Heart of Mine (Bandit Creek) (9 page)

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Authors: Michelle Beattie

BOOK: Heart of Mine (Bandit Creek)
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Laura rubbed the animal's nose, which was nudging her shoulder, then threw her arms around the horse's neck.

"Thank you," she said when she finally pulled away from her horse. "Words aren't adequate to express how grateful I am. I'll treasure him, Jake. Always."

Tears clung to her lashes like dew on grass. Even with the marks of crying on her face, he'd never seen a more beautiful sight than his wife smiling at him. Jake never would have believed that he could gain such satisfaction and joy from sharing his wealth with someone he cared about.

But it wasn't only happiness Jake was feeling. After spending an entire day sitting next to her, talking to her and watching her, his desires for his wife were becoming impossible to ignore. He'd felt her skin, knew it was as soft as he'd imagined. When he'd kissed her hair, he'd inhaled its clean scent. The slick texture of it had taunted him as he'd gone to the stables to see about the horse. Now, with her looking at him as though he hung the moon, he couldn't resist any longer.

Closing the distance between them, Jake cupped her face, knew supreme satisfaction when her eyes went wide and her lips parted.

"I've been dying to do this all day." And before she could respond he pressed his mouth to hers.

It wasn't their first kiss. Well, he assumed he'd kissed her before, when he'd taken her to his bed, but since he didn't remember that, he wanted to linger over this one. This one, he wouldn’t forget.

Her lips were as soft as her skin, as sweet as a fresh strawberry in the summer. Jake savored, sipped at her lips. It was a task that tested him to the core when she sighed against him and her arms wrapped around his waist. He sealed his mouth more firmly over hers and took the kiss deeper. Heat, from himself or from her he couldn't be sure, enveloped him as fully as the fleece-lined jacket he wore. He felt everything. From her breath to her fingers, which clung to his back, to each beat of his heart that pumped blood to his loins. He felt everything and yet it wasn't enough.

Jake put a hand at the small of her back and pressed her closer. Her skirt brushed his pants. His arousal nestled into her softness. He groaned. She clung.

Ben whinnied.

Laura jerked from Jake's grasp. Flustered, she fussed with her hair, wouldn't meet his eyes. His gaze cut to Ben. Of all the timing…

But then he heard his horses whinny outside, heard the telltale sound of footsteps. Jake's frustration toward Ben eased. Far better to be distracted by a horse then to be caught in the throes of passion by whomever was coming toward the barn.

"Someone's here."

"Yeah," Jake agreed wishing she'd meet his gaze. "It's likely someone from the mine office. They'd mentioned I might need to sign some papers." Which he'd forgotten all about once he'd finally had his wife in his arms.

"I'll get the parcels from the wagon, give you some privacy."

She tried to duck past him but Jake wouldn't have it. He took her arm, waited until she looked him in the eye. Damned if he didn't smile at her pink cheeks. "I don't remember our being together, Laura, but I'm fixing to change that. Soon."

Her eyes widened. "I'd--" She swallowed. "I'd never refuse you, Jake."

He may as well have been doused with the frigid water from Bandit Creek. Maybe she wouldn't turn him away, but he didn't want her to endure lovemaking, he wanted her to enjoy it. Since she'd no doubt been a virgin before he'd taken her to bed, he couldn't help but think he'd done something wrong. She'd said at the time that he hadn't hurt her, and he knew he hadn't. He'd never hurt a woman before, he trusted himself to know that, even falling-down drunk, he wouldn't have hurt Laura. Which meant he mustn't have looked after her needs. It was the only explanation for her reaction. He'd been a selfish lover and she hadn't enjoyed it.

Well, he thought with firm resolve, he'd always ensured the women he'd bedded had been well satisfied. It was time he gave his wife the same consideration.


Laura couldn't sit still. She'd busied herself in the house putting away the purchases Jake had given her. She'd baked pies, made a big meal and tidied up. After supper she'd shown Jake her hiding spot for the money, in a vase on top of the mantle. She wanted him to be able to monitor how she spent his money. Despite his reassurances that it was her money and she could do with it as she wished, Laura needed Jake to know she wouldn't be spending his money willy-nilly.

When Jake went out to do his evening chores, Laura had gone as well to tend to Ben. She'd brushed him, fed him, cleaned his stall. They'd decided to leave him in the barn for the night. Tomorrow they'd put him in the pen with the rest of Jake's geldings. Now, sitting before the fire with Jake, coffee in hand, Laura couldn't stop twitching. She tapped her foot, changed positions every few minutes. Every part of her body was tense and because of it she couldn't stop fidgeting.

Having Jake watch her with those turbulent coffee-colored eyes didn't help. She knew he was thinking of their kiss earlier and what it would have led to if they hadn't been interrupted. Laura was thinking the same thing. In fact, she'd been unable to think of anything else since it happened. Which was why she was in the predicament she was in; wanting to go to Jake, to finish what they'd begun and yet deathly afraid they'd do just that. Because if they did, he'd realize they'd never been intimate.

He'd be furious. After how far they'd come, finally talking and enjoying each other's company, finally kissing, the thought of having that cold anger between them again scared Laura. Of course she couldn't, and wouldn't, refuse Jake forever. If only she could think of a way to explain that wouldn’t ruin their budding relationship, wouldn't result in Jake hating her.

"What's on your mind?"

In the quiet of the house his voice was especially sensual. It slid over her skin like silk and tightened every muscle in her body. Looking at his mouth, Laura yearned to taste it again. To feel the pressure of his lips on hers. Her stomach leapt and she pressed a hand to it.

"Nothing. It's just all the excitement of the day."

Jake let his gaze slide lazily over her. The anticipation of doing the same with his hands had his blood simmering in his veins. "Day's not over yet," he said.

Laura's hand jerked, almost spilling her coffee. She set the mostly full cup on the floor next to her chair. If they hadn't been interrupted earlier Jake would have made love to her. There wasn't a doubt in his mind. Yet the idea of them together made her jumpier than a virgin on her wedding night. Why? He knew it had nothing to do with walking away from her father. Was it the gifts, then?

"Laura, I didn't get you those things today to try to buy my way into your bed."

She looked away and Jake cursed. Damnation, it's what she thought. Of course, seeing it from her perspective, he couldn't blame her. Though they'd coupled before, they hadn't since the wedding. He'd been cold to her, had barely spoken, let alone touched her. Then all of a sudden he bought her things, took her to dinner and started to make love to her in the barn. No wonder she thought he was buying her affections.

He'd have to prove otherwise. Which meant, damn it, he wouldn’t be sharing his wife's bed tonight after all.


Jake smelled Laura on his pillow. The floral scent haunted him, reminded him of what he couldn't remember, what his body craved. She'd been naked in his bed, they'd coupled and, dammit, he couldn't recall any of it. He didn't know if that was a blessing or a curse. All he knew was that, for the fourth night in a row, he was awake. Awake and aroused.

She was his wife and, despite the progress they'd made in their relationship, he wouldn't go to her. Not yet. She'd gone out of her way to prove she wasn't after his money; he could do the same to prove that he wasn't using it to gain his marital rights.

No matter how much it hurt. Jake sat up, leaned heavily against his pillows. His wife was down the hall, soft and warm in her bed and he was lying here, his sheets tenting over his throbbing erection.

It had been easier before he'd come to like her. Before he'd come to notice and appreciate her body. Her fingers were long and slender, gentle when they brushed his by accident and yet were firm and demanding when she'd clutched him closer as they'd kissed. Her breasts bounced enticingly when she walked. Envisioning them, his testicles tightened. His penis beaded moisture onto the sheets. Jake threw his head back, rolled his eyes to the ceiling. Perfect. Just perfect.

Outside his darkened window a coyote's mournful cry filled the night. "I know just how you feel," Jake muttered.

Realizing he was getting nowhere, Jake climbed out of bed. He'd never bothered with curtains and the full moon spilling into his room allowed him to see without lighting a lamp. He donned a pair of pants and padded downstairs. Maybe he'd re-stoke the fire and read for a while. Moonlight tumbled through the living room windows, illuminating his way. He was assembling the kindling in the stove when he heard someone moving outside. Jake stilled.

Glad he hadn't lit a lantern that would alert the intruder and scare him off, Jake crept to the door. The knob turned, the door inched open. Jake's heart pounded in the silence. He bent his knees, flexed his hands. The burglar stepped inside and Jake leapt, taking them both to the ground.

Laura's breath whooshed from her lungs, her head thumped against the wooden floor. White stars blurred her vision, but didn't lessen the urgency that thrummed through her veins. Blinded by instinct and fear, Laura flayed her arms, bucked her hips. She heaved to the side, tried to roll away. Strong hands bracketed her wrists, yanked her arms over her head even as his weight settled over her hips. Immobilized, Laura forced herself to calm, to think clearly. Her vision cleared.


"Laura?" he asked at the same time.

Knowing there was no threat did little to tame Laura's racing heart. Not only was Jake holding her down with his body, he was hardly dressed. The moon ran silvery fingers through his hair, dropped onto his shoulders and caressed the bare skin and the taut muscles beneath it. It wasn't the first time she’d seen Jake's chest but the last time had been in his bed and she'd been terrified.

She wasn't scared now.

She hadn't been able to sleep. Memories of their kiss had taunted her, keeping her awake and yearning. Jake was down the hall. He was her husband and she loved him. There was nothing she wanted more than to be his wife in every way. She'd been sure after their kiss in the barn that once supper was over he would continue where they'd stopped. But he hadn't. And, after endless minutes, Laura had finally realized he wouldn't.

Why, she wasn't sure. She'd felt his arousal in the barn; she knew he desired her. It wasn't love, but it was a start. And, she'd come to realize in the loneliness of her bedroom, she didn't want to wait any longer. But neither could she summon up the courage to walk to his room. He'd banned her from it. She wouldn't go in without an invitation.

Now, however, she'd been given an opportunity. One she didn't plan on wasting.

Yes, she was petrified of what he'd do when he realized they'd never been intimate, but it was going to happen eventually. Better to have it happen after a great day, such as the one they'd had. There was only one thing that could make it even better.

His breath fanned her face, making her wish it were his fingers tracing her lips and brows. Yearning filled her from head to toe. Her skin tingled. Her heart, which had yet to calm completely from being grabbed and tossed to the floor, galloped in her chest. His eyes, shadowed and mysterious in the darkness, seemed to drink her in.

Lost in his stare, Laura didn’t realize he’d released her hands until his rough palm slid over her cheek. "Did I hurt you?"

Laura shook her head. She was scared to speak; afraid she'd break the spell that kept him lying on top of her.

"I'm sorry I knocked you down. I was sure it was an intruder. I don't know how I missed hearing you walk past my room."

"I was quiet, I didn't want to wake you."

"I wasn't sleeping," he whispered.

He'd been awake as well? Had he felt as restless and unfulfilled as she had? "I'm glad you're awake."

"Why's that?"

Laura took a deep breath, along with a huge leap of faith. "I don't want to spend another night alone."

His eyes caressed her face. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"You told me to stay out of your room. I didn't know how to invite you into mine, other than to leave my door open, which I did. When you didn't come to me," she bit her lip. "I thought you didn't want me."

Jake's knuckles grazed her jaw, curved around her chin. "I've never wanted anyone more."

Her eyelids fluttered closed as his thumb brushed her bottom lip. Laura's lips parted and she gulped in a breath. She hadn't moved her hands since he'd released them, but she did so now, laying them on his shoulders. Beneath her palms the muscles trembled, the skin heated. Using him as leverage she lifted her mouth to his.

Their kiss earlier had been glorious, but having his weight on top of her as his mouth closed on hers was heavenly. She'd never felt more desirable, never been more aware of herself as a woman. Jake's hands cupped her cheeks, skimmed over her temples and delved into her hair. His lips mated with hers, pulling and drawing, demanding she respond. Helpless to do otherwise, Laura wrapped her arms around his neck.

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