Heart of Steele (11 page)

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Authors: Randi Alexander

BOOK: Heart of Steele
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Outside the window, the snow fell heavily,
piling against the outside, creating that cozy hideaway she’d been
longing for.

Steele rubbed his palms over her hips and up
her back, then down her spine to hold her butt cheeks. “You are
sexy, woman.” His words came out as a rumble. “You make me want you
every second we’re together.”

If he kept talking, she’d come just listening
to him. Her pussy lips swelled and she could feel her juices
flowing, slicking her inside.

He pressed his face into her opening, licking
and kissing her lips, her clit, stabbing his tongue into her slit.
Spreading her cheeks further apart, he traced his tongue up until
he touched her anal hole.

“Beautiful. Your little rosebud.” He licked
circles around it. “Wanting me to take it. Wanting my cock inside

Her core convulsed and her pussy quivered.
“Yes. Please.”

“Slow down.”

Was he talking to her or himself?

With a snap of latex, he was sheathed and
pressing the knob of his cock to her slit.

Cool drops landed on her anus, and his finger
smeared them over the sensitive puckered flesh. A quick push, and
his fingertip eased inside her as he thrust his hips forward and
slid his cock into her pussy.

Her legs shook as the intensity of the
pleasure ran wild up her spine and made swirls of light dim her

With small strokes of his cock inside her, he
worked his finger in circles inside her butt hole. A few more drops
of lube hit her back there, then he added a second fingertip.

A twinge of pain mixed with the pleasure of
his shaft filling her core.

More lube, and he pushed a third fingertip
inside her anus. He circled them and spread them, stretching her,
preparing her for his big penis.

“How is that, sugar?” His breath sped. “Is it

“Better than okay. It’s amazing.” She closed
her eyes and concentrated on the pleasure of his touch.

After a few minutes, he slipped his cock from
her pussy and his fingers from her anal hole. More lube cooled her
back there.

She heard the wet noises of him spreading gel
on the condom covering his cock.

This was it. She was going to take his shaft
up her ass.

Hot and slick, his head touched her butt
hole. “Tell me if I need to stop.”

“Mm hm.” The way her body twitched and
shimmered, there’d be no stopping until they both came.

He pressed his knob against her opening and
with a ripple of discomfort, he was inside her up to the crown.
When he didn’t move, she looked over her shoulder. His teeth
gritted, he stared off to the side, taking deep, even breaths.

Such a caring man. But right now, she wanted
him to take her, to make this happen, hard and fast. She tipped her
hips back and forth, rubbing her sphincter muscles against the
ridge of his knob.

His hands gripped her hips. “Aw, fuck.” His
face tightened and he held his breath.

“I’m ready for more.” Tracy took a deep
breath and relaxed every muscle in her bottom.

“I’ll go slow.” He said the words fast. A
fraction at a time, he pushed into her, steadily sliding his cock
in, stretching her muscles and sending a mixture of pain and
pleasure rolling through her belly.

She’d never experienced anything like the
ecstasy of being filled deep inside and the twinges that seemed to
magnify the sensual bliss. Dropping her head to the towel, she
closed her eyes and let sensation take over.

With a few more pushes, Steele’s hips pressed
tight against her ass. He must be fully inside her. His hands
tightened on her and he let out an unsteady breath. “You good,

“Mmmm, I’m very good.” She twerked her hips a
little, feeling him deep inside her, starting more pinpricks of
pleasant ache rolling from her anal opening.

He jerked and a growl left his chest. “Yeah.”
Pulling his cock out of her just a bit, he pumped back in, his
balls slapping her pussy. “Still good?”

“Still good, and still wanting more.” She’d
heard of pain sluts. Was she becoming one of them? Or was it just
having Steele take her this way that turned the discomfort into
naughty pleasure?

Slowly he withdrew and pushed back in a dozen
times before he started picking up speed. “You’re so hot and
fucking tight, Tracy. Aw, hell.”

Through the sweet pleasure heating her body
and fuzzing her brain, she smiled. She hadn’t heard him cuss
before, other than an indiscernible mumble. Her pussy tingled, her
clit throbbed for his touch, and her hips and lower back tightened
with waves of ecstasy.

His breath puffed out, hitting her back and
cooling her moist flesh. He worked faster, sliding out and plunging
in deeper each time.

A spark of energy shimmied along her spine to
whirl in her brain. She’d hold off her orgasm as long as she could
to come with him. Pleasure/pain was all she could focus on, and the
sensation took her to a higher level than she’d ever known.

Steele’s fingers gripped her hips tighter and
his movements became jerky. He slid one hand to her mound and eased
one finger in to touch her clit.

Just that pressure sent electric spikes
through her core and up her back to start the synapses in her brain
sparking. “Come with me, Steele. Don’t make me come alone.”

“Sugar.” He rubbed his finger over her nub.
“I’m right there.” The words came with a rush of breath. “Do it for
me, Tracy. Scream my name when you climax.”

His words, his finger flicking her clit, his
cock slamming into her, sent her exploding into space. All through
her body, heat and sparks flared, the sexy pain at her anus
expanded into a lovely ache throughout her belly and she screamed.
“Steele! Oh God yes, Steele!”

He grunted and shouted as his movements
behind her became manic. “You’re amazing, Tracy. I need you.” He
shoved still deeper and his cock inside her pulsed. “Now, sugar.

She floated, the orgasm taking over every
cell, skittering along each nerve, and flowing through her blood
like lava.

Behind her, he slowed his thrusts, low,
satisfied moans coming from his chest.

The cry that left her lips surprised her and
as she came back from heaven and reconnected with her body, she
realized she was crying, tears pouring from her eyes.

Steele jerked to a halt. “Tracy? Oh shit,
Tracy, are you okay?”


Chapter Ten

“Yes, I’m fine.” Tracy laughed. “I don’t know
why... That’s never happened before.” Lying on the towels at the
edge of the spa, she wiggled her feet in the hot water. “It just

Easing his shaft from her, Steele grabbed the
extra towel, probably to deal with the condom.

She just lay there, exploring the wonderful
tightness and pulses coming from her whole bottom. And wondering
why she’d started crying. She used the towel to dry her face, then
Steele’s hands helped her stand in the spa, turned her into his
arms, and she let herself collapse onto him.

He sat with her on his lap, taking them into
the water up to their necks. “Sugarbeet, are you sure you’re okay?”
He smoothed back loose hairs from her face and kissed her gently on
her cheeks, her nose, her jaw.

Her chest swelled at his kind concern and
tender care. “Yes, I’m perfect.” She let him hold her like a baby,
his hands caressing her under the water, his cheek pressed to her

“I’ve heard of it. People crying or laughing
when they orgasm.” He shrugged. “Just never experienced it.”

She laid her hand on his chest, over his
heart. “It was the most intense experience of my life.” As she said
it, she realized it was probably something she shouldn’t have told
him if she wanted to break free after their time in the mountains.
It felt right to tell him, though, as if the shared experience was
something they’d both remember.

His arms tightened around her. “I’m planning
on giving you plenty more, Tracy.”

Relaxing, she let herself rely on him to keep
her from going under.

“Now that you’ve been around the world,
what’s next on your itinerary?”

She chuckled. “I’d like to visit a few places
again, maybe see what they look like from different positions.”

Under her leg, his shaft grew hard. “I’m
happy to take you anywhere, anytime.”

“The water...” She yawned. “I’m getting

He sat her up. “We’ve probably been in long
enough.” Turning his head toward the pool, he grinned. “C’mon. I’ve
got something I’d like to show you.”

“Uh huh.” She stood. “I’ve heard that line

He wagged his brows at her. “You’ll see
plenty of that later.” He got up and helped her out of the spa and
down the steps into the pool.

It wasn’t as cold as she thought it would be,
and she took a quick lap while he waded to where the pool flowed to
the outdoor portion. She swam to him as he clicked a knob and swung
open a small door in the glass wall. It was just large enough for
them to walk through to the outdoor space.

The world around them loomed silent as large,
fluffy snowflakes came from the sky in a dizzying three-dimensional
effect and steam rose from the water.

“This is great.” She caught flakes on her
arms, stuck out her tongue to catch more, and shook the clingers
off her hair.

“Taste good?” He stood in water up to his
chest, watching her.

“They’re so unique.” Catching flakes in her
palm, she studied them. “Like popcorn, none of them are the

He laughed. “You’re the only person in the
world who compares snowflakes to popcorn.”

Looking up at the falling snow, she turned in
a circle. “I’m the world’s greatest connoisseur of popcorn.”

“Addicted?” His voice was closer.


He picked her up in his arms and took them
into deeper water. “Put your arms out. Float.” His eyes had
transformed back to the green-flecked gray she’d fallen for when
she’d first met him. “Trust me.”

“Of course I do.” She didn’t know very many
people she could say that about. Laying back, she spread her arms
and flattened her body so he could hold her up. He turned her
slowly in the water.

The experience was powerful, the sky seeming
to fall a piece at a time, the flakes hitting her body with cold
little snaps, and the steam rising to blur it all and make it seem
surreal. “Wow.”

“Now close your eyes.”

She looked at him and did as he asked. The
feelings changed, the warm water below her, the frosty chunks on
her top half, and Steele’s arms holding her, slowly moving her
through the water.

Pretending that this was her life was so
easy. Her eyes popped open. This was not her life. She sat up and
stood next to Steele. “That’s really cool.”

His hands skimmed her body. “Glad you enjoyed
it. It’s not often that the winds aren’t blowing.” He touched her
hair. “We’d better get you inside before you freeze.” They swam
inside, he closed the access door, then led her out of the pool to
an open shower.

They rinsed off and Tracy used the offered
shampoo and conditioner on her hair. Wrapped in more of the big,
fluffy white towels, she hung their swimsuits on chairs to dry
before they went into his man cave.

They took the spiral staircase up to his
room. She yawned. “I’m going to go lie down for a bit.” She leaned
into him and grinned. “All this world travel has worn me out.”

He pulled her tight against him. “Sleep in my
bed.” He blinked a couple times. “If you’d like.”

“Are you lying down, too?” They wouldn’t get
much naptime in, but it’d be worth it to see what other sexy
positions Steele had in mind.

“No. I’ve got to work for a while. I’ll be
downstairs.” He kissed her forehead. “Whatever makes you
comfortable.” A little crease appeared between his brows as he
walked away, tossing his towel into a hamper then grabbing clothes
from one of the dressers. He pulled on his shirt as he went

That was odd. Why did the thought of her
sleeping in his bed make him frown?


Steele jogged down the steps, naked except
for his T-shirt. What the hell? He’d told Tracy she could nap in
his bed, then a vision of her there with a sleeping baby in her
arms flooded his imagination. A baby? Hell, he’d never been psychic
before, but it had appeared out of nowhere, and been so real. It
had to be all the talk of Chase and Reno’s new baby.

He tugged the rest of his clothes on and
powered up his computer. As he drank a bottle of water, he mentally
separated Tracy from thoughts of a family with her. For now. They
were still new to each other, although the last two days had been
like a month of dates concentrated into a short period.

Nearly forty e-mails popped up and he focused
on answering them, making decisions, booking dates. One from his
agent said, “Check your voice mail.” He patted his pockets. His
phone was up in his room. He took the steps quietly, but she wasn’t
in his bed. Or his bathroom. He strode to the hallway. Her bedroom
door was closed. “Shit.” He’d scared her out of his room?

He grabbed his phone and went back down to
his cave. The voice mail was just Rex telling him they were still
working on the sucker-punch problem, but to be ready to move with
little notice. He also mentioned they couldn’t find a connection
between the studio employee and a tabloid, but the man was making a
fortune off telling his story to every celebrity news show that’d
have him.

Steele deleted the message and sat back in
the office chair. He didn’t want to leave here. He’d steal as much
time as he could with Tracy. Swinging around, he faced the windows.
Snow still came down. They were getting a hell of a lot more than a
couple inches.

He strolled to the couch and picked up the
guitar he kept there at all times. Next to it was a notepad of
music staff paper and a couple of pencils. A song about being
snowed in for a week ran through his head. Stranded with Tracy.
Tracy. His cock tingled as blood rushed into it. Adventurous,
wanting to try anal sex for the first time. And holy shit, was it

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