Read Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Action & Adventure, #Thrillers

Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 (24 page)

BOOK: Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1
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“I don’t think I can wait anymore, are you good to go?” he asks and even though I’m enjoying this, him being inside of me is a far greater pleasure.

“Yes,” I murmur breathlessly as he withdraws his fingers and puts them in his mouth. I chew on my bottom lip as he grabs my thighs and yanks me to the edge of the desk. Giggling as I grab hold of his shoulders hard, he pulls my legs up to rest on his hips. Lining up his length with my opening, he moves in slowly. His tip just teasing at my entrance. I moan slightly and wriggle wanting to take him in, and he smirks and runs his length up my folds teasing me further.

“I want you, Steel.”

“Fuck, I want you too, babe.” His lips crash to mine and he thrusts forward inside of me to the hilt. I moan into his mouth as his massive size stretches me completely taking me by surprise as I expand to take him fully inside me. Gasping, as one hand clenches onto my arse cheek and the other comes up to my face and caresses my cheek, he pulls back and slowly thrusts forward again. The desk creaks with the movement, but I don’t care. It feels incredible and as he fills me and caresses my face so tenderly, I feel something I haven’t felt from him before. A tenderness, a calmness, and above all affection that I haven’t felt when we’ve previously had sex. It’s nice. Something is changing. Don’t get me wrong, I love the rough and wild sex, but there’s something about this that’s wonderful too.

He thrusts into me faster. I bring my leg up a little higher so he can slide in deeper. He groans into my mouth as we move against the desk. The creaking as it bangs against the wall is only heightening the pleasure as it burns inside of me. My nails dig into his shoulder as the burning heat of desire washes all over my entire body sending a wave of perspiration over every inch of my skin. My head is starting to cloud with fog as I pant rapidly through my nose. My body is tightening and tensing, as I begin to tremble knowing the feeling that’s overcoming me. My back arches forcing my breasts into Steel’s chest giving us skin on skin contact which only heightens my pleasure. My body flutters as a wave of heat flows over my entire being, and I start to see flashes of light. My head feels like a vice is gripping it but in a good way. My muscles all clench as I moan out loud while he thrusts deeper. My fingers claw as all my muscles suddenly relax, and an explosion hits pummelling through me like a freight train. It knocks the wind from me, and I sag against Steel as he continues to thrust inside of me while I pant and breathe harshly coming down from an extremely intense orgasm.

He grabs my chin so I look back up at him and as he continues to thrust inside of me. “Look at me, Flame,” he demands as I catch my breath and look into his intense blue eyes.

Something inside me sparks as our eyes connect. Something clicks, something ignites, and it makes me want to stay here looking at him entwined together forever. His breathing hitches, and we both move together in unison, my energy coming back as we strive toward his climax. He moves faster and I keep up with him. We both moan as we look right into each other’s eyes. The connection is electric, sparks are shooting off in all directions. I’m sure if they were visible we would be setting this place on fire. The chemistry is astonishing. And as I gaze into Steel’s eyes, my heart is beating erratically as if it only beats for him. I know it’s impossible, I haven’t known him for long, but the spark between us is undeniable. I’m feeling something for him, a strong emotional connection, and right now as I look into his eyes I think from the adoration staring back at me he’s feeling it too.

He thrusts faster and harder, the desk is moaning along with us as it bangs quick and hard against the wall. The bookshelf is wobbling and the books are starting to make their way off the shelves. I moan as he thrusts deeper lifting my leg up higher and pushing me against the desk harder. A book falls from the shelf onto the desk as he pounds me hard against the wooden counter. I moan louder as the look in his eyes intensifies. I know that look. He’s close. My nails dig solidly into his shoulders and he groans, finally breaking the eye contact and moving his lips back to mine. His kiss is strong and deep as his tongue delves into my mouth taking control. His hips thrust against mine as his length pushes deep inside me. Warmth floods back over me suddenly as my head once again goes foggy. My body coats in fine droplets of sweat and tingles all over. He thrusts repeatedly, my muscles tense up as my back arches connecting our bodies together. He moans into my mouth as he tightens his grip on my arse. A spatter of lights sparkles behind my closed eyes, and my body trembles all over while my muscles clench as he starts to jolt. I moan loudly into his mouth, my muscles tense and contract then relax just as he pauses to unload inside of me as my climax hits at the same time. We both cry out as the wave of ecstasy hits riding through it, then we both sag against each other as we pant breathlessly.

He rests his forehead on my shoulder as I bring my legs down and rest them on the desk. His hands caress my body as he breathes heavily trying to catch his breath.

“You are unbelievable,” he murmurs against my shoulder and gently kisses it. Then he looks up at me grabbing either side of my face and pulls me in for a kiss.

I smile against his lips and kiss him back gently. He pulls back and slowly pulls out of me. “You’re pretty amazing yourself.”

He grabs my arse and pulls me to him lifting me up off the desk. I wrap my arms around his neck to hold on as I giggle while he walks us over to his bed.

“And now Miss Willow, I’m gonna teach you the art of cuddlin’.” I can’t help but chuckle as he turns throwing me on the bed and climbs over the top of me laying his weight on top of me. I wrap my legs around his waist pulling his body flush with mine.

“Does this cuddling have anything to do with making out too?” I ask and he smirks and nods.

“Oh yeah, it has everythin’ to do with that,” he says and then leans down and presses his lips to mine with force.



After spending the entire afternoon locked away in my room with Willow, we decided we’d better go out and be social. I know Willow didn’t really want to mingle with my brothers—especially Chops and The Penetrator—but I’ll keep her away from them. I’d like her to see what this place is really like, not just on nights where it’s a wild party like the night she first came here. I want her to know that not every night here is like that.

So we’re out the back under the burning tree. The bonfire is going, even though it’s a hot night and Willow is sitting on my lap playing with my hair at the nape of my neck which I love. She seems to be enjoying her time here. The guys are being nice as I sit drinking my beer.

“So you really look after other peoples’ kids
day?” Crash asks her.

She smiles. “Yep, sure do.”

He shakes his head. “Wow! You must be really patient.”

She chuckles. “I guess you have to be, but you learn how to handle them especially when they're brats.”

“More like conniving little shits,” Crash says and we all laugh.

“Well, I can’t say that, though.”

“Is that just ‘cause you work there? Or ‘cause shit’s a naughty word, Miss Willow?” I tease and a sudden ache rips through the back of my skull as she pulls on my hair. I chuckle as the other guys laugh.

“I can swear.” She sits up taller on my lap and looks at me furrowing her eyebrows.

“I don’t believe that for a second,” Techie says and we all chuckle again.

“What! What? I can… shit. There, see,” she says tilting her head and we all laugh again.

“Babe, you call a cock a penis, and you hide and whisper even sayin’ that,” I tease.

She huffs and purses her lips. “I do not!”

“Yeah, you do!”

“Go on Willow, say cock!” Crash calls out. She opens her eyes wide and her cheeks start to flush pink. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

“I can say it!” she yells.

“Cock!” Ryder calls out making me laugh as she winces at the word.

“Big black shiny cock,” Lookout adds making me laugh again as she goes an even brighter shade of pink.

“Oh my God!” She looks at me and I shrug and mouth ‘cock’ at her and she purses her lips and smirks.

“Cock, cock, cock!” The guys start to chant. I laugh as she wriggles on my lap obviously uncomfortable.

“Oh my God. Cock! Cocking cock! Cock, balls, arse, tittie, fuck,” she yells out as she brings her hand up to her mouth like she’s shocked at herself.

The guys erupt into a fit of applause as Lunar sashays out and smirks. “Wow! You have quite the potty mouth on you there, Flame.”

Willow shakes her head and opens her eyes wide. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t swear like that—”

“Stop it, Flame. Own it. Swearin’ like that was hot, babe. You got my cockin’, cock, cock and balls all achin’ for you again.”

Willow starts choking on thin air as everyone around us laughs hard while I pat her back as she glares at me. “I’m gonna kill you in your sleep, Steel,” she whispers making me laugh hard.

“Oh babe, you’re too fuckin’ adorable to kill anyone.”

“Shut up! You guys are mean to me,” she says pouting in such a cute way that I lean in and bite her bottom lip.

“Urgh, pa-lease! You guys are disgusting,” Lunar calls out as she comes over to sit next to Willow and me.

“Just ‘cause you’re not Steel’s number one anymore Lunar doesn’t mean you have to show your bitch,” Ryder calls out.

“Oooh,” the other guys all murmur.

“Shut up, dickwad. I’m fine with that. I’m finding my time’s better spent with more…

I furrow my brows and look at her. She smirks at me. Then it clicks, Danger, the musician from Strapless. She must still be seeing him. “How is our little American musician?” I ask wanting to let her know I’m in on her code, and her attempt at jealousy isn’t working.

She scowls and then takes a deep breath and smiles, but her smile is actually genuine. It shocks me slightly. “He’s great. I’ve seen him a couple of times. His band is awesome by the way. Good job at getting them to perform here in Oz.”

“Well, hopefully, Techie can get them sorted into something a bit bigger than our clubs. I’m glad you’ve found someone, Lunar. It’s nice when you find someone, isn’t it?” I ask and then look at Willow and caress her cheek. She smiles at me and leans into my hand. She’s so adorable, she doesn’t even realise Lunar and I are bickering right now.

“Yeah, it sucks though when you think you’ve already found that someone and he finds someone else.” She stands up and walks back inside the clubhouse, and Willow furrows her brows as the guys all raise their eyebrows and subtly go back to drinking their beers.

“What was that about?” Willow asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing babe, just Lunar being Lunar.”

She chews on her lip and cuddles down into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and hold her to me. It sucks that Lunar is obviously hurting. I know she was trying to make me jealous, but if she’s with Danger then she should see where that goes. But then again, he was pretty fucked up when I met him, so he’s probably not in the right head space nor the right guy for her either?

“Hey Willow, you want a drink?” Crash asks and she looks up at him and smiles.

“Sure, thanks.”

He rushes off and I smile that the guys seem to be accepting of her. Well, except for Dad, Chops, and The Penetrator, who are all sitting at the other end of the compound away from us.

“A bird sings heavenly like an angel,” Jigsaw says as he comes over to see Willow. She furrows her brow and looks back at me as he takes her hand and kisses the back of it gently. She giggles and shrugs.

“Umm… thank you?”

We all laugh as he nods and smiles at me widely. “Tio, fortfarande en tio.”

Willow looks at me raising her eyebrow as Jigsaw walks off while I chuckle shaking my head.

“What does that mean?” she asks her voice a higher pitch than normal.

“You don’t want to know, babe.”

She frowns and pouts. “Is it bad?”

I smirk and shake my head. “No, it’s good.” I just don’t want to tell her that Jigsaw said,
“Ten, still a ten
,” because last time he rated her she didn’t take it too well. I don’t want her to get upset by him rating her again.

She yawns and I smooth her hair back behind her ear. “You wanna go to bed, babe?”

She smiles and nods. I move my hand under her legs and stand up lifting her in my arms. She squeals as I lift her. “I can walk you know?”

“I know.” I smile and start moving with her back inside the clubroom. Crash comes running out with a drink and frowns.

“I got your drink, Willow.”

“Sorry Crash, I’m takin’ my woman to bed.”

He groans throwing his hand in the air and bobbing his head around like he’s annoyed. “I was having fun, she’s awesome to talk to.”

She giggles. “It was nice meeting you too, Crash. Have a good night!” she calls out as I carry her inside and through the clubroom toward the hall.

“I think you have a fan.”

She smiles and cuddles into me. “Maybe it isn’t so bad here after all. Just a couple of bad eggs but the rest of the guys are actually quite nice.”

I smile and hold her tighter as I head to my room with ‘
Locked Away’
by R. City playing over the stereo in the clubroom. I guess the club girls got to the sound system this time. But the words sink in as I carry her away.

I wonder if worst came to worst and I got locked away would Willow still be by my side? I hope I never have to find out!



Willow stayed overnight at the club and it was nice to sleep with her in my bed. This cuddling thing really is unique with her. She’s just gone home because she needs to feed Petunia. I must admit I smiled thinking of her pet pig. And now I’m walking back inside the clubhouse after seeing her off. Making my way back inside Dad looks over at me and waves me down. I walk over to him expecting to get an earful about bringing Willow to the club overnight. I know he was watching me with her all night, along with Chops. He doesn’t like her being here, but he’s not going to stop me from being with her.

Taking a deep breath as I reach him, I get on the defensive straight away. “Dad, look, I know you don’t like Flame bein’ here, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m gonna—”

“Oh, shut up kid. I don’t wanna talk about your bitch right now. We need to head to the gun shop to speak to Frankie about getting some decent ammo for target practice. The shit we get from the streets is weak and works well for bodies as they break apart on impact, but for target practice we want precise holes so we can see what we’re hitting.”

I furrow my brows and rest my hand on my waist in confusion. “You don’t wanna yell at me about Flame?”

He huffs and pushes past me. “No, I wanna go visit Frankie, our Virginia First 7 Original, who I haven’t seen in a long time at the fucking gun shop. I thought you might like a ride. Don’t bother coming if you’re gonna bitch and moan.”

I shake my head and huff. “Okay, I’ll gather some brothers for a ride.”

“Good, I thought that pussy was going to your head.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh, here we go.”

“Here we go nothing. Get the boys and meet me in the compound. We leave in five…” He trails off and turns stomping away leaving me wondering what the hell is going on with him.

Shaking my head, I walk over to the table where my brothers are sitting. “Ryder, Techie, Behemoth, Jigsaw, Penetrator, wanna go for a joy ride?” I ask and they all look up and nod.

“Where we headed, VP?” Ryder asks.

“Just in to the city to the gun shop. The Prez needs some ammo, wants us to join him.”

“I’m in.” Techie stands up along with Ryder and Behemoth.

“I love the gun shop. Gives me a hard on,” The Penetrator says.

I shake my head and look at Jigsaw, who rolls his eyes.

“Right, c’mon guys, we leave now.” We all traipse out leaving Lookout and the prospects to watch the clubhouse with the others. I’m pretty sure Chops will be tagging along, and will be waiting outside with Dad. Walking up to our Hogs, and as I thought Chops is there standing with Dad.

I pull on my lid, getting on my bike ready for a ride into the city. Starting my engine, the roar of the motor kicks into gear and vibrates through my body. I love the feeling of the Hog between my legs. I feel so powerful behind the handlebars knowing I’m in full control of this beast. We pull out with Ryder riding front door—he’s our Road Captain. He always rides first when we’re in a group. Chops pulls up the back door, being one of our most experienced riders.

Riding in formation down the highway always gives me a thrill. The wind bellowing in my face, the sun shining down on me with my brothers at my flank.

Life doesn’t get better than this!

We ride up to the dark dingy back alley where the gun shop is located and all duck walk our Hogs reversing them back to the side of the curb. Pulling off my lid, I jump off my bike along with my brothers as Dad and Chops walk inside the shop. There’s no need for all of us to go in there. The shop itself is small, tucked away in the back streets, so having eight burly bikers in there would crowd the joint.

BOOK: Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1
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