Sprocket. Now that we have the parking lots behind us, I think I’ll be fine,” Lydia objected.

We may live in a small town, but better safe than sorry, right?” he rebutted.

He spotted Officer Tod Dodgers halfway down the street across the road. Sticking two fingers in his mouth, Sprocket whistled loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. The officer looked their way.

Really, Sprocket,” Lydia repeated her disapproval.

Oh stop.” He smiled down at her as Tod jogged over to them.

Sprocket happened to have it on good authority that the friendly cop made it a point to be on this street at night when a certain single mother worked the closing shift. Of course, he would never verbalize that; it would only muck up the process.

Is a party going on at Craft Time?” Tod smiled.

No…I’m just…I’m driving him home,” Chaz mumbled, pointing to Sprocket. “I mean, I’m not going home with him, even though I do need to see his kitchen.”

Lydia turned to stand next to Tod so they both were now staring at Chaz.

Sprocket kind of liked it when Chaz got flustered, not only did it make him smile, but the red tint that covered Chaz’s cheeks was sexy as hell, emphasizing the slight scattering of freckles across his nose. But if he had to work with Chaz on this holiday celebration, he figured he should cut the man some slack.

and Craft Time are throwing a joint holiday party this year and it seems like it will be at my house. We figure we have to celebrate since Xander hasn’t run screaming from Dermot yet.”

Hey! He’s not that bad,” Chaz defended his boss, crossing his arms and scowling.

Sprocket wrinkled his nose. “Sure. Anywho, Lydia was just on her way to the parking lot, and I thought if you were able…”

It would be my pleasure to walk her to her car.” Tod mock bowed and held out his arm for Lydia to take.

She stared at it for a moment, looked at Sprocket with pouty lips, then slowly slid her hand in the crook of the officer’s elbow and allowed him to lead her to the lot.

Is there something I don’t know happening here?” Chaz questioned, watching them walk into the darkness together.

Sprocket shrugged. “Shawna heard through the grapevine that Tod might have some unofficial interest in Lydia…and once Shawna gets her nose in something no one is safe.”

I heard that.” Shawna walked up to them still on the stoop of the store. “It would do you well to remember my nose is in everyone’s business. And speaking of business”—she glanced at her watch—“it’s almost ten, time for you to get going also.”

Sprocket shook his head. “I’m not leaving you here to finish the work.”

She held up her purse in answer to his remark before closing the door on both of them so she could activate the alarm. After she typed in the six digit code, she quickly opened the door and slid out, closing it again in the allotted thirty seconds. She secured the two locks on the door before turning to them again. “I really hope you have your keys, Sprocket.” She laughed.

He jangled them in his pocket in confirmation and they all walked to the parking lot together. They parted ways with Shawna at their cars. Within minutes, Chaz and Sprocket headed to his house, and suddenly he was very nervous about being alone with Chaz in a place with a willing and able bed to use.

Holy shit…he was a horny teenager all over again, happy that he had the house all to himself when the hot guy comes over for homework help. Except in this case teenager equated to almost mid-twenties, house to himself meant Mason wasn’t home, Chaz totally rocked the hot guy label, and homework help was sizing up the kitchen.

So yeah, exactly the same.

Take a right here. My house is the second on the left. Park on the right side of the driveway,” Sprocket instructed when Chaz turned down his street.

The right side?”

Yeah, I know it sounds stupid but the left side is where I always park my car so it just seems weird to have another car in that spot.”

Is your car in the shop?” Chaz asked as he pulled into the driveway. “This is a really nice house.”

Sprocket smiled. The fact that Chaz liked his house pleased him. “Thanks. My grandma and grandpa bought this place the year they got married in nineteen thirty-five. Lived here until they passed away and left it to me.”

None of your other family members got upset by that? The property value in Parkerburg is on a steady incline lately,” Chaz asked.

Sprocket unlocked the front door and held it open for him, mock bowing as the shorter man walked through. “Nah. My family isn’t really like that. Plus, I was raised in this house, considering my mom moved in with my grandparents when I was still a babe.” He closed the door and gestured to their right. “Your room of interest is just through that passageway. I credit the oversized kitchen to the age of the house. I always thought it was built in a time when families flocked to the kitchen to do their socializing, you know?”

Chaz stopped in the middle of the floor and did a three-sixty turn taking in the entire room. “Wow, we could probably hold the whole party in here and still have space to maneuver.”

Sprocket realized he really liked seeing Chaz smile. He inched closer to the man. “Sure, but I think they’d be more comfortable in the other room…plus, that way they won’t bother you while you execute your culinary magic.”

Chaz glanced over at him, his eyes widening. Sprocket had managed to step right up next to him without him noticing.

He stood there, staring at Chaz’s lips, amazed at how easy it was for him to remember how they felt pressed against his so long ago. About how he wanted to feel them again, here, now.

Chaz stumbled backward. “Um…yeah…no one needs to be in the kitchen while I work.”

Except me, of course, considering we’re partners now.”

Partners?” Chaz’s voice hitched.

Absolutely,” Sprocket whispered, matching Chaz step for step. “It’s all you and me.”

Chaz bumped against the countertop. “Um…”

Us.” Sprocket let the word dangle between them, staring at Chaz’s slightly parted lips. “Do you remember how well we work together, Chaz?”

Chaz’s breath quickened as he slightly tilted his head. In the middle of the partial nod, he widened his eyes then quickly shook it in the negative.

God, Sprocket wanted to touch this man, taste him again. He knew he shouldn’t; he remembered the hurt feelings last time…but Chaz was standing in his house, looking at him with bedroom fucking eyes.

He traced the man’s jaw with the tip of his finger. “I don’t believe you. I think you remember. I know I do. It isn’t every day I can boast three hours nonstop. Only one man ever excited me enough for that type of marathon.”

Chaz didn’t swat his finger away. Didn’t move to the other side of the counter or shove him in the chest. Maybe the lack of action from Chaz gave Sprocket false confidence, but he leaned over and lightly brushed his lips across the other man’s sensual mouth. “I’ve wondered for the better part of the year if we could beat our record. Have you thought about us…together…naked?”

Instead of answering him, Chaz grabbed the back of his neck and closed the distance between their mouths so Sprocket couldn’t whisper naughty ideas anymore.

When Chaz’s tongue poked at his closed lips, he realized he was fine with not talking as he opened his mouth to welcome Chaz’s probing.

Yo, Sprocks, I’m home. Whose car’s in the drive?”





Chapter Five


Now, this is a plan of action I can approve of.

Thanks, Mom,” Chaz whispered, staring at the elegant old house. It had a charm and whimsy and… Jerking himself out of his wandering thoughts, he exited the car and walked up the stone path. The lawn was a little overgrown, but more in the manner of “we skipped mowing and trimming this week” than “we don’t care about this aspect of our place.”

We. Don’t forget, there’s not just Sprocket involved here. He has a roommate.
A stunning, muscular, six foot tall, blond-haired beauty of a roommate. Chaz wasn’t sure if he liked Mason much…the guy was bold, brash, and incredibly familiar with Sprocket. He could hear that boisterous voice calling out to “Sprocks.”
As though Sprocket weren’t enough of a nickname.

So, the roommate’s existence made Chaz feel more comfortable about coming here—safety in numbers and all—and a little edgy.

Stupid as it might be, he didn’t like the easy smiles Mason and Sprocket exchanged, or the fist-bumping, shoulder-thumping hugs and…

And they’d finished each other’s sentences like an old married couple.

What would it be like to have that kind of intimacy with anyone?

Anyone? You mean Sprocket, don’t you?

Yeah, Sprocket.”  

The door opened before he’d done more than touch it. Chaz could swear that not even a sound had issued. He was sure what he’d done couldn’t be classified as knocking…

Well?” Brown eyes narrowed. “Can I help you? Are you collecting for charity?” His eyes widened dramatically. “Why no! Sprocks! Yo! It’s for you.”

The door slammed in his face, leaving Chaz standing there, burdened with three plastic shopping bags and holding a black plastic crate of cookery.

Hi, I’m here to cook dinner and get used to your appliances.” He told the closed door. “I…”

There were scuffling noises on the other side of the door, and muffled voices, then the door swung open again. This time it was a slightly disheveled Sprocket who stood in the doorway. His dark hair was mussed, a few strands sticking straight up, and he wore a pen over one ear like a waitress in a sixties sitcom. A tight T-shirt outlined mouthwatering muscles, and a pair of gray sweats hung perilously low on his hips.

It is you.” He seemed genuinely pleased, though surprised.

Uh…yeah. You weren’t expecting me?” Chaz felt that awful color rise in his cheeks, burning its way up. For the thousandth time, he cursed his fairness. “I told…at Craft Time…message…uh…I’ll just go.”

A strong, well-manicured hand shot out, grasping him by the arm. “No, no, come on in. I was just studying for a midterm in interplanetary physics and waiting for the Doctor.”

Chaz pulled back, determined to stay firmly on this side of the threshold. “No. You look busy. I can cook dinner another time.” And way too sexy for peace of mind.

You say the sweetest things. Is that what all this is? Dinner?” Sprocket yanked, Chaz leaned, and their heads cracked together in a painful collision that Chaz accepted with gratitude as the reason why he lost his breath. Because it absolutely couldn’t be proximity.

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