Heart of the Unknown Alpha (2 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Unknown Alpha
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Chapter 2 A Helping Hand a shattered life


Aryana rolled down the window on her SUV and inhaled deeply the fresh, clean, earthy scent of the woods as she drove farther into the woods.  She tried to let the familiar drive and clean air sooth her and help her to relax. The last 6 months had been hell and her body was tight with tension.  She turned off onto the familiar dirt road, more a path really and came to a stop not far from a large pristine lake just as the sun started to set.  It was best really, she preferred to swim at night or early twilight anyway, there was something magical about that time that just made her feel at peace and whole.

She shut off the engine and leaned back against the seat closing her eyes she let her mind wander back over the last six months of torture she had lived through. A month before her wedding her father, her only family in the whole world, becoming seriously ill and had been hospitalized. A week later her fiancé came to see her, only to tell her he couldn’t marry someone who didn’t make HIM their first and most important priority, demanding his ring back.  Staying with her father every day and night, sleeping in the chair holding his hand, talking to him as he lay still and unconscious. She used the showers at the hospital and ordered food from the cafeteria downstairs to be delivered to the room so she wouldn’t have to leave.  Then the inevitable from the doctors. Their treatments weren’t working, they didn’t know what was wrong, they couldn’t cure him.  Three weeks later on what should have been the happiest day of her life, her father slipped away. He had fought so hard, but her once virile father just hadn’t been strong enough to fight off whatever claimed him. Instead of her honeymoon and tears of joy, she wept tears of sorrow and planned her father’s funeral. She was the only family at the funeral, many of her father’s friends had shown up but none of the distant family that she knew of... in the end she had been alone except for Tony her best friend. If it hadn’t of been for him she probably would have died within weeks of her father.

After her father’s passing Aryana withdrew from the world into her little house. She rarely went out and rarely spoke to her friends anymore. Her father had been not just her father but her best friend. Abandoned by her mom early in her life, her Dad had been all she had had after her Gran had passed four months before him.  She had grown up knowing love and being a daddy’s girl. Her father had showered her with so much love and kindness and had been the best father ANY child could have asked for. With him and her Gran gone she was hollow inside, like a very large part of her heart had died with him.

Her friends understood but after a few months only her closest friend still called and talked or came over for movie night. He was starting to urge her to go out, to be among people again, saying she couldn’t hide from life forever. She loved her friend dearly but he still had both of his parents, still together and living. He just didn’t know how deep her grief was. She had just started to heal from her Grans passing when her father had taken ill. Blinking back to reality Aryana saw that the sun had set and that magical twilight time had come. It wasn’t quite fully night time yet but it wasn’t daylight either… climbing out of the vehicle she quick walked to the water and stripped down.


Diving in, the water was warm and helped to relax her and wash away her disturbing memories. She swam for a while; the moon was high when she finally climbed from the water. Her muscles ached from such a long swim but it felt good. She lay out on the soft grass in the moonlight staring up at the sky. Out here away from people, away from the lights and the noise of the town she felt whole and at peace. Like everything would be OK, that she would be OK. A tear slipped out the corner of her eye and ran into the damp hair by her ear. Before she could stop herself she started to bawl, curling up in a ball on her side she cried long and hard. Tears for her father, her grandmother, the wedding she would never have, the children that would never come, the dreams of a future with Scott by her side and the home they would make together that would never be... and she cried for herself.

How long she lay there and cried she didn’t know but finally she cried herself out. Exhausted she fell asleep. When she woke the moon was still high but the night was completely still, turning her bright blue eyes still moist with tears to the moon. She knew it was silly but she felt like the moon was her friend, that it was there for her and would help her.
Dearest moon, if you can hear me. Please help me. I hurt so badly, please help me find my way again, please help me be whole again. 
She sat for a moment her eyes closed then rose and slowly got dressed. Climbing back into her SUV she paused to look back at the moon, hoping it had heard her.


Aryana backed up and then slowly drove down the path. She flicked on her high beams so she could see till she got back to the main road. Wouldn’t do any good to run into a tree because she couldn’t see it right? She was maybe a couple hundred yards from the main road when something dark and furry darted out in front of her. She slammed on the breaks as her heart thundered in her ears, bracing for impact even as she turned the wheel. A sickening thunk reached her ears and her body jolted forward as she felt the vehicle hit whatever had run out in front of her… She stared wide eyed and unseeing as she tried to catch her breath. Taking quick stock she realized she wasn’t hurt, the SUV was sitting diagonally across the road but she hadn’t hit a tree and it would still run.

Scrambling to undo her seat-belt and get out of the car Aryana’s mind fast-forwarded to the thing that had run in front of her. It had been large and dark brown, almost black, other than that she had no clue what it could be. Whatever it was though was out there hurt and easy prey to other animals. It needed her help. Rounding the front of her SUV she cautiously looked down over the roof of her hood. There lying on the ground was…. nothing. Absolutely nothing. Aryana’s eyes rounded in surprise and then concern, she fell to her hands and knees thinking maybe it had somehow ended up UNDER the vehicle but there was nothing. Standing up slowly she dusted off her hands and scanned the road. Seeing nothing in the area illuminated by the cars headlights she crossed over and looked along the sides of the road, still seeing nothing.

Maybe she hadn’t hit it? Maybe it was a figment of her imagination? Something her grief and depression stricken mind had cooked up? Rubbing the back of her neck Aryana climbed back into her car buckled her seat-belt and then maneuvered the vehicle down the rest of the path and onto the main road. Trying to settle her heart back to normal and clear her brain of the disturbing thought of having possible mental health issues, Aryana forgot to turn off the high beams and it’s a good thing she hadn’t because about a mile and a half down the road a man stumbled out of the trees on the right side of the road and collapsed right into the road.

For the second time that night she screeched on the brakes stopping just feet from where the guy had fallen. Her heart pounding hard again she sat stunned for a moment regaining her breathing. Suddenly reality sank in. A man had stumbled out of the woods and collapsed on the road, he must be hurt. She scrambled out of the vehicle and hurried around the front to crouch by the man. The first thing she noticed is that he was naked; the second thing is that he wasn’t conscious. Checking him over for broken bones first she gently turned him over and gasped in shock...

Half the man’s torso was covered in bruises, large deep purple bruises and a large gash.  Aryana took stock of him searching for more injuries… his leg was bruised up as well and his shoulder had a bunch of scratches and more bruising.  She reached up and cradled his face in her hands, gently running her fingertips over his scalp looking for bumps. When she was satisfied there were none she took stock of the man’s face. He was definitely good looking. With a chiseled jaw and a strong straight nose and perfect eyebrows he could have been a model. Given the muscles the guy sported he obviously worked out and could have easily been wearing a pair of Calvin Klein’s on a billboard. His skin was tanned which suggested he spent plenty of time outside or in a tanning booth. Unfortunately he was out cold and Aryana had no clue who he was. She gently began taping at his face trying to rouse him

“Hey, hey come on, wake up,” she paused trying to see if she was getting a reaction, a flutter of his eyelids propelled her on. “Come on big guy, you need to at least give me a name to give the hospital.”

The man started as his eyes fluttered open, her breathe caught in her throat. They were the most dazzling green eyes she had ever seen, reminding her of grass or leaves during that perfect moment in summer when everything is alive and healthy. His large hand grabbed her wrist startling her. “No, no hospital. Take me...” he slipped back into unconsciousness his hand going slack on her wrist. His voice had been gravelly and blurred but it was clear he did not want to go to a hospital.


She couldn’t just leave the guy alone out cold and naked in the middle of the woods on a dark road could she? And he didn’t want to go to a hospital so that just left her one option, she had to take him home with her.  She walked back to the SUV and yanked open the back passenger door. Grabbing the unconscious man, careful of his injuries, she got him into a sitting position. Wrapping one of his arms around her neck and slipping her other arm around his back placing her hand around his rib cage she started lifting and pulling to get the man upright. It took everything she had but she finally managed to do it.

“Come on Buddy, you could at least TRY to give me a hand here ya know? You are kinda heavy.” The man stirred and it seemed like he heard her as it appeared he was trying to walk. Finally getting him to the door of the SUV she leaned him back against the seat, climbing in beside him. Grabbing under his armpits and lifting him up a bit she lifted and pulled. He moved up to his waist onto the seat then stopped. 
Great his ass is caught on the damn seat.
She mentally grumbled, climbing back out the car. She placed her forearms under his legs and lifted, once his butt had cleared the seat she pushed back till just his legs were dangling from the seat and out the door.

Aryana blew out a breath of air in frustration. Here she was trying to help the guy and he couldn’t even wake up long enough to give her a name... Taking one last deep breathe to relax herself she climbed back into the SUV and grabbed him by the armpits again and this time he slid more easily across the seat, and then to the left. Next thing Aryana knew she was sprawled on the floor of the SUV with the man’s body partially on top of her. Rolling her eyes she struggled to get her feet out from under them both so she could get up in the cramped space. Finally getting back on her feet she managed to get him back onto the seat.

Well that couldn’t have gone any easier could it?
She smartassed to herself. The man had started to shiver, and not wanting him to catch pneumonia she reached into the back storage area and grabbed the warm blanket she kept there for emergencies. Tucking it around him she felt his forehead. He was warm but not alarmingly so.  Sighing to herself she climbed out the open passenger door closing it behind her careful not to slam it into the man’s feet. After climbing back into the driver’s seat she turned and looked at her unplanned passenger, his face was covered with a fine sheen of sweat but his shivering wasn’t as bad. Turning back around she looked up through her windshield and saw the full moon overhead for some reason it felt like her old friend was laughing at her. “Very funny, just very fucking funny” she muttered under her breath and started the car for home. So much for her swim relaxing her.



Chapter 3 The morning after

Darian groaned as he slowly came awake, his entire right side was killing him. Even with his healing abilities sometimes there was pain. His head was a giant fog that was thick and slow to lift. As his brain began to clear,  bits and pieces of last night came back to him.  He had agreed to go hunting under the full moon with Stephen and a few of the others from the pack. Somehow he and Stephen had gotten separated from the others. Stephen, turning on him, trying to go for his throat. The chase, then bright lights. Lifting his hand to his face he winced at the pain that shot through his shoulder, what the hell had happened to him?

Suddenly the smell of dried blood reached his nose along with a host of other scents, fresh coffee, lavender and lemons,  and something else, no not something, some
else. It was familiar but he couldn’t place it. His eyes popping open he stared at the ceiling and frowned. The white ceiling and painted walls were NOT the walls and ceiling of his house…
What the hell?
Lifting himself to a sitting position, he looked around him. He was in a bed with a deep red comforter. The walls were a pale blue and the furniture a warm deep mahogany color. First thing he registered was the fact he was naked…
Where were his clothes?
Then flashes, jumbled and not making much sense flashed in front of him.

The bright lights, hitting something, hard. Trying to get back to the packs village before Stephen caught up to him. Pain. Then an angel, her dark hair hanging over him, concern in her blue eyes. He remembered feeling panic and then nothing… First things first, he had to get clothes and find out where he was, then he had to find out what had happened. Raising his eyes he looked around the room and spied a neatly pile of folded clothes on the dresser across from the bed.

On the nightstand beside the bed was a glass of water and a small packet of aspirin. Wherever he was, it looked like someone had been thoughtful enough to leave him something to get rid of his aches. Crossing to the dresser, wincing in pain as he put weight on his right leg, to get the clothes, he looked at himself in the mirror for the first time. Shock stopped his movements. He healed fast as did all of his kind but what he saw had to have been much worse for him to still look so bad.

His right shoulder had a giant gauze pad taped over it but even past the edges of the tape he saw deep purple bruising, His chest and abdomen were covered in deep purple bruises as well as his right leg. Across his chest in a deep diagonal line was a line of gauze taped to cover a deep gash. Taking assessment of his injuries he decided none of it was life threatening but it would be painful for the day and should be gone in three days’ time. Already a large portion of the bruises had started to turn yellow. He reached out for the light blue flannel shirt on top of the pile and pulled it on, he slowly buttoned up the shirt trying to figure out who had left him the aspirin and clothes.  Whoever it was had obviously been the one to bring him here and tend to his wounds. They had been thoughtful enough to leave clothing he could easily put on and that would cause him the least amount of discomfort from his bruising. He reached back to the pile and grabbed the thick jogging pants that had been left for him. Stepping into them he had to wonder momentarily at where they had come from, who they belonged to.  He pulled on the socks and looked around him. The only thing left was to go in search of whoever else was in the house and get some answers.


As Darian slowly pulled open the doors he peered out into the hallway. Pictures and art prints lined the walls. Across from him was a partly open door that lead to a bathroom if the tub and curtain was anything to go by. To his right was another door, that while not fully closed, wasn’t open far enough for him to see into the room either. To his left the hallway ended in what he assumed was a living room. Creeping toward the end of the hallway he noted that there were a lot of empty spaces where picture used to hang, the rest of the pictures and art had been redone to try and hide the empty spaces.  Why had the owner of the house taken them down? The smell of coffee and the other person grew stronger the farther down the hall he moved. Peeking around the corner to assess the situation he sucked in a deep breath as his eyes spied long dark auburn hair pulled up in a ponytail sitting at a chair in what was the kitchen, a laptop open on the table with a large mug of coffee next to it. The girl had what looked like a nice shape under her clothes, he had a hard time telling for sure though as they were a bit big and slightly camouflaging. Even though she was sitting down she didn’t look like she was too tall either.  The phone next to her rang and he ducked back against the wall of the hallway waiting, listening, trying not to be noticed till he knew who or WHAT she was.


Aryana glanced at the caller ID on her cell when it rang. Seeing it was her best friend Tony she clicked to answer.

“Hey Tony, what’s going on?” She smiled into the phone. Glad to hear from her childhood friend.

“Hey Doll! How’s my favorite little editor? We have SO much to catch up on! We have got to get together for lunch today!” Tony came bubbling through the line.

Aryana couldn’t help but feel a warmth spread through her hearing from her oldest and dearest friend. At thirty-five Tony was an accomplished photographer and while he traveled all over the world he still chose to call Winter City home. Tony was one of the only people that had stuck by her after everything and while he had been trying to get her to go out and “experiment” with being single he still respected her when she said no.

“Sorry Tony, I can't. I have unexpected company today and I need to kinda stick around. How about tomorrow?”

Aryana cringed as she heard her friend squeal on the other end of the line before Tony rushed on in an excited voice. “Aryana?! What has my little caterpillar been up to while I was away? Is it a guy? Tell me it’s a guy! If it’s a girl that’s fine too! But you MUST give me all the details! You know I won’t leave you alone till you do!”

Aryana sighed into the phone. She squeezed the bridge of her nose in frustration wishing she had just kept her mouth shut. What Tony said was true, he WOULDN’T leave her alone till he got all the details from her, not that there was much to tell really.

“Not much to tell honestly. I went swimming again last night up at the lake and..”

“WHAT!? You went to that lake by yourself?” Tony cut her off anger and worry clouding his voice rising it higher than normal “Raya how many times have I TOLD YOU to never do that? What would happen if you got stranded up there or some stranger came across you while you were swimming naked??? Hun I adore you and that perfect little body of yours but you keep putting yourself in danger like that and I might have to come over there and spa…”

“TONY! Stop it.” Aryana cut him off having heard this lecture a zillion times and always getting annoyed by it. “I like going swimming up there, it helps and I am NOT going to change my routine for anyone. You know that place means a lot to me so just stop with the lectures OK? I have to go check on my company but I will talk to you later OK?” without waiting for a reply she hung up and leaned her head back propping it against the high back of the chair. Tony meant well but ever since everything had happened he was a bit overprotective. And honestly while she loved him for it, it did get rather annoying after awhile. Letting out a deep sigh she lifted her head and reached out and closed her laptop lid. Time to check on her house guest and see if he was awake.

Who was Tony? And why was he lecturing her? And what lake was she swimming in that she had come across him? Darian decided it was a good time to make his entrance and rounded the corner. Before the day was out he was getting some answers. Starting with who and what she was, how he had gotten there and how much she knew.

Aryana started as she went to get up and saw the man slowly walking towards the kitchen. Well that answered that question, he was definitely up. Watching him for signs of distress as he walked she lifted her lips in a small smile and waited.

Darian was first struck by the face that turned to him. The auburn hair was paired with high cheekbones and fair skin that had a sprinkling of freckles. Bright vivid blue eyes watched him walk towards her, taking in his slight limp from under perfectly groomed eyebrows. Straight teeth bit into one corner of dusky berry pink lips as she sat waiting. He knew those eyes but couldn’t place them. They were so familiar…

“Good your up! If you want coffee there is a fresh pot, mugs in the cupboard above and if you’re hungry I can make you something to eat.” Aryana finally stated with forced brightness as the handsome stranger finally reached the kitchen.  His green eyes watched her guarding and almost predatory.  “Glad the clothes fit you, I wasn’t sure and since you didn’t have any clothes of your own…” she stalled not sure what else to say.

When he finally spoke his voice was rich and deep. Like a honeyed cognac. “Thank you. I think I could use the coffee, thing are still a bit hazy.”


Darian crossed to the coffee pot and opened the cupboard above it finding the mugs right where she had said he would. Grabbing a mug and flipping it over he grabbed the carafe and poured, his thought flicking over what he could remember of last night and the girl sitting at the table watching him.

Aryana figured the man had to be at least a bit hungry so she got up from the table taking her coffee with her and  set to work grabbing eggs and bread and bacon from the fridge. As she worked,  the man walked to the table and sat in the chair at the end of the table, she could feel his eyes on her back as she worked.


Darian watched the strange woman as she worked, silently sniffing the air to see if he could figure out what she was. He could clearly catch the scent of the coffee, bacon, and eggs as they cooked. There was a hint of lavender as well.  Underneath all of that though was something else. It was familiar but yet not. It reminded him of moonlight, lilacs, roses, fresh grass and rain. Suddenly his wolf sat up and took notice of the scent. Closing his eyes briefly he could concentrate on the scent more clearly. It was vaguely familiar, reminding him of home yet there was something strange and unknown about it. It unsettled him and intrigued him at the same time. He couldn’t put his finger on it.
What was she? WHO was she?

He was jolted out of his thoughts as the woman slid a plate in front of him on the table and silverware was laid beside it.  The strong smell of the meat and eggs assaulting him. His stomach rumbled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten in … how long had he been out? Well the only way to find out was to ask right? Guess he had better start asking…

“How long have I been here?” he asked as he forked a bite of eggs into his mouth.

Aryana put the plate and silverware in front of him wondering if he had a headache as his eyes were closed. She was refilling her coffee mug when he started talking. Without turning around she reached for the flavored creamer nearby as she answered.

“Just last night. How are you feeling?” She walked back to her chair and sat sipping on her coffee as she went. This whole situation felt surreal, like something out of a movie or cheesy romance novel.

“Sore, but I will be fine in a day or two, no real damage done. So what DID happen last night?”

Aryana smiled as she took another sip of her coffee watching him shovel the last of the food into his mouth, he wasn’t getting off that easy. “Why don’t you tell me your name FIRST and then I will tell you what happened?”

Darian blinked at the woman. Damn, he had forgotten his manners and probably was coming across as ungrateful. Well time to fix it right? “Darian. My name is Darian Night”

“Nice to meet you finally Darian, I am Aryana Barstin. Now about what happened, First off do you remember anything?” Aryana looked at the man over her mug as she took a slow sip of her coffee studying him.

“Not much, its mostly all bits and pieces up to a point and then it’s nothing.”

Smiling gently Aryana set her cup down. “Well as it happens I went up to the lake yesterday for a swim, after-wards I accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up it was pretty late and I hadn’t gone far on the main road coming back when you came stumbling out of the woods naked and collapsed in front of my vehicle. You were naked as a jaybird, unconscious, and refusing to go to a hospital to get checked out. You were also pretty banged up. So I put you in my SUV and brought you home.”

“You just brought me home with you? A complete stranger?! Your husband must be pretty understanding” Darian looked at the woman in surprise. If she ever did that as his woman he would be through the roof!
His woman? Where the hell had that come from???
Mentally brushing off the disturbing thought he turned his attention back to Aryana.

Aryana shrugged like it was no big deal and didn’t look directly at him. “ I couldn’t leave you out there alone, vulnerable and naked. You were adamant about not going to the hospital and since I didn’t know you or where you were from and you obviously didn’t have identification, that really didn’t leave me with much choice.”

Darian frowned, something was off. She had avoided the comment about her husband completely…

Aryana looked away from the man sitting in her kitchen. She blinked rapidly several times holding back the tears that threatened. Husband… how much weight that one word held. One word with a wealth of meaning, something she should have right now but didn’t. Sighing Aryana grabbed Darian’s empty plate and silverware and stood up crossing to the sink to wash them. Best to get this guy out of her house fast. She WANTED to talk to him about everything. Hell she DIDN’T talk to ANYONE about everything, not even her dearest friends knew the whole truth about what had happened.

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